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posted by hornean
Mrs. Davis felt peculiar as she took her morning bath.
“I feel like I’m being watched,” she said to herself.
And she was being watched…

…by Shirley Rat, the nosiest person in town.
“I see you’re using lilás bubble bath,” said Shirley. “I personally prefer rose.”
Mrs. Davis pulled down the shade.

“I amor to know what’s going on,” said Shirley. “I don’t get paid for it—it’s my hobby.”
And Shirley’s hobby kept her very busy.

leitura other people’s mail took half the morning.
“You learn such interesting things,” said Shirley.

Listening in on private telephone conversations, Shirley sometimes forgot to fix lunch for her kids.
“First things first,” said Shirley.

In the afternoon Shirley did lots of snoopy things—like poking around in other people’s shopping carts.
“Can you really afford this expensive brand?” she said to Mrs. Butler.

And at night, while people were watching television, Shirley rato was watching them.
“There’s a mais amusing program on Channel Five,” said Shirley.

Sometimes Shirley wore a disguise.
“I can find out mais if people don’t recognize me,” she said.
“There’s that nosey Shirley Rat,” whispered one of her neighbors.
Most folks had gotten used to Shirley’s little ways.
“There’s one in every town,” they said.
But not everyone was so understanding.

“I hate that Mrs. Rat,” said Brewster Blackstone, who lived seguinte door. “She makes my life miserable.”
Brewster Blackstone couldn’t get away with a thing.
“Shouldn’t you boys be in school?” said Shirley, just when Brewster and his gang thought they were safe.

“I’m so sorry to hear Brewster flunked history,” said Shirley to Mr. Blackstone.
“He did?” said Brewster’s dad. “That’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

Brewster Blackstone was grounded for a whole week.
And he had plenty of time to think.
“This calls for a creative solution,” said Brewster.

One afternoon, while Shirley rato was engaged in her favorito activity, something attracted her attention.
“Hmm,” said Shirley.

The postman had just delivered a large and interesting package to Brewster.
“Ooh, ooh,” said Shirley. “I wonder what’s inside.”

“Brewster, dear,” said Shirley in her sweetest voice, “what is in that large and interesting package the postman just delivered?”
“None of your beeswax,” said Brewster.

And he hung up.
“How rude,” said Shirley. “I’ll find out what’s in that package if it’s the last thing I do!”

Using her special sticky shoes, Shirley scaled the Blackstones’ house to get a look in Brewster’s window.
But Brewster had pulled down the shade.

seguinte Shirley sifted through the Blackstones’ garbage.
“You’ll never know what clues you’ll find,” she said.
But the Blackstones’ garbage gave Shirley no clues.

Shirley tried to disguise herself to get inside Brewster’s room.
“I’m the Roach Patrol,” said Shirley.
“I know who you are,” said Mrs. Blackstone.

At home, Shirley had trouble concentrating.
“That package is really none of your business,” said her husband.
But he wasn’t heard.

Shirley went to the park to sit and think.
Suddenly she spotted a small envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL—DO NOT OPEN.
“Oh goody,” said Shirley.

“I love sneak previews!” said Shirley.
At Brewster’s Shirley took a front-row seat.

The film began.
“Oh my,” said Shirley. “There is nothing worse than a nosey neighbor.”

Suddenly, for everyone to see, there was Shirley rato up to her old tricks—snooping shamelessly.
The audience began to laugh out loud.
“What’s so funny?” said Shirley.

And when the film showed Shirley trying different ways to peek in Brewster’s window, someone called out, “That’s our Nosey Mrs. Rat.”
“Nosey?” said Shirley. “Nosey?
Soon the audience was in hysterics.
They laughed so hard they fell out of their seats.
Shirley made a quick exit.
“I’m so humiliated!” she said.

At início Shirley went straight to bed.
“I’ll never snoop again,” she said.
“There, there,” said her husband. “Perhaps you can save snooping for special occasions.”
“Oh, no,” said Shirley. “I’m finished with all that.”
“Well, you have a nice rest, dear,” said Mr. Rat.
And he gently closed the door.

“Hmmm,” said Shirley.
“Well, perhaps for special occasions…”
added by hornean
posted by hornean
With a mournful moan and silken tone,
Itself alone comes ONE TROMBONE.
Gliding, sliding, high notes go low;
ONE trombone is playing SOLO.

Next, a TRUMPET comes along,
And sings and stings its swinging song.
It joins TROMBONE, no mais alone,
And ONE and TWO-O, they’re a DUO.

Fine FRENCH HORN, its valves all oiled,
Bright and brassy, loops all coiled,
Golden yellow; joins its fellows.
TWO, now THREE-O, what a TRIO!

Now, a mellow friend, the CELLO,
Neck extended, bows a “hello”;
End pin set upon the floor,
It makes up a QUARTET—that’s FOUR.

And soaring high and moving in,
With ZIN! ZIN! ZIN! a VIOLIN,...
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posted by hornean
Long ago,
before the Civil War,
there was an old sailor called Peg Leg Joe
who did what he could to help free the slaves.

Joe had a plan.
He'd use hammer and nail and saw

and work for the master, the man
who owned slaves
on the cotton plantation.

Joe had a plan.
At night when work was done,
he'd teach the slaves a song
that secretly told the way
to freedom.
Just follow the drinking gourd, it said.

When the song was learned
and sung all day,
Peg Leg Joe would slip away
to work for another master
and teach the song again.

One day
a slave called Molly saw her man James
sold to another master.
James would be taken away,...
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One sunny day, a queen honeybee leaves her hive. Other bees, called drones, follow her. The queen mates with a drone. Now she can lay eggs.

The queen flies back to the hive. Laying many eggs in her job. She puts one egg in each cell.

In three days the eggs hatch. Out come larvae. Worker bees feed the larvae.

After five or six days, workers cover the larvae cells. Inside the cell, the larvae grow into a pupa. In about ten days, a young bee comes out of the cells.

Hives have only one queen. Most other bees are workers. Some bees are drones. Workers are females. Drones are males.

Young worker bees...
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