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Carter spat out her chá and her eyes widened. Liam didn’t just say that… She refused to believe it.

“I’m 16 Liam! I DON’T NEED A BABYSITTER!” she roared.

“It’s not a babysitter! He’s just here to keep you company while I’m away!” Liam protested.

Carter’s blood boiled inside her. Its official, she had blown her top. She was furious that Liam would do this to her.

“I don’t need any company Liam! I’ll be fine on my own!” she screamed. “No you won’t Carter!” Liam objected. “And why is that Liam?!” she questioned, crossing her arms.

“Because you a wreck Carter! That’s why! Every dia you come início with a new injury and puffy red eyes! You’ve tried to kill yourself on numerous occasions and you can’t take care of yourself!” Liam’s words stung Carter directly in her heart.

Even her brother, the person she cared about the most, has lost faith in her.

Tears brewed in Carter’s eyes as she made her way through the hallway. “Carter, wait!” Liam tried to call Carter back but she ignored him and walked on.

She sprinted up the stairs and was met por Zayn halfway. “Carter, what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling her towards him. She shook her head and wriggled from his grasp, strolling away from him and into her bedroom before slamming the door loudly and locking it. She slumped down onto the floor and buckled her knees to her chest, sobbing quietly.

“Liam, what happened Carter?” Zayn questioned. “I told her about Harry minding her and she freaked out.” He responded. A short silence passed por between the two. “What are you going to do?” Zayn asked. “I don’t think I can go to Ibiza. I can’t leave her, especially like this.” He sighed. “But, Liam, you’ve been looking progressivo, para a frente to this trip all year!” Zayn protested. “I know…” Liam gazed at his feet.

He never meant to say that to Carter, it just slipped out, and he regretted it ever since the words left his mouth.

* * * * *

“Carter…. Please come out.” Niall pleaded from outside Carter’s bedroom. She didn’t respond. The only sounds coming from her bedroom were the almost silent sobs that she cried. “Please Carter, for me?” he begged. “Go away.” She whispered harshly through her tears. Niall did as he was told and went downstairs.

“She won’t come out.” He told them. “Let her cool down. She’ll be fine in the morning.” Louis chimed. The boys agreed and turned on the TV.

Carter hated speaking to Niall or any of the boys like that. She knew he was just trying to help and didn’t cause any of this. But then again, Liam had just said what everyone else was thinking, and she knew it. She sat down on her cama and threw her head back, slowly drifting into a deep sleep.

She was constantly tossing and turning that night. Her dreams were filled with deep, darks secrets that she couldn’t understand the meaning of. Harry was in her dreams, and it seemed to be taking place when he was babysitter her.

“Carter, get over here.” He spoke through gritted teeth. Carter slowly edged over to Harry in fear.

She knew what was coming. Ever since the boys left fir Ibiza, the bullying became worse. Her daily beatings turned into hourly ones. His words became sharper and mais painful towards her. The torment she usually received for 7 hours a dia was now 24 hours. Things were getting worse and worse for Carter por the day. He wouldn’t let her eat or drink. She was surprised she was still alive.

She pulled her weak body closer to him and gazed up. His evil eyes pierced through her as she trembled in fear. A tear trickled down her cheek and she waited in anticipation for what he was going to do to her.

He picked up and faca and neared towards her, taking tiny steps. “P-P-Please don’t do this to me Harry. I-I-I amor you.” She spoke in a shaky tone. “I’m no one’s segundo choice Carter.” Harry shook his head, breathing heavily on her. “You were n-never my segundo choice Harry, I promise.” She meant every word she said. Her breath baited as he held the faca up against her throat, back her against the wall.

“You should have thought of that before you chose him over me.” He spat as he sliced the faca through her and she fell to the ground. She was cold, pale and dead. A river of blood surrounded her and Harry strolled out of the house and slammed the door.

Carter Louise Payne. 16th March 1995 – 23 November 2011.

A beloved daughter, sister and friend to all.

She will be dearly missed, but never forgotten.

A figure came towards her grave. She didn’t recognise it at first but soon saw that it was Harry.

