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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Twenty Four
I could not believe Jasper was sitting all the way through lunch listening to what happen last night. I was wondering if he heard everything I said. Or if I was talking way to fast.
"Am I talking to fast," I asked.
"Nope, I am keeping up," he said, "but can I ask a question?"
"Sure go a head," I said.
"Okay, what would you think if I taught you how to sign," he asked kind of scared to ask, "I mean, it would be somewhat easier for me. You do not have to learn if you do not want to!"
"I think that would be cool," I said, "And if it makes it easier for you to understand, then I will learn."
"Cool thank you," he said.
"Would you like to come over and do homework at my house," I asked, "you could teach sign language to me there."
"Yeah, I will ask my mom and dad," he said, "may I let you know por the end of the day?"
"Yep," I said.
"Do you have a cell phone number," he asked.
"No, Billy is kind of old fashion," I said a little embarrassed, "only a house phone. I can give you that number."
"Oh okay," he said a little disappointed, "I cannot hear a phone call."
"Oh right," I said stupidly, "I am sorry that I keep forgetting. It just does not register. And I you speak so well!"
"Thank you, years of speech class," he said.
"You know what, I will see if Billy will let me get a cell phone so we can talk," I said.
"I hate for you to do that," Jasper said.
"No, it is fine," I said after the sino rang, "I want one, now that I have friend. What is the sign for the bell."
"It is this," he said as he signed 'bell',.
"Oh," I said as I signed 'belled', "the sino rang!"
"Very good," he smiled.
"Thanks," I said, "let's get to class."
After classes was over, we only had a couple of classes to go until we could go home. Jasper was possible coming over. If he could get something settled with his parents. He said it would be the end of school he would know for sure.
It was time for gym, one of my favorito parts of school. We were playing basketball. I was excited. The girls had an even number while the boys had an odd number. I told the gym teacher that I was willing to play on the guys team to make it even. He was skeptical at first but finally caved.
"Hey Lila, why are you playing over here," Jasper asked confused.
"The girls team was even and the guys team had an odd number so I opted to play with you all." I said.
"Okay cool," he said, "good luck!"
"No thanks, I do not think I will need it," I said laughing. 
"Okay, you guys know the rules," the gym teacher said, "so I expect you all to go por them!"
It had been five minutos into the game and I had not even got a single pass. I had been open the whole time! The guys were a little bit higher than me but I did not let it get to me.
"I am open," I yelled.
A guy passed me the ball and I went straight up the middle and did a lay up. All the guys tried to jump up and swipe it from the basket but it was to late. A number of elbows came back down onto my face. I felt an elbow come towards my mouth. But before I could do anything I felt my lip dividido, dividir open.
"Shoot." I muttered.
"Lila, are you okay," the gym teacher ask kind of concerned.
"I am fine, just a little blood," I shrugged even though it had hurt a lot.
Some of the guys gave me a high five for the basket.
The other team had the ball now. I was block a guy that was at least 5'9. He got passed the ball; I quickly snatched it from his hands and started off towards our goal.
"Watch out," someone yelled.
"Behind you," another said.
But it was to late. He came to my right side and plowed into me as he roubou the ball.
I fell face first onto the gym floor. My forehead breaking the fall. I felt it at least bounce twice.
"Girls do not belong on the court," he said as I grabbed my head.
I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I laid on the gym floor. I was holding my head, it hurt so bad.
"Lila, are you okay," the gym teacher asked slightly annoyed.
I sat up was kind of dizzy. Not only had the guys stopped playing basketball. But also the girls, which meant all eyes on me. 
I let go of my head with left hand to check for blood. I hoping that there was not any. But there was.
"Yeah, just some blood," I shrugged.
"Go to the nurse," he demanded.
"But I am fine," I said.
"No, go now," he demanded harshly.
I got up and stormed out the gym. I slammed the door open and made my way to the nurses' office. 
"Hey Lila, are you okay," Jasper asked as I heard the gym door open.
"Yeah, just some blood," I said.
"You sure," he asked not buying it, "you look like you are pain."
"Just a little; it was a hard fall," I said.
"Why don't we leave and go to my hospital," Jasper said, "I can page my dad and we can go right back!"
"It is just a few cuts," I shrugged.
"Then why not go," Jasper stated.
"Okay, let's go," I said.
"Cool you are riding with me," he said, "there is no way I am letting you drive when you have hit your head that hard."
"Okay," I said laughing.
added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: Hollister, google,
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
We all got back to the school and they had turn on a security system. You could see the beams everywhere! It was ridiculous. It's like they are scared that we will escape from here.
There is absolutely no way to get back to our rooms! Marie said.
I can help, just follow what I say till you get out of the laser beams. Ian said.
There is no way I am going to get across. I have the worst balance ever! I said.
Believe in yourself, stop putting yourself down. Gabe said.
Easier when you belong somewhere. I mumbled.
What? Sadie asked.
I'm not going across. I stated.
But they have cama check in an hour,...
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google
added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google
I'm fine. I said as everything came back blurry.
I tried to sit up but everything went black for a few seconds.
My head hurts a little. I said.
Mattie how many fingers and I holding up? Sam asked as he held up 2 fingers.
Two. I said.
What's the date? Seth asked.
09/02/10. I said.
See she's fine. Quil said.
I stood up and stretched.
Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. I said sticking my tounge out at Seth.
