sobrenatural Club
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Favorite brotherly amor moment?

I really enjoy all the moments between the brothers. I like the way they take care of each other, like when Sam takes Dean to the faith healer in season one and Dean looks after Sam when he is all clumsy in season three. I think the scene that really tugs at my coração strings is the embrace they share in season four when Dean comes back from hell. The look on the brothers faces is priceless.

Favorite father/son moment?

My favorito moment is when John is talking to Sam about how he is proud of him for leaving and going away to college and the story about how he had saved money for him for college at one time. I think this is a time when we get a glimpse at the type of father John truly was, before the revenge and hunting.

Favorite sobrenatural related spot? (Examples – Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Dean Girls, sobrenatural viewing party, etc.)

While I am a member of several different SPN related spots, the one (other than this spot) that I am most active on is the Viewing Party. I know I am the one that started it, but I am really enjoying watching the show with fãs from around the world. I am getting new perspectives on episodes and characters. I amor meeting all the different SPN fãs there and here.

What is your favorito episode from each season, and why?

Season One - The Pilot has to be my favorito episode from this season. It is when we are introduced to this wonderful world and these dynamic brothers. It sets the tone for the rest of the show.

Season Two - Under a Bad Sign is my favorito from this season. It is almost foreshadowing of what is to come. I liked seeing Sam being evil. It was a great change from the Sam we are use to.

Season Three - Bad dia at Black Rock is so funny. I laughed so hard watching Sam be clumsy. And the scene where Dean says ”I am Batman.” is priceless.

Season Four - Yellow Fever, all I have to say is Dean screaming like a girl and Eye of the Tiger.

Name a song you associate with Dean.

AC/DC - Back in Black

Name a song you associate with Sam.

White Zombie - mais Human Than Human

Name a song you associate with John.

Harry Chapin - Cat’s in the Cradle

Is sobrenatural your favorito TV series?

I would amor to say yes, but I can’t. I am a huge fã of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I really like SPN, almost as much as Buffy, but I have been a fã of Buffy for so long that I can’t honestly put anything above it. When it came to Buffy I read the books, bought the board game, video game, and many other things that I am too embarrassed to mention. For my birthday one ano I got Mr. Pointy (the stake) and the Sunnydale class ring.

What has been the best thing about joining the sobrenatural spot on Fanpop? And the worst?

The best part of the spot is being able to share my vídeos and passion for the show with other fãs of this great show. Making friends with other fãs is such a great opportunity, too. I don’t really think there is a worst part. There are things that annoy me, but not enough to make me mad or be considered bad. Things that annoy me are the many picks about who is better Sam or Dean, whether it is about the actor, character, or looks. Also when I post a video and then someone posts a lot of vídeos after it so that my video gets lost, that kinda annoys me too. I really like getting feedback on my videos, but when they aren’t on the front page people tend to not watch them. I try to only post vídeos I made or vídeos I think are really really good. That is just me though.

Favorite sobrenatural Angel?

I have never been a big fã of the whole angel plot. I disliked Uriel and Zack from the first moment they came on the show. I liked the idea of Anna, but I never really got into her. There was just something off about the way she was. I guess I would have to say Cas. I didn’t like him to begin with, but he grew on me as the season progressed. I really wanted him to change, and he started to.

Favorite sobrenatural Demon?

I know I am going to be shot for this, but I LOVED Ruby. I loved the idea of a hunter and a Demon being together. I think that is just something that I like, the unlikely couples.

Favorite sobrenatural Creature/Monster/Ghost?

I would have to say the Trixter. He is one of the few things that hasn’t been killed por the boys. The episodes that he is in are so funny. I hope that they make mais episodes with him.

The Impala or John’s truck?

So the Impala. I amor that car. It is tough looking and sexy. I would convert it to Bio Diesel though. There is no way that thing gets good gas mileage.

Three favorito Dean quotes.

“I am Batman.”
“I have been rehymenated.”
“Driver picks the music, shot gun shuts his cake hole.”

