Percabeth!!!!! Club
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posted by xharrypotterx
A/N: This is an AU story of how Annabeth finds Percy AND her way back to happiness. She learns how important amor is and how every little moment with Percy should be cherished.

Post-The Last Olympian

I Will Find You
Chapter One:

Annabeth Chase had been spending a lot of her Time On Mount Olympus the Past few weeks.
She had been given the amazing opportunity to redesign the whole of it!
She was a great architect, and was very passionate about her work but she had never really thought she would be allowed this amazing task.
Annabeth Chase, you amaze me Percy had told her when she had confessed her uneasiness to him.
Percy. Annabeth's coração gave a small crack sound at the thought of him.
She had stopped working on Mount Olympus around three days ago, due to his disappearance.
she had gathered as many people as she could to help find Percy. She had been out of camp herself quite a few times to go searching with the rest.
thalia and the Huntresses, Grover and a group of his Satyr friends, Nico and Tyson were all out looking for Percy with her.
But no luck so far.
Annabeth was afraid to look in the mirror in the morning because she spent most of her nights crying now.
She was sure everyone noticed her bloodshot eyes and lack of happiness for the past few days. They all knew why as well.
But she couldn't help it. Which was quite uncharacteristic of her.
Annabeth had always had high willpower and she never let her emotions get the best of her. The only person who had seen her at her worst was of course none other than Percy himself.
And now that she was a thousand times worse that her worst, she desperately needed him.
So she had made up her mind.
She knew what she was about to do was dangerous, but as she waited for the empire state building elevator to take her to the six hundredth floor, she knew she wasn't going to turn back.
"I will find you Percy. I promise." she whispered to herself, just as the elevator doors opened and reviled an under-construction Mount Olympus. As Annabeth stepped out, a Satyr hastily pushed his way into the elevator, obviously in a hurry. Annabeth stumbled a little, but caught herself.
She felt a sudden feeling of deja vu.
she was reminded of last summer, on Percy's sixteenth birthday, and the dia of the segundo Titan War. Percy had brought them up here, following up on some plan, that ended up saving us all. But as they had walked out of the elevator, Annabeth had almost fallen of completely and would have landed six hundred stories below if Percy hadn't caught her.
And when he had, they had shared such a warm embrace that had lasted longer than it should have. Annabeth had felt like nothing in the world could harm her as long as Percy was there, protecting her.
But he wasn't here now and Annabeth felt a wave of loneliness sweep through her chest.
She started to feel insecure and unprotected.
she quickly snapped herself out of it.
You're here to help get that familiar, warm feeling back remember? she scolded herself mentally.
Annabeth set off towards the topo, início of the mountain.
It wasn't nearly complete but small places had been finished and though she had been really proud when she had first constructed them their beauty was lost on her now.
How could anything look beautiful to her ever again? What was beauty without warmth, amor or calmness? Calmness...
Percy was the perfect example of calmness and peace. However, he was just as easily restless, fearless and strong. Just like the waves. He was unpredictable in the best ways.
He was her warmth and her love.
So Annabeth reduced her earlier pergunta to this:
What was beauty without Percy?
Nothing.Came the answer in the back of her head.
Annabeth was standing in front of the double doors which concealed the the twelve seats of the Gods.
Before she could knock the doors opened por themselves.
"Come in young demigod." Boomed Zeus' voice.
Great Annabeth thought. The Gods were in gigantic form. All the mais intimidating.
Annabeth walked in to the center of the room.
"Lord Zeus." She bowed, then turned, "Mother." She bowed again, this time to Athena.
They both nodded their heads.
he entire council of the Gods was not there, thank them, but the ones she had requested to see were. Again, thank them.
Poseidon sat seguinte to his brother on his thrown wearing his usual caqui, cáqui shorts and fisherman hat.
Hermes sat in his seat, eying shiny things, no doubt trying to work out how to steel them without anyone noticing.
Sadly there were two additions who she had not been hoping to see, no thanking them. Aphrodite and her boyfriend Ares.
"What brings you here Ms. Chase?" Zeus asked Annabeth.
"Yeah? I thought you too a break to morn over you're loss. Oh it's so romantic!" Aphrodite squeezed Ares tight, who didn't look happy about seeing the girlfriend of the demigod who defeat him.