Who's winning? Sam asked.
Sam, are you not going to take her to the doctor? Seth asked worried.
Nah, she's fine. Besides, she would tell me if she felt dizzy or something. Sam said.
Yeah, I would....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
School passed por quickly. Bonnie, Elana and, I piled into her mini cooper and went to the mall.
I loaded up on clothes and make up. After that we went back to Elana's house.
I saw Jeremy as I passed por his room. I walked por slowly, I could see everything in his room. His desk, cama and, book self. He started to say something but I shook my head no.
Sorry Victoria, I didn't think he would be início tonight. He is usually out at this hour. Elana said.
It's fine. I had to deal with him at school earlier. I said.
Let's pick out your outfit for tomorrow. Bonnie said.
Good idea! Elana chirped.
We ended up...
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
If you haven't read "Dear Readers" please do!! It will explain everything! I will be taking everything out that deals with vampiros in this story! Please, please continue to read this story!

Stefan's POV
Victoria it's time to get up. I said.
I'm not going. She mumbled.
Why not? I asked.
Because of this. She said as she pointed to her cheek.
I was shocked at the size of the cut on her face. I thought it was going to be small. But it wasn't. It was sort of big.
Stefan, I just need a sick day. She begged.
But why? If Jeremy said he was sorry aren't you going to forgive him? I asked.
I thought I could trust...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
lost And Found Chapter Fifteen
Damon's POV
I saw Victoria come through the door. She ran up to her room. Was she crying? It sure did sound like it. Then I cheirado, cheirava, smelt blood. Not the blood I was drinking but Victoria's blood.
Victoria are you okay? I asked.
I'll be fine. She said.
What happen! Why are bleeding? I asked.
I got into a fight with Jeremy, it's nothing. I'm going to bed. She said.
A fight with Jeremy! Looks like I need have another talk with Jeremy. This boy was making the worst mistakes ever.
Can I come in? I asked.
No you're a vampire. She said sniffing.
That doesn't matter. I can hold on your...
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google
added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google
added by Sk8bordNewMoon
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
lost And Found Chapter Twelve
Victoria's POV
Stefan was making me mad. I was trying to be nice.
I threw my lunch away and went to my locker.
Victoria, I saw you hand in my homework this morning in History. Jeremy said.
What are you talking about? I asked.
Don't play stupid. You know what I am talking about. He said.
Why are you so mad? Some kids would amor to have a b in every class and barely have to do anything. I said.
I don't care, I just want you to stop! Jeremy half yelled.
He was beyond furious.
Okay, I'm sorry. I said meekly.
I started to walk away but turned around.
Go back to the girl who is...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
lost And Found Chapter Eleven
I quickly jumped off my cama and darted to my backpack. I started looking at asignments that needed to be done. I had to catch up in all my classes and do tomorrows homework for Jeremy, if he didn't do any. Maybe he would be in a better mood tomorrow. Hopefully a happy mood where he smiles. Jeremy rarely smiles. When he does smiles it lights my world. He looked like the boy he use to be. Before his parents died.
As the sun was coming up I was staring out the window. I was done with homework. I jumped in my cama and sighed in relief.
My mind was full of hopes about...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
lost And Found Chapter TenN2P
Elana's face lit up when she saw Stefan. Stefan's face also lit up. Thy were so cute together.
I was surprised por how many kids from school were here and how the place was lit up. It wasn't dim like you would have thought it was. Since I couldn't find my jacket, I was only wearing short sleeves. I hated it. All the bruises on my arms were showing. It was on display for everyone to see.
Hi Victoria! Elana said.
Hey. I said shyly.
I'm really sorry to hear about your father. She said.
Um me too? I said.
Stefan and Elana started talking about their classes and what signments...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I woke up and didn't know where I was. It looked familar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Ilooked around and saw a shelf full of journals. I was at the Salvatores' house. But this isn't where I went to sleep last night. I was at my own house crying myself to sleep.
Victoria, you're awake. Stefan said as he came into the room rather fast.
Why am I here? I was at my own house last night. I siad.
I know. I have bad news. Last night your father invited a vampire into the house. It attacked your ffather and killed him. He said.
What?! Why would Dad do that? I asked.
I dont know. damon passed by, heard...
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: google cw
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
lost And Found Chapter Four
My wife was obessed with them. She wouldn't stop till she found one. I don't know if she is one or she's still; you know. He said.
Oh I'm sorry. I said.
I know I have already asked this but how are you related to Stepfan? Mr. Alaric asked.
I'm not sure if I'm still related to them. They spell their last name different from mine. But it's only one letter. I shrugged.
How do they spell it? He asked.
Their's is S-a-l-v-a-t-o-r-e. Mine is without an "e". I said.
Do you know how you are related to them? He asked.
My great grandfather was Stefan's great grandfather's brother....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be seguinte Chapter Seven
Why was all the guys here? Shouldn't it just be Sam and Harry? Will I ever get to see them since they are here to say goodbye? Or where they here just incase I tried to get away? I really didn't understand what was going on.
We all stared at each other for a moment.
See you Monday! Jared said gleefully.
Monday? I asked confused.
Yep, you are staying with us all weekend long. Harry said with a smile.
I groaned out loud on accident.
Paul laughed a little bit while Sam didn't say anything.
I grabbed my backpack and pushed through them.
Paul and Jared said their goodbyes...
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