the vampire diaries série de televisão Club
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posted by teamian
    The voice sent a chill throughout my whole nerve system and sent blinding white light to cover my eyes. Though this was a good white light, the kind you would associate with anjos not the kind that seemed as though you were trapped in a snow storm.
    I knew that voice, that beautiful voice. I would – no could, never forget it and right now it was the greatest sound in the world, despite the fact it said one word.
    “Damon, you scared me. I thought you were someone else. How did you find me?”
    “Well I would have thought you would have been versed por now. Stefan does a slack job. To put it basically, vampiros are good with smells. I have become accustom to yours.” His crooked smile and winced eyes were clearly defined although in the light of the waning moon.
    “Oh ... yeah, that is true” I couldn’t have felt mais stupid. It was obvious, but ... “Wait didn’t you leave town with Stefan? Why are you here now?” my head was reeling with unanswered perguntas but these were the most important. I almost didn’t feel the twisting pain of my coração ripping at the sound of Stefan’s name coming off my lips.
    “Well the answer to the first is no and the segundo it’s your birthday” he gave me a coração melting grin, that would be to anyone who didn’t know him, but I did and all too well. This grin was his awareness or something that made me unhappy and giving him pleasure in that. “That’s all you need to know”
    “But how ... my ... who ...” I couldn’t seem, as hard as I tried, to make a coherent sentence. “Who...”
    “Who told me it was your birthday” he finished for me and I was thankful because I probably would have gone on and on all night stuttering like that.
    “Yeah, that.” I looked down as I said it, picking at my nails because the whole situation was making me feel mais and mais powerless to him, as if he were mais superior to me than he already is.
    “Well the humans may fall for your charade, my brother with the attention span of a four ano old might fall for it also, but I notice things.” This smile was just his smug smile, full of pride.
    “’Things?’ What kind of things?”
    “Things such as the way you cringe whenever someone mentions birthday, the way you hate all birthday balloons, the way to try to make a huge fuss out of friends birthdays to take the attention away from yours, the way your phone always ‘rings’ when someone asks you yours but most of all the way hid away from everyone, avoided going home, avoided basically everything this dia last ano but was so relaxed the nest day. You see we are hunters we notice these things.” There was no smugness on his face at the moment or suspicious looks he just seemed ... well the best word to describe it is distant. Strange.
    “Oh, well I don’t like my birthday.” A cheap easy rebuttal but the best I could come up with.
    “Again I know and strangely enough I respect that. Birthdays for me get a little boring but ...” He was smiling again, a smile full of warmth, and the smile that I love. He was also playing with his jaqueta pocket as if trying to get something out of it, the reason his sentence trailed off. “But,” he continued “you can never refuse a present.”
    In his hand he held a small box wrapped in gold paper and a few ribbons hanging gracefully on the top. It was beautiful.
    “Damon ... I can’t. Thank you so much for the offer but ...” He stopped me before I could finish. The warmth was still in his eyes but is mouth was in a frown.
    “Elena, no. Look I can, not acknowledge your birthday, we can look at this as just a ‘sorry I been gone’ present but you are taking it!”
    “Damon ...” I whined
    “Elena.” There was no uncertainty in his voice. I could tell if I didn’t take it now I’d be here all night.
    “Okay ... but I still feel wrong taking it from you.”
    “It doesn’t feel wrong to me.” He smiled his crooked smile.
    I took the small box from his hands hesitantly and started to rip carefully at one of the corners. Under the paper I could see he blue and white of a Tiffany’s jewellery box. A small gasp caught in my throat. Tiffany’s is so expensive, why would he spend that much on me? I continued to open the present, Damon taking the paper once off.
    Now it was just the box, dying to see what was inside I open the lid as carefully, but as quickly, as possible. Inside resting on the white silk cushion was a gorgeous platinum ring, the band laced with small diamonds, leading into an x shape and right where they should have met was a huge light blue sapphire. I have only ever seen rings like this in the movies. It was breathtaking.
    “OH ... my ... god, Damon this is beautiful, but why?”
    “Before you think anything, it’s just a present, no implications and because it’s your birthday. You like it?” I could tell from his face he knew I liked it and this made him happy. Strange.
    “YES, but this must have cost a fortune!”
    “When has money been an object for me? Besides your worth every penny.”
    “Oh my ...” I took the ring out carefully and place it upon the middle finger of my left hand where it lay perfectly. It was stunning.
