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Vampire Diaries Crossover: How Will Klaus React to Caroline's Pregnancy?

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Vampire Diaries’: Klaus & Caroline’s Pregnancy — Crossover Spoilers | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
‘ fourth season, he left Caroline with these immortal words: “[Tyler is] your first love. I intend to be your last.”
Vampire Diaries/Originals Crossover: Klaus, Stefan Reunite in First Footage
Of course, a lot has changed since then: Klaus moved to New Orleans, where he fell in love with an ill-fated psychologist named Cami, while Caroline found a new relationship in the arms of her long-time friend Stefan… before finding Alaric’s magical twins in her uterus. As for Tyler, well, you all know the deal.
So you can bet the C-word will come up when Klaus and Stefan meet for drinks during 
crossover, and according to executive producer Caroline Dries, the eldest Mikaelson will react “in a very Klaus-like way.”
“We knew we wanted to see Joseph [Morgan] and Paul Wesley together on screen; they’ve had the longest history on the shows, apart from Elijah and Katherine,” Dries says. “Now, they have some interesting conversation over some bourbon.”
PHOTOSExclusive Vampire Diaries First Look: Can Stefan Prevent Damon’s ‘Dark Descent’?
Expanding on what we already know about the crossover, Dries explains that “Stefan is forced into exile because of his story, which won’t be for a few more episodes. He ends up going to New Orleans for protection, and when you’re in New Orleans … of course you’re going to run into your mortal enemy. It’s a fun, rich, interesting story that starts on
Your hopes for the upcoming crossover? Drop ’em in a comment below.
keep dreaming. Klaus does love Cami. And Caroline loves Stefan. And Caroline and Klaus aren’t even on the same show.
Yes we will see soon!Can’t wait to watch what will happen in the FFs 😌And Klaroline all the way !
Don’t worry we have the one line that will end it all “I intend to be your last, however long it takes!”
Lol yeah let them dream as they have been for like 4 years! Caroline is in love Stefan they are awesome and very real, she has no business with /Klaus, all this has been forced by the network, and if TVD will wrap up this year Candice is gonna concentrate on her family she just had a beautiful baby girl, and at the same time shake off the Caroline’ character, it’s what actors do. Look at Steve R McQueen, he is on Chicago Fire now and is rocking it..
I don’t think Steroline feels real at all. And that isn’t because I am a Klaroline fan.
I’ve quite enjoyed Klaus and Cami and happy for them to be together. The way I see it, she is (was) human so he could be happy with her for a while and end up with Caroline later.
I tried to give Stefan and Caroline the same chance but I think they ruined a perfectly good friendship to force a non existent relationship. Doesn’t help that we know they aren’t together in the future and she’s ended up with her old teacher.
YES!! Look how beautiful they look together! AWW my Klaroline heart! “I INTEND TO BE YOUR LAST”
Three words, 18 letters: KLAROLINE PHONE CALL *drops mic*
You are right..It’s Freya, Finn, Elijah Klaus…not sure who’s older between Becca & Kol
Freya, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Henrik
Klaus loves Camille , a psychologist and ta little caring about Caroline if she is alive or dead , it does not matter to Klaus , so they want to know to make war by cami , his last love.
What does Dries mean by “in a very Klaus-like way.”…
A very Klaus-like reaction would be him killing someone
Klaroline will rise!! I can’t wait for this crossover we all need some Klaroline in our lives at this point!!
And LOL, Klaus did not fall in love with Cami, not gonna deny he cares about her, but in love? Lol, NO
Klaroline won’t rise. lol. Their not even on thes ame show. And Klaus did fall for Cami. Have you not seen the way he looks at her? And how broken he was to hold her dead body? :(
I’ve seen the way he looks at her sweetheart, he always cries it’s pathetic to be honest when we know what Klaus used to be on TVD. I’m a Klaus Stan but hell I hate him when he is around Cami, get your balls back man, there is no fire in his eyes when he looks at Cami, nothing.
Of course he was sad when she died, we all cry when our toy/possession is broken or taken away from us darling.
Yup, pretty much how I feel about it. It never seems to be about her, but what she does for him. And, like any proper narcissist Klaus eats up Cami’s adoration and likes that he has to do very little to earn it. I kind of have my fingers crossed that she’s the ‘friend’ who does the betraying because then she might at least be a little interesting for a minute.
If he didn’t love her, why did he protect her from Aurora, and kept her by his side all that time after?? And was affected heavily when he found her with her neck slip open , Klaus wouldn’t act that way for someone he just ” cared ” about
I would love to see Caroline killed off. Nothing against the actress but the character she plays is annoying, whines entirely too much, and frankly doesn’t move the story forward much. Her relationship with Stephen doesn’t seem believable at all; the producers are forcing it. Caroline with Klaus DID work though. I really liked those two together.
