The Good Wife Club
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posted by Eline_K
frases from some of the episodes!

Episode 1: Pilot

Alicia: You're worried about my husband, Mr. Childs. You've obviously never made a woman angry.

Peter: When I get out, it will all go back to normal.
Alicia: Nothing will ever go back to normal.

Alicia: Funny or Die has a skit about you. It's cool, I guess.

Client: Does it ever get easier?
Alicia: No, but you do get better at it.

Alicia: You won't feel like it. But put on nice clothing. Force yourself to. Not for public. For you.

Diane: You have some very prominent baggage. But, hey, if [Hilary Clinton] can do it, so can you.

Dianet: When I was starting out I got one great piece of advice: Men can be lazy, women can't. And I think that goes double for you. Not only are you coming back to the workplace fairly late but you have some very prominent baggage.

Alicia: The last time I was in Court was 13 years ago.
Kalinda: Wow, I was twelve!
Alicia: Thanks...

Jackie: He needs you to forgive him, Alicia.
Alicia: He took everything I thought we had and he just put it out there.
Jackie: He didn't want that. The press...
Alicia: Oh, Jackie, stop it! Peter wasn't thinking of us.

Episode 2: Stripped

Will: He's so liberal, he makes Michael Moore look like Rush Limbaugh.

Alicia: If you want me to forgive you, I need to know what I'm forgiving you for.

Peter: There's probably less back stabbing [in jail] than in the state's attorney office.

Kalinda: The mais you bond with these clients, the less helpful you are.

Diane: Do you believe her?
Will: I believe a lot of things I can't prove.

Will [on a rape case]: It's got Duke lacrosse all over it.

Episode 3: Home

Kalinda: You oughta try it some time.
Alicia: Flipping someone off?
Kalinda: It's good for your soul.

Cary: Reminds me of my old high school.
Kalinda: Reminds of of the schools I used to vandalize.

Alicia: Kenny's mother as my first friend in Highland Park... and the first person to stop talking to me.

Alicia: He's a family friend that got into some trouble.
Will: Legal trouble? Or my parents don't understand me problem?

Episode 5: Crash

Alicia: You don't supervise my kids spontaneously. You don't take them to prison. You don't just try and phone me. You phone me. You respect me as a mother or you leave!

Diane: I... don't know. Should I be looking for something else?
Kalinda: Well, that's like asking the dentist whether you should brush.

Kalinda: You can't ask me and I can't tell you but don't conclude from what I'm saying it's what you think.
Alicia: Okay. Can you be any mais specific?

Peter: Don't give up on me. Come on, don't give up on me.

Grace: I'm mad at him, but he's still dad.

Jackie: I am doing the best I can.
Alicia: Well, cadastrar-se the club

Episode 7: Unorthodox

Diane: This is a power play, pure and simple.
Will: Nothing here is pure and nothing here is simple.

Alicia: You can't tarnish an entire firm based on one case.

Episode 8: Unprepared

Alicia: She's innocent.
Will: So is my four-year old niece, but I wouldn't put her on the stand, either.

Will: This is like watching a baby foca, selo being clubbed.

Peter: I've looked in the mirror and what I've seen I don't like.

Episode 12: Painkillers

Alicia: Let me give you a little lesson for your seguinte job, the seguinte time you wanna talk to your charges about sexual transmitted diseases, talk to the parents first.

Alicia: I wanted his problems out of the office. What does that say about me?
Kalinda: It says you're becoming a lawyer.

Kalinda [to Peter]: I always liked you.

Episode 13: Bad

Kalinda: When you pick up a gun, you shoot to kill. Or you don't pick up a gun at all.

Alicia: I've been hurt deeply. I imagine I will heal one day. But for now, we need a plan.

Peter: Do you amor me?
Alicia: I do.
Peter: You're sounding like a lawyer.

Will: What happened?
Alicia: Cute, perky, 26 just happened.

Will: He was found not guilty of killing his wife.
Diane: So was O.J.

Episode 14: Hi

Cary: I don't want you to lose.
Alicia: I know. I don't want you to lose, either.
Cary: I kind of like you.
Alicia: I'm surprised, but I kind of like you, too.

Glenn: I know that the sun is coming up tomorrow, and that you are going to tell the truth on the stand. And Peter Florrick is going back to prison. End of story.

Will: I don't understand marriage.
Diane: It's a mysterious institution.

Episode 15: Bang

Eli Gold: You know, you and I are going to be the best of friends, Mrs. Florrick. And you know why?
Alicia: I have no idea.
Eli Gold: Because you're cautious, and so am I. Your husband isn't.

Kalinda: Alicia, you're a good lawyer, but you're always waiting for people to give you things.

