soul eater Club
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posted by nevenkastar
Soul's Point Of View (POV)

She looked beautiful. He always thought she had.

Maka's POV

He looked handsome. She always thought he had.

Normal POV

Soul walked closer to Maka who was sitting on the couch. His lips came closer to hers and they soon met. They stayed that way for a while, but then broke apart.

"Ow!" Maka said touching her bottom lip.

"What is it?" Soul asked not knowing why Maka had said that.

"Your teeth are sharp!" Maka yelled as she walked to the bathroom. Soul followed behind her. Maka took her fingers off her lip and blood ran down it. " We have school tomorrow! Everybody will know and we'll be screwed!" Maka yelled as she turned around to face Soul. "It's been what, 4 months. If they didn't know por now, what makes you think they are going to find out now?" Soul replied. They had been dating about 4 months now and their friends Tsubaki, Black Star, Kid, Liz, and Patty, still hadn't found out. " This won't heal por tomorrow!" Maka said. She was really worried about this. Soul saw that her bottom lip was cut and still bleeding. He knew it was from his teeth. "How sharp are your teeth anyway?" Maka asked as she got some toilet paper and tried to stop the bleeding. She sat on the edge of the tub. " How the hell am I suppose to know!" Soul replied. Maka stopped the bleeding. "Night," Maka said and headed off to bed.

The seguinte day, this stuff happened…

Maka and Soul had eaten breakfast and were heading off to school. Maka had marks on her lips from yesterday that were clearly visible. Soul laughed to himself.

They soon reached the school. Strangely, they were early today, so they just roamed the crowded halls. It didn't take them long to spot their friends. Tsubaki, Black Star, Kid, Liz, and Patty were walking their direction. They were all face to face now and Tsubaki was the one to speak first, " Maka, what happened to your lip?". Maka hesitated, " I, um… fell! Yeah, I fell! That's it!". Tsubaki wasn't convinced, but didn't want to bother Maka.

At lunch this happened…

Maka, Soul, Black Star, Kid, Liz, and Patty all went up to the roof to eat lunch. "Maka, what really happened?" Kid asked. He knew everyone wanted to know to, so spoke for everyone. "I already told you," Maka assured them. " THE GREAT BLACK estrela KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE LYING!" Black estrela shouted out. "Shut up," Soul said, taking a bite of his sandwich. Liz suddenly shouted out," I got it! Soul kissed Maka!". "HUH!" Soul and Maka said at the same time. "It's obvious really…" Liz continued and grabbed Soul's sandwich, " See the marks in Maka's lip, it looks like the marks on Soul's sandwich! He must have cut her while he was beijar her!" Liz explained further. "RUN!" Soul screamed and grabbed Maka's hand. They headed towards the edge of the roof and jumped. " You baka ('baka' is 'idiot' in Japanese) !" Maka screamed, trying to hold her saia down. " Just run!" Soul said when they landed safely in front of the school. They headed towards their apartment.

Just when they arrived at their apartment building, they saw their friends already waiting for them. " How the hell did you get here so fast?" Soul said, trying to catch his breath. "Skateboard," Kid said. "Okay, now what do you want?" Maka asked. "Tell us everything!" Patty squealed. " There is nothing to tell!" Soul said. " Then why did you run away?" Liz asked with a smirk on her face. Maka and Soul didn't hesitate to run to their room this time. They got there, but in front of their door was Black estrela and Tsubaki. "Damn, well I guess you can come in," Soul surrendered.

They all sat down and Liz said, "Let's play a game…". She went into the cozinha and brought back an empty bottle. "Truth or Dare," She said as she placed the bottle on the coffee table. She spun first and it landed on Soul. "Dare," Soul said immediately. " I dare you to tell the truth, are you dating Maka?" Liz asked. "What! You can't to that! That's cheating!" Soul snapped. " No, I dared you to tell the truth! It's still a dare!" Liz yelled. " UH! Well, I guess lying isn't cool, so I have to tell you the truth…" Soul said and hesitated," You guys are real idiots I guess but yeah, we are, for four months and you never figured it out!" Soul finished. Maka couldn't say anything, she just sat there seguinte to Soul wide eyed. "O-okay, game over!" Liz said and just stared at Soul. "Please don't tell my father! He would kill Soul, and I would not have a weapon and no one wants to be my weapon and I would be alone forever and I will die alone too and be lonely for eternity!" Maka finally said. "1 condition," Liz said," you and Soul have to kiss, then I'll forget all about it!". "That's not cool!" Soul said. " I don't want to die yet! Especially por Death Scythe! I'm only 16!(I thought they seemed that age!) I still haven't done anything with my life!" Soul pleaded. " Just one kiss! It's not going to kill you!" Liz said. " Kiss!" Patty said and then giggled childishly. They had no choice, so they leaned in and gave each other a quick kiss and then glared at Liz. " There you go! That wasn't bad at all!" Liz smiled. "Now don't tell my father!" Maka said. " I know!" Liz said.

