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Martial arts in the real world.

Well as you all know swords aren’t used in the military anymore so just what do people do with martial arts now. Well if you live in a bad place like an over populated city with gangs the gangs tend to like to use knives. If you know proper marital arts you don’t have to fear knives, only the possibility of them having guns

Aside from that marital arts are able to teach you to think under pressure making it easier to handle stress at the job place.
    Marital arts teach us ethics; a friend of mine who studies fencing told me that the school discourages violence inside the school. Of course kendo and other Asian martial arts teach ethics otherwise it just wouldn’t be an Asian martial art, this is true because of the influence of Zen Buddhism on the martial arts. Good ethics are a good thing to have when looking for a job or a promotion
    Well I guess knowing martial arts are something to use to brag about, I mean lots of people enjoy bragging rights, right. Lots of martial arts are forms of sport and entertainment such as kendo and fencing. Saying that your favorito sport is swordsmanship is a fun thing to be able to say
    So weather you plan to be in a fight to the death or one of those law abiding citizens martial arts are a good thing to have