one direction Club
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Weeks passed, and everything was going swell. Harry came over every dia to hang out with the boys and Carter. Will called over every so often also, and got on very well with the boys, especially Louis.

Carter’s memory was slowly coming back. She remembered mais and mais early memories each dia with the help of the boys. She confided in them quite often and also remained closest to Zayn. Liam was taken aback por Harry’s persistence with Carter. He never wanted to leave her side. It was like they were joined at the hip. Any time Carter was feeling slightly down, it was Harry she would call for.

Carter and the boys’ daily ritual returned to wrestling. Harry even joined in sometimes and got very glued to the programme while he sat with Carter and the boys every night. Carter would usually cuddle up to him with a blanket while watching it, cheering on her favourite every now and then. She was back to her masculine ways again, taking back up futebol and other sports. She only wore make-up on very rare occasions and went back to her natural hair colour.

It seemed like nothing was going to bring her down. She was sky high and on nuvem nine.

* * * * *

Zayn jogged upstairs and opened the newly-fixed door to find Carter fast asleep in bed. He smirked and tip-toed over to her bed, climbing in and pulling the covers over him. Carter still remained silently asleep as she faced him. His eyes fixed on her face, staring at her deeply. He couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, which he soon stifled.

“It’s rude to stare you know.” Carter mumbled, her eyes still closed. Zayn’s eyes widened. “Since when are you awake?!” he questioned suspiciously. “You’re not very good a tip-toeing. It sounded mais like an elefante stomping around the room.” Carter replied, squinting her eyes in order to get used to the blinding light. Zayn’s cheeks flushed bright pink. “Oops. Sorry.” He laughed. Carter yawned and pulled the covers over her.

Zayn sat up and climbed over Carter, trapping her between his legs and straddling her. Carter frowned at Zayn whilst glancing up at him. “What do you want for breakfast?” he asked. “Sleep.” She muttered in response. Zayn chuckled and got off Carter, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulders. He skipped out of Carter’s room and glided downstairs.

“Zayn! Let me down you twat!” Carter screamed. “Shush! You’ll wake the others!” Zayn hushed. “Oh, like how you woke me?!” she quizzed before screaming once again, louder this time. Zayn threw her onto the sofá and sat on her stomach as she desperately tried to wriggle free. She eventually gave in and surrendered, collapsing her arms and legs as Zayn grinned victoriously. “You’re an idiot.” Carter glared at the cocky boy on topo, início of her. “So are you.” Zayn winked.

He grabbed the remote and switched though the channels. Carter smirked evilly and spat on her hand. Once she did, she wiped her hand along Zayn’s face, knowing how much it would annoy him. Zayn twitched slightly when he felt Carter’s wet hand on his face. He motioned his head towards Carter and stared at her with a deformed expression on his face.

“You did NOT just touch my sexy face!” Zayn scowled at the girl underneath him. “Oh but I did Zayn.” Carter grinned devilishly. Zayn straddled her once again, viciously tickling her sides. “HELP!” Carter yelped between giggles, hoping to wake one of the boys. Zayn wriggled his eyebrows at Carter while trapping her underneath him.

“Liam! NIALL! Louis! ANYONE!” Carter screamed. Zayn laughed and continued to tickle her sides. Harry came through the door segundos later, hanging up his coat.

“HELP! RAPE! RAPE!” Carter’s voice beckoned through the hall. Harry’s eyes widened. Was someone hurting Carter? He rushed into the sitting room to find Zayn ‘attacking’ Carter… with tickles. Carter noticed his presence, as did Zayn. “HARRY! HELP ME!” she screeched. Harry dashed over to where she was, but instead of doing what she had wished, he did the opposite and joined in on tickling her.

“You bastard!” Carter cursed, kicking and screaming wildly. She aims her legs at Harry and accidently hit him in the crouch. A small squeal escaped Harry’s lips before he collapsed to the ground. Zayn jumped off Carter as she piped up, gazing at the curly-haired boy moaning in pain and clutching his crotch on the floor. Carter stifled a giggle and stood beside Harry.

