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I found this from a friend on Facebook, but it's originally from a site called "Inner Michael" for those of you that may or may not know about the site & the artigo was posted originally in December of 2009.
Hope you all enjoy it

I absolutely amor it!
I think it's truly one of the best artigos about MJ .

♥Michael Jackson Fans♥

Michael Jackson's one great and serious amor affair was with his fans. A common exchange between Michael and a fã was:

I amor you Michael.
I amor you more.

He wasn't kidding. He meant it. Literally. Lots of entertainers profess to amor their fans, but will not go out of their way to be kind or to see them certainly, as a force or a cultural base to change the world. Many rockers have been known to take advantage of vulnerable female fans. Michael had opportunities to do just that but was restrained and respectful of his fans, especially females. Michael seemed to feel not only their love, but their pain in not being able to express their feelings for him with physical closeness. Those feelings were not unrequited. But Michael seemed to understand that not being able to access the object of adolescent crushes and first loves is exquisitely painful. He was wise to that and able to feel it. Michael frequently dissolved into tears on stage after or during an encounter with a female fan.

An exquisitely lonely man, Michael admitted to his pain of separation and described that loneliness to many who knew him. He was one of the most visible people in the world and yet one of the most lonely. Imagine being in a hotel room in just about any city in the world with adoring fãs camped outside your lodgings and not being able to see them, access them, chat with them or have any meaningful interactions. Imagine all that amor coming toward you and not being able to access any of it personally, closely, physically or with sexual fulfillment. Michael called himself a gentleman when it came to women and the typical Rocker story exploitations of fãs are glaring in their absence.

Michael would often hand write multiple copies of notes to fãs while in his hotel rooms and sneak downstairs to glimpse his fãs who were diehard and camped out silently near and around hotels just to be near him and his energy. Or he would write them notes that proclaimed that he could feel their amor through the walls and would profusely thank them for their amor and loyalty. He is known for delivering them himself if it was seguro and at other times his security would hand them to fans. Have you ever heard of a Rockstar who did that? Michael would often direct his staff to purchase and deliver blankets and pillows to fãs who were camped out in the cold overnight.

In his concerts in the 80s and 90s Michael would have bodyguards either allow or bring a fã onstage to be with Michael and dance with him while he sang a ballad, often She's Out of My Life. He did this consistently despite confessing that fãs sometimes scared him because they tend to forget manners and convention in their frenzied state and they can pull hair and cause bodily harm. What is remarkable is what happened with each of those fãs who made it onto the stage to touch him. Winding their arms around him not wanting to let go, they would vocalize their amor for him with I amor you, Michael, obvious with lip reading.

Many times they sobbed uncontrollably. Sometimes they fainted. One female fã fainted while standing with him on stage and Michael gently lifted her, carrying her across the stage to a bodyguard while he continued to sing. Every time, without fail, Michael would hug female fãs genuinely and tenderly while firmly spanning and cradling the back of their head in his hand. Who does that? Only a man who understands women and knows what amor really feels like—being held securely and cherished with a simple gesture. Often he would display the chivalrous bowing before the female object of his attention. Michael loved. He loved tenderly. He loved fiercely. Its in his body language. And the one steady object of his adoration was his fans.

At his arraignment before the 2005 trial, he leaped onto the roof of a car to wave to fãs and to have his videographer capture their presence and support at a difficult time in his life. Michael had his crew film everything. He was heavily criticized for that gesture. The media categorized it as a circus atmosphere, the judge didn't appreciate it and to those who didn't know Michael like his fãs and who didn't know what fãs meant to him, saw it as disrespectful to the process and as cavalier and arrogant.

That gesture was to thank the fans, acknowledge them and to reassure himself that despite the circumstances, he was still beloved and that fãs hadn't deserted him. Michael's gesture was spontaneous and typical Michael. He gave no thought to how it might be interpreted por the cynical audience and media frenzy that surrounded that trial. In every country he visited, Michael might jump on the roofs of vehicles to avoid the crush of rushing and aroused fãs or to give them a better look. But the public had no way of knowing that. Michael's constant and only support during the five mês ordeal were his fãs and family. The absence of celebrities or friends flocking to support him was jarring. Michael needed his fãs and to feel their amor in order to withstand the relentless legal and personal assaults on his character during the gruelling five months of that trial. He needed their energy to prop him up to withstand the daily barrage of insults and assaults upon his personhood and character. fãs got him through the trial. fãs and family.

I didn't know about Michael Jackson fãs until after his death. I supposed he had fans, but I didn't really know them until I began researching about Michael and his life. Michaels fãs are all over the world and number in the millions. The Thriller album sold mais than a hundred million copies.

Like any other celebrity, Michaels fãs are steadfast and loyal but there is an element that goes beyond the worldly manifestation of fã clubes for other entertainers. The exchange between Michael and his fãs is, well otherworldly. There is a tone surrounding Michaels fãs that is hard to describe. Its as if each of them knows him personally, defends his reputation and his honor at any and every offence or assault, and they are kind and loving people. I began to read their postings as I began researching after his death and it became quickly evident that they all amor him and believe implicitly in him and his character through everything that plagued this man throughout his lifetime. They have the facts; they have the evidence to back it all up. Because they follow everything about Michael, they have a context and a history that others are not privy to. Michael Jackson was and still is beloved. Agape? Of course. But he was and is beloved in the spiritual sense of the word. And it was not unrequited.