Three favorito Sam quotes.

“I lost my shoe.”
“And apparently clowns kill.”
“What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?”

Which do you find mais heartbreaking: Dean crying or Sam crying?

Dean crying always gets me. When he is telling Sam about what happened in hell and the tears trickle down his cheeks, oh man that always gets me.

If you could ask Kripke one thing, what would it be?

With the type of show you work on, what do you dream about?

What is your ideal sobrenatural ending?

I don’t really know. I think I agree that showing the boys having a normal maçã, apple pie life wouldn’t feel right, but killing them wouldn’t be fun either. I think showing them training the future hunters would be nice. Whether it was there kids or just survivors of sobrenatural attacks.

Which do you prefer: The young Mary Winchester (Amy Gumenick) or the older Mary Winchester (Samantha Smith)?

Young Mary is mais my type of person. She was strong and independent. I didn’t really get to see a lot about what older Mary was like.

Which do you prefer: The young John Winchester (Matt Cohen) or the older John Winchester (Jeffrey Dean Morgan)?

Older John, first of all JDM is very attractive. Plus we really got to know him through the boys. While he was a very flawed father, he was a good man. He helped people and tried to make the world a safer place.

What are your ten favorito episodes other than the ones you picked above?

Faith - The grim reapers were creepy looking in this one, and looking at the Faith Healer this way was interesting.
Croatoan - amor this story. What happened at Roanoke was truly frightening. How did that many people disappear?
Tall Tales - Hilarious. The slow dancing alien was great. And I amor the Purple nurple drink.
Mystery Spot - “Do these tacos taste funny to you?” LOL
Heart - So coração wrenching. When Sam got a little and then had to shoot her, my coração bled for him.
Provenance - Gosh that little girl was scary. Why are little kids so creepy?
Bedtime Stories - I am a sucker for fairy tales. This tugged at one of my passions. I watch all the filmes based on them. I amor Snow White: Tale of Terror, it is great.
Wishful Thinking - All I have to say is Alcoholic suicidal giant teddy urso that is addicted to porn.
The Monster At The End of This Book - I loved this book. Also when Dean finds out about the Dean/Sam fãs is classic.
Lazarus Rising - This is a great episode. Dean asking Bobby if his parents are out is so funny.
I tend to like the funny episodes. While all the episodes are good, the funny ones just get me.

Dean’s amulet or Mary’s bracelet?

Mary’s bracelet. I am a fã of silver jewelry. I also like how it had charms from all the different religions. It doesn’t hurt that it was pretty.

Sam and Jessica or Sam and Sarah?

Neither. I am a fã of Ruby and Sam. I know I should be strung up. But I had to be honest. I really liked the dynamics between them. I am also a fã of the new Ruby. I know bad SPN fan.

Dean and Jo or Dean and Anna?

Once again neither. Having recently rewatched Wendigo with the Viewing party I noticed that Haley from the episode was a perfect match for Dean. They are both into his car, both put family first, strong, and are both smart mouths.

Favourite season?

It would have to be season two. I amor watching the characters deal with the loss of John and trying to figure out what is going to happen to Sam. The amount of self discovery that happens to both the boys is so great.

If you could write an episode : what would it be about?

It would have to be about Bobby going off on Cas for using the boys the way he did. I mean Bobby loves them like they are his own kids. I think Bobby is the one that would be the most honest about what Cas had done to these brothers. He manipulated them and toyed with their relationship, and no one has said anything about it. He had to know what the end game really was. He was working with Zach when they pulled Dean away to keep him “safe”.

Most watched sobrenatural episode?

That is hard to say. I usually watch them all together. I tend to just start at the beginning and watch them all. I know I have no life. I have watched all four seasons in a little over a week. I am pathetic. lol I guess it would have to be a tie between Bad dia at Black Rock, Yellow Fever, and Mystery Spot. These are the episodes I tend to watch por themselves from time to time when I need to laugh.

