jogos vorazes An on line book discussion of The Hunger Games

lauralen posted on Feb 29, 2012 at 01:36AM
Hi Everyone, my on line book group Pioneer Page Turners is doing a discussion of The Hunger Games this month and I'd love to invite anyone interested to join us at 7 p.m. (Central time) this Thursday (March 1) to take part in the live on line chat. I really liked the book (am anxious to start the next one...I know I'm very late to the party on this) and would be fascinated to know what everyone thought of the book and what people's expectations for the movie are (I'm wondering if they play the rebel theme up more in the movie than in the first book. It seems like it from the trailers). So if you'd like to stop by visit link and join the conversation. Hope to talk to you then. Thanks.

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