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posted by Rubyrings
"That sounds great, Anjanette," Uncle Bruce replied, when Anjanette told him about Tammy and her parents' pet rescue centre. "We'll go over on Saturday and look at the puppies."
"Thanks, Uncle Bruce." Anjanette smiled broadly at the thought of finding her Collie. Her first pet....
"I'm glad you're talking to the other kids at your school a bit more, too," Bruce went on, as he began to open the cozinha cupboards to fix Anjanette an after school snack. "I know you were nervous around them at first."
Anjanette nodded slowly. "They are different here from how they were at my old school. And Tammy seems like a nice girl. But - Uncle Bruce, at lunch today, she asked me what happened to my parents, and I just started crying. Ferdinand had to explain that I wasn't ready to talk about it." She swallowed hard.
Bruce was thoughtful, pausing in front of the open cupboard with a jar of amendoim manteiga in his hand. "What did Tammy do?"
"She apologized for upsetting me," Anjanette remembered. "She didn't ask any mais questions. And - she didn't make fun of me for crying." That was something. Anjanette wouldn't have dared to cry in front of her old schoolmates.
Uncle Bruce came over to Anjanette and put a steadying hand on her shoulder. "It sounds to me like you can trust her. Anjanette, I want you to feel seguro enough to make new friends."
Anjanette gave a small smile. "Thanks, Uncle Bruce. I'm just... not sure I'm ready to tell anyone else about my parents yet."
"You don't have to," Bruce assured her. "Not before you're ready. Tammy knows you're not ready to talk about it, and I'm sure there are many other things you can connect over in the meantime."
Anjanette felt better. "Yes - she loves the Beatles, too. And we all amor animals...." Maybe her uncle was right, and she should let Tammy in. And then, once she got her Collie, she could find herself with two new friends.
posted by Peaceandlove67
Lilian had returned início after a bad dia at school. She sat por her window, reflecting on what happened. She was walking to her history class, minding her own business. Suddenly, Biff and his two followers got in the way. "Going somewhere?" Biff remarked. Lilian said, "Just to my history class. Now, can you please get out of my way?" One of Biff's followers said, "We could, but that doesn't mean we will." She tried to go the other way, but they only followed. Biff said, "We're not letting you off easy, shredder." Just then, a voice was heard. It said, "She has a name, Biff. Her name is Lilian."...
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added by Peaceandlove67
posted by Peaceandlove67
Hello, everyone! Peaceandlove67 here, or as most of you know me, Antonia. I am going to share a bit of trivia on my fã fictions. Without further ado, let's get started.

1. John Wilde was almost a Pisces.
John Wilde was mostly based off myself. I almost made his birthday March 3, two days after my birthday. Instead, I made his birthday June 19, one dia after Paul McCartney. This would make John a Gemini.

2. Many of my characters are based on people I know.
Many of my characters are based off of my friends or relatives. My characters who are from England are usually based off of my best friend,...
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added by Peaceandlove67
This bird says the funniest things.
