estrela Wars fã Fiction Club
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“What??” Cade asked cerceta, verde-azulado eagerly.
“I know what he means por Rose!!! Okay, when you asked if he knew someone with the name Rose I immediately thought no. But he does, her name isn’t Rose. But Rosalinda, Rosalinda Sandrea. She’s the daughter of Kind Sandrea of Naboo, she helps out the Senator of Naboo and she’s quite the Sleuth from what I know. She’s helped out the police a few times with cases; Master’s met her multiple times. He speaks highly or her, and can sometimes act different around her. He must be referring to her.”
“You mean the person that looks after See Threepio for Skywalker?” Hilli asked. cerceta, verde-azulado shrugged. “I didn’t know Master had Threepio, which must be why. And apparently so. But why would Master be referring to her?” cerceta, verde-azulado looked back at her Master who was silent in slumber. “But if we ask him,” cerceta, verde-azulado said. “He’ll deny everything and won’t explain. A few days atrás at the Jedi Temple Master disappeared that evening and no one saw him till’ the seguinte morning. As if he was gone for the night. When we asked him about it he denied being gone and said he was around just no one saw him. Master Meshell says it’s happened many times before.”
“He could be visiting her . . .”
“Just what I thought Cade.”

A few hours later Cade stepped inside the small hospital room in the ship. Skywalker reclined in a light uneasy sleep and groaned every few minutes. “Why do you always refer to Rose?” Cade asked as if Skywalker could hear.
“Rose . . .”
“Yeah that’s what I thought.” Skywalker groaned and woke. “Where am I now?” He inquired trying to sit up but gasped in pain and settled back down. “Well you’re on your way to a military hospital,” Cad explained. “Do you remember anything before you were given pain killers?” Skywalker shook his head and tried to sit up again and Cade pushed him back down. “Not so fast, this injury is still very recent and hasn’t been properly tended to. You need to rest.”
“I . . . can’t rest,” Skywalker retorted trying to sit up but Cade was keeping him down and Skywalker was feeling pain. “Cade, there’s a disturbance in the Force. Something’s wrong, I can’t just sit here. Now let me get up and stop havoc.” Cade prevented Skywalker getting up anyway he could. “You’re too injured,” Cade growled. “So might as well stop trying.” Finally, Skywalker gave in and stopped trying to get up and relaxed. “Now tell me,” Cad said. “When you were unconscious, Rose I think it was. Can you explain?”
Skywalker shrugged. “I have no idea. I’ve been told that before . . . why do I feel so drowsyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyv?” Cade sighed. “Pain killers. You’ll be out in three, two . . . one.” Skywalker passed out. “Yeah that’s what I thought.” Cade left the room with a sigh and leaving behind is annoyance.

Andreas woke up to find himself in yet, another new environment. And what else, he was no longer dressed in his blood soaked and ripped Jedi robes yet in the Jedi healing clothing that would be perfect for warming up in Jedi combat without the lightsabers. (Note: Yes, the ones that looks like karate robes). And there were clean bandages around Andreas’s ribs. Andreas tried to get up but felt so much pain in his ribs and lied back down. “How many times are you going to try that before you know that isn’t a smart thing to do?” Cade asked. Andreas jumped. Cade chuckled. “You didn’t know I was still here, but I am. Well you’re all fixed up. The doctors closed and cleaned out your wound and you might have scar for a long time if not the rest of your life. You’ll be able to walk and do whatever within a week or so. So no mais adventures for you for awhile; I don’t want to find someone dragging you away from a battle with a spear in your ribs.”
Cade walked closer to Andreas, Andreas felt a bit overwhelmed with the way Cade started at him. “You won’t ever stop muttering Rose it drives me nuts.” Andreas remained silent but felt a bit panicked. Why couldn’t he not say anything in his unconsciousness instead of blabbering on about his deepest secrets? It wouldn’t be long before someone figured it out, but why was he muttering mais than before? “And I think I know what you’re referring to,” Cade continued. Andreas swallowed. “Do you know anyone with the name similar to Rose?”
Andreas didn’t want to answer, but he knew he had to, or maybe not . . . “I see a light,” Andreas said atuação dreary. “It’s calling . . . calling me to come forth!” Andreas fell back eyes closed as if he passed out. Cade stamped is foot in frustration. “Why does he have to always pass out when I have to grill him for details? I can’t let him repeat what’s been done so many times, not like Terrance. I guess I’ll have to talk to him once he’s fully healed . . . I-I I gotta go get a Death stick.” Cade left the room cursing under his breath.
Once Andreas was sure Cade was gone he opened his eyes and left out a sigh of relief. He couldn’t explain to Cade about Rose, what would happen? What did Cade know about his father? What did Cade not want Andreas to repeat that’s been done in the past? What did Cade know? What would Cade ask once Andreas was fully healed and couldn’t pretend to pass out? What was going to happen?

Suggesions appciated!! :D