The Following Club
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the following
season 1
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Ryan and Mike decided to stop at a o jantar, lanchonete on the road, to have a late lunch, or an early dinner.
“What?” Mike said, when he basically crammed his comida in his mouth.
“Nothing” Ryan replied. “I’m just glad you decided to not starve yourself”
“Why would I starve myself?” Mike shrugged, a little annoyed. “How is that going to help Deb?”
Ryan shook his head. “Has it occurred to you that, maybe, she needs the kind of help you can’t provide?”
“What are you implying?” Mike frowned, angry.
“She grew up in a cult, Mike” Ryan said, frustrated. “How many people get out, without...
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Ryan was waiting outside, while the doctor was inside with Mike. Ten minutos ago, Ryan had left to go get some coffee. When he’d returned, Mike had opened his eyes. Ryan had called for a doctor, and now he was waiting for an invitation.
Finally, the door opened, and the doctor allowed him to go inside. “He needs to rest, so keep it short” she warned him. Ryan nodded, and entered the room.
“Hey, there, buddy” he mumbled, on his way to the bed.
“How long was I out?” Mike groaned, as he tried to sit up.
“Two weeks, give or take” Ryan replied. “You missed a lot”
“Where’s Deb?”...
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In the months, and years, that followed, Debra tried her best to be a model patient. She attended every group session, didn’t mutilate herself, she was polite to other people, except Annabel, whom she’d given the silent treatment, ever since that day.
There was not a dia going por that she didn’t think of Rob, and she could feel that he was thinking of her, too. And so she would do anything to make sure that, por the time she turned eighteen, she would be released from the clinic, in the hope that Rob would still be waiting for her.
The dia of her eighteenth birthday came, and much to Deb’s...
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It was a few minutos after dawn, when Annabel woke up. She noticed Deb wasn’t in her bed, and she stood. She walked to the bathroom, and knocked once.
“Deb, hurry, I need to go” she muttered, sleepy. When no response came, Annabel tried for the door, and found it unlocked. She pushed it open, to see no one was occupying the bathroom.
Deb was already up and fully clothed, and was now on her way to Rob’s office. She would apologize for her actions from the former night, and assure him that anything like that would never happen again.
However, when she reached his office, and wanted to knock,...
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“My father used to tell me stories about a girl named Annabel” Deb said. She and Annabel were sitting on Annabel’s bed. “Her mother killed her, and herself. The mother’s name was Rose-Anne. My mother’s middle name is Rose-Anne”
Annabel shook her head confused. “Why didn’t they keep me? Was I not a cute baby?”
“It had nothing to do with you” Deb soothed her. “And trust me, you were much better off without them”
“Yeah” Annabel sighed. “If your drawings are any indication to what kind of a person my father is, I should be grateful I got away” She looked down at...
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The moment of truth had come, and Dale rubbed his hands nervously. “Do you really think this is a good idea?” he asked, doubtfully, looking at Harrison, Deb’s father. “What if she declines?”
“How could she?” Harrison asked back, trying to reassure Dale that everything would work out the way he wanted it to.
“Maybe this is going too fast” Dale continued, shaking his head. “Maybe I need to give her mais time to fall in amor with me”
“She’ll have all the time in the world, afterwards” Harrison replied, fierce. Dale was not going to back down now. Not after everything Harrison,...
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She stormed to the door, and wanted to open it, but found it locked. “What the hell” she muttered to herself, as her anger increased. “Dale! Open the door!” she shouted, while banging her fists against the wood. “Open the goddamn door!”
Dale was standing right outside the door, playing a catching game with the key.
“If you don’t open the door now, Dalen I’m going to jump out of the window!” Deb threatened, and to prove that she was serious, she walked to the window. “I’m opening the window”
Dale quickly inserted the key in the lock and opened the door. “Please get...
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It wasn’t until Deb couldn’t feel her knees anymore, that Dale decided to call it quits. Him, Deb, and Mrs. Parker had been praying on their knees for two hours.
Dale’s voice had resonated through the basement, leitura chapter after chapter, verse after verse.
“We’ll have to do this before every meal, until your soul is cleansed” he said, getting up.
“How will we know?” Mrs. Parker asked, concerned.
“I’ll know” Dale replied confident, and holding Mrs. Parker por her shoulder, he added: “Have faith”
Mrs. Parker nodded, and left the scene.
Dale turned to Deb, to see her, converted...
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A while later Deb got another visitor, her mother this time. She put her hands on her sides and looked reproaching at Deb.
“Get up, child, and get dressed” she ordered. “Dale is expecting you. He wants to have breakfast with you”
“Mom” Deb moaned, holding her stomach. “Can you please tell Dale I’m really not up for it? I feel sick” She had barely said it, when a new portion of vomit escaped her throat. “You have to take me to the hospital. Please, I won’t try to run”
“Nonsense” Mrs. Parker shook her head. “I will discuss this with Dale. He’ll tell us what to do”...
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“Sorry, Deb, no can do” was the answer, when Deb asked Rob, nicely, to return her sketchbook. “It’s the only thing securing you to come back to this office, and I think you really need our sessions”
Deb frowned sad, and frustrated.
“Can I ask you something? What’s Annabel’s story?”
“That’s classified information” Rob replied strict. “Besides, we’re not here to talk about Annabel. We’re here to talk about you” he reminded her kindly.