Annabeth felt ready to soco Aphrodite in the nose.
"Well, that's actually why i am here." Annabeth said firmly.
Athena did not look happy about this, but Annabeth tried to ignore her.
Aphrodite sat up, fully attentive to anything that might have to do with romance.
Annabeth turned all her attention to Zeus.
"Lord Zeus. Please. Can't the Gods find a way to help track him down? We have no leads!" Annabeth exclaimed hysterically.
"Oh! So this is what it's all about? You think because Perseus saved us once we owe the guy?" Ares exclaimed. He obviously found the idea ridiculous.
"Yes i do." Annabeth said, trying to keep her cool. She didn't want to be turned into a javali or something.
"Annabeth," Athena said, "I know you-" She hesitated, "- care for the boy. But we can't turn all our attention to him at the moment. we have bigger problems at hand." She explained.
"Bigger problems than trying to find the man who saved Olympus?" Annabeth turned to look at Hermes and gave him a hard look, "Who saved your son?"
Hermes looked away. Annabeth tried to hide the smug satisfaction she was feeling. She knew she had Hermes convinced.
"Ms. Chase," Zeus continued, only keeping his temper, Annabeth suspected, as to not upset Athena, "We have - as you're mother mentioned - bigger problems to deal with. We cannot waste our time trying to find one, big headed, upstart of a -"
"He is not!" Annabeth shouted, a lot harsher than she meant to.
"Annabeth." Athena warned.
"Forgive her Lord Zeus, she has... feelings... for the boy." Athena said to Zeus.
She said 'feelings' as if it were a disgusting and disgraceful thing to say. That didn't make Annabeth feel any better.
Before she had time to let her anger get the best of her Zeus spoke words she had long since been afraid of hearing.
"Oh, but he is Ms. Chase. Don't you remember? When he saved us, we did give him what we owed him. Immortality. But he denied it as if being mortal were better than the power of the Gods. Had he taken up our offer, he would not be in the situation that he is now. And who to blame for that but you?" Zeus, high and mighty, was looking straight into Annabeth's eyes, smug and satisfied as she had been.
The truth of those words pierced Annabeth's coração leaving a new wound that would heal a lot slower than the others left por the disappearance of Percy.
"Zeus, my Lord, please..." Athena pleaded. She may not like Annabeth for being with Percy, but she certainly didn't want to see her own daughters coração break even further.
Annabeth turned to the only person left in the room. The one who had not spoken a word through all of this.
"Lord Poseidon..." Annabeth was sobbing now. "He's your son..." She pleaded desperately.
"I have my best people out searching," He assured her, "Tyson is leading a group of Cyclopes as well my dear but..." And there Annabeth saw it. The hurt and loss in Poseidon's eyes, that you could probably see in hers too.
"But there is only so much i can do..." He concluded.
If Annabeth wasn't mistaken, she saw a tear drop from the God's eye.
Those eyes. Those beautiful green eyes that were so much like Percy's.
Even after the pergunta she had just asked herself about beauty, she couldn't help admire those eyes.
Why had she never appreciated before? Why had she not told Percy that he had the most beautiful eyes in the world?
She tore her eyes away from Poseidon's an looked at the rest of them.
"So none of you are going to do anything?" Annabeth asked.
Zeus' mind looked pretty much made up. Ares was happy again, and so was Aphrodite. Probably because it was such a romantic Tragedy.
Athena Looked sorry for her daughter, but Annabeth knew that none of the concern was for Percy.
The only one who looked truly sorry and concerned besides Poseidon was Hermes.
She knew her comment about Luke had got to him.
But, The world of the Gods was merely a game of 'Zeus Says' so Annabeth knew none of them could have helped even if they had wanted to.
"Forget it. You guys are impossible."
And with that Annabeth walked out of the room, filled with mais loneliness and despair than she had before. In fact, that loneliness and despair no longer filled her, but only made her feel mais Empty...

A/N: So what did you think? Should i go on with the story? Thanks for reading!
posted by SeaweedBrain101
this isn't exactly an artigo but i couldn't think of anywhere else 2 put it. hope it's at least a little bit funny (i suck at composição literária humour) it's short so don't worry, just read it if you want and tell me what you think:

Dyslexia (created por me)

Percy- “Uuuummm… oi Annabeth?”
Annabeth- “Yeah Percy?”
Percy- “How do you spell meet?”
Annabeth- “M.e.e.t. why do you want to know?”
Percy- “I’m composição literária a note to someone. How do you spell me?”
Annabeth- “M.e. but I still don’t get why-”
Percy- “What about by?”
Annabeth- *sigh* “B.y. but who are you writing-”...
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