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added by blue-roze
added by lilyZ
added by Poziomka
Source: www
added by blue-roze
added by lilyZ
added by lilyZ
added by lilyZ
added by lilyZ
added by lilyZ
added by glelsey
Source: NASA Official
There has been many, many rumors going around about Pluto being a planet or not. I just found out a few weeks atrás the official new.
One of the most controversial subjects in our solar system is whether Pluto should be a planet.In 2006, Pluto was officially demoted from "planet" to "dwarf planet." But the debate's flared up again, as the New Horizons probe is set to become the first spacecraft to visit Pluto on Tuesday.Before that happens, we need to get one thing clear: there are very good reasons why Pluto isn't a planet."There are eight bodies in the solar system that dominate the others,"...
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added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by lilyZ
added by Portia0623
added by hetalianstella
added by lovebaltor
Source: Bing.com
added by glelsey
Source: The Guardian - art and design gallery
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
The United States' Apollo missions to the moon meant a new era in o espaço exploration.
o espaço
added by lilyZ