shadow o ouriço Club
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posted by kodithehedgehog
"Yes, there are bats here. But what are YOU doing here?" "I detected an esmeralda here and came to get it." "How rude, barging into someones house, and now your trying to steal my emerald." "Fine, what do you want for it?" "The rest of the emeralds." "Hells to the no. Something else?" "Take it or leave it." "Fine, I'll fight you for it." "And now your going to fight a woman. The nerve..." The bat lady walks up to Kodi. "Will you at least tell me your name." "Kodi, how about you?" "My name is Rouge." And with that the battle started. Rouge fired a bat shock at Kodi, which he dodged and countered with a chaos spear. It hit her and she said "Not bad, where'd you learn that?" "Shadow" She looked suprised, and then angry and started kicking furiously at Kodi. He dodged every one except the last one. It knocked him back and he then punched her in the chest and axe handled her to the right. She wiped smeared lipstick and blood from her lip. She then ran at him and started to drill kick at him and shouted "Secret Spear!" It landed. He was knocked back and he charged at her. She caught him and kissed him on the cheek, catching him off guard. She then kicked him in the face and he flew back. He got up and charged a Chaos Spear to its full extent and fired it, throwing three at a time, and shouted "Chaos Impale!" He got her with all three. "I give!" she shouted. she sat on her bed. "Your impressive Kodi. You can have the esmeralda for now, but you'll have to pay me back later." She winked at him and they left. "Onto the seguinte one! Its at Holy Summit!"...
added by golden-roze
Source: Finik_sempai
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Source: binh_mil
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added by golden-roze
Source: UnLeAsH_aRts
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
Source: aimf0324
added by golden-roze
Source: DredgeTh
added by golden-roze
Source: DredgeTh
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
Source: O_Subjectdr
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
Source: tteum93
added by golden-roze
Source: tteum93
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze
added by golden-roze