    After I stopped admiring the ring, and I don’t know how long I had been, I just couldn’t stop myself throwing my arms around him.
    “Just glad you’re happy.” Is all he said, but he put his arms around me, taking some of my weight. We stayed like that for what seemed to be hours before Damon shifted.
    “By the way,” he said in his normal, teasing tone, “you might want to get back to Jenna soon because I dealt with her for now but something might wake her.” I groaned. I was perfectly happy not thinking of my life, just living for the moment but now I guess I had to. “What’s the problem?”
    “It’s just ... well ... nothing really, I just don’t want to go home.”
    “Well if you like I could make Jenna let you stay with me while I'm in town. You know, like have a break from life. Not in that way.”
    “Well ...” it was so tempting.
    “Oh come it’s not like I'm going to try anything. We’ll have fun.” He was using the tone you use with a child trying to tempt them to eat their veggies, but it was working.
    “Okay, just don’t hurt Jenna ... she means well.”
    “Noted. Come on I’ll give you a lift.” I was expecting to see his black Porsche, but he seems to have changed it. This car was still black, blending in well with the night which seemed to rapidly be becoming dawn, but if my eyes aren’t mistaken, this was an Aston Martin Vanquish. I know because it was my dad’s dream car.
    We pulled up to my house and Damon said a quick ‘stay here’ command and was gone like that. I just sat there in the car exploring all the aspects of it like the red Italian leather assento covers, the curved shape of the windows to fit the low roof and ... before I could finish my evaluation my door was opening. I never realised how quick Damon really was.
    “Damon that was quick.” I said reapproving but for some reason I was being dragged out of the car with brut strength and a cloth was being placed over my mouth but this time with a little less force, kind of gentle. Wait it’s getting black, why am I yawning I'm not tired ...
Jenna brought Jeremy to Bonnies kitchen. Damon pushed Bonnie against the wall.
“What do you think I want? I want you to take away whatever’s keeping me in check. I want you to undo the spell you put on Elena” Bonnie shook her head, looking desperate. “I can’t, Damon, I’m sorry” Damon grabbed her neck, pressing her wound. She screamed. “And why can’t you?” he asked his voice caught in his throat. “The only way to free you is to kill me”
Jenna turned to Jeremy. “Now you know what to do”
“I have to kill her” Jeremy said.
Jenna nodded. “Bonnie was supposed to kill...
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“I’ll be back” Bonnie said. “Don’t try to go anywhere, you know what happens if you do”
She walked out of the cage and left. She reappeared in the ICU of the hospital where Jeremy lay in coma.
She walked to the cama and lay her hand on his heart. She felt how it heated up and soon the curves on the monitor went flat and a long tune was heard. She disappeared right before the medical staff rushed in.
She reappeared in Damon’s cage and gasped. Even in this darkness she could see the cage was empty. He was trying to escape.
Damon slowly walked alongside the rough walls, his fingers...
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“You’re too kind”
Even if his current state Damon found the strength to be sarcastic. “Can I ask you something? Why did you have to bring Stefan into this?”
“Oh, Stefan. Good, old Stefan” Bonnie sighed. “It’s not like he was involved right from the beginning. When Katherine pretended to be Elena and Stefan brought her to the hospital after taking some sleeping pills, I told Stefan there was a way to bring the real Elena back instead of waiting for it to happen”
“And that involves torturing me?” Damon asked.
“No, that’s just for fun” Bonnie said shameless.
“And me...
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Bonnie sank down seguinte to him. “I’m sorry” she said. “For your arm, your eyes, your ear, your chest. I don’t want to hurt you, but when you’re around I get really mean. You bring out the worst in me, Damon Salvatore”
“I figured”
Why was he talking to her? He should just ignore her.
“Don’t you ever wonder why no one saw the cuts in your face?” Bonnie asked. She felt Damon shrug and he groaned. His arm hurt.
“The spell I put on you let’s people only see what I want them to see” Bonnie explained. “It’s quite exhausting, but soon I can just drop that part of the spell....
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“That’s enough” Bonnie said and Damon stopped feeding. Bonnie was so kind to wipe the blood of his chin. “I understand what Elena’s sees in you. I mean, you are hot”
“Leave Elena out of this” Damon muttered.
“Yeah, I wish I could, but the thing is, you are connected to her” Bonnie said. “No, not in a related kind of way. You’re not family. But her coração beats for the two of you and she, the real Elena, will come back for you. Stefan will keep her away for a while, but eventually she will come look for you and find you”
“I don’t want her to see me like this” Damon...