What was he doing at her grave? He was the one who caused this in the first place! He had killed her…

He had a bouquet of flores in his hand and he placed them carefully beside her headstone. He bent down beside the grave and whispered:

“I only did this to you to stop the constant pain in my heart,
But now that you’re gone, I just want you to be here with me.”

A tear fell from his eye and onto the soil of the grave. He sniffed before turning away and leaving the cemetery where Carter was buried.

* * * * *

Carter suddenly woke up from her dream and screamed. She opened her eyes to find herself in her bedroom, along.

It was just a dream Carter…

What had her dream meant? Was it some sort of vision into the future? Was Harry really going to kill her? And would he regret it afterwards? When did she ever put Harry in ‘second place’?

Carter’s mind was bombarded with perguntas like these. She couldn’t understand it.

But what Carter didn’t know, was that her dream had a much deeper meaning to it. It meant a lot mais than she though. And she would soon find out why…

She lied back down and put in her earphones in hope of getting a small bit of sleep.

You think that you know me, know me.
That’s why I’m leaving you lonely, lonely.
Baby you don’t know a thing about me…
You don’t know a thing about me…

She eventually fell back to sleep as she laid in her bed.

* * * * *

The seguinte morning, Carter got up and ventured downstairs, into the cozinha where the boys were.

“Carter!” they exclaimed in unison. “Hi guys.” She smiled. “Hi Carter.” Liam remarked. Carter ignored him and strolled past him, sitting beside Zayn and grinning. “Would you like a drink Carter?” Louis asked as he stood up. “Yes please Louis, seen as I can’t fend for myself.” She aimed her comment directly at Liam and glared at him. “Ooh Liam just got burned!” Niall jeered, earning a slap off the older boy.

Carter laughed quietly. “I’ve got to go boys. See you later.” She beamed, beijar each of the boys except Liam and waltzing out the door.

She got to school and dashed to her locker. She sorted out her books just as Harry burst through the door, glaring. She hoped and prayed that it wasn’t her he was angry with, and luckily, it wasn’t. To Carter’s surprise, he stormed past her and headed straight towards Tom, the guy who Lucy had cheated on him with.

“IT’S BAD ENOUGH TO FUCK AROUND WITH MY GIRLFRIEND, BUT MY SISTER?!” Harry shouted, causing everyone to jump.

“Aw, I guess Gemma told you about our little night then, eh?” tom chuckled, less than intimidated por Harry. “You’re a fucking man whore Tom.” Harry spat. “Aw is lickle Harry upset?” Tom teased.

“YOU’LL BE A LOT mais THAN UPSET WHEN I’M DONE WITH YOU!” Harry roared, lunging at Tom and pouncing on him.

“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” Everyone chanted in the hallways.

Carter tried to see what was going on, but she was grabbed por the wrist and turned around. She looked up and was met por a smiley Jake. “Hiya.” Jake displayed a toothy grin on his face. “Jake!” Carter beamed as she pecked him on the lips. “What’s your first class?” he quizzed Carter, holding her hand tightly. “Free period, you?” she replied. “Maths.” Jake sulked. The sino rang so he kissed Carter and strolled away.

Jake sat down in class and took out his phone. Lucy stormed in and slammed her hand on the table, scowling at Jake as he looked up at her.

“What the fuck are you playing at Jake?!” she shrieked. “What’s wrong Lucy?” he inquired. “What the hell are you thinking?! Who gave you the right to encontro, data that whore Carter?!” Lucy shrieked.

The teacher entered the room and tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for Lucy to leave. “Relax Luce, we’ll talk later.” Jake whispered. Lucy stomped out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Jake rolled his eyes at his over-dramatic sister and sighed.

* * * * *

Carter came início later that dia and took off her coat. She grabbed a packet of taytos from the cupboard and jolted up the stairs. The boys wouldn’t be início for another while, so she had the house to herself.

She was in a very good mood, considering the events of last night. I guess she was still going through the honeymoon-phase with Jake. She switched on her stereo and música blared out of it.