As for Klaus and Stephen, can’t wait! I wish Damon would cross over to The Originals as well! The Salvadore brothers on The Oroginals permanently would be awesome!!
“I intend to be your last, however long it takes ” these words are saying all!they can be a lot of Cami or Stefan or whatever..but at the end Klaus and Caroline will be together
“I intend to be your last, however long it takes ” these words are saying all!they can be with Cami or Stefan or whatever for now..but at the end Klaus and Caroline will be together
So excited for Klaroline!!! Klaus intends to be her last love! Klaroline is rising ❤️❤️❤️❤️
YESSSSSSSSS!!!! BEYOND EXCITED WE’VE EVEN WAITING SO LONG,BUT KLAROLINE IS WORTH IT,THEY’RE ETERNAL AND DESERVE AN ETERNITY WITH EACH OTHER 💕 they’re honestly the perfect pair,they balance and complete each other,managing to be opposites while still being the same. and lmaoooooo klaus fell in love with cami? quoting joseph morgan’s words,he sees her as a possession only,but at least you tried boo! klaroline is endgame and that’s all that matters! 💙
So excited for Klaroline!!!he intends to be Caroline’s last, and he will be. Klaus definitely wasn’t Inlove with Cami, yes he cared about her but he wasn’t Inlove with her for sure.
Honestly hope Klaus (Joseph morgan) reacts somewhat kindly to caroline (Candice Accola-King). Understanding her situation now that he too has a child. Also would like to see a little sexual tension between them.
We already know we’ll get a Klaroline scene during this episode, so for a guy supposed in love with Cami, Klaus seems quite ready to give up on her at the second Caroline wants him back ^^ Klaroline is coming guys :)
No you don’t.. And what do you think that Klaus is as 17yrs old with a crush? Lol Right. The true love of his life is Camille and nobody else, she is his soulmate i feel sorry for you guys, what the hell make your Caroline that special? What she ever did to have his love or trust? Go and rewind please..You missed something!. Why do you think she is with Stefan, he is the only guy she trusted, never looked beneath, judged or antagonized! Steroline is endgame as much as Klamille!
Hmm so klaus is 17 years old with a crush who is going gaga over Caroline 2.0 …GOOD TO KNOW .BTW klaus was the villain in tvd…so i never wanted caroline to coddle klaus like Cami does in every epi .Caroline hates so much that she never wanted him to moveon from her.She hated klaus so much that she invited him on her graduation…next joke please???
We already know the scene we will get darling so yes we certainly do that at the second of Klaus see Caroline’s name on a phone, he stop everything he is doing just for talking with her. And by the way, just a remember than Stefan and Caroline aren’t together in the flashfowards so I fail to see how they can be endgame ^^
The hell with Caroline and Klaus! She never loved Klaus or cared,never even accepted him, and she doesn’t know him!!!!! She bloody plotted his murder killed Kol and drunk on his corpse!! ENUFF We TO fans are so exhausted at TheOrignals that our true OTP which is f**ing amazing and beautiful ( in every way) has to be undermined by a ship that never even sailed! Klamille and Steroline are two gorgeous OTP on a different shows. Thanks TV line for clear the air the only woman for Klaus was ever in love with is Camille! Enuf said!
OMG you! Again! And with the same excuse over and over least changes the speech. Caroline has now 20/21. …just wait for the Camille personality change, and how everyone is going to against her ( and I’m talking about GA)
oh well Caroline herself said :i did care once in 4×17…so Caroline actually cared for klaus and she said in 4×13 that klaus is capable of being saved.NEXT??
“We TO fans” excuse me!?since when All TO fans are klamille shippers??? Get your head out of your ass and see some reality most TO fans want or single Klaus or Klaroline or even Klayley….Klamille is the last choice.
klamels think they have a huge fandom 💀💀💀.Thats the whole new level of d e l u s i o n …i feel sorry for them
The thing is Klamille is based on lies, they are attracted to each other because it helps them lie to themselves, what do I mean by that? I mean that Cami is very scared of being the bad guy, she freaked out when her secret came out with Aurora because she wants to be good and she wants, if not needs, people to see her as the good person, the pure soul, and with Klaus, who is clearly the bad guy, she feels like she is good because next to him she is an angel, and that’s what attracts her the most about being with the bad guy. And there is also the fact that she once said she didn’t deserve anything better than being with bad guys which gives the impression that she settles for Klus because she thinks she doesn’t deserve better.
Now about Klaus, he is evil, we all know that, but when he is with Cami he feels like maybe he isn’t that evil, because she makes him feel like he is good, because she never, or almost never, calls him out for the monster that he is, and it’s the problem, Cami doesn’t see Klaus for what he really is, because Klais IS a monster and making him feel like he is not isn’t good for him, it just gives him an illusion.
