Michael (Townley) De Santa Club
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"You sure you don't wanna come to my house?" Seras asked.

"Not right now. But maybe tonight, right now I need to check on my dad. See you around." Carly replied.

"Fine, be safe." Seras said, stepping into her her army green Bodhi. And drives off.


Carly is seen walking alone. While looking though her phone, probably her LifeInvader page. She somewhat unknowingly happens nto a Ballas own street. And she hears a human whistle directed to her. As Carly admittedly wears quite revealing clothes. She just doesn't always think about that.

"Look, I-" Carly start to say, only to realise it was a D. Who she didn't know.

"What's up, little lady? Damn… you are some tiny thing but you." D said in a suggestive tone.

"Look, I don't know what your impression is of me but …"

As the two go back and forth like that, the other 3 arrive, masks on. Just as Lamar worried, they looked ridiculous on them, but still did the trick.

"Daaamn! You're a fiery little thing, ain't ya?!" D cried, still not letting off. Despite Carly growing mais and mais angry with each second.

Franklin (whispering) Alright we go in quitely, and w ...

"What's up, D! Ain't no fun if the gangsters can't have none!" Lamar cried, exposing their positions. Much to Franklin's visable annoyance.

"Fuck you, I ain't sharing no bunda with the CCF!" D exclaimed.

"Ain't no bunda being shared, now fuck off!" Carly shouted angrily.

"You calm down! And ain't there some law against wearing masks in publi-"

Lamar suddenly pulls out his standard Pistol, Sally widens her green eyes in shock, even Franklin and Carly are serprised. "What now you snitching or something, punk bunda motherfucker!?"

"Fuck y'all I gone!" D cried and speeds off, nearly hitting the 3, Lamar pulling Sally out of harms way. "You nearly hit Sally you bitch!" Lamar cried, despite knowing he's already too far, and the 3 run to the truck.

Carly pauses a moment, than runs to catch up with them. "Wait for me!" she cried.


As they pile into the truck, Carly catches up, saying she wants in. Lamar is confused but lets her come anyway. Chop moves over. Not sensing Carly as a threat.

"Hang tight y'all. This gonna get rough!" The Lamar exclaimed, Chop barks at each bump, startling Carly. But she gently pets him.

"Chop a free spirit, he bark all he like." Lamar replied.

"What the fuck you say something for , we could of creeped up on him!" Franklin said.

"You see yourself Franklin, you a big black motherfucker, your creeping days are over." Lamar replied. Carly getting both Franklin's and Sally's names. Later catching Lamar's name two, when Sally says "Lamar, he went left!" referring to D.


Chasing D leads the the furgão, van to an area not too far from the train yards and they see a crashed bike.

"Oh fuck!" Carly responded.

"Damn, he got fucked up!" Lamer. exclaimed.

"Franklin, take Chop and Sally and go get that fool!" He responded, the two running out. Franklin saying something sarcastic in response.

Carly again decides to join, she finds a ski mask in the back of the furgão, van and throws it on before she follows after them. Not wanting this D guy to reconsize her. Though he'll still remember her clothes unfortantely, but it could help lower the chances.

"You're not even wearing that much makeup, how'd you get mistaken for a hooker?!" Franklin responded.

"Wrong place, wrong time! Name's Carly!" She replied, the 3 reaching a trainyard. Along the way, Chop stops to hump another dog, for some reason, so Sally pulls Chop off and telling him to focus.


They find D hiding in a train cart.

"Scared of cachorros mate?" Franklin smirked in the mask, and motioned Chop to chase D. D tries to run but gets bitten in the arm, and is left whining about it.

"Hey man, I ain't got no beef with the CCF!" D exclaimed once Franklin and Sally pulled him up. Both in enough green in ther clothes they are reconsized as part of the CCF rua gang.

"Cause maybe we doing our own thing!" Franklin responded.

Lamar pulls over the van.

"Hey, Lamar Davis, is that you?!" D exclaimed after Sally opened the back doors and shove D into the back.

"Shut the fuck up, just get in!" Lamar cried, being stupid enough to pull off his mask.

"Get in the damn van!" Sally cried.

"Sally?" D said, knowing her voice.

"We said get in!" Franklin cried, angrily shoving D in.

"I said I had no beef man!" D cried frightenedly. In response,Sally throws Chop seguinte to D, scaring him further, due to being attacked already. "Get this fucking dog away from me!"


"If you don't train chop, he'll be a lost cause like you L.D." Sally teased, Carly holding back Chop, who barked at D aggressively.

"Whatever. I gotta make a call." Lamar replied, pulling out his phone.

"You calling them on a cellphone, you dumb motherfucker?! LSPD will trace that shit in seconds!" Franklin responded.