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Damon woke up and looked around. It was pitch dark, but he knew actually where he was. He felt blood streaming over his arms and on his naked chest. He looked up and saw the blood was coming from his wrists. The cuffs were cutting in his flesh and due to Bonnies anti-healing spell his wounds wouldn’t heal.
He jerked his arms, but the mais he jerked, the sharper the cuffs cut.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”
Damon looked around, trying to see where she was.
“Each time you do that a little bit of flesh is sliced, so do that for an hora or so and you will be free, but you will also...
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“What is this?” Jeremy pointed at the spell book.
“That, my dear Jeremy” Bonnie said in a sugar-sweet voice as she walked downstairs. “would be my spell book. You know, the book with spells?”
“Since when are you into this whole voodoo crap?” he asked, referring to the doll.
“Well, because it’s fun, Jeremy” Bonnie pulled her shoulders. “It’s fun to see him linguado, solha like a peixe on land. It’s fun to be able to hurt him and see and hear him screaming, even though I’m not around”
Jeremy frowned. “He? Who he?”
Bonnie held her head diagonally. “Oh my sweet Jeremy,...
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If looks could kill Bonnie would’ve been dead right now. She, Elena and Caroline had just finished lunch and they were now walking through the shopping street. Elena had been shooting dirty glances at Bonnie all day, but Caroline was too busy talking to notice. Or so they thought.
“You have to keep your eyes on the show windows, not on Bonnie” Caroline said a little annoyed. “You’re not wearing her tonight, Elena”
Elena shrugged and jerked her eyes from Bonnie. The seguinte moment she let out a shriek. Caroline and Bonnie jumped up and looked at Elena, who was pointing at a dress in...
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Katherine was sitting on Caroline’s bed, a blood bag in her hand. Her stomach was healed and she was wearing one of Caroline’s tops. When she had finished the bag she gave it back to Caroline.
“Thank you” she said, though it took her quite some effort. They heard a car park. “I think your mother’s home”
Liz had been working really late. Caroline walked to the window and shoved the curtains. “No, it’s not mom” she rotated her head to the bed. “It’s Matt”
Katherine nodded and got up. “Yeah, I need to go início anyway”
“No, you can stay” Caroline said. “I’ll just...
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The Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan was sitting in the sofá between two young women.
“You want to hear a secret?”
The women stared at him as if he was a god and they nodded.
“I’m actually not supposed to be here” Stefan said. “I’m supposed to go find my girlfriend who’s hooking up with my brother. But truth is, I’m emotionally too damaged to function right now. I have to recharge first”
He looked from one girl to the other. “So, what’s the deal with you two? You’re some hot lesbian couple?”
“No, we’re friends” the woman on Stefan’s right side said.
“Hmm” Stefan...
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Damon and Elena were driving into the night.
“Where we going?” Elena asked curious. His eyes kept on the road Damon replied: “Remember when I took you to Georgia?”
Elena gasped. “We’re going to Bree’s Bar?” she asked excited.
“No” Damon said. “Bree’s Bar is gone. But there’s another place I’d like to take you”
He drove further for another twenty minutes. Then he parked the car on a parking lot of a restaurant. A very closed restaurant.
“Damon, what are we doing here?” Elena asked confused.
“Are you hungry?” Damon asked with a smirk.
“Yes” Elena said....
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7.40 pm
Katherine watched Elena jumping into Damon’s car and Damon driving away. She knew now was her turn and an evil grin appeared on her face. She stuck her hand in her pocket and conjured a box named Sonata, which she had swiped from Jeremy.
“Elena got what?”
Stefan and Katherine turned around. Jeremy was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Jeremy, please let me explain. But not here. Let’s go to the cozinha where we can talk in private” Stefan said and he went into the kitchen, Jeremy following him. Katherine, however, stayed behind. While Stefan filled Jeremy in on what...
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Elena and Bonnie were sitting outside the Grill, both having a lemonade, when both their phones rang.
“Bonnie” Bonnie said.
“Hello, Elena speaking” Elena said, trying not to give away anything and hoping Bonnie would be too caught up in her own conversation.
“It’s time” Damon said. “Meet me at the Boarding House. I’ll be in the car” He ended the conversation.
And so did Bonnie. “Elena, I’m so sorry, but I have to go” she apologized.
“Oh?” Elena said sheepish.
“Yeah, I’m having a encontro, data tonight” Bonnie blushed.