What is your favorito thing about the show?

The humor and the monsters/ghosts. I really like to laugh. And if I can get my fix of horror and laugh at the same time I am a happy camper. The relationship between the brothers is up there too.

What is your least favorito thing about the show?

What they did with Ruby. I loved her. I loved the idea of a demon wanting to change. If anjos can fall, why can’t demon ..ummmm.. would it be rise. Everyone can change, as Anna showed. I wanted to see a Demon go the other way.

Which female character do/did you like the most and why?

Ruby. I loved the idea of her. I amor stories of redemption. Now I know that is not where it went. And I know I am one of the few that liked the new Ruby, but she just got to me. I liked the actress. I liked the way she made Ruby a little softer. I liked the relationship she had with Sam, even though she was manipulating him. But that is for a different question.

If you could bring one character back from the dead – who would it be and why?

I am not sure I would. I guess it would be their brother. I think I would have liked to spend an episode or two getting to know the brother. I think they killed him like that because they used him to show that John had a life after Mary and because they knew the fãs wouldn’t accept him. Poor little brother.

Least favorito sobrenatural episode?

That is hands down Skin. I like the idea of it, but I HATE the scene when they show the shape shifter morphing. It is so gross. I hate it when they show the finger nails popping off and the teeth falling out. Yuck. That is the only episode that makes me physically ill. I think they went a little too far on it. The segundo one is When the Levee Breaks. I really didn’t like this episode either. It was done poorly to me. It just bugged me. I thought it was boring and like it had already been done before on other shows. I also didn’t like how they made Dean treat Sam. I mean Dean would die for Sam, but not deal with his problems. That is a little odd to me. As much as Dean values family above all else I don’t think he would have behaved that way.

Which character has irritated you the most, and in what way?

I think that would have to be Cas. I hate the way he used the brothers and helped to pit them against each other. I think that Cas started out as a manipulator. He was doing what he was told, and led both brothers down a very bad path. I wanted to shoot him when he let Sam out of the panic room.

What are your thoughts on Castiel and his relationship with Dean?

I think that Cas manipulated Dean and used him for heaven. While I like the character he is turning into, I didn’t always like him. I hope they make him mais of a free thinker in the seguinte season.

Favourite Bobby Singer scene?

That is a tie between him testing Dean to see if he is a demon in Lazarus Rising and when he yells at Dean in Lucifer Rising. Bobby said all the things that I had been thinking.

Best death scene?

Sam’s death.

Have you ever cried during Supernatural? If yes, during what episode?

Yes. While I am a Dean girl I cried like a baby when Sam died. The shot of Dean running towards Sam and catching his lifeless body was just so sad. And then him yelling his name. Man that still gets me.

How would you rate yourself as a fan?

A decent fan. I am not a fanatic. I don’t know why I haven’t gotten to that point yet. I amor watching it, but I haven’t gone all obsessive like I did with Buffy. I had to be honest. I could be a better fan, but I do what I can. Like I said I really like the show, but I haven’t gone overboard, yet. =)

If you could change one thing about sobrenatural what would it be and why?
I would change the Ruby story arc so that she didn’t know that killing Lilith would break the seal. I would have it so that Ruby was really trying to help Sam, not manipulate him. I would have them be into each other. Like I said before I am a sucker for redemption stories. And if anjos can fall why can’t demons be redeemed. I loved the slayer/vampire story, so I want a hunter/demon story. Complicated amor stories always make the best TV.

I know you are a Dean Girl, if you could ask Jensen one pergunta what would it be?

That is easy for me. I am a huge Jensen fan. I have been one since he was on Dark Angel. I would ask him: I know that the character Alec on Dark angel was created for you after you stunning performance on Polio Loco, how did it feel to know that they created a role for you based on your performance in one episode? I think that would be really flattering to know that a show created a role for someone specifically. I think it would be even mais flattering if it was based on such a short stint on the show.
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