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posted by Rubyrings
written por Rubyrings

"Anjanette! What happened to you?"
As soon as Uncle Bruce opened the door, he noticed Anjanette had been hurt. Part of her had been hoping he wouldn't notice so as not to worry him, but there was something nice about having someone around who cared enough about her to worry. "I'm fine," Anjanette assured him, trying to smile. "Actually, better than fine - I got this for defending a new friend I made."
Anjanette went on to tell her uncle all about Ferdinand, and how nice he was to her and how he was a hippie, how they both loved the Beatles and sixties music, and how Ferdinand was allowed to have not only one pet, but three. While Anjanette talked, Uncle Bruce put some ointment on her eye. He was delighted that she had made a new friend, and that she was feeling mais sure of herself, introducing herself to Ferdinand and standing up to the bullies. But he was angry that Anjanette had found herself in this kind of situation in the first place. "I want you in a seguro environment, Anjanette. If this is the way the other children treat you, I don't think your parents should keep sending you to this school."
Anjanette shrugged uncomfortably. "I don't think they care about that," she said. "Besides, where would I go if I left? And Ferdinand would be all alone."
Uncle Bruce frowned. "I need to know that you're safe, Anjanette. This is no way to get an education, living in constant fear of bullies. Maybe I should talk to your parents and the school myself about this bullying problem."
Anjanette could only imagine what the bullies would say if they knew she had gotten her uncle involved. And her parents would probably just think she should toughen up and deal with it. "You don't have to."
"Yes, I do," her uncle said. "I won't have anyone hurting my little girl."
My little girl. Anjanette suddenly felt her eyes grow teary. Her parents would never have called her that.
Anjanette wound up staying with Uncle Bruce that night, not wanting to go início and face her parents. For the first time ever, Anjanette found herself wondering if all other children had to go through what she did. If some children got to grow up with loving adults who cared about them.
The seguinte day, Anjanette arrived at school to find Ferdinand waiting for her outside the doors. "Hi, Anjanette!" he said, sounding genuinely happy to see her.
"Ferdinand!" Anjanette hurried over to cadastrar-se him. No one at school had ever waited especially for her and looked happy just because she was there. "I hope no one bothered you while you were waiting for me," she added, remembering how the bullies had reacted to Ferdinand yesterday.
Ferdinand shook his head. "I'm not worried about them. I can take care of myself. I don't believe they didn't get in trouble for hurting you, though."
"Well...." Anjanette shrugged, mais than used to the teachers turning a blind eye on the bullying. "That's the way it is here."
"It shouldn't be," Ferdinand said vehemently. "You don't mean they always treat you like that and get away with it?"
"No, of course not..." muttered Anjanette, not quite meeting Ferdinand's eye. She still wasn't ready to get into her issues with him. She was pretty sure he didn't believe her, but to her relief he didn't press the issue. Ferdinand sounded like her uncle Bruce, worrying about Anjanette's safety if she stayed in this school with these bullies. Anjanette had always just accepted schools with bullies as a part of life.
"Ferdinand?" she ventured, as the two of them walked inside the school building together.
"What are your parents like?"
Ferdinand smiled as if at some pleasant thought. "They're great, actually. My mom is lots of fun; she can get very silly. When I was a child she'd always come play with me and the other children in the neighbourhood, and she'd almost be like one of the kids herself. My dad is much quieter than her, and he's a great listener. I can always talk to him whenever I need anything. They don't give me a lot of rules. They always say that they trust me to make the right decisions."
"What do they do if you don't?" Anjanette was terrified at the thought of what her own parents might do if she broke one of their rules.
"They talk to me and tell me they're disappointed," Ferdinand replied. "Believe me, it's effective. They're such nice people I never like to think I've let them down!" He gave an easy laugh.
Anjanette was fascinated at the idea that there could be parents like that in the world.
"How about yours?" Ferdinand asked, turning to Anjanette.
Anjanette froze. She had not expected to have to answer the same pergunta she'd just asked Ferdinand, and her mouth opened and closed, unsure of what to say.
Just then, the sino rang. Anjanette said a hurried goodbye to her friend and rushed off to their classroom, partly relieved that he still didn't know about all her troubles at home, partly disappointed that she hadn't had the chance to confide in him.
added by rosa blanca de york
Source: pinterest
posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here. As I'm typing this, where I am, we are less than one hora away from 2020. por the time most of you see this, it will already be 2020. Not only will we be in a new year, we'll also be in a new decade.

The 2010's decade was quite a roller coaster for me. It had its series of ups and downs. I lost five cachorros in the 2010's: Diesel, Sadie, Fluffy, Stone, and Roxy. Diesel and Roxy hit me the hardest, to be honest. I also lost my maternal grandparents, my paternal grandmother, and a friend from high school. On the up note, the ups outweighed the downs.

