Sacred_Love1550 Club
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Here's to 2010!!!:D

Previously on Ch.47:

I gently pulled her chin so she would face me. She took in a deep breath before gazing into my eyes.
Something happened because they grew impossibly softer to where it actually seemed as if they were sparkly.
"I amor you Edward."

Now, Ch.48:

I amor you Edward, I amor you Edward, I amor you Edward. . . I recited in my mind over and over.
Did she really just say that?
I was momentarily shocked por her confession so she continued.
"See, I've always had this feeling when I'm around you. . . but I didn't know what it was, because I've never experienced anything like this before. I was always a wanderer, just drifting from place to place, and when I encounter you and everyone. . ." she shakes her head, "This has been the best thing that has ever happened to me," she said, her beautiful voice cracking in her tears.
"Oh, Bella. . ." I was desperate to stop her tears and I wiped them away - leaving her blood tears on my fingertips.
"And. . . it's taken some time to finally realize I had consequently developed feelings for you. . . Then, today, Alice helped me discover that I-I'm in amor with you." She said in a whisper, yet it was strong and the amor she had for me was evident in her shining eyes.

*Bella's POV*

There. I said it.
I had somehow summed up all of my courage to just tell him my feelings. Just to have it out there, with no confusion.
"Bella. . . I can't even describe what hearing you say that means to me. . ."
"Then show me," I whispered breathlessly, my coração picking up speed at the thought of his lips pressed against mine and the feel of his body pressed against mine. . .
I was just about to jerk myself out of my thoughts and desires when I suddenly felt Edward drifting closer, his eyes darker even though he just hunted.
My breathing was coming in slow and shallow breaths as he focused on my lips. And so I focused on his; his perfectly marble lips. . .
Slowly, we leaned into each other as his hand cradled the side of my face. No one has ever been this close to me. . . because no one ever could be.
But here I was, breaking all of my careful rules of the past. . . all for him. And it was worth it.
Our lips slowly met each other and I was surprised por how perfectly they fit with each other. . . as if they were designed for each other. . .
I wrapped my arms around his neck in the most gentle way, holding him to me as his arms wrapped around my waist in the same manner, holding me closer to him.
The warm, magnetic friction was back between us, becoming stronger where our skin touched. I wanted more of him, but I knew I had to stop before we went too far. He still doesn't know me. . .
We broke apart, gasping for air and gazing into each other's eyes. My eyes reflected in his golden ones.
"Bella, you are my life now," he whispered.
"That's all I need to hear," I spoke, framing his face with my hands. I could tell he still had a lot mais to say but I could hear his siblings coming this way.
Edward sensed them too and took my hand.
The three of them came up.
"Hey Bells!" Emmett said with a grin.
"Hi Em," I greeted and they all zeroed in on our joined hands.
"So," Jasper spoke, breaking the slightly uncomfortable silence. "What are you doing all the way out here Bella?"
"Oh," I said, gazing at Edward, who was smiling, and then back at them.
"She sensed a gar coming my way and came," Edward explained and I saw Rosalie shudder and I don't need to read her mind in order to know that she was thinking back to when she first encountered a gar.
"Ah, so did you get it?" Emmett asked and I shook my head.
"No, it got away." Looks like I might have to track it down now. . .
"Well, ready to head home?" Rosalie asked and we all agreed and took off - Edward and I still holding hands and I've never felt mais alive.
"So. . . is it official now?" Em asked casually, too casually. . .
"What?" I asked, it was actually kind of fun talking while running, before I never had anyone to talk to when I was running.
"You two, are you guys together?" He waggled his brows.
I blushed.
"What. . . whoa, she's blushing!" Emmett started laughing his head off, his booming laughter roaring throughout the still forest.
I ran in behind him and pounced on his completely defenseless back, knocking him to the ground. I quickly propelled off his back so I wouldn't go down with him, and he ended up shoved into the dirt and mud.
Everyone laughed and I joined in. Emmett shot up.
"Ah, c'mon!" he yelled, looking down at his mud covered shirt.
"Looks like she got you good Em," Jasper said and Emmett looked angrily at me.
"Bella. . ." he growled menacingly.
I laughed. "Yes?"
"You are so dead."
"Thanks for pointing that out." I rolled my eyes, still smiling, but I readied myself.
"I. Am. Going. To. Get. You!"
And with that, he charged at me and I flipped into the air above him.
With laughter filling the forest, I took off as Emmett tried to catch me.

Well wasn't that fun? Plz rate and comment!