"We want the $40,000! Pay us or pay the funeral director motherfucker!" Lamar said in the phone, Franklin slamming on the brakes.

"What the fuck you've gone and done?! Now we've gotta let this fucker outta here!" Franklin replied angrily, Carly reluntately kicking the doors open and tossing D out.

"Get the fuck outta here! And give me that damn phone!" Frank;in shouted, grabbing Lamar's phone and throwing it out the back.

"What the fuck?!" Lamar exclaimed.

D climbs out. "You owe me a bike motherfuckers!" He cried, running off.

The furgão, van drives off. Everyone can now de-mask. Carly finally seeing their faces. Sally was admittedly prettier than Carly expected. Which made Carly smile a little.

Carly pulls off the ski mask, putting it back in the van. Mentioning they might need to wash it. As a lot of Carly's makeup spread onto it. Kinda ruining Carly's face. But she'll worry about that later.

"The fuck's wrong with you!?" Franklin cried.

"I was getting us paid, the fuck's wrong with you, that was a good phone." Lamar whined.

"Good phone!? Cops were all over it." Franklin replied.

"I could of shallowed my card, try to trace that." Lamar replied.

"Too late it's done, least I saved you the dignity of pulling apart your shit." Franklin replied.

"You guys really CCF? Even the girl?" Carly asked.

"Yes.. I been with them for nearly 4 years.. Those two their whole lives." Sally said.

"Well most of it at least." Franklin replied.

"Cool." Carly replied, meaning it two.

She manages to direct Lamar to Michael's house. Which Carly enters. Heading straight to her room. As in the bckground Michael took part in the LifeInvader mission. And is seen rudely throwing Tracy out of the TV room, stealing the remote.. Which is a Michael moment I can never justify.. That's just being a dick.



Outside of a resturant the 4 went to for dinner. Sally and Lamar are still seen arguing about the failed robbery. About Lamar personally knowing D, and that may of been worth mentioning. Lamar himself a little tipsy from the beers he took inside.

"They don't get along too well, do they?" Carly asked Franklin Clinton.

"It's mais like brothers and sisters bickering" Franklin replied, lighting a weed joint. Carly giggled tries to flag a cab driver down but is ignored, or simply unseen as many were going quite fast.

"I'm going home." Sally says, heading to her blue Ford truck.

"You mean mine?" Franklin teased. The joint in his mouth, making that slight muffled sound.

"I mean Denise's." Sally teased back.

"Alrighty, I'm gonna drive Carly to her house, she cabbed here, not sure why truthfully." Franklin said, noticing her still trying to tag a cab. Carly hearing this, already heads towards his white car.

"Blake borrowed it." Refering to Carly's twin sister. Blake Townley/De Santa. I don't know enough about Blake. So she's not used as a major character. At most a cameo character.

"... Y -Your be alone with her?" Sally asked nervously. Carly saw this as evidence Sally likes Franklin. But Franklin himself is blind to it and simply says. "She needs a lift."

Sally sighs and drives off in her blue Ford truck. It's pretty new actually. Unless Lamar and Franklin bought her it.. Which is mais likely. Sally currently has a total of 400 dollars. Which isn't much these. Most of that is from odd jobs Sally had to take when Simeon refused to pay her and Franklin. Mainly Sally was a resturant waitress. Which admittedly was a pretty enjoyable expirence for her. She just had to quit cause Ballas began coming there regularly. Making it too dangerious, as por this point, her being CCF is public knowledge. Steve Heines even mentions her in his show.

"Does she seem jealous to you?" Carly asked.

"Don't think so.. Worried, maybe." Franklin said neively.

Carly doesn't reply, she just steps into his car, Ab-Soul - ILLuminate plays from the radio, though Carly changes it to Steppin Out por Joe Jackson. Franklin slightly disappointed. He liked the "Share my Light" song.



Several days later, Carly needed to get away from Amanda and Michael, so Franklin let her stay in his room, as Sally had the sofá already.

In the morning Sally finds Carly exiting Franklin's room. Furthering Sally's secret jealously. Carly catching it again, but knew this wasn't something she should make a deal out of. In fact she offers to take Sally out drinking.

"Sure, I guess." Sally said, throwing on a black zip up hoodie, with the band Avenged Sevenfold on it. Her favorito band.

Suddenly the girls hear Franklin and Denise arguing.

Denise: Sally is one thing, but I don't want you start bring girls here boy.

Franklin: She's married, I was just being nice.

The two decide to simply head outside instead of getting involved. Only to find Lamar Davis coming over with Stretch.

"Sally hey." Stretch said.

"Hello Howard." Sally said quitely, seemingly the only person to refer to Stretch por his real name. Carly backs behind Sally, nervous of Stretch.

Franklin suddenly comes outside trying avoid Denise, wearing his white sweater, with the green composição literária behind it.

