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Paul's New Friend
One morning, I went downstairs for breakfast, and my parents were waiting for me. Father said, "Paul, we have something to tell you." I asked, "What is it?" Mother said, "We thought you could use something to lift your spirits, so we decided to take you to get a puppy." I said, "Wow! My very own puppy! I can't wait!" Father said, "We found a Siberian Husky breeder. We're going over there tomorrow." I said, "Hooray!" That night, I went to cama early. I wanted to make sure I was well-rested to ensure that I would be ready to meet my new friend. I overheard my father said, "This is the happiest I've seen Paul in a while." The seguinte day, we made our way to the Husky breeder. I got the meet the puppies' parents. They were so friendly, and they had beautiful coats. Their names were Snow and Charcoal. Snow was solid white, and Charcoal was black and white. I then got to meet the puppies. They were all so cute. How could I chose? One cachorro, filhote de cachorro chose me. This cachorro, filhote de cachorro was a gray and white male. He had one blue eye and one brown eye. I asked the breeder if he was blind in one eye. The breeder explained that it was just common in Huskies and that it did not affect the dog's vision at all. As we took him home, I said, "I'm going to call you Yukon." Yukon proved to be a valuable companion. One day, I took a really hard fall. I was visiting with the neighbor I had mentioned earlier. I fell off of his balcony, and I landed at an awkward angle on my left leg. I fainted from the intense pain. Yukon kept licking my face until I came to. The then howled. My neighbor came and helped me. Amazingly enough, my leg wasn't broken. I just pulled a tendon. It took time to heal, but I did get better. Yukon stayed por my side the entire time. Yukon has always been such a good dog.

It was September 25, 2011. It was a Sunday afternoon. I was outside, soaking up crisp air. Just then, I noticed some people were moving into the house across the street. We were getting new neighbors. I noticed there was a kid about my age at the house. I decided to go over and introduce myself. I calmly walked over to him. I said, "Hi, there. I'm Autumn. It's nice to meet you." He said, "Hi. I'm Glenn. It's nice to meet you, too." I noticed he had an English accent. I said, "Great accent!" He said, "Thank you. I'm from Liverpool, England." I said, "Like the Beatles?!" He said, "Yeah, like...
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After weeks of getting bullied, I was beginning to lose hope. I really needed a way to cope with my sadness. I looked at my Siberian Husky, Diesel, and said, "I wish you could talk. You could tell me what to do." He could make noises that sounded like he was talking, but he couldn't talk like a person. One day, I saw a pocket knife, and I don't know what I was thinking, but I made some cuts on my leg. It really hurt, but the pain gave me something to focus on other than how lonely I was. It made me forget about all the bullying....for a brief period. I kept doing it. I later heard a song by...
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When I started the sixth grade, things seemed to be going smoothly. At lunch time, a group of kids invited me to sit with them. I thought, I'm going to have new friends. Yay! I told them about growing up in Illinois. They didn't make fun of my accent. They explained that the Midwestern accent is the accent that doesn't offend anyone. That's why most newscasters are Midwestern. I said, "Okay. Cool." One of them asked, "What kind of música do you listen to?" I told them, and I named a few bands that I liked. Another one of them said, "It's not 1980. Those bands shouldn't be a thing anymore." I...
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When I started the fifth grade, I was dreading it. I heard that the fifth grade teacher was really mean. I thought, Is it possible that she could be worse than my fourth grade teacher? I told my aunt about my fears. She said, "Autumn, don't worry, dear. Maybe she's nice. Just give her a chance, okay?" I said, "Okay." On the first dia of school, the teacher noticed my Beatles t-shirt. She said, "Darling, I amor you already!" I said, "Okay, then." I had recently gotten glasses, because I had trouble seeing without them, especially from a distance. Some of the kids called me "glasses". She said,...
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I thought that fourth grade would be good. I thought that when I switched school districts, I would have friends for once. Boy, was I wrong! Fourth grade was one of the worst school years for me. My teacher was the meanest, most hateful human being on the planet. She never hurt me physically, but she was very verbally abusive. One day, during a math lesson, I got a pergunta wrong. She took her ruler, pointed it at me, and said, "Class, at the end of this ruler is an idiot." I felt hurt, but I didn't lose it. "Which end?" I sneered. She said, "You damn bitch! Show some respect when you talk...
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All too soon, I started school. I was actually pretty eager to start. I thought I would make some friends. Instead, I was bullied. When I was five years old, my aunt noticed that I was lonely. She decided to get a cachorro, filhote de cachorro to keep me company. She found a local breeder selling Siberian Husky puppies. She took me there to meet the puppies. They were all so cute. I couldn't choose one. I never did, because ONE cachorro, filhote de cachorro chose me. He had rust red and white pele, peles and piercing blue eyes. The breeder said, "I think he likes you." We took him home, and I named him Diesel, after one of the cachorros from the movie,...
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I am proud to say that I have a few good friends. They have been so good to me. They see past my scars. Unfortunately, my life wasn't always this good. This is my story. I was born in 1999. When my mother was pregnant with me, she learned that she had cancer. She refused treatment and chose to have me instead. She wanted me to have an opportunity to see the world, to grow and to learn and make friends. When I was born, I turned out to be exceptionally healthy. I was told my mother's last words to my father were "Promise me you'll take care of our little girl." He smiled and said, "I promise."...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Before I begin, I'd like to thank 80smusiclover1 for the inspiration.