They are attracted to each other because when they are together it makes them feel like they are the who they want to be, not who they really are, and that’s sad, really sad.
Still waiting for THAT Kol to come back. I hated how Elena rationalized killing him… Let’s kill an Original to fill out Jeremy’s tattoo becuz we don’t want to watch thousands of people die, rather than kill the ones in the bar that were killed anyway… They killed an entire sireline vs a few in a bar.
I am glad there is going to be a crossover. Both shows clearly need it because rating forms them are down and not improving. The shows seem to be suffering with slow (and frankly uninteresting) chemistry between characters and poor, recycled plotlines. They both need to bring new energy to both shows with fresh dynamics between characters and a much needed twist and depth the the shows storylines.
I hear that Caroline and Klaus will share a phone conversation this episode, which is fantastic. Both characters, while not together and seeing other people, have had a significant impact on each other’s lives and it will be a shame to not acknowledge that. If it weren’t for Klaus, Caroline wouldn’t have been as outspoken and self assured as she is known if it weren’t for Caroline, Klaus wouldn’t be as merciful and tactful of a man as he is now. Yes, they aren’t together,and may never be on tv (romantically or otherwise), but that doesn’t mean they can’t be apart of one another’s lives and reconnect.
Either way, I believe in Klaroline. They had a very interesting and intriguing relationship. To see that go to waste on other characters (like Stefan and Camille) who cannot hold a candle to Klaroline in terms of chemistry, depth and believability, is sad. Klaroline would’ve been great together. I just wish JP would have never thrown it away
Completely agree!!! Klaus and Caroline had such an incredible impact on each other. I don’t need them to even end up together romantically ( although that would be amazing!) I just want them to share more scenes with each other because their chemistry was off the charts! Klamille and Steroline may be the more stable relationships for the characters- but there is just no fire or passion so their scenes although very sweet-don’t keep me on the edge of my seat the way Klaus and Caroline’s did. It’s just not as entertaining to watch as klaroline.
I hadn’t been watching either show for awhile but now with this phonecall and crossover they have sucked me back in😄
Clami is Caroline 2.0, never understood why they kept Caroline on TVD instead of moving her over to TO where she belongs. Her character was only ever interesting when Klaus came aboard. Both Steroline and Klamille are about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Thank YOU! Especially your first paragraph says it all! TVD needs something and I can tell you that Steroline is not it. There is nothing about them that holds my interest. Their scenes always come off as flat and show no chemistry what so ever. I totally agree with you about the show suffering and it’s partly due to these forced pairings that a large portion of viewers don’t want to see: Steroline, Benzo, Carenzo and Damon and his box. For people that say they don’t like shipping/shippers well you can blame Plec/Dries for that because that’s all they write for TVD. They need to course correct and they need to do it fast otherwise you can kiss TVD goodbye.
I agree, I do NOT like Steroline, it is so forced & they have no chemistry!
AGREE!! LMAO @ Damon and his box!! Too true! This season has been such a disappointment. A lot of viewers had such high hopes for s7 especially with Elena gone. They made such a huge mistake by not killing Elena off or having her go find herself again. The whole show is stalled because of the sleeping beauty story line and the heretics who we were told were suppose to be like TO. I have yet to care about any of the heretics because the s/l’s for them have been terrible. The big bads have been a big disappointment. They should’ve kept Kai who was a great villain last season. There is no chemistry among any of the supposed romantic couples and I don’t see any in the future. The only couple that do have chemistry on the show Dries refuses to use. Unless the writers quit being so obstinate and make changes I don’t see how tvd can last much longer. The sad thing is if they do get cancelled or decide to quit they’ll blame it on the fact Nina left. That’s not true because the people who stuck around this season were glad Elena was gone, the problem is with the decisions the show runners have made since her absence.
Klaroline FTW! We better get some Klaroline scenes or I am out! On a side note, JM is huge supporter of Klaroline and would be happy to have them endgame.
First off I actually hate the cami/klaus pairing it is horrible with that said I do think klaus loved her but I also think he loved Caroline one has nothing to do with the other. They are vampires which means they live forever and it also means they will have many loves in their lifetime. Right now klaus loves cami and Stefen loves Caroline but cami is more then likely dead and at some point klaus will move on and Stefan and Caroline are done because 3yrs from now he is with Val
Can’t wait for Klaroline to be on my screen again! It’s been so long and really miss these two!
Viva la Klaroline! So ready for some Klaroline goodness and I hope this “Klaus-like way” involves him eating someone because of this forced and lame as hell pregnancy. Bring on the Klaroline!!!
Viva la Klaroline! So ready for some Klaroline goodness and I hope this “Klaus-like way” involves him eating someone because of this forced and lame as hell pregnancy. Bring on the Klaroline!!