"Hey Frank, look who's biz-ack!" Lamar cried excitedly.

"Damn right!" Stretch cried, holding a high five. But Franklin turns away, rejecting him. Stretch rolls his eyes and puts it dowbn.

"Whatever, who's the new chick?" Stretch asked.

"I'm Carly." Carly said nervous, Stretch fistbumps her.

"So.. You miss me?" Stretch asked Franklin.

Franklin: No, I ain't missed you.. Your bunda could of stayed gone for good.. So I banged your girl.. Mugged your mom.. Better yet, I ain't thought of your bunda in years.

"Oh you got jokes now.. Well I see your doing well for yourself." Stretch said, pointing to Denise's house.

"Who the hell are you to judge?" Carly growled. Stretch ignores her.

"Why you hang with this clown L.D?" Stretch said, referring to Franklin.

"We from the same street.. Why can't my dudes get along!? You fools been doing this crap for years!" Lamar cried annoyedly.

"If my little brother was still living, he'd help out." Stretch said.

"Can we just go? Jesus." Lamar groaned.

"Go where?" Sally asked.

Lamar: (looks around, whispers to her) Pick up the Z sis.

Sally: Why!?

Lamar and Stretch: Business bro!

Lamar: You two act like girls.

Stretch: Shit, not me man.

The 5 of them pile into Stretch's car.

"So what exactly is going on here?" Carly asked, squeezed in the middle as she's the smallest, seguinte to Sally. Lamar up front with Franklin, who's driving.

"Well first we need to buy some guns." Lamar said, directing Franklin to a gunstore.


Once in said store. Carly and Sally take carabina rifles, Sally putting a scope upgrade on her's, plus a handle. Frank and Lamar grab shotguns, Stretch takes a Special Carbine, or G36C as Call of Duty calls it. Along with a standard Pistol. Carly a Combat Pistol. Which is less powerful, and shorter distanced, and far less reliable. But guess she prefers them anyway.. Not much dfferent than the small revolver Pinkie uses to be honest. So just easier to use for some people.


"When I was away, you two 3 were little homies.. Now I'm out, and you little homies are big homies.. But you still gotta respect." Stretch rambled, when Franklin drives them to the warehouse.

"Huh?" Sally asked confusedly.

Lamar: We're all big homies, but he bigger.. Right?

Stretch: Excatly.

Carly(shakes head): So why are we headed to La Puerta?

Stretch: Drug deal babe.

Carly (deadpan): Fantastic.


They park the car, and all grab there choosen armas from the tronco, porta-malas of the car. And enter the warehouse. They all have the armas with straps.

Sally: How'd you find it?

Lamar: The client set it up.

Stretch: This the type of place we ain't gonna be disturbed.

Sally: That's what worries me, I'm mais of a, hide in plain side, type girl.

Stretch: No, you mais of a, punk-bitch, type girl.

Carly (through gritted teeth): Asshole.


"Ha-ha, got that shipment yo!" Lamar cred, entering the dark warehouse, revealing to client to be D. That guy who Lamar tried to kidnap not a couple days ago.

"Lamar Davis! What up bro?!" D cried, pretending to have forgotten this.

"Wow, what the hell, I thought we were kidnapping that asshole!" Carly cried out.

" ... You." D said, guess he remember Carly from that day.

Stretch: D my man, how's it go-

"Heyhey, this ain't about you man. You know these 4 done fuck up!" D cried, dropping the friendly client act.

Stretch: What this fool just sa-

(gunshot is heard from outside, Franklin goes to check).

D: Yeah-yeah-yeah, they've put a n*** on TV, man! About some gang interventon shit!

"Man, this ain't the police dog, it's some Balla bullshit!" Franklin cried, having peaked out the window, just long enough to see purple clothes coming out of cars.

"That's some bullshit!" Lamar cried angrily. Though you do have to question, what excatly he thought was gonna happen.

"We been set up man!" Franklin cried.

Suddenly Stretch pulls out his pistol, pointing it at D.

"Fuck you!" Stretch screams, and without warning, Stretch shoots the scared and unarmed D twice in the face, killing him in cold blood. And confirming Carly's suspicions that Stretch is dangerious and should be watched carefully.


Michael meanwhile is seen drinking a glass of whiskey, watching that black and white movie he never gets to finish. Well least he didn't til the family moved out.

Michael: Ahh, no mais interrup-

Suddenly Amanda angrily storms in, grabbing the glass and smashing it on the ground.

" ... Problem?" Michael asked, completely deadpan.

"Where's our daughter!? Where's Carly!?" Amanda cried, in mamawolf tone.

"Why you ask..."

"She hasn't been here in two weeks!" Amanda cried angrily.

"You care?" Michael asked.