“Really? That’s great! Who’s the lucky one?” Elena fired her curiosity.
“Ehm, I rather not say. At least not until it’s official” Bonnie said.
“Of course, I get it” Elena said. Bonnie put some money on the table. “See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, tell me all that happened” Elena waved as Bonnie walked away. The moment she was gone Elena jumped up and ran away as if she was being chased.
“I tried, Bonnie, but like I said it didn’t work”
Caroline and Bonnie were sitting on Caroline’s bed, a large bag of doces between them. “Well, then you didn’t try hard enough” Bonnie snapped. “Why did you have to bring Elena with you anyway?”
“I’m sorry?” Caroline said, getting up from the bed. “I wouldn’t have been there if not for Elena. She’s the one that dragged me to Ric’s loft in the first place. You’re the one that butted in without an invitation”
Bonnies face changed from angry to upset. “I’m sorry, Caroline” she said soft. She bowed her head...
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“Open the door now, Stefan! I need to talk to my sister!”
Stefan opened the door after Jeremy had banged it about twelve times.
“Alright, alright, don’t get all up tied” Stefan said as he opened the door, a blood bag in his hand. “Now, what brings you here? Something about Elena, I assume?”
“I need to talk to her” Jeremy repeated. “And you know why”
Stefan shrugged. “Why didn’t you come here last night?”
“Because I knew Elena wasn’t here. I knew she was with Alaric and her friends, I didn’t want to make a scene” Jeremy explained.
“And you were also chicken that...
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Katherine quickly put on her clothes as Damon carried Elena upstairs. “You can lay her down on my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch” Stefan said. Damon held his steps, but didn’t turn around. Then he walked further to Stefan’s room where he lay Elena down on Stefan’s bed. He took off her shoes and left. He went to Elena’s room-yes, she had her own room in the house-and collected the dirty sheets, which had been lying there since morning.
Downstairs Stefan was furious at Katherine.
“See what you’ve done? Now Elena will think I cheated on her and I didn’t do anything!” he raged....
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The Gilbert House
Stefan kicked the door open and walked in.
“You can’t do this” Katherine said behind him.
“Since when do you have a conscious?” Stefan scoffed. “Look, I’m just going to grab Elena and then I’m out”
“Why? Why can’t you let her be for a second?” Katherine said frustrated.
“Because she needs me now” Stefan said. “She’s going through an emotional time right now”
“She’s PMS’d” Katherine disdained. “She needs a pillow, a pot of ice cream and a good chick flick”
Stefan turned around. “I can’t lose her, Katherine” he said with a sad face....
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Cramps in her stomach and something wet and sticky on the sheets made Elena wake up groaning. She got out of bed, her hands on her stomach. She turned around and screamed. Both of the Salvatore brothers came rushing to her room, but as soon as they saw the blood, Damon pushed Stefan aside and locked himself in, the moment Stefan’s face turned. “Oh, come on, dick!” Stefan ciclomotor as his face changed back.
Damon walked to Elena. “Are you alright?” he asked feeling awkward. Elena heavily shook her head. “No, I’m sick. My stomach hurts and I’m bleeding” she looked up. “I’m dying,...
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Present Day
“She suggested to stay with her so we could catch up, but I already promised Keith to stay with him. But we spent mais time together. When Mayor Lockwood died I returned, but you know that. You basically stalked me with your calls to get you out of trouble. How many nights did you spend in jail?” Kelsey chuckled. Then she sighed. “If I had foreseen this I would’ve enjoyed those little moments”
Amber didn’t react.
“Amber, sweetie, did you fall asleep?” Kelsey asked with a squeezed voice, knowing better. She pulled her sister up, taking her face in her hands. “Come on, it’s night. You’re a vampire, you should be awake” she said with a trembling voice.
But Amber still didn’t show any sign of life.
“Amber?” Kelsey sobbed, tears rolling over her cheeks and she held her little sister tightly in her arms. The moon slowly rose…
With a coração that was beating painfully Kelsey stepped up and knocked the door. Someone opened just an instant later.
“Good afternoon, ma’am” Kelsey started nervous. “My name is Kelsey Lindy”
“I know who you are” the woman said. “Come in” She stepped aside to let Kelsey pass and pushed her through a door. “Have a seat” she said waving at a chair. Kelsey sat down, but her mother didn’t. “You being here means you know. mais even, it means you are”
Kelsey frowned por that way of speaking, but understood what she meant. Yes, she knew about the lobisomens and yes, she was...
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