posted by Peaceandlove67
Jayce began to tell her story. She said, "It was a few years ago. My parents and I had been to the movies. As we were heading home, this idiot was in the wrong lane, going the wrong way. My father swerved to avoid a collision, and the vehicle flipped several times. Some broken glass got stuck in parts of my face. I had to have stitches." azevinho, holly said, "That must have been horrible." Jayce said, "I was traumatized, but if that wasn't bad enough, the kids at school called me Frankenstein for the rest of the year. When I moved here, I told everyone that I had been in fights. It's a defense mechanism,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
One day, as azevinho, holly and Jayce were walking to school together, Jayce did most of the talking. Jayce then said, "Holly, you haven't said a word. Is something wrong?" azevinho, holly said, "It's nothing." Jayce said, "I know it's something." azevinho, holly said, "I just didn't sleep well last night. That's all." Jayce didn't seem to buy that. She said, "Come on, Holly. I'm your friend. You can tell me what's wrong." azevinho, holly said, "My grandma is in bad shape. She is very demented. She still knows who I am, but she doesn't seem to understand what I tell her anymore." Jayce said, "I'm sorry to hear this." azevinho, holly said,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The bullies pushed azevinho, holly down. She cried for help. Before the bullies could beat her, a voice was heard. The voice said, "Hey! Leave her alone!" The ring leader asked, "What are you going to do about it?" The voice asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?" The ring leader said, "I don't think you want to mess with us." The voice said, "On the contrary, I've been in fights, and I've got the scars to prove it." The bullies ran away in fear. azevinho, holly got up to see who saved her. It was a girl about Holly's age. The girl asked, "Are you okay?" azevinho, holly said, "I'm fine. Thanks. That was cool, what you...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was the middle of summer, and azevinho, holly was packing up her things, getting ready to mover to her new home. She was born and raised in California, but her father got a job offer in South Carolina. He gladly accepted it. He explained to Holly, "I got a job offer in South Carolina. I'm taking it, because we'll be closer to Grandma and Grandpa. I can be around to help Grandpa with Grandma, because she is very demented." azevinho, holly had mixed feelings. A part of her was excited, because she could be closer to her grandparents, whom she loved dearly. At the same time, she was scared. She would be going to...
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It was close to Christmas, and Laura was able to go início to spend time with her family. Once at home, she told her parents about her friends, Ian and Mel. Laura's parents were glad to know she made such good friends. Later, Laura's mother asked, "Did you hear what happened to Kurt?" Laura said, "No." Her father said, "He was killed in a car crash a few weeks ago." A few months ago, Laura would have been filled with sorrow. She didn't feel sorrow. She didn't feel glad. She felt nothing. Her mother asked, "Aren't you sad to know that?" Laura said, "Actually, I don't feel anything. He dumped me...
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One Saturday, Laura sat in her dorm room and cried. She was still sad about being dumped por Kurt. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. She went to see who it was. It was Mel. Mel said, "There's no need to cry alone. Ian and I are going out. Would you like to come?" Laura said, "Well, I suppose it's better than sitting in the dorm room crying over someone I really shouldn't be crying over." Mel said, "It's okay to cry. I know you're hurting. I think that a change of scenery might help." Laura got ready and went out with Mel and Ian. At one point, Ian said, "Laura, you told me that you used...
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The seguinte morning, Laura reluctantly got up and went to her música class. She enjoyed the class very much, but after what happened the night before, she couldn't really enjoy anything. Ian noticed her looking sad. He asked, "Are you all right?" She said, "I'm fine." He said, "Your voice sounds funny. Have you been crying?" She said, "No, it's allergies." Laura had never felt so dirty. She lied to her friend. She didn't have any allergies. When she and Ian had lunch together, Ian said, "Laura, you have been quiet all day. Are you sure you're all right?" She burst into tears. He asked, "What's...
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One day, Laura and Ian were studying together. One of their classmates came up and asked, "Can I be in your study group?" Ian said, "I don't see why not." She smiled and sat beside them. She said to Laura, "Hey, I recognize you. We live in the same dorm." Laura said, "I thought I had seen you somewhere other than US History." The girl said, "Yeah. I live across the hall from you." Laura asked, "What's your name?" The girl replied, "My name's Melanie, but you can call me Mel." Laura said, "Hello, Mel. My name's Laura." Laura, Mel, and Ian studied together regularly. Eventually, Laura opened...
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The seguinte morning, Laura woke up to her alarm. She ate a quick breakfast and headed to her first class. When she entered the building, she was mesmerized por how similar it looked to her high school. She closed her eyes for a moment, reflecting on her high school experience. She suddenly forgot where she was going. Suddenly, she bumped into something....or someone. She quickly opened her eyes, trying to see what hit her, and before she could do anything else, she fell to the floor. She looked up and saw a boy about her age looking down on her. He was tall and slender. He had castanha colored...
