Os Mortos-Vivos Club
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added by DarkSarcasm
Source: AMC / slightly brightened por me
This is a list of what I think it the topo, início 10 greatest characters from the graphic novels.

Beware, this might contain spoilers for people not up to encontro, data in the comics AND people who haven't read Rise of the Governor.

If you are not a comic reader, you can still read this and probably still enjoy it. But beware for spoilers again, because on the show they are doing a lot of the same stuff from the comics.

So all of my *SPOILER ALERTS* have been put, you can't cadela, puta to me about them! ;)

Occupation: Leader of the Saviors

He's not a big character, but I think he still deserves to be on that...
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added by Saejima
Source: sasha-de.tumblr.com
added by Saejima
Source: sasha-de.tumblr.com
added by Saejima
Source: canalfox.com
added by jessicamc26
added by lorastefens
Source: spoiler TV
added by Bibi69
Source: AMC
added by rakshasa
Source: AMC / Jstarrc / JSC tumblr editar
added by Bibi69
Source: AMC
added by Bibi69
Source: AMC
added by nermai
Source: hollywoodlife
added by nermai
Source: hollywoodlife
added by nermai
Source: hollywoodlife
added by nermai
Source: hollywoodlife
added by nermai
Source: hollywoodlife
added by Blacklillium
Source: amc.tumblr.com