the o.c. - um estranho no paraíso Club
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posted by niky16
“Marissa!” Alex yelled as she caught her around the waist. She looked at the sleeping beauty in her arms, Alex slapped her cheek a bit, but she was out cold. Alex sighed as she managed to carry Marissa into her office and lay her on the couch.

“Shouldn’t of gave her that.” Alex said to herself as she took a assento at the mesa, tabela and took a swig from her cerveja that she had left there earlier.


The doorbell rang loudly throughout Julie’s trailer as she was doing her hair in the bathroom.

“Just a minute.” Julie yelled as she tried to finish putting in her curlers. (Hard to imagine Julie with curlers right?)

Julie walked to the door just as it creaked open, “Sorry, but this can’t wait.” Kirsten said excitedly

“What? Is something wrong?” Julie asked worriedly

“No, but I want to plan a party for Hailey, she’s finally coming home!”

Julie looked slightly shocked, the only thought that raced through her mind was her daughter, Marissa. Ever since Hailey had left her daughter over a ano atrás to start her own business in Hawaii Marissa turned into a heartbroken, emotional wreck. Their once loving mother-daughter relationship went down the drain in seconds. Marissa began to lash out and rebel against her mother and everyone around her and then she started to hook up with that shady, tattooed teen with nothing going for him, but a good coca-cola connection(Volchek). Hailey was the only person Marissa ever really listened too, cared that deeply for and she was the first person that Marissa had ever told she loved, outside her family. (Julie would know, because she happened to be eavesdropping at the time that Marissa had said it.) Julie’s thoughts, however, were abruptly interrupted.

“Julie? So what do you think? You’ll help right?” Kirsten asked

“Oh what?! Of course”

“Good, we’ll prepare everything this weekend then.”

“What? This weekend....she’s coming início this weekend?” Her thoughts still focused on Marissa.

“Julie, pay attention. Yes, she’ll arrive this weekend, so I need help right away and since we can’t very well work at your place.” Kirsten said, as she peered around Julie’s figure into the messy trailer.

“Your place, right of course.” Julie mumbled

“So, come on.” Kirsten said as she dragged Julie out por the arm in a pair of short-shorts and a wife beater with curlers still in her hair.

“I can’t go out in public like this, are you crazy and besides I need my cell phone.” Julie said outraged

“No one’s going to see you and you don’t need your phone.” Kirsten said as she tried to get Julie over to her car.

“Hey Julie, how’s about me and you have a little rendevous around back.” Gus whistled as he saw Julie leaving her trailer. (Gus is Julie’s landlord that always hits on her, remember?)

“I’ve got a gun, Gus.”

“That’s cool.” Gus said as he turned and walked the other direction.

“Okay, let’s go.” Julie finally agreed

Julie’s mind raced, *Hailey’s finally coming home, God its been ages since I last saw her. What about Marissa, should I tell her, or shouldn’t I* Julie debated with herself for the majority of the car ride. She finally decided to tell Marissa that Hailey was coming home, *After all, if I don’t tell her, she’d probably take an axe to my forehead with the way she’s been acting. But where would she be? That boy she always hangs around with, usually picks her up from school, so I’m guessing his place.* Julie sighed, the last time she had gone to Volchek’s place, he offered her some kush and a free spot on his mattress.

“Hey Kirsten, how long is Hailey staying?”

“Don’t know exactly, she didn’t specify, but she’s staying at our house so you can visit whenever.”

Kirsten pulled into the driveway, just as Julie decided that the sooner she tells Marissa about Hailey the better. Jumping out of Kirsten’s car she said

“Ya know, Kiki I just remembered I have to do something, but I’ll be back to help you with the party.”

“What? Julie where are you going?” Kirsten asked

Julie paid no mind to Kirsten, but continued to walk down the driveway.

“You’re walking? At least let me drive you.” Kirsten offered politely

“No thanks keeks, I need the exercise” Julie was already breathing heavily from the few steps she had taken.

“Alright, but if you need anything, just call.”

*With what money?* (referring to a payphone) Julie thought to herself as she continued on her way to Volchek’s house.
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