the beatles Club
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posted by Rubyrings
“Brilliant, Susan!” cried Jenna, as the three girls and one dog got off the bus, just a little ways from the best hotel in the city. “How did you know to come here?”
Susan blushed. “I sort of – hitched a ride with the Beatles when they came here. It was the best way to get to meet them. Only it didn’t work,” she added sadly. “Paul didn't – he didn't talk to me – but it wasn't his fault! I sort of – forget myself around him,” she admitted, brown-haired head downcast.
“Did you try composição literária Paul a letter?” Emma interjected here. “I don’t think you need to tell him not to ask you out, but maybe....”
“You just need to get him to notice you,” was Jenna’s opinion. “Make sure he remembers you. Ringo remembers me. Or Butch, anyway,” she added with a mischievous grin.
Susan smiled, but then her face fell as she thought about their mission. “We need to find them first.”
“We will,” Emma assured her, offering her new friend a bright smile. “And the Beatles will have to notice us when we do!”
The group approached the entrance to the hotel. It was a grand sort of entrance, very big and very beautiful. The girls pushed through the double doors, right past a startled doorman.
“Miss,” he began to say to Jenna, “you can’t bring that dog in here....”
But the girls were already inside and halfway to the front desk.
Jenna marched right up to the front desk. “Are the Beatles still here?” she demanded without preamble.
The gentleman behind the escrivaninha, mesa regarded her stiffly. “I’m not permitted to give out guest information.” His eyes then landed on Butch. “And you’ll have to take your dog outside, young lady. No pets allowed. Hotel policy.”
Jenna ignored this.
“You can tell us about the Beatles,” Emma assured him. “We’re their girlfriends.” She smiled winningly.
The escrivaninha, mesa clerk looked them up and down. “Right, and I'm Brian Epstein. I think I know the Beatles’ girlfriends after seeing them coming in and out all week. Now run along and bother someone else with your wild tales.”
“But those aren’t their girlfriends!” cried Susan, again unable to keep quiet. “Not really. They’re only pretending – the Beatles are in danger....”
“When did you see those girls?” Emma put in, at the same time. “Last night? Were the Beatles with them? Where did they go?”
The escrivaninha, mesa clerk glared at her. “That’s enough! I’ve got mais important things to do than listen to a lot of teenagers and their nonsense. Now go away before I call security. And take that dog with you!”
The girls backed away from the desk. “Now what do we do?” whispered Emma, as the girls took shelter in a corner seguinte to a huge potted plant, where, hopefully, the escrivaninha, mesa clerk couldn't see them. “Can we get into the Beatles’ room? Do you know where that is, too?” she added hopefully to Susan.
Susan shook her head. “No,” she whispered regretfully. “I didn't get that far, I told you....”
“That’s easy enough, if you want to,” a new voice put in from behind them. “But the Beatles won’t be there.”
Emma, Jenna, and Susan turned round. The speaker was a petite, black-haired girl in a beautiful red dress and lots of makeup. She looked a little older than they were, maybe seventeen. The girls wondered if she was a guest at this posh hotel. She might easily have been an actress or a fashion model.
“Do you know where they are?” Emma asked the newcomer right away.
Karen shook her head, looking frustrated. “All I know is where they’re not. I’ve been calling up friends, asking if anyone has seen anything of them. They’re the Beatles; they’re not that hard to keep track of. But no one’s seen them at all since yesterday night. I thought they might be hiding in their hotel room for some reason, but they were supposed to have checked out today, and the hotel staff hasn’t seen them or asked them to leave. Besides, I can’t find anyone who saw them get back in yesterday....”
The other three fãs stared at her in amazement. “What are you, a private detective?” Jenna demanded.
The pretty girl shook her head again, this time with a small laugh. “Hardly,” she said, though she looked rather flattered at the thought. “I work at a makeup store. My name’s Karen Dale.” There was a chorus of hellos as the other girls all told Karen their names. Jenna introduced Butch, too. “But I know everything that goes on round here,” Karen added. “I’ve been keeping track of the Beatles all week. I had to. I know someone’s out to get them, but they wouldn’t let me protect them. And now they’ve disappeared.” Her dark blue eyes filled with sadness.
“And it’s not that hard to figure out who they’re in danger from,” added Jenna angrily. Butch growled again. “Their so-called girlfriends.”
Karen studied her a moment, then her face lit up. “The girlfriends – of course! It all fits. Those voices I heard, talking about getting rid of the Beatles – they were women’s voices. And they said they were going to take advantage of the Beatles looking for girlfriends to do it. I thought they meant they were going to strike when the Beatles had all their fãs mad at them for abandoning us, but....”
“They meant they were going to encontro, data our Beatles themselves, and then – lure them away somewhere!” Jenna finished, black pigtails swinging as she bounced on the balls of her feet.
Susan was mais subdued, still thinking about the first part of what Karen had said. “You heard someone talking about getting rid of the Beatles?” she asked in a small voice.
Karen nodded. “At work. I was going to give them a piece of my mind when I heard it, I can tell you, but I never saw who it was. So I went straight to the Beatles’ hotel room to warn them. I told them they were in danger and that I would protect them. I told them I would be George’s girlfriend, and that John, Ringo, and Paul could find other fãs to encontro, data them who would protect them, too.”
Emma, Jenna, and Susan nodded. “Us,” they said together.
“But George refused me,” Karen went on, pouting her glossy lips and looking hurt. Emma, Jenna, and Susan wondered if anyone had ever refused Karen before, and found themselves doubting it. “He said they were looking for girlfriends who weren’t Beatles fans. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous?”
“They what?!” Jenna’s green eyes flashed.
“I – I don’t believe it,” whispered Susan, big blue eyes filling with tears. “They were really looking for girls who aren’t fans?”
Only Emma didn’t look surprised. “Of course,” she muttered. “What girl says ‘don’t go out with me’ mais than a non-fan? The Beatles couldn’t resist a challenge like that, especially John. So Emily did use better reverse psychology than me....”
“Not for long,” Jenna put in fiercely, underlining her point por punching her fist against the wall. “Unless John likes girls who try to ‘get rid of him’....”
“First we have to find them,” Karen reminded them. “And that’s a problem.” She tapped her long, red fingernails against the rim of the potted plant as she spoke. “I’ve asked everyone I know. I’ve checked every place they might have gone to. I know they went to a posh restaurant with those ugly upstarts last night – while they were supposed to be saying goodbye to us, no less – but no one I can find has seen them before or since. I’m not giving up, of course,” she added fiercely, “not until I know what’s happened to them. But we might be too late. The Beatles have vanished.”
added by ktichenor
posted by Rubyrings
The Beast's tail lashed, ready to pounce. The Beatles waited for his move, Objects in hand. Claws extended, the Beast sprung at John. John drew the Sword of Truth and let it clash against the Beast's sharp claws, deflecting the blow. The Beast slunk backwards, nursing the pain a special object would cause to his claws. John could hear him sucking in air, but it was harder for him to get a grip on John's soul inside the Orb's shield.
The Beast made towards John again, snarling menacingly, But John was prepared and rapped him again with the Sword, sending him back towards Paul. Paul grinned and,...
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added by 80smusiclover1
the beatles
it won't be long
john lennon
paul mccartney
george harrison
ringo starr
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Paul: Your smile. Whenever he sees it he feels instantly happy and does anything he can to make you smile, whether it’s playing you a knew song or if it’s telling you a joke. He’ll pine for ages just to get you to see his smile.