“Harry are you okay?” Carter spoke in a worried but very amused tone. Harry groaned but nodded. “Help me up?” he pleaded. Carter nodded and held out her hand to help him up, but Harry had other ideas. He pulled Carter down onto the floor and sat on her. Zayn clapped his hands and howled with laughter. Harry smirked at his victory, while Carter frowned at her defeat.

“I hate you guys.” Carter sulked as Harry lay across her. Zayn and Harry gasped fakely. “You hate us?! No no no no no! You amor us beb!” Zayn laughed whilst Harry hovered over Carter, beijar her numerous times. She pushed him away and he hugged her tightly, trying to annoy her as much as possible. Zayn joined in too, both of the hugging and beijar her repeatedly.

Niall ran into the room. “Hey! Leave Carter alone! She’s mine!” he yelled, pacing towards Carter and the boys and pulling her away from them. Carter stuck out her tongue at the two mischievous boys and hugged Niall tightly, making sure to make them jealous. Louis soon joined in also, helping Niall rescue Carter from Zayn and Harry. Carter was literally being thrown around like a ragdoll, going from one of the boys to another.

Liam gazed at the boys and Carter as he stood in the doorway. “Liam! Help!” Carter shrieked, but Louis covered her mouth. “She’s fine Liam! Nothing to see here!” Niall chuckled. “Join me and Zaynie Liam!” Harry said. “Yes, cadastrar-se us.” Zayn added in a creepy tone. Liam rolled his eyes and stepped towards the boys, pulling Carter up off the floor and sitting on the couch, setting her onto his lap. “Now she’s mine.” Liam grinned, earning a pout off each of the boys and a giggle off Carter.

* * * * *

A little while later, after everyone had gotten dressed, they decided to go to the park for a game of football. Carter was just finishing tying when Harry strolled through the door. “What do you want Styles?” she quizzed, glancing at the curly haired boy stood before her. “The boys want you to hurry up.” Harry replied, clutching onto Carter’s small waist. “You look beautiful.” He purred in her ear. Carter shook her head and frowned.

Outfit: link

Harry kissed Carter’s neck before she stood up and waltzed out the door. He followed her out and picked her up halfway down the stairs. “You do know I’m capable of walking, right?” she giggled. “Yeah but you’re too slow at it.” Harry told her as he opened the front door and skipped into the car.

Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall were already in the car waiting for the duo. Harry climbed into the passenger's assento while Carter sprawled across the three boys in the back. “I see you’re wearing my boxers.” Louis remarked, earning a simple nod off Carter. “And my jersey.” Zayn added, Carter winking in return. “And my shoes.” Niall finished, narrowing his eyes at Carter. “It’s not my fault you have small feet!” Carter chuckled.

“Why don’t you ask Will to come too?” Liam quizzed. Harry nodded and pulled out his phone, tapping on the screen a couple of times. He then threw it onto his lap. About 30 segundos later, his phone beeped, signaling a reply from Will. “He’s coming.” Harry announced. “YES! I amor WILL!” Louis cheered. Harry chuckled and looked back at Carter, who had her eyes closed.

“You can’t possibly be tired Carter!” Lima said, gazing into his rear-view mirror. “Ask elefante feet over there!” Carter replied, pointing to Zayn. “He woke me up.” She continued. “At half 11 you douche!” Zayn objected, poking Carter in the stomach. “I’m a growing girl! I need my sleep!” she remarked in response. Each of the boys rolled their eyes as they pulled up outside the park.

* * * * *

They messed about for hours, playing football, tag, bulldog and much more. At around half past 5, Louis and Will set off to get everyone chips. They arrived back to find everyone lying down on the grass. Louis’ first instincts told him they were dead, but his theory was soon proved wrong when they sprung up at the smell of salt and vinegar. After grabbing a bag of chips each, they sat around in a círculo and dug in.

Laying her head on his lap, Carter beamed up at Harry. He leaned in and smashed his lips upon hers before hugging her tightly. “Okay, enough with all of the mushy stuff!” Louis gagged fakely. Niall let out a huge fart, causing each of the boys to erupt with laughter. “I really need a friend that doesn’t have a dick.” Carter commented, munching on a chip.

