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It was now the festive season in Metropolis, where everyone in the city was celebrating the natal spirit and enjoying themselves, such as building wonderful snowmen or cantar songs together in the streets. It was truly a wonderful time of the ano for them and nothing bad could ruin their hopes and dreams for this season.

super-homem was currently lounging in the Fortress of Solitude and watching a natal movie on the television. It had been a rather peaceful time for the Man of Steel, as he had not been dealing with any threats other than the minor rua crimes. It made him think that even his worse criminals took time off around the holidays, so he was free to chill out.

A few minutos passed before super-homem decided to take a little break from the movie to make some hot chocolate. He then got up from the sofá and headed towards the kitchen, and as he was walking there he took a glance out the window and noticed that a heavy snowstorm had started, blanketing the sky and the surrounding area.

“It looks wonderful out there…” said super-homem to himself

He then returned to making his hot chocolate before soon finishing that off and returning to the couch, resuming the movie and taking sips of his hot chocolate which tasted simply delicious and wonderful. super-homem now thought it was worth making this for the season as it made him feel relaxed and at peace with himself.

After finishing that off and watching mais of the movie, the Man of Steel now felt rather bored as he had nothing else to do for tonight, other than wait for natal dia to arrive as it was currently natal Eve across the world. He took another look outside at the snowstorm, and suddenly a great idea came into his head which left him smiling.

super-homem was going to spread the spirit of Christmas.

It was an idea he had thought about before, especially after seeing his fellow ally batman make a rare change and deliver presents across Gotham, from his allies and fellow companions to the homeless and even the staff at Arkham Asylum. He thought that was rather nice of his close friend, and the natal party he threw for him with the rest of the Justice League and the Bat-family was another memorable moment too. It was time he decided to do something himself for the holidays instead.

He then went over to his closet and after looking through the clothes he found a Santa costume complete with the beard and everything else. He remembered receiving it as a gift from his friend Jimmy Olsen around last ano or so, and now he was going to put this to good use on the eve of Christmas. He had also gathered a bunch of presents in a large sack over the months for planned usage of giving to the civilians, and now was the time.

“I’m going to enjoy this, very much so”

It only took a few segundos for super-homem to change into into the Santa costume and he now truly looked like Father Christmas, with the costume and beard making him completely unrecognisable although his powers could get some people to know. After changing he flew out of the Fortress and was soon heading towards Metropolis, ready to make the civilians happy.

super-homem had arrived in Metropolis after a few minutos and was now flying across the skylines, looking in amazement at all of the various decorations shining through the streets and all of the residents engaging in local Christmas-themed activities. It warmed his coração to see everyone enjoying themselves and having fun. He then spotted a rather large gathering that he thought was the perfect chance to deliver on his festive fun.

In the city square, a large majority of the population had gathered in front of the massive natal árvore to sing carols and have a nice time. It was a rather good sight as the árvore was shining brightly and completely covered in various decorations and multicoloured tinsel, each of them placed por members of the public. super-homem thought it was a touching sight, reminding himself of the times he celebrated the holidays with his close friends and adopted parents back in Smallville.

All of them had just finished off cantar the last song when they suddenly heard a large brush of the wind, before super-homem landed down right beside the large natal tree. It was something that not most of the residents were expecting to see so they were completely shocked, although the young children were very excited, as Santa had landed right before their eyes.

“It’s Santa Claus!” shouted all of them

super-homem then noticed that there was loads of o espaço underneath the natal tree, so he sped over there and begun to unload most of the presents from his sack. In the blink of an eye, the árvore was now filled to the brim with various amounts of natal presents ranging in shape and size. It left the entire crowd stunned and amazed at what they just witnessed.

After that was done, super-homem turned around to face the residents and allowed the children to come progressivo, para a frente and take pictures with him along with asking what they all wanted for Christmas. It went on for sometime but the Man of Steel wanted to make sure all of them were satisfied, and eventually that was fulfilled.

“Merry natal to all of you!” said super-homem happily

He then grabbed a hold of the present sack and blasted off into the sky, flying around Metropolis again to see if he could spy some other gatherings to speak the spirit of the holidays. After some searching he sensed something, and it was not good.

In the streets below, a group of thugs and criminals had managed to break into a local toy comprar which had just recently closed for the holidays in order for them to rob the cash registers and use it for their own needs. All of them were satisfied with looting the place, but one of them was doubtful of this robbery.

“I don’t understand why we are robbing this place, like it’s Christmas” he said

“It doesn’t even matter, everything is the same no matter what happens!” replied another

“I suggest both of you shut your mouths and continue looting, since we nearly have all of the money here!” shouted the leader of the group

As they finished off looting the money and some of the toys, the gang proceeded to make their escape out of the back door where their getaway vehicle was waiting for them. Although their mission was cut short when they felt a loud brush of the wind and standing in front of them was Superman, dressed as Father natal himself. His sudden arrival shocked all of the criminals, as they were not expecting to be stopped por Santa of all people and found it ridiculous.