"Of coarse I care!" Amanda cried angrily.

"Where was that caring when she was forced to pick up a gun and protect herself?!"

"I wasn't the one throwing her in that situration in the first place! You and your psychotic pal destoried her innocence, yet everything is my fault." Amanda cried angrily.

"Whatever.. I'm sure where-ever she is, it's perfectly safe." Michael said.


Suddenly it cuts back to the warehouse. Carly gets scatched in the arm por a stray bullet and in anger she fires her carabina rifle one handed from the mural she was using as cover. Probably not hitting anyone, which she kinda expected. She finds a medkit on said wall, and takes a moment to bandage her arm, letting the others advantage ahead of her.

"Dammit Lamar! I said lay low after that job!" Sally cried, firing her scoped carabina rifle, headshoting one of the Bella's. Leaving a mark on the wall. Though 3 other bullet holes above it as she fired mais than once out of instinct.

"You lay low, that ain't me!" Lamar cried, reloading his shotgun.

"I can see that!" Sally replied.

Stretch fires his Special Carbine, killing 3 in a row as they were coming from the corner. And Stretcgruns ahead, gunning down mais members.

"First room clear!" Stretch cried, reloading his Special Carbine.

Franklin and Sally head down the stairs, clearing it. Lamar waits for Carly as she finishes up and he leads her over once she does.


They reach another room, Lamar opens the door but it was boobytrapped and he falls over, Franklin and the now bandaged up Carly both shoot and kill the Balla's coming out.

"You go first seguinte time Frank." Lamar groaned.

"Shit, there we're all be dead." Franklin replied.

"Shit, not me man." Stretch responded.

"Shut up." Carly growled under her teeth.


They reach a burning part of the building and fight their way out. Once outside, Stretch shoots down a police helicopter with his pistol. Having ran out of ammo for his Special Carbine.

Soon after they find a car and escape.

Stretch: The hell you walk me into back there!?

Franklin: Shit! Your the one who popped his ass!

Stretch: I did the necessary.

Carly: How was that fucking necessary?!
added by Canada24

Sally: Ooo, that was fun.. But did I drink too much? I think I drank to much.

Franklin: Yeah your pretty drunk.

Sally: Ffffuck you I'm not drunk, fuck you!

Franklin: Yes you are babe.

Sally: Liar! Your a liar Franklin Clinton. I amor you, but your a liiiiar! Just like my dad. Fucklin liar!

Franklin: Your dad?

Sally: Yeah, liar! I knew what he did!. "No, no, Dash and I were just wrestling", NO! FUCK YOU JOHN! I KNEW, I KNEW WHAT YOU DID, FUCK YOU! YOU RUINED HER! YOU RUINED US ALL! (crying sounds)

Franklin: You okay.

Sally: (sniffing) No! I was too scared! I'm a coward! You don't deserve me Franklin!...
continue reading...

Niko: I told you to leave me alone.

Peg: (dying) I give the orders here. Me. [clutching chest]

Niko (sarcastically): You're not looking so good there, Jimmy.

Peg: (dying) Screw you.

Niko: What the fuck, did she ever do to you?

Peg: (dying) I wanted YOU,, you immigrant dip shit.

Niko: Big talk... You wanna know something funny?

Peg: (dying) Not really.

Niko: The Commission - the old families - I know some of those guys... And they thought you were a fat fucking joke.

Peg: (weakly) Whatever.

Niko: A joke! Huh. [Niko starts laughing. Pegorino aims his gun back up, but Niko shoots him).

continue reading...

Roman: oi Niko, are you okay?

Niko: Yeah, I'm fine. How's married life?

Roman: It's okay, hard to be happy when your wedding goes the way ours did... Kate's death was very unfortunate... Niko, don't blame yourself.

Niko: There's no one else to blame, Roman. It's my fault, because I refused to do that deal for Pegorino... It's my fault because I got close to her. I shouldn't get close to anyone.

Roman: You should, Niko. you shouldn't give up hope.. There's still someone out there for you.. I know there is.


Dash's car...
continue reading...
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Rain_on_me
Source: me

"Excuse me, are the one that roubou Maureen's necklace?" Dash asked a guy she saw smoking a cigar on a park bench.

"Oh, you mean that old Irish lady.. What's it too you?" The guy replied.

"Give it back.. Or I will have to hurt you" Dash threatened.

The guy laughed it off.

"Look beautiful.. Why don't you just get lost before I call my boys over here and MAKE you lea-

Suddenly his sentence was cut short por Dash violently tackling him to the ground.

"I'm not screwing around anymore.. Hand it over" Dash demanded.

"Ahh!.. You crazy bitch! I'm calling my boys-

Dash cut his sentence short por pressing...
continue reading...
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Canada24