We found amor in a hopeless place!
We found amor in a hopeless place!
We found amor in a hopeless place!
We found amor in a hopeless place!

Carter danced around the room like an idiot. No one was watching her, so she went crazy around the room. See, the thing is, Carter was not a very good dancer. AT ALL. She had two left feet as people would say. She was shocked that she made it through the night of the prom with falling over!

* * * * *

Niall turned the key in the lock and opened the door. He could hear música coming from upstairs so he ran up and pressed his ear against the door of Carter’s bedroom.

“We found amor in a hopeless place!”

The segundo Niall heard the song; he burst into the room and joined Carter, but decided to change the lyrics.


He roared. Carter screamed the newly-written lyrics at the topo, início of her voice.


They both jumped around and continued to sing and dance. That is, until Carter realised what the lyrics actually said.

“We found Carter in a homeless pl- HEY!” she pouted, only recognising Niall’s little joke now.

Niall stifled with laughter and slapped Carter slapped Niall on the head. She scooted over to her stereo and changed the song to avoid Niall’s cruel joke. And you’ll never get what she picked…


She winked at Niall. “Yes, you’re very sexy babe.” Niall flirted, wriggling his eyebrows at her. “Remember Niall… I’ve got a boyfriend now!” she told him. “Boo.” He sulked. She kissed his cheek and he began to sing once more.


Niall pulled up his shirt, revealing his toned torso. Carter giggled and pretended to swoon.

* * * * *

The door opened and Liam stood in the doorway. Carter didn’t want to talk to him right now. She ran to the door and tried to close it on him but he blocked her from doing so with his foot.

“I’m just gonna go….” Niall said awkwardly and left the room.

Carter turned away from Liam and sat on her bed, refusing to look at him. He sighed and stepped over to the bed, sitting down beside her. She moved away from him and scowled slightly.

“Carter… I’m sorry.” He whispered.

“Carter didn’t murmur a word. “Please Carter…” he pleaded, resting his arm on her lap. She looked down with no emotion whatsoever on her face.

Meanwhile, Louis, Zayn and Niall were leaning against Carter’s bedroom door, listening to her and Liam’s conversation. “Louis…. You’re squishing me….” Niall whined. “SHH NIALL!” Louis and Zayn hissed. Niall pouted as he tried to wriggle out from under Louis. He banged into the door and it swung open. “NIALL YOU IDIOT!” Zayn and Louis roared in unison. “I’m sorry!” Niall whimpered and ran downstairs. Louis and Zayn mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ to Liam and Carter and followed Niall.

“Carter, look at me.” Liam turned Carter around to face him. She wouldn’t even look him in the eye. “Why even bother Liam? After all, I’m a wreck.” Carter’s amargo, amarga words sliced through Liam like a knife. “Carter, I didn’t mean to call you a wreck…” Liam promised her. “Then why did you? Something must have led you to say it!” Carter raised her voice a little as she stared at her brother intensely.

“I don’t know…. I was just angry and it slipped out. You’re not a wreck Carter, you’re perfect. You’re the most amazing girl in the world and I’m proud to call you my sister.” He whispered, pulling Carter into his embrace and hugging her tightly. She kissed his cheek which made him instantly smile. He knew he was forgiven.

“AWWWW!!!” several voices mused from the doorway.

“Way to ruin the moment guys!” Liam hissed. Louis, Niall and Zayn chuckled and ran into the room. They pounced on Carter and engulfed her in a urso hug. “Guys I can’t breathe!” Carter screamed. They ignored her cry for help and continued to smother her. Zayn sprang away from them and perked up.

“LETS PLAY WRESTLING!!!” he yelled.

Everyone jumped to their feet in excitement.






Everyone turned and froze and the last comment. Niall’s cheeks turned bright red as he received strange looks off the boys and Carter.

“Did you just say you were being Kelly-Kelly? But she’s a girl Niall….” Louis chimed.

“Yeah buddie!” Niall exclaimed and ran downstairs, leaving the others to follow.