They all talked for a while. The girls talked with Maka and the boys talked with Soul. It was getting pretty late, so they all left and they told them that they would see them at school tomorrow.

The seguinte dia at school, this stuff happened…

Soul and Maka were called into Shinigami's headquarters. They didn't know why, but went anyway.

When they went in, nobody was there. Suddenly, they heard a big bang. Maka then turned to her left and saw Soul on the floor with a little fonte of blood over his head and Death Scythe over him. "What the hell was that!" Soul snapped as he stumbled to his feet." MAKA! Are you okay? Did he hurt you? You!" Death Scythe pointed to Soul," You violated my daughter!". "What the hell are you talking about?" Soul asked looking VERY angry. Death Scythe (I will call him Spirit now!) pulled out a phone that looked very familiar. On the screen was Soul and Maka when Liz told them to kiss, and she apparently took a picture! Soul and Maka were furious. "I'm going to kill her!" Maka and Soul said at the same, then they heard the sino ring and ran out the door before anything else could happen. "This isn't over!" Soul heard Spirit say when they left the room.

At lunch, this stuff happened…

They ran to the cafeteria and were looking for Liz. They spotted her talking with Kid, Patty, Tsubaki, and Black Star. " You lied!" Soul said when they approached the mesa, tabela that all their friends were sitting at. "No, you said not to TELL him, I just showed him! You would have to tell him sooner or later," Liz replied knowing exactly what Soul was talking about. " I'm tired of you loop holes! It's still lying!" Soul said. Without saying anything else, Soul grabbed Maka's arm and left the cafeteria and went to the roof. Soul liked the roof. It was private, quiet, you could see all of Death City from there. " Why are we running? They already know," Maka said. Soul didn't know the answer to that question. "To be honest, I don't really know," Soul answered and sat on the edge of the roof. "You're going to fall," Maka said as she sat seguinte to Soul on the edge. They expected their friends to barge in any minute, but they never did. Maka liked they quiet, just sitting seguinte to Soul.

The sino rang so Soul jumped off the edge and headed for the door. "You idiot!" Soul heard Maka say. He looked around but didn't see Maka anywhere. "Over here!" he heard Maka say. He walked to were she was sitting a moment atrás and looked over the edge… and there was Maka! "You just going to stand there or are you going to help me?" Maka said. Soul just wanted to laugh. " Oh I'm going to fall!" Soul said as he helped her up. With a quick jerk, Soul pulled Maka up and he landed on topo, início of her. They just froze there for a while until they realized how awkward their position was. "Get off of me!" Maka finally said. "Wha- Oh! Sorry!" Soul said as he quickly stood up. Soul didn't know why he even liked Maka in the first place. Maka didn't know why she liked Soul, they had nothing in common. Maka liked to socialize, Soul hated people, Maka was optimistic, Soul pessimistic, Maka loved school, Soul always slept in school! Infact, the only thing that the two had in common was that they like each other.

After school, this stuff happened…

Black estrela invited Soul and Maka to play basquetebol, basquete after school, they had nothing to do, so they went. Soul and Maka arrived last and saw all their friends waiting for them. "Soul and Black estrela are captains today. Soul, you get first pick," Liz said. "Whatever. Maka I guess," Soul said shoving his hands in his pockets. "You can't have your girlfriend on your team!" Black estrela shouted." Huh? Why not?" Soul asked. "Ha! You admit it! She is your girlfriend!" Black estrela shouted. "Wha- yeah whatever! Why can't she be on my team?" Soul asked impatiently. "No, Maka can be on your team. Just wanted to hear you admit it!" Black estrela confessed.

Soul and Black estrela picked the rest of their team and Soul's team won. They only played one game, but only because it was a long 2 hora game! They all said bye and headed to their houses.

Soul and Maka were soon home. The first thing they saw was Blair in the kitchen. She looked at Maka and said…

"Maka, what happened to your lip?…"
added by Bananaaddict
added by xxihatejooxx
added by zerorin
Source: rapid wave ^_^
added by zerorin
added by 4804299768
Source: Soul looks better and Maka too
added by rosewinton3055
added by rosewinton3055
added by Tsubakistar
Source: devinART
added by Espeongirl360
added by CRaZySuNHiNe
added by CRaZySuNHiNe
added by CRaZySuNHiNe
added by Nalu-love
added by Nalu-love
Source: tumblr
added by Samurai15
added by azkaban
added by kibagirl369
Source: not mine
added by hexgrrl2846
Source: whoever made or took these!!!
added by kibagirl369
Source: not mine
added by rosewinton3055