I do have a lot of good...
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added by 80smusiclover1
Source: google imagens
posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and I know a lot of you enjoy leitura my fã fiction trivia every year. I'll just get right to it.

1. Of my characters who are asexual, Paul is the only one who "came out" during the events of a fã fiction.
All the others "came out" prior to the events of a fã fiction.

2. Leila was actually named after my friend, Layla.
Their names are actually pronounced the same way. I just used a different spelling to avoid confusion.

3. New Religion's cachorro, filhote de cachorro and future mascot, Klondike, was named after the Klondike Gold Rush.
I wanted to keep up with the snow cachorros theme. Paul's Huskies,...
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With their natal album complete and such a big hit, and with their shopping complete, the members of New Religion were finally ready to finish decorating their house in Oak Ridge. Being so busy, they had only managed to get out their natal árvore and decorate it. Erin and Lola finished decorating the inside of the house. Paul and Carl decorated the yard. One day, one of their neighbors asked them, "Why don't you put lights on your house?" Carl said, "Well, there's a danger in that." Paul said, "We tried that once when we first moved here, and I fell off the roof." The neighbor said, "Oh,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The members of New Religion went to the studio to begin recording their natal album. They decided to put their spin on some classic natal songs, just like John said. They even had Fritz play the drums for a few songs. When they recorded the song Paul wrote, "World Peace for Christmas", the band's producer, Andrew, was very impressed with it. He said, "That should be released as a single." Erin said, "I think that's a great idea. This will be perfect for a single." Shortly after the release of the song, New Religion heard "World Peace for Christmas" on the radio. Their fãs absolutely...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The members of New Religion reached out to John, the lead singer of The Devil Wants Peace, for conselhos on making a natal album. John said, "It's great that you want to make a natal album. Making a good natal album is about finding the right songs to record for your album." Paul asked, "How do you do that?" John replied, "You choose songs that you like that fit together on the album. You then put your own spin on it." Lola asked, "Does that mean you have to change the lyrics to some of the songs?" He said, "Not necessarily. Just choose songs that have the most meaning to you. You...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was December 1. The members of New Religion were decorating their house in Oak Ridge for Christmas. Lola looked over at Klondike and said, "This is so exciting. This will be Klondike's first Christmas!" Carl said, "Yes, it is. I believe this also marks our third natal in Oak Ridge." Erin said, "Yes. I can't believe it's been over three years since we came to Oak Ridge." Paul wasn't as excited. He said, "This is also our first natal without Yukon and Nunavut." He sighed. Lola hugged him and said, "I know you miss your Huskies, but they would want you to enjoy Christmas." He said, "You're right. You know, I've been thinking that maybe we should do a natal album. John and his mates do one every year." Erin said, "I like this idea." Carl said, "I do, too!" Lola said, "We should call it A New Religion Christmas." Paul said, "That has a nice ring to it, no pun intended." With that, they decided to reach out to John for guidance on how to make the perfect natal album.
posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and I'm going to discuss my plans for the rest of the year. I have some things I want to cover, so I'm going to get right to it.

As 2019 draws to a close, we will eventually be in a new year. In fact, natal is less than a mês away. I am planning a Christmas-themed fã fiction. I'm hoping to post it sometime seguinte week. It will be my last fã fiction this year.

Even though my seguinte fã fiction will be last for this year, I have mais planned for seguinte year. I have lots in store for you seguinte year, so stay tuned.

I might do a couple of blogs to embrulho, envoltório up this ano after I finish my last fã fiction. I'll also do my annual fã fiction trivia article.

I hope you have a seguro and fun holiday season wherever you may be.