Each of the boys fell silent. “Why?” Liam asked. “To talk about girl stuff.” Carter retorted. “Like what?” Harry quizzed. “Like make-up…” Carter began. “You’ve got Zayn for that!” Will chuckled, earning a glare off Zayn. “… and bras…” Carter continued. “I’m sure Will can help you with that! He had man-boobs!” Zayn taunted. Will slapped him in the gut. “And boys.” she finished.

“Nobody knows boys better than boys themselves!” Harry argued. “Just face it Carter, you’re mais of a boy than Niall!” Liam sniggered. Niall nodded along until he realised what Louis had said was an insult. “HEY!” he exclaimed. The boys burst into laughter.

* * * * *

Soon, the boys began to play football again, while Harry and Carter stayed on the grass. Harry sat up and Carter sat between his legs, facing him with a shy smile on her face. He gazed at her with a dopey grin, causing her to scrunch up her nose and giggle.

“You’re cute when you do that.” Harry said. “Do what?” Carter furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “When you scrunch up your nose. You look like a little bunny rabbit.” Harry chuckled, wrapping his arms around Carter’s waist. Her cheeks turned a crimson red colour as she shook her head and buried it in her hands. Harry removed her hands from her face and pinned the, to the floor, his body hovering over hers. A smirk played on his lips as he stared into Carter’s eyes.

“What are you so happy about Styles?” Carter questioned, narrowing her eyes at her curly-haired boyfriend. “That I have you.” Harry replied before bending down and attaching his lips to hers. A smile graced on Carter’s lips as Harry deepened the kiss, rolling his tongue along her bottom lip. She gladly granted him access and their tongues danced inside their mouths. Carter traced her hand along Harry’s abdomen.

“Aw, why aren’t you two adorable?” A voice cooed from behind, causing Harry and Carter to spring apart. Stood before them was none other than Lucy. Carter tensed up and pushed closer towards Harry. “Lucy what the fuck do you want?” Harry scowled at the tarty girl stood before him. “Oh nothing, I just came here for a walk and seemed to stumble upon a whore.” Lucy aimed her insult directly at Carter.

Carter shuffled away from Harry and stood up, but Harry pulled her back down and kissed her forehead. “Just fuck off Lucy. You’re not wanted here.” Harry spat. “Carter isn’t wanted in this world. She’s a terrible excuse of a girl.” Lucy shrugged. A tear fell from Carter’s eye as she stared at the floor, not looking up once. Harry stood up and stepped towards Lucy. “Leave now Lucy.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

“What’s going on here?” Liam asked, stepping towards Harry, Carter and Lucy. The boys followed and stood beside Liam. “Oh nothing! I’m just happy to see you can forgive Harry after all he’s done.” Lucy spoke in a sickly-sweet tone. “All he’s done? What did he do?!” Liam quizzed, clearly confused. “He didn’t tell you? Oh this is rich.” Lucy cackled. “Didn’t tell me what?” Liam inquired, half-glancing at Harry before turning back to Lucy.

“Have you ever wondered why Harry always seemed to be there when Carter got hurt? Or why Carter cuts and cried herself to sleep most nights?”

“W-What?” Liam looked at Harry. “Lucy, I think you should leave.” Will said. “What is she talking about Harry?” Liam queried, gazing at his friend. “I-I-I-I…” Harry was no longer able to speak. “Answer me Harry.” Liam repeated. Lucy smirked before strolling away. “Harry, are you saying what Lucy said is true?!” Liam quizzed, narrowing his eyes at his best mate. “I-I’m so sorry Liam.” Harry whispered, scratching the back of his neck as a tear fell from his eye.

Liam stepped towards Harry, breathing heavily on his face and scowling at him with a look of hurt and hatred in his eyes. Carter stood up and hugged Harry tightly. “Boys, take Carter home.” Liam spoke through gritted teeth. “No, I’m staying here. “ Carter remarked, clinging onto Harry. “Carter, home. Now.” Liam ordered sternly. “Come on babe.” Zayn said, attempting to take her hand. “Get off me!” Carter snapped, wriggling out of Zayn’s grasp. Louis and Niall rushed over and picked Carter up.

“Let me go!” she kicked and screamed in their arms. “HARRY!” she shrieked. The boys brought her down the rua and into the car. Louis climbed into the back with Carter while Zayn and Niall went in the front. The car began to drive off as Carter gazed out the window. She saw Liam and Harry in the park, Liam backing Harry against the wall. She knew he was going to hurt him. She opened the door of the moving car and jumped out. She picked herself up and ran towards the park.