Carter still wasn’t one bit happy about the whole Harry-Babysitter-Her business, but she was going to make the most of having the boys around until they left.

* * * * *
Celebrity singer and a five-member group found themselves por chance in the same plane to London, so Kylie took the opportunity to tell them she loves their music.

"Kylie was first class and was passed por the boys when they went to the place. They worked up the courage to call her, and Kylie was wonderful to them, wishing them luck in their careers. She said and that she loves their music. Nial, Louis, Zayn, Harry and Liam were in America where they are presented their album what will appear in the U.S. a week earlier than planned, due to unprecedented fã interest.
One Direction have been involved in a 'terrifying' bus crash.

The 'Gotta Be You' hitmakers - Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne - were all treated for neck injuries after a woman crashed into their vehicle when they were returning to their hotel following a show, concerto in Birmingham on Wednesday night (04.01.12).

The group were advised to cancelar last night's (05.01.12) show in Plymouth because three members had severe headaches and spinal pain, but they carried on as normal after being given the all-clear.

A fonte told the Daily Mirror newspaper: 'It was pretty...
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They may look like holiday snaps from a family album but take a closer look and you will see they are actually photographs of boy band One Direction.

The lads where captured on camera por Zach Guilar, from The Celtic Camper Company Ltd, based in Llangynog near Oswestry, after he hired out one of his baía window Volkswagen vans for a day’s filming in a village near Anglesey.

The five boys, who finished third on the seventh series of X-Factor, are currently on a nationwide tour and used the furgão, van for the opening video to their gigs.

They are seen driving around in the campervan before stopping...
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19th June 2011. The dia One Direction came to do a signing at my town. Also my birthday, and the dia my life changed forever.

"We're not going to get in if you don't hurry up!" I yelled to my best friend, Raman, who was upstairs making sure her hair was perfect. Well, it's not everyday you meet One Direction. Although, when she came down, I had to admit she did look good. Her brown eyes glittered, and her long, brown hair was perfect. She didn't look happy though, she was pulling at her t-shirt, like she didn't feel good enough. So, I started cantar What Makes You Beautiful to her. naturally....
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posted by mina27
Name: Liam James Payne
Age: 17
DOB: 29/08/93
Star Sign: Virgo
Home Town: Wolverhampton
Favourite Film: All three of the Toy Story movies
Celeb Crush: Leona Lewis
Man Crush: Michael McIntyre
Bet you didn’t know: He only has one kidney.
Turn-ons: Knee socks, PDAs, giggling, squealing and tattoos.
Turn-offs: Burping, farting, swearing, fake tan and bling.
Liam is a loyal and faithful boyfriend.
On a encontro, data he would wear jeans and a T-shirt.
His perfect girl would have to be cheeky but quiet and a bit shy as well. He likes happy, smiley girls. He also likes mousy brown haired girls.
Apparently, he has been grabbed...
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posted by mina27
Name: Zayn Javadd Malik
Age: 18
DOB: 12/01/93
Star Sign: Capricorn
Home Town: Bradford
Celeb Crush: Megan Fox
Man Crush: Justin Timberlake
Favourite hair colour on a girl: Brunette
Bet you didn’t know: He celebrated his 18th birthday with a trip to Nandos with the boys.
Turn-ons: tatuagens and stripper shoes
Turn-offs: Punks, burping and sweating.
Zayn is a loyal and faithful boyfriend.
On a encontro, data he would wear jeans, a T-shirt and trainers.
His perfect girl can’t be too clingy and someone who acts cool. Megan raposa would be his ideal partner.
He loves the mirror.
He’s a secret bad boy.
He is actually a bit...
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Who's she beijar now? Caroline Flack gets cosy with One Direction's Niall but Harry keeps a close eye on them.

After her much publicised kiss with One Direction's Harry Styles, the 31-year-old Xtra Factor presenter appeared to be moving on to band mate Niall Horan, 18.

Following the group's performance on X Factor last night, the Xtra factor host was pictured saying goodbye to the youngsters and enjoyed a lingering hug with the teenage singer.