“I guess all of you are now on the naughty list, robbing a toy comprar like that” said Superman

“I don’t care what you think, we can do whatever the hell we want!” shouted one of the criminals

“Back off now and let us through, or we will hurt you!”

“Alright, have it your way then…”

super-homem watched the criminals draw their weapons and point them directly at himself, while sighing heavily. As they opened fire, the superhero managed to speed out of the way at the last segundo and created a dust cloud, leaving the criminals confused as their vision was damaged.

It was the perfect opportunity for super-homem to strike them down, and the Man of Steel proceeded to rush through them all and disarmed their weapons first with his super speed before knocking them all unconscious with one blow of his fist, careful enough not to cause heavy damage to them.

Once this was all over, he notified the authorities and returned all of the stolen money and loot back to the comprar while using his powers to clean up the damage inflicted por the criminal gang. super-homem had managed to save natal for a load of people right there and when he walked back outside the police were waiting with satisfied looks on their faces.

“Good work handling those criminals, Superman” said a Police Officer

“I agree, these guys were about to ruin natal for many young children in the area and you managed to save it for them, dressed as Santa Claus himself no less which is impressive stuff” replied another Officer

“I’m glad that I was able to help you people out during the festive season, hoping you all have a very happy and positive Christmas” replied super-homem happily

super-homem made sure everything was all secure before grabbing the present sack and taking off into the sky once more. He continued to scour the city streets for anymore activity and he found some mais gatherings, in which he appeared and delivered presents for them all to enjoy. It was now starting to get dark though and the superhero was tired and exhausted, so he decided to make one final stop before heading back to the Fortress of Solitude.

In front of him he could see the Daily Planet, which was where he worked the normal life as Clark Kent the news reporter. All of the workers were still working there as the newspapers had to keep running and it was a short while before it closed for the holidays. super-homem had called in sick earlier as Clark, saying that he had caught a winter cold and had to stay início to recover. It was a cover for him though to relax in the Fortress and eventually embark on this natal mission.

He eventually reached the main building and landed on the roof, before starting to think about how to deliver the remaining presents from his sack inside. It wasn’t long though before he discovered the nearby chimney which led down into the building. It was large enough for him to go down, but he couldn’t guarantee how much dirt had collected up in there. It didn’t bother super-homem though, so he went for it.

After arriving down the chimney, the Man of Steel found himself in the storage area which was filled with various boxes containing relics of the past. He looked around and performed an X-Ray scan to find out where the main lobby was, and after locating it downstairs he immediately sped down there.

In the main lobby, most of the staff were currently on their work breaks and had been getting themselves some coffee and a snack, while also admiring the natal árvore in the centre. It was only a while before super-homem showed up right in front of the árvore dressed as Santa, catching everyone there off guard.

super-homem then started to unload the remaining presents from his sack and placed them all underneath the natal tree. It only took him a few segundos to complete this task thanks to his superpowers so when he was finished everyone was shocked, even those who had just arrived to check what was going on.

As he finished off the task, super-homem turned around and allowed the public to take a few fotografias of him standing in all his glory before he had to get going. It was a wonderful sight for the workers as they had witnessed Father natal himself appear and deliver presents for them to enjoy.

“Merry natal to all of you!” said Superman

He then took flight out of there after noticing an open window above and soon enough, he was back in the winter skies and heading back início to the Fortress of Solitude. It had been a rather fun night for Superman, as the Man of Steel had managed to spread the spirit of natal across Metropolis along with keeping everyone seguro too, so it was now time for him to chill out and get some well-earned rest.

After a few minutos of flying, super-homem eventually made it back into the Fortress and proceeded to change back into his normal clothes and then made himself a nice jantar for the evening. He was bringing the meal into the front room when he noticed something lying on the couch.

It was a medium-sized natal present waiting right there for him. super-homem checked closer and noticed that the present was addressed to himself, so it was his present although he wondered how it arrived there and was very skeptical that there was an enemy break-in, although he quickly double checked and there was no signs of criminal activity, the present was genuine.

super-homem then opened the present and what he saw made him very happy and warmed his heart. It was a large navy blue blanket covered with his logo along with a few kryptonian symbols as well. It was a touching present although he wondered who could have done this, although the speculation was not to last long as super-homem then looked upwards to see the spirit of Jor-El, his father smiling down at him which confirmed to the superhero that this was the work of him and showed how he was still loved from the heavens.

“Thank you very much, Father…” said Superman

He then wrapped the blanket around him and started eating his jantar on the couch, while taking glances of the relaxing snowstorm outside as he watched the television. natal was the most wonderful season of the ano and the Man of Steel had managed to spread the holiday spirit, which went very well for him and everyone else.

natal was the best time of his life…..