leitura arco iris, arco-íris Club
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posted by hornean
He was so small that his mother didn’t know he was there. The other piglets were always pushing and shoving, squealing greedily for food.

But the tiny pig was gentle, quiet, and never greedy. He always kept clean. While the other piglets rolled around in the mud, he would lie under his favorito árvore wishing for wings to carry him into the sky.
One dia he heard a terrible squeal. A large semear, porca had fallen in the road. The little pig crawled under the fence and ran to help her.

He had to push with all his might, but at last he got the semear, porca up on her feet again.

The semear, porca thanked the little pig and she offered him a wish. “Anything at all,” she said.
“I want wings,” he answered.
The semear, porca nodded and went on her way.
Almost at once wings began to grow on the little pig.

He was thrilled! His wings worked! He flew around all day.

At night he went back to the pigpen. When the other pigs saw his wings, they pushed him out.
“Go sleep with the birds,” they said.

But the birds wouldn’t let him stay either.

On and on he flew until he came to a big city.

He landed on a fogo escape, too tired and hungry to go on. A woman came to the window.
“So tiny, and with such beautiful wings!”
She took him inside.

The woman fed the little pig, then put him to cama and kissed him goodnight. The little pig kissed her back. “How perfect!” the woman said. And she named the little pig “Perfect.”
Perfect could hardly believe it. He had not only found a home, but also someone who thought he was perfect.

The woman’s name was Olive. She loved Perfect and did all she could to please him.
She gave him baths…

…and fed him the very best vegetables from the plants she grew in her apartment.

oliva, verde-oliva was an artist. She liked to paint pictures of Perfect sitting among the fruits and vegetables. He was a wonderful model.

However, Perfect soon grew restless.
He began to look longingly at the sky—he missed flying.
oliva, verde-oliva understood and took him up to the roof.

He flew about while she waited for him. From then on, he went out flying for a short time every day.

oliva, verde-oliva took Perfect out on walks, too.
She made a little jaqueta to cover his wings so he wouldn’t attract attention.
But Perfect didn’t like walking. The hard cement hurt his feet, and he couldn’t see anything.
So oliva, verde-oliva carried him in her basket.
She did her best to hide the bad things in life from him, but she didn’t always succeed.

People liked the paintings of Perfect and bought them from Olive.
Her savings jar began to fill up.

Soon Olive’s apartment became crowded with fruits and vegetables and a growing Perfect. He had grown so much that he was getting too big to hide.

oliva, verde-oliva decided that the best thing for both of them would be to live in the country. She made a label for her savings jar. It said, HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. Perfect couldn’t read, but he could see that oliva, verde-oliva was very happy and excited. That made him happy and excited, too.

But their happiness did not last long. The seguinte day, while Perfect was out flying, a heavy fog rolled in. Perfect got lost. He flew around all dia looking for home, but he couldn’t see a thing.

When the fog lifted, Perfect spotted a park bench. He landed on it and fell sound asleep.
A man’s voice woke him “Well, I’ll be—“ the man said. “A pig with wings! My fortune is made!”

He picked up Perfect and ran início with him.

Perfect found himself in a small room. The man took off his cinto, correia and said, “Okay, Oink. Now I’m going to train you. Fly around this room!”
He cracked the cinto, correia like a whip, and Perfect flew away from it in fright.
“That’s a good Oink,” the man said.

Then he poured out some garbage and gave it to Perfect to eat. Perfect was shocked.
He ran to the window and tried to get away.

“Oh, no you don’t,” the man said, and he tied Perfect to a pipe.

When the man thought he had trained Perfect enough, he dressed him in a costume and took him to a park to perform.

At the end of the show, Perfect flew over the audience. Everyone oohed and ahhed, and they gave the man lots of money.
Perfect had to do the same thing every day.

Every night the man counted his money, then tied Perfect up even tighter. “You’re not going to get away from me, you flying pork chop,” he said. But he was still worried that Perfect might somehow get free.

So the man bought a cage and locked Perfect up.
Perfect was miserable. His wings ached, and he hadn’t had a bath in months. The man gave him nothing but garbage to eat and never, ever, kissed him.
Every night Perfect cried himself to sleep thinking of Olive.

oliva, verde-oliva went up the roof each dia and searched the sky for Perfect. She walked through the streets looking for him everywhere.

Sometimes she wondered if Perfect had been a dream. But she still had one painting of him. It reminded her that he was real.

One dia when oliva, verde-oliva was out walking she saw a sign that read, THE GREAT FLYING OINK.
She bought a ticket and ran into the theater.

She could hardly believe her eyes. It was Perfect!
The man was leaning over him saying, “Fly, you stupid Oink—or it’s off to the butcher with you!” But Perfect couldn’t budge. He was too sad, and his wings hurt.

“Perfect!” oliva, verde-oliva cried out. Perfect raised his head. He squealed happily as he stretched his wings and flew to her. Everyone clapped.

oliva, verde-oliva took off the rope that was tied around Perfect’s neck.
“Where are you going with my pig, lady?” the man said.
“This is my pig,” said Olive.
She and the man began to argue.
“Let a judge decide this,” someone said.

The judge listened to both sides. Then he said, “I think the pig should choose!” And of course, Perfect chose Olive. The judge told the man to give oliva, verde-oliva half the money he made with Perfect. It was Perfect’s rightful share, he said.

oliva, verde-oliva took the money and bought a little house in the country, where she and Perfect lived in peace and happiness.
posted by hornean
On the eve of your birth
word of your coming
passed from animal to animal.

The reindeer told the Arctic terns,
who told the humpback whales,
who told the Pacific salmon,

who told the monarch butterflies,
who told the green turtles,
who told the European eel,
who told the busy garden warblers,

and the marvelous news migrated worldwide.

While you waited in darkness,
tiny knees curled to chin,
the Earth and her creatures
with the Sun and the Moon
all moved in their places,
each ready to greet you
the very first moment
of the very first dia you arrived.

On the dia you were born
the round planet Earth
turned toward...
continue reading...
Every year, before the start of the baseball season, the Lazardo family took a trip far from their início in Pimlico Hills. One afternoon, while on safari in Africa, young Scotty Lazardo wandered away from camp. He returned with a dinosaur.
"Look what I caught!" he said.
"Can we keep him?" pleaded Scotty's sisters, Zelda and Velma.
"I don't see why not." said Dr. Lazardo.
"He looks kind of like my uncle Bob," said Mrs. Lazardo.
Jumbu, their bodyguard, said nothing.
Scotty patted the dinosaur on the nose. "Bob?" he tried.
The dinosaur smiled and wagged his giant tail.
So they named him Bob.

With Bob along,...
continue reading...
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