Lord, Klaroline is long gone. As the article says, Klaus fell in love with Cami. Caroline is in love with Stefan. Klaus and Stefan are going to pat each other on the back and have a drink together.
Klaus and Caroline will eventually be together. They share such a great chemistry and they both bring out the best in each other, in the most unexpected ways. They’re also so much alike, but different in all the right ways that they balance each other out.
The quote at the beginning of this article says it all. And so many other times on both their parts; the picture Klaus drew for Caroline, the fact that she held onto the picture until Tyler made her get rid of it out of jealousy. The time when Caroline needed a prom dress cuz Elena stole hers, Caroline pretended she didn’t want to ask Klaus for help, but she really did. When he bite her after they killed Kol, even tho Klaus was furious over his brothers death he healed her, the quote Klaus said to her when he healed. And many more.
So excited. What an amazing, passionate fandom Klaroline is. Klaus is over 1000 years old, he as seen the world evolve around him, empires rise and fall, war, famine. He has revelled in beauty and opulence. He has seen love stories unfold around him.
So when someone with that life experience looks deep into a special womans eyes, and tells her that ‘he intends to be her last love’, don’t try to play it as so insignificant that he would just brush it off a couple years later.
There is a reason that we had 2+ years of writers continuously selling Klamille as a friendship, where we had Cami making pretty obvious overtures to Klaus, and he backed away. They lack a fire together. They have a solid friendship- but its not and has never been equal, not with the way she panders and sometimes outright enables him. With Cami Klaus will never strive to be a better man, because he can so easily manipulate her whenever he wants his way.
I think that after all that backing away from Cami, they moved forward to set up the prophesy, to make her betraying the Original family so much more dramatic, after she had become more to Klaus and after they took the trouble to avenge her, when she returns that with betrayal it will mean more.
Caroline doesnt end up with Stephan she ends up with rick…and forever is a long time for Klaus. ready for hybrid Klaus to grin amd kick ass as only he can…
Klaroline!!!! Cami and Klaus does not have a future. Just like S/C! Since Klaus came to NoLa he became so patetic! And C copy made it even worst! Klaus became weak. With Care he was strong, it was himself with C copy I couldnt even recognized him! Caroline brought the best of him out, just like Klaus made Caroline stronger. Her insecurities were gone. Yet, with Stefan i cant even recognized her. Anw, Klaus and Caroline have to be 2gether, bc they balance each other. Care knew wht everything he did to her, her friends and she let him in. Mb she doesnt love him, yet, bt she feels sth toward him. Caroline try to be always with a good guys bt at the end, she ll end up with the bad one. Thats the way how it works. Care see Klaus for what he truely is, she doesnt try to change him, she always stand up to him, tell him things no1 would dare to say. He understands and learn! But he never cries! Cami doesnt know him that good as Care, does she EVER drink from him? Did he EVER hurt her? He cares abt her bc she is the only one who follow him around like s pudle and she is human. Bt Caroline, she is strong, beautiful, full of light, fearles, smart, she never showed any fear toward him, even whn she was diing, she was strong and she DOES NOT even has psychologic degree! Btw whn did Cami studied? Care doesnt need to be a psychologist to tell Klaus wht right and wht not!!
Just gonna say, klaroline forever. Stefan is a loser and Caroline needs to be with Klaus. I mean, come on! How is there any choice, just listen to Klaus’s accent. Anyway Stefan looks like Justin bieber
When a guy like Klaus who lived 1000 years tell a woman he intends to be her last love however long it takes, he knows what he meant by this, of course, they will have both love stories with other people before this happens, but at the end, Klaus knows that the only person he wants to spend his eternity with is Caroline, others womans are just a way to be less bored while waiting for her to be ready (and if we believe the spoilers of Caroline going to Nola in the flashfowards, she seems to start considering it ) #KlarolineIsComing ❤️‍
OMG! I’m a Klaroline fan but seriously guys, they wont be in this episode. Just Klefan. Stop being excited over nothing. You just embarrassing yourselves *side eye*
Klaroline talk & possibly interaction might just elevate these shows to be interesting again. At least Klaroline generates heat & interest & the chemistry of two good actors playing off each other…..and the pairing could be fun. Anyone remember one moment when Klamille has been fun? Coupled with terrible storylines the drudge & drear of Cami & Klamille has sucked the lifeblood out of TO. Poor story choices & the fraternal vibe sterility of Steroline is having a similar effect on TVD.
I would welcome some Klaroline with open arms, at least it would give me a reason to watch in times when I’m finding it increasingly hard to work up enthusiasm to stay watching the shows.
There was Caroline and Klaus first😊 , so of course he’s gonna love Caroline more! We was on the tvd before the originals , soooooo 😌
If y’all remember in the three years ahead Caroline is married to Alaric and raising the twins. So Klaus and Caroline will have to wait awhile. #TeamDamon
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