Baring her tanned legs and wearing a black winter casaco with towering nude stilettos, Caroline looked rather happy as she left the Londres studios.

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posted by xMrsNiallHoranx
JIMMY Carr hammered One Direction before jantar at the GQ Awards last night.

He approached the lads, with a slightly sinister question: "Evening boys. Is there a kids' mesa, tabela for you tonight?

"Have they got the high chairs in for you? What's this? Buy one suit get four free? What's on the kids' menu? peixe fingers and chips?"

Band member Louis Tomlinson didn't sit back and take it.

He fired back: "What's that shirt? Are you working as a nurse during the day? You look like you've escaped from a mental institution."

But it was all in jest. Five versus one – if it had seriously kicked off it would have been like death por monkeys in Toy Story 3.
posted by lois4
One Direction like to flirt. They can dress it up whichever way they like, but we’ve had first hand experience of that cheeky glint in their eyes and how every girl in the vicinity’s knees suddenly go weak when they enter a room.

For this reason we’re a little surprised at how coolly certain members of the band were when heat magazine questioned them on their flirtatious antics.

When asked who gets the most numbers Louis Tomlinson immediately said “Harry”, to which Mr Styles corrected: “I don’t get the most numbers.” The Tomlinator then said: “Zayn’s the dark horse”, while...
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Niall's POV

I saw Nat sitting on Harry's lap. That's it, its over, he won. I lost. She was drifting to sleep on his shoulder when her phone rang. She answered then smiled. She got up and grabbed my hand and lead me out. Then I saw Cher...

Nat's POV

I knew he would amor it. He turned and hugged me and kissed my check then went to Cher. I skipped back in, "Someone's suprisingly happy." I smiled and went back to Harry. "Cher?" He whispered in my ear. I turned and smiled back to him.

I got up and went to the kitchen, "Make me a sandwhich!" Zayn yelled. I gave him a look, "Excuse me, no. You know...
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posted by lois4
We've always known that Louis Tomlinson is the self-confessed party boy of One Direction.

But we didn't realise just how far he'll go for a good time.

Louis recently hopped on a plane to Ibiza for 24 hours of fun - and then Magaluf a week later!

'It was literally really spontaneous,' says 19-year-old Louis.

'I decided with my best friend Stan that we fancied a good little party, so...I went to Ibiza, and then, because I liked it so much, the weekend after I went to Magaluf.

'Happy days!

Louis must have spent as much time travelling to and from airports as he did in each resort as they were whistle-stop visits.

'Ibiza just for a night, and then Magaluf for two days,' he told BBC Radio 1.

'But it was amazing, so good.'

Room in your suitcase for us seguinte time, Louis?
I sat her up on the ledge beside the sink and locked the bathroom door.

“I’m so sorry Niall.” She said shakily as tears fell down her cheeks.
“What are you sorry about?” I quizzed.
“I’m being an idiot. You don’t need this petty drama when you’ve got your mates around.” She sniffed.
“Mickie, listen to yourself. All I care about is if you’re ok.” I told her, handing her a tissue to wipe her tears.
“Thank you.” She spoke quietly.
“And what’s all this about me ‘pretending to amor you’, eh?” I questioned her.

“Let’s be realistic niall. You’re the most...
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“Uh-Uh..... OK!!!” I said as I jumped into his arms.

Mickie’s P.O.V:

I came início and Andrea was on the phone.
“Ok! I can’t wait to see you baby!” she flirted.
I began to gag and she shot me the evils.
“Byeeee.” She giggled.
She hung up the phone and scowled over at me.
“You’re a fucking bitch.” She cursed.
“Can’t you leave your lovie-dovie Greg stuff alone for 5 MINUTES? HA HA!” I joked.
“Don’t mess with me you slut. You’re just jealous because you’ll never EVER find someone because you’re too ugly and no one likes you.” Andrea scowled.
“Well NIALL...
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posted by xMrsNiallHoranx
Q.1 = How do you feel about being voted One Direction FOTM?
A.1= really pleased! i wasn't expecting it :) thank you to the people who voted for me :) xx

Q.2 = who is your favourite member? Why?
A.2 = Louis :) simply because he's perfect in every single way possible :) xx

Q.3 = what was your favourite live show song? Why?
A.3 = definitely torn cos they sounded perfect and looked AMAZING on the platform :) xxx

Q.4 = If they could release one song, what would you want it to be?
A.4 = I would amor them to release The Lazy Song por Bruno mars cos it would be so hilarious to hear them sing it :)) xx

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Me and niall stayed in silence for a couple of minutos on the way home.