“CARTER COME BACK!” Louis roared.

“Don’t hurt him Liam!” she screamed, pulling him off Harry. “Carter, go home.” Liam grunted. “Only if you leave Harry alone.” Carter responded. “Go início Carter.” Liam repeated. “Liam, don’t cause trouble, just go início with Carter.” Will told him. “You shut the fuck up! Did you know what Harry was doing to her?!” Liam yelled. “Yes, but he stopped, I swear!” Will promised. Liam lunged for Harry, but Carter stood in front of him and got hit instead. She fell to the floor in pain.

“Oh fuck, Carter are you okay?” Liam asked, running his hands through his hair in frustration and regret. Harry knelt down beside her. “Get the fuck off her Styles!” Liam roared, pushing Harry to the floor. “How could you hit your sister Liam?!” Will shouted. Niall raced into the park, picking Carter up and carrying her away as she cried into his chest. Liam watched as she was led away, and a tear filled his eye. He punched Harry in the face and tackled him to the floor.

“HOW COULD YOU HARRY?! SHE’S MY BABY SISTER!” Liam yelled and Harry, hitting him multiple times. Will separated the duo and pulled them up.

“Just stop it! Do you really think this is going to help her Liam?!” Will exclaimed. Liam took a deep breath.

“You go near Carter again and I swear I’ll murder you Styles. I don’t want you to touch her, smile at her or even look at her. I don’t want you calling or texting her, I want you to stay away. I don’t want you to have anything to do with her. You’re nothing to me anymore Harry, nothing.” Liam spat, glaring at Harry before storming off.

He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked down the footpath until he got to the car. He got into the driver’s seat, looking back at Carter who was cuddled into Zayn’s chest, crying her eyes out. She noticed Liam get into the car and looked up. “W-Where’s Harry?” she asked. “You won’t be seeing him anymore Carter.” Liam sighed, beginning to drive off. Tears filled Carter’s eyes once mais as she put her head in her hands.

When they parked up outside the house, Carter climbed out of the car. She stomped up the stairs and sprinted into her bedroom, shutting the door and locking it. She slid down onto the floor and buckled her knees to her chest, sobbing once more. The boys ran upstairs and banged on her door.

“Carter, please come out.” Louis pleaded. “No.” she cried. “Please Carter.” Zayn begged. “Not until Liam lets me see Harry.” Carter said. “I’m doing this for your own good Carter! Stop atuação so stupid!” Liam shouted.

“I hate you Liam. I wish you were never my brother.”

“Oh yeah? Well I wish you were never my sister either!”

“I just want mum and dad back. They’d let me be with Harry!”


Liam’s venomous words stabbed Carter directly in the chest. She remained silent after his last comment, she just sobbed quietly. She knew what he said was true. If she hadn’t been asleep and woken up in time, maybe her mum and dad would be still with her today. Her tears became mais frequently as she buried her head in her hands.

Liam regretted his words ever since they left his mouth. A tear streamed down his cheek. “Carter, I’m sorry.” He whispered, but no response followed. “Come on bro, things will be better in the morning.” Niall patted Liam on the back and they all went downstairs. “I can’t believe I just said that to her.” Liam put his head in his hands.

Of course he hadn’t meant what he said. What happened to his mum and dad was an accident, it wasn’t Carter’s fault she was ill that day.

“Liam, it was in the heat of the moment. She knows you didn’t mean it.” Zayn told him. “She hates me.” Liam’s eyes filled with tears. He began to wonder if he had made the right decision after all.

* * * * *

Will Calling.

Carter crawled across the floor and grabbed her phone. “Hello?” she croaked. “Carter babe, how are you feeling?” Will asked. “Awful. I feel so bad. Where’s Harry?” she whimpered. “He’s at my house love.” Will replied. “Is he okay?!” she questioned. “Yeah he’s fine babe, don’t worry.” Will reassured her. “This is all my fault.” Carter stated, “Hey, it’s not your fault, okay? You’ve done nothing wrong.” Will told her, but all her could hear was her crying.