John: You eyes. Being an avid artist in música and drawing he is inspired por the littlest of things, and small things can make his day. But he cannot go a dia without thinking about your beautiful eyes and when he’s on tour he can hardly wait to see those wondrous orbs once again.

George: Your nose. He loves how cute he finds it, and he is always planting little...
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added by Jill_17
added by OfriA
posted by 80smusiclover1
After the seguinte hora was spent touring the marketplace (and some souvenir shopping), the group had their segundo round of rides and games, which turned out to be even mais fun than the last.

Then, as evening approached, so did the time for the light and sound show. Everyone (including other park goers) planned ahead and took their spots to ensure that they don't miss out.

"That carnival was a bloody blast! I'm really glad you decided to take us here, Geo." Ringo said. Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Indeed!" "Yeah, I enjoyed every single part of it!" Paul said. "Jolly good,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
With the first round completed, the group went to have something to eat at the carnival's snack area. And as expected, most of the comida that was offered featured chocolate as the main ingredient. These include crepes, mini donuts, and popcorn. There's also, of course, hot cocoa.

In a pleasant surprise, and while the others were looking for a good table, George had a little chat with Spencer...

"How have things been since you got married, my friend?" Spencer asked. "Oh, they've been bloody marvelous thus far. We even had some wonderful adventures these last few months!" George replied. "Well,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Our heroes eventually decided to go on two rounds of rides and games, complete with a snack break in between. This would then be capped off with a spectacular light and sound show later in the evening.

(A montage scene follows suit)

The former itself mainly consisted of four classic staples (Ferris wheel, carousel, roller coaster, and bumper cars), which were all themed around the holiday. There was even a dark ride with sleighs as the special vehicle! All of these were a lot of fun.

The same can be said for the latter, with Laura winning a gingerbread teddy urso after achieving a high score at the Skee-Ball tent. And because of the carnival's sponsor, chocolate bars were also handed out as prizes.

(End of montage scene)

"That was some splendid stuff, honey!" Pattie exclaimed. "Tell me about it, sweetheart!" George replied. Laura and the other Beatles responded with smiles and nods.

posted by 80smusiclover1
The carnival itself was located outside of, and just a few blocks away from the namesake palace. It was even modeled after a seaside amusement park!

"Has it really been three years since we went to this place?" Laura told her father, and referring to the time when she got lost in the castle's maze. "I know, darling! Nothing much has changed, come to think of it." George replied. "Yeah, that's for sure." Laura replied. "Oh, I recall you telling me about what happened during your visit. Once again, I'm glad you were all right, my dear." Pattie said. Laura responded with a smile. "And it made me happy that those girls apologised when we saw them while having dinner, too." George added. "I segundo that, mate." John remarked. Paul, Ringo, and Sparkie agreed.