“So Mickie, I guess you enjoyed harry hitting me in the balls, eh?” he smirked.
“Uh… no of course not.” I lied.
He narrowed his eyes at me.
“Ok maybe a little....” I admitted.
Niall laughed.
“Look Mickie, I’m really sorry.” He sighed.
I stopped him.
“Niall, its fine. There’s no need to apologize AGAIN!” I laughed.
“Ok. Promise I won’t say sorry again!” he joked.
“Thank you!” I laughed.

Suddenly it started to get really cold and windy.
Great. I forgot to bring a jaqueta or a hoodie and...
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I called in for Amanda and she was on nuvem nine. Her and zayn were a match made in heaven. She is going out to jantar with him tonight and can’t wait.

She looked down at my arm.

“Why did they hit you THIS time?” she asked.
“I kissed niall.” I replied.
“Really? OMG! But why would they hit you for beijar niall?” she asked.

I shrugged and we called in for kate. She look at my arm and rolled her eyes.
“I’m not even going to ask.” She said grumpily.

We got to school and Kate was really nervous.

“What’s wrong kate?” I asked.
“I’m gonna go tell harry what I did now.”...
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Mickie Leanne Rosemary lives with her five older sisters, Melissa, Andrea, Claire, Tanya and Emma.
Her parents past away 10 years atrás when she was young, she’s 16 now. Before they died, her and her sisters had daily chores to do. Now all of those chores are up to her.

When she was about 4 years old, she collapsed and her body stopped working. Everyone thought she was going to die, so her parents gave her a lot of attention. She could sense that her sisters were jealous, but they were very kind to her.

Then she miraculously got better and everyone was so happy. Well, at least that’s what she...
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“ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” niall said as I pulled him down the road.

“come on!” I said and let go of his ear.
“why cant I stay in the hospital?” niall sulked.
“because I want someone to come with me to the take-away.” I replied.

“because he’s too busy for me. He puts leah first all of the time.” I grumbled.

“well she mightn’t make it through this! I guess we all just want to stay with her.” he told me.

“don’t make me feel guilty blondy!” I roared.
“well he IS her brother! They’ve always been insepretable.” Niall said.

“oh be quiet! I know the reason got...
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Niall’s P.O.V:

I came downstairs after about an hour. Louis, zayn and harry we leitura something in the sitting room.

“hi guys.” I said quietly.
Harry ignored me but louis and zayn smiled.

“look haz. I’m really sorry for atuação like a jerk.” I said.
“it’s ok man.” He smiled.

We had a bromance hug for a minuto before I sat down beside zayn to see what they were reading.

It had ‘rules’ written on the front of it. It read:

‘1. Don’t eat MY food.
2. don’t touch MY stuff.
3. don’t come into MY room. (unless you are harry)
4. don’t come into MY sitting room.
5. do...
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Louis’ P.O.V:

I went into my new bedroom and it had…. CARROT WALLPAPER!!!!! And carrot bedcovers, a carrot laptop cover, a carrot tv, a mini- fridge with carrots inside and my FAVOURITE DVD EVER: ‘the life of a carrot!’

Lois’ P.O.V:

My bedroom was a dark-ish rosa, -de-rosa colour. It had a flat screen tv, a walk-in wardrobe, a wii (finally I can play it now without louis saying ‘its not for girls’) and Justin Bieber, Ronan Park and Jayden Smith posters on the wall!

Then I walked into a room that said ‘louis + lois’ on the door. It was a massive room with a big en suite toilet. Louis...
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