“1 segundo Carter.” Will said, strolling into his sitting room and over to Harry who was sitting on the couch, holding an ice-pack to his black eye, courtesy of Liam. “There’s someone on the phone for you.” He handed Harry the phone. “Who is it?” Harry asked. “See for yourself.” Will smiled.

“Hello?” Harry said in confusion. “Harry!” Carter’s voice rang in his ear. “Are you okay babe?” he queried. “Not without you. Why won’t Liam let me be with you?” she queried. Harry sighed heavily. “I did a lot of bad things Carter.” He told her. “I don’t care Harry. I amor you.” Carter remarked. Harry bit his lip.

“Carter, read the diary on your bedside locker and tell me that you still amor me.” He said. “What? Why?” Carter questioned. “Just trust me Carter, okay?” he tittered. “Okay.” Carter replied. “Read it until the very end.” He remarked. “I will.” She retorted. “Night Carter, amor you.” He spoke in a hushed tone. “I amor you too Harry.” Carter whispered before hanging up.

Carter just couldn’t understand it. How did her life come to this?

* * * * *
posted by MadisonFontenot
Lilah POV:

The guys are letting me stay at there house for awhile. The doctor said I shouldn't be alone.
"This is your room.." link

Harry walked in and put down one of my bags.
"Thank you," I said putting down some of the bags.
"If you need anything, you know where to find me." He walked out the door. For days Zayn has been ignoring me, and every time we are in the same room he doesn't even look at me.

As I walked down stairs I heard a door shut. Niall was in the cozinha making tea, "He's pissed." I heard someone say. As I walked closer and hide behind a mural I heard, "Why is he?" The voice...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Skylar's P.O.V

I woke up dragging my-self out of bed. I got dressed and changed in my out-fit link. I was in the cozinha eating breakfast. I was eating when I got a text link I checked and I freaked it was the Hollister magazine I nervously checked.

Hollister : oi sky we were wondering of you were free at 2:35 for a fotografia shoot. We saw you’re work and we desperately wanted you?

Me: omg are u serious of course I’ll be their!J

Hollister :great c u then.

I put my phone down I changed my case to Harry yeah I had a small crush on him. But I’m still upset. I went in the living room and plopped...
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A/N: This story is about your first encontro, data with your 1D Boyfriend.

Tonight was the night that your Boyfriend, Harry, was taking you out on your first ever date. You ahd no idea where he was taking you so of course you were suspicious.
"Y/N, Are you ready?" Harry asked from down stairs.
"Almost Harry, just give me a minute" You said.
You got into this dress:

And wore these shoes:

You then put your hair into a tidy bun and a put on some lite make-up.
"Y/N" Harry yelled.
"I'm coming" You yelled back as you walked down the stairs.
"Wow, you look amazing" He said taking your hand.
He took you...
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Elounor_Lover24 POV

I can’t believe I’m doing this. I breathe in deeply and let it out. I’m not having segundo thoughts. I don’t have cold feet. I’m just nervous. I have waiting for this for years and now that it’s finally happening I don’t know what to do with myself. Well, actually I do. I’m going to walk down that isle, that’s what. My best friend Eleanor is lacing up my dress while I calm myself. You would think it would be weird. Us being friends and all. I mean, I’m marrying her ex. I use to feel awful. For the longest time I felt like the worst best friend in the world....
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Elounor_Lover24 POV

