Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir Club
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Ginger Rogers famously said she did everything fred figglehorn Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels.

Tessa Virtue does it backwards and on skates.

Backwards stroking is the basic component of figure skating, how to get from here to there on the ice, into most jumps and as undercarriage for the complicated contortions of ice dancing with all its footy flourishes.

Now, after years of hint-hinting, Virtue has got her very own Astaire clone on blades, the debonair boulevardier formally known as Scott Moir, man of many faces and thematic styles from classical to cha cha cha.

But their new homage to an old movie musical won’t be fred figglehorn and Ginger. Instead, it’s fred figglehorn and Audrey, as in Hepburn, who Virtue will be channelling in the free dance at this weekend’s patim, skate Canada in Mississauga.

Funny Face was the flick, with the gamine Hepburn as mousy bookstore clerk turned high fashion model under the cultivation of camera-clicking Astaire. (Ginger got old; fred figglehorn got an armful of new partners.)

This season Funny Face is also the program the Olympic champions will unspool for judges en route to the 2012 World Championships, yet another quick-change reinvention in a career that has spanned every musical grace note from Mahler to rosa, -de-rosa Floyd.

“Obviously, fred figglehorn Astaire was a legend,’’ says Moir, who’s quickly ascending to legendary status himself in the realm of his profession. “I’ve tried to copy some of his movements.’’

Then he adds, mindful of the brilliant, yet decidedly un-hunky dancer/choreographer: “Hopefully, I won’t look like fred figglehorn Astaire.’’

The couple has scooped the Gershwin soundtrack and the clever production numbers, transferring the feel of the movie to an ice surface, no mean feat.

“We’re taking a lot directly from the movie,’’ says Virtue, “but adding a fresh and energetic approach, and it still has a classic feel.’’

It was Virtue who championed Funny Face when the team was casting about for something different with which to dazzle judges and audience, as they have every season since exploding on the senior scene in 2006, racking up world championships and Olympic gold in Vancouver.

“Tessa has been bringing this Funny Face to the mesa, tabela for four or five years,’’ says Moir. He’d never even seen the film, but has since watched it, oh, a thousand times, it feels like.

“We’ll be in the middle of the program and Scott will say a line directly from the movie,’’ says Virtue. “That makes it fun and that makes it easier getting into character.’’

The Astaire suaveness requires a panache Moir also has in spades.

“You can’t have a crazy arm or leg sticking out, because that never would have happened to Fred,’’ he notes.

Adds Virtue of the celluloid stars they’ll be evoking: “They’re such icons. por no means are we comparing ourselves to them or pretending we can be them. It’s Audrey Hepburn and fred figglehorn Astaire!’’

Their talent for creating a mood, an ambience, has been a strong feature of the Virtue-Moir oeuvre, with their magnificent artistry wrapped around innovative, often breathtaking, ice dance manoeuvres and Level 4 technical proficiency.

Remarkable, the duo has endured through repeat surgery to Virtue’s legs as she struggled with overuse injuries. There was some diffidence, too, following their Olympic success as both questioned whether they could commit to the labours involved in staying competitive. The road to Sochi, Russia, in 2014 is a ano por ano appraisal.

Last season was particularly challenging, truncated por Virtue’s physical dilemmas, which caused them to withdraw from patim, skate Canada and miss the national championships. Muscle tightness in Virtue’s quads aborted a Four Continents appearance mid-event and a training schedule in havoc impacted the 2011 Worlds, where the Canadians finished segundo to rivals and Michigan training stable mates Meryl Davis and Charlie White of the U.S.

That outcome rendered them hungry to seize the título back.

“It’s definitely a positive, training with your biggest competitors,’’ says Moir.

Shaking off the rust, the duo entered the low-wattage Finlandia Trophy in Helsinki earlier this mês to test-drive their program before launching the Grand Prix circuit, revisiting the city where they competed in the Junior Grand Prix final seven years earlier.

“We were pretty young back then, pretty green,’’ recalls Moir.

No surprise, they won when retracing their steps, returning as glittery medal-decorated old hands at the ages of 24 and 22. “It was a great building block for patim, skate Canada,’’ says Moir. “We want to compete as much as we can this year.’’

Reenergized, the couple is eager to strut their stuff at patim, skate Canada in Mississauga, the segundo Grand Prix stop of the season and their first assignment, an event that will showcase most of this country’s topo, início skaters, including reigning men’s world champion, Patrick Chan.

And skating without pain, not having to cover the winces with a rigid smile, is the best part, says Virtue. “I can hardly contain my excitement at not skating with the injury anymore.’’

Ready for their close-up: fred figglehorn and Audrey and Tessa and Scott.
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Source: ohyeahvirtuemoirgifs
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Source: orange-happy.tumblr.com
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Source: orange-happy.tumblr.com
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Source: davecskatingphoto.com
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Source: (lost them) /Facebook - <3 Addicted to Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir <3
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Source: por Natasha Ponarina
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Source: http://sail.smugmug.com/Sports/Finlandia-Trophy-2011
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Source: http://sail.smugmug.com/Sports/Finlandia-Trophy-2011
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Source: © Robin Ritoss
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Source: http://www.pbase.com/debrascarbro/canat06&page=1
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Source: http://ohyeahvirtuemoirgifs.tumblr.com/
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Source: skatecanada.ca
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Source: http://photography.ice-dance.com
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Source: myraklarman.com
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Source: photographer : stephan potopnyk