Rosario Vampire Club
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An old friend of Helghast; Evic Evis has returned from the dead, but how? What will happen?

Head Master-What do you want?

Evis-Simple....REVENGE!*throws out his hand and charges his attack*Look how my power will kill you all.*fires his charged attack*

Then his attack is cut in half.

Evis-HOW?!*looks at the ground*So...your still alive...."Old friend"!

Everyone looks around. Helghast jumps on a booth.

Helghast-We aren't friends after that night and what you did...But how did you survive? I killed you?

Evis-Beat me and I will tell you.

Helghast-That will be easy.*thats form his arms*

Evis-Been awhile I seen your power but you and everyone will die, starting with you.*put his hand in the air and put his and down, thousand energy arrows come out*Lets see if you can survive this.

Helghast stand his ground, then is hit por all thousand arrows.

Evis-That was easier then done.

Voice-Don't think that.

The smoke clears. A crystal shell with smokey dark grey armor protected Helghast.


Helghast-Impressive?*puts down the shield*

Evis-Thats not a shield....Its your arms...They changed...and your body...

Helghast-*arms look like dragon wings but still with the crystals and armor, and his face with armor*Its my power...I can change my body in any way I want.*thats flight*

Evis-You can fly?!

Helghast-Yeah....and attack*goes for the attack.(uses his arms to fly)

Kurumu-What is going on?

Ageha-Evis was pronounced missing...

Mizore-What about Helghast?

Ageha-Helghast was pronounced....

Mizore and Kurumu with heavey hearts and the others also.

Tsurara-Helghast was pronounced....DECEITS.

Tsukune-You mean..?

Tsurara-Yes....he died in a battle.

Moka-But how do you know?

Ageha and Tsurara explain everything.

Back to the battle.

Evis-*covered in blood*How are you still stronger then me?

Helghast-Simple...Magic Immunity.

Evis-No your one of them....

Helghast-Yes and I remember everything now. Tell me how you're still alive...

Evis-Simple...the drug I took.

Helghast-Thats all I need to know.*his arm wings glow*

Evis-What are you doing?

Helghast-Finishing you off.*vanish*

Evis-What?!*then slip in half from the the waist*What was that?

Helghast-Its one of my moves.

Half of Evis lands on a booth and the other half was grabbed my Helghast. Helghast lands with Evis.

Helghast-Who send you?

Evis-*Spit on Helghast face*I'm not saying..*snaps his finges and sets himself on fire*

Calus-What happen?

Helghast-He killed himself from telling who send him.

Calus-What you mean?

Helghast-I think someone is out for revenge.

Everyone rushes to Calus and Helghast to see what happend.

Tsukune-Ghast....I got something you need to know...

Helghast-Tell me inside.

Everyone goes inside to explain everything.

Helghast-So...I was pronounced dead after the fight with the head of the Protection Committee and he died also.

Head Master-Correct and I knowhow you didn't die.

Helghast-What you mean?

Head Master-Your body is like a real living weapon, it will protect you if your like is in danger. If you want you can leave now?

Helghast-Thank you..*leaves*

Moka-Ghast....Come with me to the Newpaper Club, everyone is waiting for you there.

As Moka and Ghast enter the room everyone is quiet and doesn't talk. Ghast takes a seat.

Helghast-Sorry for the problem and what happened...

Ruby-Don't! You saved everyone and got all your memories back.

Tsukune-Yeah! And you can tell us everything.

Helghast-I will but first...Ageha and Tsurara! How you 2 been?


Tsurara-Well thank you!*bow*

Helghast-I know your daughters so there won't be any problems.


Tsurara-Understood.*close her eyes*

Calus-Whats wrong with those 2?

Kurumu-Back then my mom and Mizores mom like him in away but not in that way.

Tsukune-But why is your mom panting?

Kurumu-AHHHH! Its easy to see....

Ageha-*grabs Ghast and smooshes him in her breast*I MISSED YOU!!!

Tsurara-Stop that rigt now!

Ageha-Why do you care...Your married?