1. I am generally optimistic, but I wasn't always like that. I had a little help from my friends, especially RocknRollSoul60.

2. When I'm feeling really happy, I tend to start sentences with "dude" and end them with "man." For example, "Dude, I just got a discount on that Beatles CD, man."

3. My least favorito color is pink. I don't dislike pink, but I'm not crazy about it. You'll never see me wearing a rosa, -de-rosa t-shirt.

4. I rarely wear long sleeves. Sometimes I'll wear a sweater over one. I typically wear a leather jaqueta in the...
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Despite the fact that Louise was kicked out the the hate group, she still had the attitude of one. My parents had to go out of town for a weekend. At one point, Louise began beating me. She then left the house. I packed up some things and went to Gavin's house. Gavin answered the door. I said, "Gavin, I just came to say goodbye." He looked at me curiously and asked, "Where are you going?" I said, "I'm running away." He became wide-eyed. He said, "Please don't run away! That will only end in disaster. You might get hurt or worse!" I said, "It doesn't matter." He said, "Quinn, it does matter....
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As the months passed, the hate group began to hate Louise, and she was kicked out. I found it rather amusing. I said, "It's pretty embarrassing when a hate group you like hates you." She became pale with embarrassment. "What's wrong, Louise?" I said without much sympathy. "You're looking quite pale." She glared at me. "Yeah," Gavin said, "your face is starting to match the cliffs of Dover." I fell on the ground laughing. Louise said, "You suck, Gavin!" He said, "Hey, I'm not the one who beats the hell out of my sibling. Do you think you're trying to make her holy or something?" I continued...
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The seguinte morning, I woke up to a wonderful smell. Gavin's mother was cooking breakfast. She insisted that I stay for breakfast, so I took the kind offer. I thanked Gavin and his family for their kindness and went on my way. Gavin insisted on walking with me, so I said, "Okay. It won't be so lonely that way." Along the way, we ran into my parents. My mother said, "Quinn, we've been looking everywhere for you. Where have you been?" I explained everything. My father thanked Gavin for helping me out. They then worked it out that Gavin's house would be my seguro place if my parents would not be home....
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As I was making my way back home, I didn't notice that my shoelaces were untied. I didn't care either. I tripped and fell. Just then, someone helped me up and asked, "Are you all right?" I said, "Yeah. Why do you care?" He said, "I was just making sure you weren't hurt. That's all." I said, "Sure. You'll act like you care, and then, you'll go waltzing to Louise just like everybody else!" He said, "I'm sorry. Who's Louise?" I looked at him, and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were new here." He said, "There's no hard feelings." He spoke in an English accent. He appeared to be about...
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One night, my grandmother came to me in a dream. She said, "It seems that things aren't going so well here." I said, "No, they're not. Louise is teaching Sunday school for a hate group." My grandmother said, "Louise is awful young to be a Sunday school teacher. She's hardly a woman yet. She's only sixteen." I told my grandmother everything Louise had said to me. My grandmother said, "Those are horrible things to say, especially to a child. You haven't even turned twelve yet." I said, "I know." The seguinte morning, I reluctantly went to school as usual. Kyle was my only friend. I could talk to...