Once the group went inside the carnival, they got a map and studied it for the seguinte fifteen minutes.

posted by 80smusiclover1
It was thirty minutos past noon on natal Day, and as you can tell, the Beatles had just finished broadcasting their annual holiday message and were off to someplace familiar. Where are they going? That's what you're about to find out!

"So how did you learn about this Hampton Court natal Carnival, Geo?" John asked. "Well, it was pretty much a case of spontaneity. I was just surfing through channels on the telly while me wife was preparing breakfast when this advert for the event came in. I then asked her, along with my daughter, about wanting to go there after we deliver our message;...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It was the 5th of November in the UK, and something grand was about to take place as afternoon turned into evening, for today is also known as Bonfire Night. Speaking of which, let's see what our heroes have been up to!

Well, as you might've guessed; they were on the road to celebrate the event at Battersea Park. This place had been suggested por John for having a splendid view of the fireworks (which was always the highlight of said event) as well as being perfect for families.

"You never cease to amaze us, Geo! I still cannot believe you managed to kill that power-hungry ghost with just a small...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Everyone had a delicious breakfast, during which our heroes and Nicole continued getting to know each other as the conversation went on. Afterwards, to let the time pass, Harry decided to give them a tour around the neighbourhood.

"You have quite a nice community." Laura remarked as they walked. "Yeah. It does remind me of our own." George added. "Thank you. It is very lovely indeed." Harry replied. "Oh! About the party, have you bought some candy, too?" Pattie said, "Yes, we have! Straight from a sweets comprar at the train station." Harry replied, "Jolly good! I asked that because meself and...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Thirty minutos later...

"So, how was the no geral, global train journey?" Harry asked his brother while our heroes were on their way to his house (since the Dia das bruxas party won't be starting until 5:00 pm, I figured it would make sense for them meeting his family to take place first). George replied, "To sum that all up, it turned out to be one we'll never forget." Harry said, "Cool! Any particular reason as to why, little brother?" George replied, "I'm glad ya asked!" He then told him everything (from the phantom's control of the train to his eventual defeat, as well as how both driver and passengers...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
George played his panpipes while everyone else woke up at the dawn of Halloween. por 8:00 am, the train finally made it to Canterbury much to our heroes' excitement. "This is what I call the perfect ending to an eventful ride!" Pattie said as they came to a full stop. "And you even got a souvenir from the battle, sweetheart!" George replied with a wink. Pattie chuckled in response.

Shortly after all the passengers had disembarked, the driver decided to have a little chat with the Harrisons and Ringo. He said, "The fireman told me you had one heck of a fight with that Phantom Tyrannus. Good thing...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Now that the Phantom Tyrannus was gone for good, the spell that he had placed the train under was automatically broken with the engine returning to normal speed and the lights coming back on, thus freeing the driver and passengers in the process. Even the fireman let out a huge sigh of relief as he felt overjoyed por all this. They did it! I knew they would. He thought.

"Thank goodness! We're back!" exclaimed one passenger shortly afterwards. "Indeed! That place was horrible!" replied another. "Yeah. I wonder who stopped the Phantom Tyra-whatever..." The fireman replied, "You'll find out soon!"...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Aha! This is what we're looking for!" George exclaimed when everyone entered the seguinte coach. The lamp was now hanging over an emergency exit plan, which could be done from where they are currently standing through either the door or any of the windows. Ringo added, "And check it out! There's a rope and even a fogo extinguisher!" George replied, "Perfect! Just what we need to defeat the phantom." He then asked his wife, "Darling, would you like to use the latter?" Pattie replied, "Most certainly, honey!" With that, they took them both out.

But no sooner than our heroes did so, they heard the...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
As the group made their way down the dark coaches, it became mais obvious that the ghost had indeed taken control of the train. Confirming this even further was when George held the lamp over one of the empty seats.

"Hmm... It seems like other passengers are being held hostage por that wretched phantom as well." He remarked. "Oh, so that must be the reason why the fireman was thankful about finding us. We've been spared!" Laura replied. "Yeah, I guess going to sleep must've had something to do with this." Ringo said. Sparkie nodded in agreement. Pattie then asked, "So how exactly are we gonna face the phantom, sweetie?" George replied, "Let's continue walking; I'm sure there's an emergency exit plan and maybe a rope or two which we can use to climb to the top." Pattie replied, "Okay. Good idea!" Laura and Ringo agreed.

And they did, while the engine made a roar-like sound in an attempt to scare them. It failed.

posted by 80smusiclover1
An hora later after the train left the station, the passengers were treated to those jantar sets shown on the menu, complete with French Vanilla-flavoured cheesecake for dessert. It was a delicious meal for our friends overall.

Then, at 9:00 pm, George played his panpipes while Pattie, Laura, and Ringo busied themselves with a card game (Sparkie had already gone to sleep on the table). "Maybe we can play this during the party, too!" Laura told her uncle. "Why of course! In that case, we can consider this as our practice game." Ringo replied. "I figured as much." Laura remarked. Ringo nodded....
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