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How do you feel about Halloween?



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ecpjll said:
You Feel Bored By Halloween

You don't understand what the big deal is about Halloween. You don't hate it, but you don't really like it either.
You'll drag yourself to the door to hand out candy, but you're not dressing up. That's for kids.

You think Halloween is pretty much the same every year. You're pretty much over it at this point.
It would take a lot to get you excited about Halloween, and this year's new costumes aren't going to do it for you.
posted over a year ago.
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You Feel Bored By Halloween

You don't understand what the big deal is about Halloween. You don't hate it, but you don't really like it either.
You'll drag yourself to the door to hand out candy, but you're not dressing up. That's for kids.

You think Halloween is pretty much the same every year. You're pretty much over it at this point.
It would take a lot to get you excited about Halloween, and this year's new costumes aren't going to do it for you.

posted over a year ago.
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You Feel Geeky About Halloween

You are the biggest nerd in the world when it comes to Halloween. You are really into it.
You know more about Halloween than anyone you know, and you celebrate your own way every year.

You may or may not dress up. In fact, you might not even go out... that's not the point for you.
You love the history, culture, and traditions surrounding Halloween. Sometimes it's just about a scary movie and a bag of candy.

LOL, I don't even celebrate Halloween
posted over a year ago.
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lucy32 said:
You Feel Geeky About Halloween

You are the biggest nerd in the world when it comes to Halloween. You are really into it.
You know more about Halloween than anyone you know, and you celebrate your own way every year.

You may or may not dress up. In fact, you might not even go out... that's not the point for you.
You love the history, culture, and traditions surrounding Halloween. Sometimes it's just about a scary movie and a bag of candy.

very true.
posted over a year ago.
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You Feel Happy About Halloween

You love Halloween. How could you not? There's no holiday that's this much fun!
You look forward to Halloween every year, and you really get in the spirit of things.

You can't imagine not dressing up and not buying candy. You love figuring out what you're going to do each year.
Halloween is always full of surprises and delights. If it's not your favorite holiday, it's in your top three.

My top three holidays are Christmas, 4th of July, and Valentine's Day! I only like seeing my friends kids all dressed up for Halloween.
posted over a year ago.
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