I can’t believe I’m doing this. I breathe in deeply and let it out. I’m not having segundo thoughts. I don’t have cold feet. I’m just nervous. I have waiting for this for years and now that it’s finally happening I don’t know what to do with myself. Well, actually I do. I’m going to walk down that isle, that’s what. My best friend Eleanor is lacing up my dress while I calm myself. You would think it would be weird. Us being friends and all. I mean, I’m marrying her ex. I use to feel awful. For the longest time I felt like the worst best friend in the world....
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Will's P.O.V.
We played futebol forever until Micheal and Coan came up.
"Hey dudes and dudet" Micheal said.
"What do you want?" Shannon said giving him the death eye.
"Nothing, Micheal and I were just wondering if you guys would like to go to the de praia, praia for a swim?" Coan said.
"No we're good" Shannon said.
"What the heck was that for?" Johnny asked
"SHUT-UP" He said punching Shannon.
Shannon droped to the ground in tears, we could tell she was is in horrible pain.
"Dude, leave her alone"...
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posted by aanikamerchant
Alex and Alice are twin sisters . They are totally same each and everything is alike except the hair Alex has brown hair and alice  has black. Alex is Proudy and Alice is humble . 
Tiffany , Shenali , Emily and lia were Alice's friend . Alex had no frnds . Cz she used to hurt everyone . They all study in the same class. 
Alice always used to forget and forgive Alex Bt Alex used to do the same thing again and again. Alex Nd Alice moms got divorced and Alice stayed vth her mom and Alex went with her dad. 
Shenali and Alice were bestfriend since childhood . Alice and Alex dont evn know or remember each other . Shenali . Lia and Alice used to work at a cafe . And when Alice's mom used to me used to be out of town they all used to stay at Alice's Plc it was their segundo home 
posted by aanikamerchant
Chp24 its 3:00 pm 

Louis'sPOV: being vth Aaliya was really fun . She used to comment a lot. Bt she used to get weaker n weaker everyday. 
Ruby: oi Evryone I m recording so say hi 
Evryone : hi  
Ruby : where's are superstar Aaliya 
Niall: went to freshen up 
Ruby : so Hw are we going 
Harry: all in our tour bus 
Tracy : Bt wat about our car . 
Liam: in that car we will put our suitcases n that car our driver vl bring . 
Tess: then who is gng to drive the bus 
Zayn: another driver 
Tiff: u hv 2 drivers 
Harry: yes nw let's go 
Aaliya came downstairs n Alex helped her . She whispered something...
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posted by aanikamerchant
Chp 21 seguinte MORNING 

Louis'sPOV: I woke up Alex por my side evn he got up . We both went out . At the same time I saw Shenali Tess n ruby get out . 
I: good morning
All : good morning 
Shenali : breakfast 
I : yes 
Ruby : u sound like Niall 
We were heading down when I heard the two doors open behind one in which Liam n niall was 2 in which Harry n zayn were . Evn Tracy came out . We all went together downstairs. 
Tess: I will make the breakfast 
Zayn : awwww thnx bebz 
Tess: that nothing I always do 
Zayn : u knw to cook 
Tess: yes I do . 

We reached the mesa, tabela I saw an envelop and cars keys...
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posted by aanikamerchant
Chapter 18:The roller coaster

Aaliya's POV: my stomach started to pain mais n mais n this time I was having a slide headache . I reached the roller coaster area n saw e Evryone talking about their beijar pics. They were so eager to knw about that person. 
Zayn : Hw did that person come to knw about us that we are here 
Harry : yep some question 
Aaliya: high everyone
Tiffany : u alright 
Aaliya: totally 
Tiffany :do lets rid the roller coaster

Niall'sPoV: Aaliya was kind of not feeling well. Bt she was nt showing it either. I was worried for her. I heard Liam scream from far n running towards...
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 seventeen magazine
seventeen magazine
One Direction takes the cover of Seventeen magazine‘s November 2012 issue, on newsstands October 16.

Here is what the guys – Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, and Harry Styles – had to share with the mag:

Harry on being seen as the ‘girl-crazy’ one: “I wouldn’t say girl-crazy, because that makes me sound like a bit of a womanizer. That isn’t really me. But I am quite flirty—maybe too flirty. I’m an 18-year-old boy, and I like to have fun!”

Niall on Demi Lovato: “The nice thing about Demi is, once you know her, she’s really, really beautiful. We became...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Skylar’s P.O.V

When I saw Harry anger and sadness hit me. I slammed the door running up-stairs. Ugly freak kept repeating in my head. I was trapped in my room tears flooding down. I was wrapped in my blankets crying the words Harry told me repeating over and over again. How much I dread-fully hated him. I trusted him with all my coração and him saying I am a ugly freak no never talking to him ever again. I checked my twitter and saw no hate but lost like 100 followers except the lads. A few days later summer break ended. I had to go back to school I’m still in 11th grade but I’m entering...
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posted by mehparty3
(MadisonFontenot, your request will be fulfilled soon. X3 I'm so weird.)
"I'm so excited," I smiled at Niall, who was driving us towards a lake where we were going canoeing. He smiled and leaned over to squeeze my hand. "I really wanted this to be special," he said. "It's our first public outing since we got engaged." I laughed, "Do you think people will see us?" Niall shrugged. "Maybe a few. You know, the people who run the canoa place for the lake. And maybe some tourists," he chuckled, pulling into the parking lot.
On the canoe, we were in the...
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posted by 1Directionluv1D
Sorry it’s been a while… I had my bday and school. But I will make this one really long so hope u like it!!
Harry’s POV