He opened his escrivaninha, mesa drawer, and pulled out the sketchbook. He flipped the pages, and then stopped.
“Today, I want to discuss this drawing”...
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Sunlight shone through the window, but it was Deb’s intense stare that woke Annabel up. She caught Debra, sitting on her knees, in front of her bed, her hands folded as in a prayer.
“What are you doing?” Annabel asked, suspicious.
“I’m praying for your soul” Deb replied, her eyes closed.
“My soul doesn’t need any saving” Annabel snapped, and she jumped out of bed, causing the picture, of her parents, to drop on the floor.
“It does, when you’re getting involved with those people” Deb replied, with a nod at the picture.
“Those people are my parents” Annabel hissed, defensive....
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It took three men, to pull Deb away from Annabel. She kicked, and screamed, as they dragged her down the hallway.
“You don’t understand” she panted, desperately. “She’s one of them!...What’s that?” Her eyes bulged at the size of a large needle.
“Just something to help you sleep” one of the men said, pointing the needle towards her neck.
“No, I don’t want-” she started, but then her voice trailed off, and she hung limp in his arms.
A couple of hours later she woke up in solitary.
In the meantime, Annabel tried to fathom what Deb had said. If she could believe Deb, they shared...
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Night came, but sleep refused to. Both Annabel and Deb lay on their bed, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling.
Deb let her arm slid off the bed, and touched underneath the bed, where she had saved the fragments of the broken lamp.
When her fingertips made contact with a piece, she grasped for it, and pulled it from under the bed.
Annabel turned her head to her. “That’s not the first time you do that” she said, when Deb made a cut in her lower arm. “I’ve seen the scars” Annabel explained.
She turned her head back. “I used to burn myself with cigarettes. I thought I deserved it, for being...
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“Let’s start with this one”
Rob slid the sketchbook towards Deb. It showed a black and white likeness of Dale’s face.
“What about it? It’s just a face” Deb shrugged, pretending to be untouchable, yet consciously avoiding to look at the drawing.
“You drew it black and white, the eyes completely black. Why is that?” Rob persisted.
“I don’t know” Deb shrugged, again. “I thought it was cool”
Rob pulled the book back, and browsed through it again.
“How about this one?” Rob showed her a drawing of a penis, cut off, in a puddle of what was probably blood. “Did you think...
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Weeks went por and slowly but surely things went back to normal. Debra’s hair had grown back and she could finally leave her crutches in the corner of her room. Debra almost dared to be happy, until that one unfortunate day.
Mrs. Kelley had been sick lately and at first they thought it was some sort of bacteria. But the sickness didn’t stop and so they had no choice, but to go see a doctor, who confirmed Mrs. Kelley’s suspicion.
There was something growing inside of her, but it was no bacteria.
On the way home, Mr. Kelley wouldn’t say a word to his pregnant wife. He was afraid he would...
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With a coração beating out of its chest, Debra walked to Mike’s hotel room. At the door she hesitated.
“This is stupid” she mumbled and she turned around again. She had made a few steps towards the stairs leading to the seguinte floor, when she changed her mind and returned.
She gathered all her courage and knocked. Two minutos later Mike opened the door a bit and closed it again. Deb heard him take off the chain and a segundo later he opened the door completely…only to slam it in her face.
Deb backed away and swallowed. Her common sense told her to leave. Mike would come around on his own terms....
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It was the middle of the night and Mike lay fast asleep in Deb’s bed. He was snoring loudly, even drowning out the sound of footsteps coming closer with every second.
However fast asleep Mike was, he was wide awake when a bucket of ice cold water poured down on his face like a brick.
He sat up bolt right, shouting and sputtering. He looked up and his eyes widened.
“Deb” he swallowed. He looked at the soaked sheets. “I promise I can explain” he laughed nervously.
Deb quickly walked towards him and before he knew it she slapped him hard across the face.
“Aaahh!” Mike yelled offended....
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Beth’s eyes widened in fear. If Dale would find her here with a bag of comida the consequences would be dramatic. She didn’t know what the punishment was for stealing, but it had to be something terrible.
She tightened her grip on the bag and turned around. Simon had found a way out, she would do, too. Agnes ran off the stairs and chased Beth. “If you’re looking for your friend, don’t bother, you won’t find him” she said mischievous. “I took care of him”
There was a small window at the left side of the basement. Beth ran towards it and opened it. She pushed the bag through it...
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Deb was walking down an aisle. She looked around terrified. She knew this place. She had ran away from it. How had she gotten back here?
Automatically her legs moved to the door at the end of the aisle. She turned her head, seeking help. Her mother stood against the wall, smiling encouraging.
“Go on, Debra” she said. “Go inside and make us proud”
Upstairs Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were getting ready for bed. As Mrs. Jackson put on her dressing vestido she said: “I hate to leave her there alone”
“If it makes you feel better I’ll go check up on her, every now and then” Mr. Jackson offered....
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Her courage sinking with every step she took Agnes walked towards Dale’s room. He had given her the specific order of finding Debra and bringing her back home. She had failed in that task and now her fear of how Dale would react was making her sick to the stomach.
She swallowed and knocked.
“Get the door, will you” she heard him command his servant. Several segundos later the door opened and Beth’s dirty face was seen. “Who is it?”
“It’s Agnes, sir” Beth replied. Unlike Deb, she hadn’t been given the privilege of calling Dale por his first name. Probably because she hadn’t...
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