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I woke up in the middle of the night, frightened out of my wits. I was relieved to see the light from my night light. I took some deep breaths and said to myself, "It's all right, Quinn. You just had a nightmare." I stared at the ceiling, reflecting on the events of the past couple of weeks. After my grandparents passed away, I had moved to a different state with my family. Mother wanted to keep the tradition of going to church, since my grandfather was a pastor. Unfortunately, we unwittingly ended up with a hate group, similar to that of Westboro Baptist Church. My older sister, Louise, loved...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
I haven't written any artigos on my fã club in a while. I felt like composição literária a eulogy about my dog, Fluffy. Fluffy was my segundo female dog. I remember when I got her. My aunt and uncle and I were visiting with my grandmother's sister in Florida. One of her neighbors happened to be breeding Smooth collie puppies. I took one of them início with me, and I named her Fluffy for the sake of being ironic. She was the most vocal of all the cachorros I've had. She was also very motherly. When we adopted Roxy, my Pit Bull, Fluffy accepted the pup as her own. She did the same with my Rottweiler, Stone, and with my newest dog, River. When my first dog, Diesel, passed away, Fluffy grieved mais than the other dogs, save for Sadie, my Labrador. Fluffy grieved really hard when we lost Sadie a ano ago. Fluffy was really smart, too. She knew hundreds of words and phrases, and I cannot possibly name all of them. I miss her very much, and so does everyone else. I'll never forget her. May she rest in peace.
It was the last night of New Religion's tour. After playing most of the songs from their album, they played a few cover songs, including System of a Down's "Ego Brain". That song had helped Erin through many, many hard times. Towards the end of the concert, Erin decided to play the final song. She said, "I'm going to play the last song. Many of you who ever received an autograph from me may or may not have noticed that I always sign right-handed, yet I always play violão, guitarra left-handed. Well, here's the reason. I do this in memory of my dear friend, Barry. He was a big Paul McCartney fan. When...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Some weeks passed, and the members of New Religion were asked to give another interview. The interviewer asked, "How did you all meet?" Erin said, "We all met in high school, except Paul and I met before then." Paul said, "Erin and I met in the eighth grade. She had recently lost her best friend, and she was depressed. I knew she needed a friend." Lola said, "They later met me and Carl in high school, and we started a band." The interviewer asked, "How did you come up with the name, New Religion?" Erin said, "Well, when I was a kid, I thought I was a Christian, but I started to become disillusioned...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was close to Christmas. The members of New Religion decided to go spend time was their families. Sadly, Erin's grandmother passed away. It was devastating for Erin. When New Religion picked up their tour, many people wanted to interview Erin. Lola said, "She lost a loved one. How do you think she's doing?!" Carl said, "Erin needs time to mourn her grandmother. She doesn't need a microphone in her face." Paul said, "She's been through so much. Leave her alone!" Erin thanked her friends for standing up for her. She later said, "I now know how Paul McCartney felt after John Lennon got shot." Lola hugged her. Things did get better for Erin with time. She lost so many she loved, but she kept going and never gave up.
posted by Peaceandlove67
One day, the members of New Religion went on a hiking trail. During the hike, Paul got carried away and did not pay attention to the slope in front of him. He took a hard fall. His mates rushed to the slope. They could see him lying on the hard ground. "Paul!" They cried. "Are you okay?!" He grunted in response. Lola said, "Oh, no! He's hurt!" Erin carefully made her way down to Paul. Carl and Lola followed. Erin knelt down beside of her friend. He groaned in pain. She said, "Talk to me, Paul." He said, "I think I've broken my leg." Lola and Carl made it to Paul. Carl asked, "Paul, do you think...
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