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Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Pergunta

Who wants to take part in a Twilight Study?

Hello female fãs of the Twilight book series! We are inviting you to take part in an online study that investigates your general attitudes and beliefs about the characters in the book and about your own life and relationships. The survey will take about 20-30 minutos to complete. To participate, you must meet the following requirements:
1. You are female
2. You are currently romantically attached (i.e. you are dating someone, in a relationship, or married).
3. You have read all four Twilight series books at least once.
4. You have proficiency in the English language.

If you meet the above requirements, we invite you to follow this link to participate link][/url][/url]. Please feel free to share this link with other female Twilight fãs that you know that meet the above criteria.

If you have any perguntas or comments regarding the study or would like mais information, please email Melinda morgan at

Melinda Morgan, M.A.
Andrew Lumb, M.A.
Celine Blanchard, PhD

School of Psychology
universidade of Ottawa

 TwilightStudy posted over a year ago
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