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posted by NoctusLynx
Okay, so just so you guys know beforehand, this is a full-on review. That being said, there are gonna be some MASSIVE spoilers in my review, so be careful if you despise spoilers. But first, I'll tell you some things you might want to know about the game before you hop into it and go for the ride of your life.

I can say this: my review will be on a Sonic fã Game called Eggman Hates Furries. I can also say that this will be the best damn fã game you will ever play in your existence. Just play the damn game, and you'll know what I'm talking about. And just so you know, the game is a kind of a boss rush gameplay style, whereas there are no 'minion' type enemies. Only boss battles.

So, here's the link to download the damned thing:


Now, my review:

DAMNIT, this game it AWESOME! Every aspect about it is great! Allow me to chuck out my review in sections just to make it easier on myself and you. Enjoy. And again, steer away from my review and play the game if you dislike spoilers. Otherwise, I IMPLORE YOU to download and play the game.


See? Told you to steer away. Last chance if you don't want any spoilers.

The intro explains a lot of things, and for that very reason, I don't feel like typing it all up. But, in a nutshell, what the intro says is that Eggman has done the one thing Sonic has been trying to prevent for the longer time: collect all seven of the Chaos Emeralds. Holy Crap. You can ALREADY tell this game is good.

The game starts you off in one of Sonic's dreams to explain the new kind of controls. Sonic can do a type of 'parkour', but I'll go mais in depth later in the gameplay section.

So, the game explains itself most of the time with minimal dialogue. In fact, there's barely ANY voice acting, if you exclude the intro since everything is read to you through a voice and scrolling text, which is good. You can easily follow along with the story if you use logic, and pay attention to what exactly is going on.

SO, the first boss battle occurs on the surface of water, which actually controls very well. The segundo consists of a drilling machine which you follow and pummel as you dodge attacks in a tunnel. The third occurs in a seemingly endless boss which, in my personal opinion, it the segundo hardest boss to defeat, and the segundo most satisfying to take down.

Then, Tails is kidnapped por Dr. Robotnick. You must then go save HER. Don't ask, just go with it. I'll explain later.

After some time cahsing the machine that caught Tails, you fall down yet another shaft down into some kind of lava pit section.

Sonic fã game 101: always include a lava level of some kind.

So, you do some platforming and time your triggering of switches, and you should get out soon. When you get out, you enter a facility. Note that you're still deep underground. You enter a room, and "Play with me" is written on the mural with blood. You can probably guess what'll come up if you've been with the Sonic series long enough, or know enough.

And for those who guessed Tails Doll, you are wrong. I'm just kidding, yes, the Tails Doll appears. The game literally says: "Pure Evil Detected". And the Tails Doll isn't any motobug. This guy is actually a challenge to take down. Timed jumps or a skillful plans are what you need to take down this fighter.

So, you defeat him, and finally find Tails. She's in an amniotic tank. And there's a switch nearby. You press the switch, and though Tails is freed, you're suckerpunched por one of Eggman's machines. This one you have to fight in a pit. Tails gets you out, and you explore a kind of hangar where Eggman keeps his contraptions. Tails follows along.

HOWEVER, one door closes too quickly for Tails, and you're then stuck with Eggman's final contraption. This can be a true ball of mad destruction if you let it get to the point. No, I don't mean the Death Egg. You know it's not it when you see it. Like I said, play the game.

You defeat the contraption, but Eggman takes one last stand. Eggman uses the Chaos Emeralds. Now, I'm not saying "puts them in the Ark Cannon", or "Feeds them to Chaos". No. I mean literally summons the power of the seven servers of the chaos and bestows such power upon himself.

Eggman just went Super Sayain 20. (because he looks like he's in his 20's) Ripped, he's a Hulk Hogan on mais 'roids, and an epic, GOLDEN mustache.

Tails shoots Eggman with a negative cannon, extracting the Chaos Emeralds from Eggman. Eggman is stil a Super Sayain, but now SOnic also becomes Super Sayain. The possibility of this happening is explained in Sonic Adventure. If you don't know what the explanantion is, do you're homework.