Alicia: I'm better than Cary. On the Broussard homicide. On the eyewitness cross. I've been working on this for three months, intensely, and Cary is just coming on.
Diane: I agree.
Alicia: You... Well, then, why? Why... why was I pulled off it?
Diane: I don't know. It wasn't my idea.
Alicia: Whose?
Diane: Will's.

Alicia: I checked with Diane. Why I'm no longer on the Broussard homicide. She said it was your decision.
Will: Yes.
Alicia: I just wanted to make sure I hadn't done anything wrong.
Will: No, no, no, no. Of course not.
Alicia: Then I don't get it.
Will: Maybe it was a mistake. I... I've been feeling guilty lately about pulling you away on the Rucker defense and the Memorial North suit. I just thought that... I just thought with Peter coming home... your life's complicated enough. I should give you a break.
Alicia: But I don't want a break. I want to be here. I want to be doing a good job.
Will: You are doing a good job.
Alicia: Then use me. Peter can take care of himself. He's irrelevant to this. I want to be here.
Will: I want you to be here.
Alicia: Then... then I'm here.
Will: Okay. (they stare at each other)

(on Kurt McVeigh)
Diane: I think I've just been visited por the Marlboro Man.

(on Peter's security bracelet)
Grace: This is just like Cinderella.

Episode 16: Fleas

Peter: I found condoms in your bedside table. I was looking for your letter opener. I thought maybe they belonged to Zach. You know, you found them in his room. But then I thought you wouldn't take them. You'd have a sensible conversation with him about responsibility. So then, I thought they were yours. But that didn't make sense because you have an IUD.
Alicia: I had it removed.
Peter: Oh, really? So condoms do make sense?
Alicia: They do.
Peter: For who? (she snorts and empties her handbag on the bed)
Alicia: Check it, Peter.
Peter: I said I was looking for your letter opener.
Alicia: I have other drawers, too. Did you check these ones? (she opens the wardrobe)
Peter: I said that I was looking...
Alicia: How about over here? Did you check this drawer?
Peter: What is it you need to hear from me? I will never touch another woman again.
Alicia: What do you want, a prize, Peter? It seems to be the minimum prerequesite.
Peter: For both of us.

Alicia: Are you tweeting about me?
Cary: Am I tweeting about you?
Alicia: Are you Upriser7?
Cary: What are you talking about?
Alicia: Someone's gossiping online about me.
Cary: And you thought it was me? (she doesn't respond, her face showing embarassment) Yeah. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, it's good to be working with you, too. (he walks away)

Will: Do you have a map?
AUSA Rivers: Do I have a what?
Will: A map, so I can show you where you live. That, my friend, was a Chicago defense. Get used to it.

Will: I would like a ruling on my objection.
Judge: You are trying my patience...
Will: I understand that, Your Honor, but we both know if you don't use the proper form of 'sustained' or 'overruled', the matter can't later be appealed. And I was surprised in reviewing your past court cases, how often you encouraged lawyers to mover on without actually ruling, therefore avoided having your non rulings overturned on appeal. (he pauses) In my opinion.
Judge: Mr. Gardner, I have never been quite so offended in all my years on the bench.
Will: I understand that, Your Honor, but I still want a ruling. A ruling I can appeal.

Diane: Didn't we agree to not take this?
Will: No, we agreed to cut the flores and the paper cups. The least I can do is take the cases I want.
Diane: You sure this isn't pride?
Will: Of course, it's pride. What's wrong with pride? Pride built the pyramids.
Diane: And Watergate.

Will: (about having a third partner) You're okay with giving up a third?
Diane: Of what, a sinking ship? Sure. We'll kill each other if we don't find a referee.
Will: A third partner? Someone neutral, someone we both agree on? (she nods and they clink glasses) An optimism fills the void.
Diane: I think that's alcohol.
Will: Just as good.

Eli Gold: "See I have a lot of friends I'm sure you do to but the only difference is my friends are not in homeroom. So I want you to listen to me, stop tweeting, if you tweet I will know you tweet and I will...have you seen drag me to hell? It will be just like that."

Diane: This is a power play, pure and simple.
Will: Nothing here is pure, and nothing here is simple.

Alicia: You can't tarnish an entire firm based on one case.

added by laurik2007
added by laurik2007
added by laurik2007
Source: idontlikeyourturtlepuppet @ tumblr
added by TaMaRa_88
added by laurik2007
Source: David Giesbrecht/CBS ©2013
added by laurik2007
Source: David Giesbrecht/CBS ©2013
added by laurik2007
Source: David Giesbrecht/CBS ©2013
added by House34
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