Peace and love,
posted by Peaceandlove67
The seguinte morning, Leila woke up along with her dog, Paul. Shortly after that, she got a call on her cellphone from Greeley. He said, "Stephen wants us to meet him for breakfast. He says it's very important." Leila said, "All right. I'll get ready, then." Leila, Greeley, Abigail, and Sammy met Stephen at a local o jantar, lanchonete for breakfast. He said, "I've scheduled your tour for the coming year. It will start in January, the week after New Year's dia and will end around April 30." Leila said, "That sounds good to us." Greeley said, "Indeed. I'm looking progressivo, para a frente to this." Sammy said, "This is amazing!...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
After they had written a number of songs, the Radiant Terriers decided to head to a recording studio. Leila's uncle agreed to produce their album, as he had been a música producer in the past. As they were working on their album, Leila's uncle invited his friend, Stephen, who agreed to be the band's manager. During their lunch break, Sammy remarked, "We'll embrulho, envoltório things up later, but it won't be as fab as this alface embrulho, envoltório I've got here." Everyone laughed. Abigail said, "Sammy's always been a comedian." Greeley asked, "How long have you two known each other?" Sammy said, "We've known each other...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The seguinte morning, the Radiant Terriers went back to their homes after breakfast. After dropping off Abigail and Sammy, Leila had a heart-to-heart with Greeley. She said, "Greeley, our apresentação, show, gig was a success. I believe we will be famous, but you're the only one having doubts. Why is that?" He said, "Oh, Leila, you wouldn't understand." She said, "Try me." He said, "It's just that, well, it stems from the years I've been bullied and doubted por a lot of people." She said, "Your parents don't doubt you." He said, "No, but growing up, a lot of my schoolmates bullied me, and some of my teachers even gave...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The Radiant Terriers headed out of town on Saturday for their first gig. They performed some songs they had written for the gig. The crowd enjoyed them, and their apresentação, show, gig was a success. Leila looked at her mates and said, "This is our ticket to success. We're going to be famous." Greeley said, "I don't know about that." Abigail said, "I do. The audience loved us. If the right person comes to us, we'll have a record deal." Sammy remarked, "That's right. If the bullies could see us now!" Greeley said, "Indeed. I can't see them on a stage like this." After dinner, the foursome retired to their hotel....
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posted by Peaceandlove67
After settling on a name and a mascot, the Radiant Terriers started working on their YouTube channel. For their first video, the played their song, "We are the Radiant Terriers". Once the video was uploaded, Abigail said, "I think we have a hit." Greeley said, "I don't know about that." Leila said, "Come on, Greeley. Have some faith. New Religion didn't think their first song they wrote together would be a hit, and it was." Sammy said, "But we ain't New Religion." Abigail said, "No, we're the Radiant Terriers. However, we can still make a hit. If this isn't a hit, we'll get it seguinte time." Leila...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The seguinte day, Leila and Greeley talked with some of their classmates about starting a band. Just when it seemed like none of them were interested, two of their classmates mentioned that they would like to be part of a band. Leila asked, "What are your names?" The boy replied, "I'm Sammy." The girl said, "And I'm his friend, Abigail." Leila then said, "That's great. What instruments do you play?" Sammy replied, "I play bass." Abigail said, "And I play drums." Greeley said, "Brilliant! That's just what we need!" After the foursome talked for a while, Greeley gave Sammy and Abigail his address....
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was August. Leila and Greeley had just started back at their college. After their classes, they met at Greeley's house to do their homework together. After they finished their homework, they played their instruments together. Leila played her guitar, and Greeley played his bass. After a moment, Leila said, "Greeley, I feel like our little band is missing something." He said, "Yes, it's missing a name. The first thing a band needs is a name." She said, "No, the first thing a band needs is members. You can't exactly call two people a band." He said, "There was Simon and Garfunkel." She said,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone. Antonia here, and as most of you know, my dog, Roscoe, had surgery to be fully neutered. If you want mais details on this, read the anterior article.

My aunt dropped Roscoe off at the veterinary clinic. After my classes, they called me to come pick him up. They said that he had to have some gentle persuasion to wake up, but he was wide awake once he woke up. I'm the same way when I've been put under anesthesia. Roscoe's surgery went well, and there were no complications.

Roscoe has eaten since he came home. The vet said that I should only feed him a little bit at a time for the...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone. Antonia here, and don't be alarmed por the title. Roscoe is not sick or injured. He's just being fully neutered.

I didn't clarify when I stated that Roscoe is neutered in the first artigo about him that what he went through was different from a normal neutering. Basically, what he went through was similar to a vasectomy in humans. Roscoe cannot get any female cachorros pregnant, but he still has his testicles.

We weren't originally going to have them removed, but he likes to jump up on the rock in our garden, and I noticed that he scraped his testicles against the rock one day. He's...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
This is a special request from Antonia, so here I go.

I'm sorry that you've been feeling down recently. Losing a friend is hard, and I know what it's like to go through this. However, I want to let you know that I'm here for you. I'll be a shoulder to cry on, and you can talk with me anytime you like.

You are never alone, Antonia. All of your current friends care for you deeply. Don't ever change, buddy. It would be heartbreaking if you did. I know I would be. Also, your old friend would want you to be happy. She's in a better place now, and you'll eventually see her again someday. I just know it.

In closing this, remember the lyrics to one of my all-time favorito Beatles songs: "Any time at all, all you gotta do is call, and we'll be there."

Peace and love,
~Kelly 🌟🌟🌟
posted by Peaceandlove67
After everyone left the New Religion household, Carl asked, "Did you have a good birthday, Paul?" Paul said, "It was the best. I had no idea you were doing all this for me." Erin said, "We thought it would be nice to throw a surprise party for you, since you've never had one." Lola said, "Yeah. You really surprised me on my twenty-first birthday, Paul. I had to return the favor." Paul smiled at his mates, and they smiled back. He offered to help his mates clean up, but Erin insisted that he go on to bed. She said, "You look tired. I think you deserve a rest." Paul proceeded to get ready for...
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