The Gems: A Magical Adventure Club
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posted by stellamusa101
~Diamond's phone rang. She take the call. It was Emerald.
"Diamond! Diamond! C'mon, go to fadas College! You just found out you're one, but you refused," esmeralda said so on the phone.
"I'm sorry, Emi, but I can't. I believe in fairies, but I don't want to be one," replied Diamond.
"Oh c'mon, Diamond! Sugar's not jealous anymore," says Emerald, encouraging Diamond.
"I'm sorry – what jealous?" Diamond asked.
"She was my best friend before she got jealous of our friendship," explained Emerald.
"But I told you, I DON'T want to be a fairy," said Diamond.
"Diamond," her mother touched her shoulder.
"Yes, mum?" Diamond asked.
"Go, I trust you," says her mother.
"I'm going," says Diamond. She could hear esmeralda cheerfully jump all around, happy. And also Sugar's groan.

So at fadas College, Diamond went to the party, because there was a party celebrating the sixtieth ano of the college.

"Welcome, new fairies," says the headmistress, giving a speech.
"I see many new faces,"
"Oh this is the bad part," groans Sugar.
"What?" Diamond asked.
"Oh nothing you dummy need to know," replied Sugar and walked away.
"What is up with her?" Diamond asked.
"Oh she's a crazy jealous fairy. I'm Liana," says Liana, introducing herself. "and this is my best friend Daphne," and she introduced Daphne.
"Be careful of Sugar – she's a half goth, half punk," advises Emerald.
"I'm gonna get some punch," says Diamond and walked away straight to the table. She drank a frutas juice, and slowly fainted.~

~"She's waking up," said a voice. Diamond opened her eyes and saw Emerald, Liana and Daphne.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Well someone poisoned your drink," respostas Liana, staring at Sugar with her hands on her hips.
"I was just playing. Why don't you girls just get out of my life?" Sugar asked and walked away.
"Darn girl," says Daphne.
"I'm gonna find her," says Diamond.

Diamond was searching for Sugar and where she is, but then she felt her feet floating and saw a rope. She was helpless because she didn't earn he transformation yet. Sugar saw it.

"Where's Diamond?" Liana asked.
"Patients," advises Daphne. Sugar came by.
"Hey – where's Diamond?" esmeralda asked.
"Being captured por some evil villain," respostas Sugar.
"What?!" They shouted. Daphne dragged Sugar's hand and they ran away to find Diamond.

~"Who are you what do you want?!" Diamond asked.
"You'll find out soon," says a voice. Ropes appear and tied Diamond until she was helpless, and it start to squeeze her.
"Diamond!!" The girls came.
"Guys, help!" Diamond shouted.
"Arix!" They transform.~

~"Ice Wave!" Liana blasted.
"Sugar, do something!" esmeralda said.
"Follow your coração and break the rules," says Sugar.
"Ugh! Dragon Energy!" blasts esmeralda to cut the ropes, but it didn't work.
"Hang out, Diamond! Spiritual Earth!" Daphne blasted, but it didn't work. The rope squeezed Diamond tighter.
"AAAH!" She shouted.
"Diamond!" esmeralda shouted. The rope squeezed Diamond tightly and her faced look paler than her skin.~

I hope you enjoyed this first episode, my friends! I will post the seguinte episode soon enough before you know it!

 Daphne transforming Arix.
Daphne transforming Arix.
 "Ice Wave!"
"Ice Wave!"