estrela Wars fã Fiction Club
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posted by captainrexbest
Chapter 8

reminder of the clones that are here: Rex, Denal, Bud, Buddy, Coric, Jayfeather, Jesse, Hardcase, Christian, Max, Tracer, and Firebaze.


Quay: *ish still ducktaped*

Me: umm i've ran out of people. LongLiveTheClones aka Diana will be doing the disclaimer.

Diana: Spottedpelt does not own estrela Wars: The Clone Wars, only her OCs, including Bud, Buddy, Jayfeather, Christian (Chris), Max, Tracer, and Fireblaze (Fire B. or Blaze.)

Me: Thank you, Diana.

Diana: No problem.

Me: I still don't know if I'm going to untie Quay. And I think I will because I'm going to put my mom there instead. On with the story. I'm sorry this took so long... My finger got smashed between a 50 lb fork and a 350 lb fork lift... i can't even type with it. and it's not as long as i wanted to be... oh well.


Shaquitta's pov

I didn't want them to leave. I felt like I wasn't alone for once in my life. My parents adopted me when I was only 3 years old. I was always what seemed to be a cast off in the family. None of my cousins who were close to my age liked me at all. I felt like I belonged with them.

" You don't want them to leave," Ahsoka said as they walked out the door. " Do you?"

" Not really," I said. " It's always been lonely living here since my parents moved out."

" It's been nice having some company for a change." Skyler said. I looked at her. She was in the cozinha doing stuff.

" No one ever wants to ome over here since it's got the poltergeist and all that." Syeira muttered to herself.

" Demon." Her sister corrected.

" Do you wanna go with us?" Ahsoka asked glancing back at Rex who was standing in front of the gunship.

" Oh, no I just couldn't. I have a job and things to do and- I'm gonna go pack." She said running back in her room to grab her backpack that held anything and everything. " You know, I still think this backpack has a bottomless well spell on it. Let's go." She said to Skyler and Syeira as she walked through the door.

" Aren't you forgetting something?" The twins asked in unison.

" Oh yeah. Come on Courage!" I yelled back into the house. She bounded outside barking happily. She jumped into the gunship and sat down at Blaze's feet.

Skyler rolled her eyes and went to turn the breaker off in the back room. " You know I knew we weren't gonna get to see Piranhaconda like you said we were," She said jumping up to stand por me.

I had forgot all about that movie. It came on today. " Don't worry we can watch it on my I-Pad." I said.

" When we get back I'll have someone show you to your room. You can get a tour tomorrow." Ahsoka said. I shrugged.


Blaze's pov

I was really happy to be going home, but something felt wrong. I felt like I shouldn't be leavin this place. I felt like I belonged here and not on a ship. As soon as we got there I went straight to my room. Chris and I shared a room.

" I'm going to take a shower." I said heading towards the connected 'freshers.

" Okay," He said. " I'm going to lay down." He said starting to take off his armor.

I nodded and closed the door. The hot water helped ease the soreness and stiffness in my back from the scratches. I finished washing myself off and went to put on my fatigues.

Chris was sitting bolt upright in bed. His eyes kept darting around nervously.

" What's wrong, Chris?" I asked pulling my camisa on and sitting down seguinte to him.

" I keep hearing things, Blaze. Like knocking or something." He said.

" I don't hear-" I broke off my sentence as I heard what he was talking about. A faint tapping could be heard. I turned my head towards the sound. What I saw shocked me.

I saw a brother standing not too far from the side of the cama where Chris was sitting. I could see the bulkhead through him. He cocked his head as he stared at me. I blinked and looked at Chris.

" I'm sorry if I scared you." The voice startled me, and my head snapped back over to look at the spirit. I met Chris' eyes and decided to answer. I knew he couldn't see him and it would probably help ease his mind.

" I- it's okay." I said hesitantly. I felt kind of awkward with Chris sitting seguinte to me. " What's your name?" I asked.

" I'm Toby." He said softly. Then he smiled and disappeared.

" What did he say?" Chris asked.

" His name is Toby. He's a brother, Chris." I said. I could feel the pain in the air. " He's gone now. Come on. We need to speak with the captain." I said jumping up and beginning to put on my armor.

Chris followed my lead and we headed down to the captain's room. I knocked on the door, and Rex opened it.

" Something wrong, boys?" He asked gesturing for us to sit.

" Not anything bad," I said. " I wanted to ask you something, sir." I said as I sat down.

" Of course," He said cautiously.

" Was there another trooper who stayed in my room before me?"

He blinked at the question. " Yes, his name was Toby."

Chris gasped quietly, and Rex looked at him. " What's going on?"

I told him what had happened from the time that we had got back.

" How did he die?" I asked.

" I'm not exactly sure." He said, " It was reported as a natural cause. Some people say he was murdered. There's no telling." He said shaking his head gently.

" Thanks for the information, Captain." I said standing to my feet.

" Anytime, Blaze. You ever need anything I'm here."

" Thank you, Sir." I said. I was touched por his words. We saluted and left the room.

" So that's what I heard?" Chris asked on our way back to our room.

I nodded. " He's friendly compared to out little friend who attacked me." I said chuckling.

" Do you think Shaquitta is enjoying her stay?" He asked.

" Eh, she'll be wanting to leave buy tomorrow." I said laughing.


Me: Okay to my dear reviewer Fan: you are my best reviewer yet and i am putting you in the story as a part of the U.S. army when I get that far. Thanks for keeping me on track.

Quay: She is annoying when she nags, though.

Me: BAD QUAY.*hits him wiith a soda bottle* Don't do that.

Quay: ouch. well it's true.

Me: DON'T BE MEAN! Read, review and all that and be sure to give Quay a hit upside the head.

Quay: Hey!

Me: *duck tapes his mouth along with the rest of him*