Tsurara-He's going to be Mizores husband!



As everyone argues and does crazy things, but Helghast tried everything to stop them. As the dia draws to an end, everyone goes início and the dorms.

Tsukune-The dia was fun but I wish the festival didn't get trashed...

Calus-True but at least Ghast got his memories back and met some old friends.

Helghast-Hey lets all stay in the same room, we got no classes tomorrow.

Kurumu-Yeah! Thats a idea!

Yukari-Lets do that!

Everyone gathers in one room.

Calus-I guess its in my room becaue its bigger...

Yukari-Yeah! And mais room for the baby.


Moka-You're going to have twins?



Tsukune-Are the both girls, boys or boy and girl?


Kurumu-OH! I wish it was girls....

Tsukune-I wonder if there going to be Warlocks or Unholy Palidins?

Ruby-Wait and see!

As the night get darker everyone sleeps the night away, except one....Tsukune is having the same dream again. The one of people dying, towers fall and the sky turning red.

Tsukune wakes up in sweat and goes outside, as Tsukune goes outside he sees Helghast.

Tsukune-What are you outside for?

Helghast-Can't sleep..What about you?

Tsukune-Same dream....

Helghast-People dying, towers fall and the sky being red?

Tsukune-YES! How did you know?

Helghast-I had it once.

Tsukune-What does it mean?

Helghast-Don't know but keep it in mind.

Calus-It could be a sight from the future.

Helghast and Tsukune-Calus!

Calus-I don't know either but I think a storm is coming and we need to be ready.

Calus, Tsukune and Helghast talked through the night about stuff that might happen.

The seguinte morning, someone knocks on Calus's door.

Calus-*Calus opens his door*Hello?


Calus-Yes? Whats wrong?

Kuyo-Get everyone up and head to the Head Master Office.

Calus gets everyone up and heads to the head masters office.

Head Master-Sorry to call all you this early but we got a problem.

Tsukune-Whats wrong?

Head Master-*gets up and grabs a folder*Look at these pictures..*gives Tsukune the folder*

Tsukune opens folder and shows everyone the pictures.

Kurumu-What are these?*with a pale face*

Head Master-Those pictures are murdered monsters and humans.

Yukari-Who would do this?

Head Master-Don't know but they left a sight.*points to one of the pictures*Have any of you seen it?

Everyone didn't know what it meant or who could have done this....

Head Master-Keep your guard up and watch for anything or anyone how could have done this. You my leave.

Everyone leaves and in shock to see who could have done what they did.

Moka-That was unspeackable...

Ruby-I think I seen something like it when I was with my Lady...

Mizore-I'm going to call me mom to see if shes okay...*goes to a nearby phone*

Kurumu-Same here!*leaves*

Kokoa-I got a letter for a Tsukune guy.

Tsukune-What is it?

Kokoa-How in the hell do I know?


Mizore-Same here...

Yukari-Open the letter!

Tsukune opens the letter and reads it.

Tsukune-"If your leitura this letter Tsukune Aono, I have all the adult monsters in my capture. If you want them back you will play my game. You will call me at 2:00 P.M. and now later then one second. Till then bye...."

Calus-****! How is the sick freak?


Mizore-Why my moom?*drops a tear*

Tsukune-What time is it?!

Kokoa-8 A.M. and we got time.

Tsukune runs to the Head Masters Office. Tsukune gives the letter to the Head Master, the Head Master reads the letter.

Head Master-This is bad! por the looks of it we could be dealing with a dangerous enemy.

Tsukune-What can it be?

Head Master-Looks like someone wants to start something.

Tsukune-Should I call this person?

Head Master-Yes...We have no choice....

As the time goes por everyone is on the edge till 2.

Moka-This is bad....This is the worst time in awhile.

Calus-What time is it?

Ruby-1:58 P.M., we got 2 minutes.

Helghast-Have the number ready!

Tsukune pulls out his phone and puts in the numbers.

Tsukune-Olay! I'm ready....

Helghast-Push the send in................NOW!