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It was mid-August. Laura was packing her things, getting ready to leave for college. She was going to college to study music. From a young age, Laura had always been passionate about music, especially rock music. When she finished packing her things, her boyfriend, Kurt, dropped por for a visit. They had been dating since high school. She said, "Hello, Kurt." He asked, "Why are you going all the way to Boone for college? Why aren't you going to the local college?" She replied, "The local college doesn't offer what I want to go into." He said, "I think it's very selfish that you want to make...
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Quinton noticed that the air was getting colder. His flannel camisa was no longer keeping him warm. He shivered in the cold. His beloved dog, Fortune, snuggled close to him, trying to keep him warm. He said to her, "Fortune, I need someone to find me soon." He let her off the lead and said, "Go! Go, Fortune!" She ran off to find help. Quinton waited and waited. He soon saw Fortune with Sasha running close behind. Quinton had never seen a sweeter sight. Sasha said, "Quinton, your parents and I have been looking all over for you. Are you all right?" He said, "No, I'm not." He told her everything...
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Some time passed, and Quinton formed a strong bond with his new puppy, Fortune. One day, he was taking her for a walk. For some reason, T-Rex and his gang happened to be in the neighborhood. T-Rex said, "Hey, look, it's Quinton and Freak Dog!" Quinton said, "My dog has a name, T-Rex, and her name is Fortune!" One of T-Rex's followers said, "It's only fitting that a freak has a dog who is also a freak." Quinton said, "Fortune is not a freak. She happens to be an amazing dog!" T-Rex just mocked Quinton. Quinton tried to walk away, but T-Rex tripped him. Quinton tried to get up, but T-Rex's gang...
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After thinking of a name for his new puppy, Quinton finally settled on Fortune, because he believed she was fortunate that he found her. The seguinte day, Sasha paid him a visit. She asked, "What did you name your puppy?" He said, "I named her Fortune." Sasha said, "That's an appropriate name for her. After being abused por the neighborhood kids, she is in a loving home." Quinton said, "That's right. I don't understand why they think it's okay to abuse someone for having multicolored eyes." After taking his new found friend for a walk, Quinton was content. He enjoyed having a dog in his life again....
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Down on his knees, Quinton reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of beef jerky to coax the cachorro, filhote de cachorro close to him. She limped up to him and ate the beef jerky. He allowed her to smell his hand. She began licking his face. Sasha said, "Aw! She likes you, Quinton." Quinton smiled and said, "All cachorros like me." The cachorro, filhote de cachorro allowed Quinton and Sasha to pet her. Sasha said, "Look at her eyes. It's like they have blue, amber, and green mixed in." Quinton said, "She must be part Husky. The multicolored eyes in a Husky is known as parti-colored. I once owned a Husky. Her name was Luna. She had eyes...
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Quinton was a teen who lived in the mountains of Tennessee. He was not like his schoolmates who liked country music. He was into rock and roll, especially grunge. Quinton was into grunge bands and grunge fashion. He wore flannel shirts, unless it was warm outside. He also wore grunge band shirts, mainly for Alice in Chains and Soundgarden, his two favorito grunge bands. He had light brown hair flowing down to his shoulders. One day, he was listening to Dirt, his favorito Alice in Chains album on his iPod. Suddenly, a group of bullies surrounded him. The ring leader was called T-Rex. Nobody...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The seguinte morning, John had fixed breakfast. Grace told him, "You really know your way around the kitchen, John." He said, "Well, when you grow up with a mother who won't cook, you have to learn to do it yourself." Grace felt sympathy for John. Poor John! she thought. He really did have a rough life. After breakfast, John drove Grace back home. During the ride, she said, "John, my uncle told me that after I graduate high school, I might not ever see some of my friends again. Was this true for you?" John said, "I wish I could say no. I had a pretty good círculo of friends in high school, but I...
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