The final battle occurs here, between Super Sonic and Super Robonick. Damn.

Eggman is defeated, but he comes back looking mais evil than Satan and Mephilies (whom are the same person) combined. So, combine two devils. That's... whatever his final form is.

Here, major platforming is the key, and with a little bit of help from your quick thinking, you can get through. Robtonick runs out of rings, and you win the fight with a laughter inducing Wilhelm Scream. Ah, yes. Remember that prominent scream sound effect from the stawars filmes that has been ever so popular since? Yep, that's the scream.

Now, when you're done, Sonic and Tails kiss.

Wait, what?

Now, I have nothing against Tails being a girl, or Sonic and Tails being homosexual, especially considering that this is a fã game. But I was really very surprised. Thats' all. And honestly, that's the only bad thing a bout this game, but it's not even bad, It's just... unexpected.


The gameplay is great. You don't have to fight off minions or worry too much about staging hazards or anything like that, although there are some parts where the stage can kill you. The goal of the game is to get through to the end of the game. This game is not divided into acts, but rather boss battles. Now, the game doesn't teleport you from area to area. You get yourself from area to area through the original classic platforming. However, Sonic has this kind of 'parkour' ability. He can run up and down walls, given he has the momentum to do so.

The bosses all bring something new to the table, except for the bit that you must use your body to inflict damage (most of the time, mind you,). It's just so unique. And that's what I amor so much about this game. Through out the game, you won't get bored. You just won't.

Furthermore, did I say you don't have a life counter? You retry indefinitely until you get it right, and pass the section. Hey, at least you can't get a game over, but for those angry gamers that aren't the best, this can be very rage inducing. Also, because there' no other stage hazards other than yourself and the boss, whenever you die, it's either bad luck, (wrong place, wring time,) or it's your fault. Just know that this game can get difficult, so expect to fail.


Now, for the visuals. There are something that are redrawn and others that are recycled. (IE: Sonic, Tails, etc... among others...) There are points where the game will go into drawn cut-scenes. Now, these look a bit awkward in a Sonic game, but its not too big off a deal. Now, there is one part of the game where you fight the last contraption. where Eggman is talking to you, and a... weird animation of Eggman is seen. Drawn.

Apart from the drawn scenes and 3D scenes, the game look great. The palettes are just great, not to mention original. So the game looks great.


The sound doesn't sag either. The voice atuação is pretty bad when Eggman speaks, but the beginning voice is epic. It takes a bit to understand what exactly the voice is saying but the voice itself is epic.

Then, there's the music. Goodness, the música is just so GREAT. I know I'm making a big claim with this, but I'll go out on a limb and say that the música is on par with SEGA's Sonic music. Thats' how great it is. You wanna hear the tracks? get the game; follow the link.


The game looks great, sounds awesome, plays amazingly, and tells a deep story if you know what to look for. This game will not disappoint you, and is the best damned fã game I've played.

So, my rating?


TEN OUT OF TEN! Damnit, this game is just awesome in every single way imaginable. I did pergunta the beijar scene, but that's minor, just like the drawn scenes. They actually give a new, fresh perspective. They can't be overlooked as the bad, but looked at as something positive. I brought something new to the table.

So, now that you've read my review, play the game, and make you own review. Share this game with your friends if you can .

Thanks to OddWarg from making the game. Mostly.

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posted by Soniclover1998
"I guess I'll just eat my comida and try to ignore it" Tails thought. He was shocked when he saw Sonic's plate already completely empty. How was that even possible?
Sonic began chugging his pepsi. After seeing Tails starring at him, he said "What?!"
"Oh, uh... Nothing!" Tails quickly said. He didn't realize he was starring at Sonic this whole time. "Sorry...."
"It's okay, Tails. Let's hurry up so we can go to the perfect place to camp out. It's not far from here."
"Good. That means you can't drag me anywhere."
"Oh, don't worry. I won't drag you anything... yet!" Sonic said with a smirk on his face....
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