Akuma abilties editar - Exit historical view

When Akuma was very little, she discovered numerous abilities that Aku praised her for. She is very skilled in almost all her powers, and even has powers she states are "undiscovered". Akuma shows many abilities including:

  • Shapeshifting: Akuma, which is also sometimes called "Mistress of Shapeshifting" has shown incredible ability in being able to shapeshift. As a child, Aku exclaims that Akuma would shapeshift into a cat as one of her first taken forms. Shapes she has taken include, human (in the past Akuma was constantly shifted into a human) wolf, cat, snake, dragon, dog, "fighting form" and furry. She is most vulnerable to taking a shape when experiencing strong emotions, such as: rage, sadness, and lust.
  • Mind-control: One of Akuma's main powers in mind control. She is able to not only control minds, but can also manipulate the persons actions with a wave of the finger.
  • Immortality: Akuma, being the daughter of Aku, is immortal. However, she can be hurt, but not killed. Akuma can feel pain, pleasure and other emotions.
  • Retro cognition: Akuma is able to recall past events through her dreams, and flashing images. It causes her to zone out, and when occurring makes her eyes seem lifeless.
  • Laser eye beams: Akuma is shown to use laser eye beams on multiple occasions, especially as a young child.
  • Time Travel: Time travel is a prime ability passed on by of course, Aku. Akuma was able to copy her fathers actions and send Jomei over nine-hundred years in the future, though not as long as Aku has sent Jack into the future, Akuma shows great ability in time travel like her father.
  • Dream interference: Most likely one of her mothers abilities, Akuma is able to enter peoples dreams, and mindscapes. She can also enter her own, and enter others into anyone's mind, and or dreams.
  • Fire generation: one of her most used powers, Akuma is able to generate fire from out of thin air. She uses this mostly in battle, when shapeshifting her hand into a sword.
  • Teleportation: Though not very skilled, Akuma is able to teleport short distances.
  • Sonic Scream: Akuma is able to badly damage landscapes by producing a deadly scream. She has only used this on one occurrence, when in battle with Jomei.
  • Regeneration: Akuma is shown to be able to regenerate after injured. In one instance, she was stabbed in the chest, still being able to recover miraculously quick.
  • Invulnerability: Akuma is not easily affected by cuts, wounds, or sharp objects. She claims that she is most weak on her sides, though can withstand almost any amount of pain.
  • Skrying: Akuma is shown to spectate her enemies through a magic mirror given to her by Lieko.
  • Tendrils: Akuma is able to sprout tendrils from multiple places on her body.