So we are playing spin the bottle and Gianna was spinning and it landed on me. So she shrugs and we both lean in. but we got interrupted por her phone. She looked at it and it was her ex. But Louis took the phone and yelled at us to kiss. Then we did. It was breath taking. They counted slowly. 1………………….2…………..3………………4………………….5………………..6………………..7………………8……………..9………………..10………………11…………………12…………….12………………..13……………………..13………14………14………………14…………..14……………15...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Harry's P.O.V

what did i do i didnt mean it skylar was locked in her room for days. i tryed to go in the room to talk to her but she either kicked me out or yelled at me.Skylar’s P.O.V

I wasn’t expecting him to do this to me an UGLY FREAK really. I was getting loads of hate on twitter and on face book, tumbler, fã pop. Everybody hated me nobody loved me no body at all. I was listening to Nelly Just a Dream when somebody knocks on the door. "hey were going to get some snacks want anything"says niall. "NO GO AWAY" i say crying. i started packign everything. i left a note on the front door...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Skylar's P.O.V

I was in my dressing room again panicking this was my last performance after I cadastrar-se One Direction. But this is a night to remember I am going to surprise them with One Direction coming from each sides cantar “were like na na then were like yeah yeah” we have been planning this for months. First I’m going to start it off slow then really start off. Like I’m going to do a out-fit change then the lads will come out then I will pop out underneath the stage. cantar super baixo por Nicki Minaj. I got ready in my out-fit leaving my dressing room gulping down water and fanning...
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Allyce's P.O.V
i walked into starbucks as the sino above the door jingled.I saw Annabell with a girl with wavy brown hair.She waved me over and i sat down to the chair seguinte to her."Hey Annabell!" i said."Hey Allyce this is my sister Ruby (Fiestagirl12345)" Annabell said with a grin."Hello" Ruby proclaimed as she reached out her hand for a shake. I shook her hand as i said"Hi i'm Allyce" We all got our coffee and got to know each other.I know that she just turned 18 she wears glasses and she loves to pull pranks.By the time we finished talking we were basically best friends.She is also very cheeky.She...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Skylar's P.O.V

i was at the after party in the coolest room ever link i was gettng some wahoo soco when somebody comes towards me "here amor let me this beutiful dress shouldnt get ruined" i turn and see Harry Styles the Harry styles. "oh um thanks i am a huge fã of you guys" i say smiling and walking off. i walk off when he slips something in my hand. "call me some times sweet-heart"says harry smiling he winks and walk's off. man he was a great flirt.
_____________________2 Day's Later________

i was back-stage practicing cantar E.T i looked in the mirror wearing my neon out-fit for E.T i went...
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Chapter 1- The Tezarrac
(Also, I'm going to write their real names but put their atuação parts as their stage name.....sorry if this is confusing.......:P)

Simon Cowell, (also known as Director Fury), was walking out of his helicopter as he knew it would be a long night. He had been informed that their is a strange object that might danger the Earth. He saw his assisstant, Danielle Peazer, or Agent Peazer had a serouis face in front of the base, licking her lips.
Behind him was Paul Higgins, or Phil Coleson. Nobody knew why people called him that, but people just went with that he looked like...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
Alicia POV:

"Ready?" I looked into the mirror and saw Kristen, my manager, standing in the door way holding a clipboard. I looked at myself once more. It is October 28, first time I did a show, concerto in three months.
"Ready," I repeated. I grabbed a mic and went to the elevator that goes onto the stage.
"Let's do this," I said as he pressed the button to go up. "Are ya'll ready tonight?!" I screamed into the mic, "I remember, how we where. You where miiiiine and I was yours! But that has come to an end. Yaay yay yaaay!" As I sang there was screaming and this and that. I sang about three songs, then...
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