Tsukune send and the phone rings.

Voice-Hello Tsukune! Thank you for calling, let the Head Master and put me on speaker.

Tsukune puts the phone on speaker and goes to the Head Masters Office.

Voice-Good! Now listen and don't speak. Now Tsukune if you want the adult monsters back seguro you will do what I say. Got it?


Voice-Exallent! Now here aer the rules;
1. You can only bring 2 friends with you.
2. You have to be at the right place in the time limite.
3. You can "only" use monster transportation.
4. If you die the adults die.
Those are the rules. Any questions? How about you...Head Master?

Head Master-Yes....What do or what are you trying to do?

Voice-Can't tell you that but if Tsukune wins all the challenges, I will tell him. Now the 1st challenge will begin in 30 minutos and I will call you saying what to do and where to go. Till then, you better get ready.*hangs up*

Moka-Tsukune you can do this...You might die....

Tsukune-I will because I won't let anyone die or down.

Ruby-Who will you take?

Tsukune-I will take Calus and Helghast.


Tsukune-They have combat abilities and I want you to help Kurumu and Mizore.


Head Master-Go outside of the gate and there will be Arch Riders waiting for you.

Calus-Arch Riders?

Helghast-Cool! Arch Riders, can't wait to ride with one.

Calus-Arch Riders, like The Old Riders of Time?

Head Master-Yes! And they will help you. Now go!

Tsukune, Helghast and Calus run to the gate to meet up with the riders. As they head to the gate some riders were waiting for them.

Arch Rider-Hello! I'm Gilgon(Gill-gone)and these are my friends; Kilin(Kill-in*boy*)and Shelon(Shell-on*girl*).

Helghast-Thank you but we have only 5 minutos till the guy calls so we need to be on the other side.

Gilgon-Roger that! Get on one of the choppers and hold on to it.

Tsukune-But I don't know how to drive one.

Kilin-If you don't; just say "go"

Everyone and goes off and Tsukune still tries to make it work.

Tsukune-*gets on the chopper*Go?

The chopper starts and goes but at the same time he screams. As everyone reaches the outside of the tunnle Tsukune's phone rings.


Voice-Good! You had 3 segundos to spare. Now here's your 1st challenge. Go to Curven rua in 40 minutes, went you get there I will call you again with the segundo part.*hangs up*

Shelon-I know where thats at! Follow me!

Everyone gets on the choppers and rides.

Calus-Hey Kilin? Can anyone see us?

Kilin-No! We're moving so fast that humans can see us.

As they made their way to Curven Street, everyone stopped.

Shelon-We're here!

Helghast-That was fast!

Shelon-You got a name grey eye?*love struck look*


Shelon-Your kinda sexy. You got a girlfriend?


Gilon-Behave yourself sister.

Shelon-Okay...*looks at Helghast*

Gilon-Sorry, she like boys with grey eyes.

Helghast-Its okay...

Tsukune-*phone rings*I'm here.

Voice-Good. Do you see a book store seguinte to you?


Voice-Now go in the book store and look for a book called "Greed" open it and take the monet from it then use that money to buy the book called "Final Calling of Time" afer you buy it call me back....You got 20 minutos and you must do it alone.*hangs up*

Calus-What now?

Tsukune-Wait here.

Tsukune goes in the book store. Tsukune finds the book and finds the other book.

Tsukune-*leaves the book store and calls the guy*I got it...

Voice-Perfect! Now go to your old neighborhood park and put the book on the ground in the sand box. You got 40 minutes.*hangs up*

Kilin-Where now?

Tsukune-My old neighborhood park, follow me.

Gilgon-Whats that?

Tsukune-"Final Calling of Time" and I have to put it at the park.

Calus-Why would he want you to buy that book?

Tsukune-Don't know?

Calus-That book just talks about a war that will never end.

Why does this "Voice" want with this book and what is he trying to do? Wait and see in Part 3-Death Games.
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Source: Heliosvr aka Patrick edited this image to make it look this good :)
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