Michaels fãs have followed every event of his life; they know every career turn; they know all the albums and lyrics; they have followed press reports about the superstar; they know all the data. But something else defines Michael Jackson fãs and I am at a loss to convey in any understandable terms. There is an unusual almost ethereal communication among his fãs and his relationship with them was highly unusual. It is hard to describe and even harder to understand. But there was an element of recognition—a amor force or energy, an energetic exchange between Michael and his fãs that transcends norms. It couldn't be seen with the naked eye but it was there. Its as if they feel each other. Whatever it is or was, it is a new kind of language that the rest of us dont speak.

During the 2005 trial and at other times, Michael Jackson fãs were described as rabid or in some way unreasonable. Often they were depicted as being a little or a lot loony but that is simply not the case. They also were thought to be so enamoured and blinded por the estrela that they abandoned all sense of propriety, reality or reason when it came to anything Michael. But that too, is simply not the case. MJ fans, as they call themselves know the man. They have a kind of advantage over the rest of society in understanding what non-fans and critics saw as eccentricities having simple and plausible explanations. To them it was Michael just being Michael. Because they know the history and have a fuller context of who Michael Jackson was. They have a mental timeline of who Michael was and what he did and there was a deeper understanding than the general public. They dont excuse his behavior or overlook it because there is no need to. They understood that Michael was different and they fully accept that and see it as a grand reason to amor him even more. This historical knowledge and timeline does make a difference—it places events into a context unavailable to most.

True MJ fãs which is a moniker, speak with one voice regarding his character and his interactions with people and particularly with children. They even have a common language. One of the things that stands out when leitura comments por his fãs is the familiarity of all of them with what they call MJ haters. There is something unsettling and disturbing about the practices of these so called MJ haters. They show up on blogs and postings belittling him, his appearance and his character. They appear to be mostly males, mostly conservative Christians por the language and the slant of their posts, and they have very graphic and explicit damning things to say about his interest in children. They have twisted it into a caricature of thick, dark human shadow. They dont seem to be aware that Michael Jackson was acquitted of all charges in his much publicized trial. Not guilty does not make for good tabloid fodder or economics and the yellow press milked the publicity in order to sell copy, so it is conceivable that these males actually did not hear or understand that the trial ended with a favorable outcome for Michael. But the peculiarity and specificity of their language is especially disturbing. Its violent.

One has to wonder why these MJ haters as they are called, bother to monitor the Michael Jackson fã areas and take the opportunity to spew a vile brew of accusation, sensation and condemnation toward a man long atrás found innocent. Its not unusual to see duplicate postings on several sites, sometimes using the same name and obviously the same author. Those postings beijoca, smack of sexual arousal, machismo gone rogue and a parallel thread of violence. It is obviously designed to arouse someone, but whom? It appears autoerotic. It does get a reaction. These comments are often followed por a true Michael fã commenting later to ignore the hater. Apparently the fãs have experience with this kind of bating. It is apparent also that no amount of factual intervention will convince the unenlightened. There is something really disturbing about the nature of these entries and how forceful they are.

Freudian theory would suppose that the haters themselves are latent homosexuals who project their hatred of themselves and their closeted sexual identity confusion onto a representative target—i.e. Michael Jackson. Jung would probably say they are displaying their own impotence with a demonstration of jealousy twisted toward a well known man who criticized and lacked machismo, embodied androgyny and sexuality and who aroused the paradox of sexual and maternal feelings in females. That too is evident in the comments por female fãs who remark about Michaels body. That has always been true; the sexual awakening in young females often finds a seguro and inaccessible target. And they swoon. It was true for Elvis fãs in his dia and Frank Sinatra before him. The screaming of Beatles fãs illustrates the same phenomena.

Michael was beloved everywhere in the world. No matter where he went, there were throngs of fãs who loved Michael. The irony and paradox that stuns is the knowledge that he could not go out into public and interact with those who loved him because he would not be safe. While it is touching to be the target of so much amor and adoration, the fame comes at an enormous cost. No privacy. No friends who know you just as Michael and not as Michael Jackson the mega-star.

Like any public figure and especially a celebrity, Michael attracted fãs that could meet the definition of crazed but they arent many. I have corresponded with Michaels fãs from all over the world and have found them to be thoughtful, dedicated to justice, generous, philanthropic and highly intelligent. They range from children to doctoral candidates. And almost every one I have interacted with have Michaels ministrations and message in mind—change the world and make it a better place. amor more. And I can tell you from personal experience—they do.

Michael Jackson's fãs saw in Michael a light. A light, a amor and a goodness that was a shroud that surrounded Michael's being. He shone and his amor was shimmering. fãs knew it because they could feel it. It was that real and that palpable. And it is because of Michael that they are committed to making the world a better place. Michael was the messenger. His fãs now are the message. Watch. Listen. Learn. Meet a Force that means to change the world.
 Show some respect por him. Let's say NO.
Show some respect by him. Let's say NO.
Discovery Channel will broadcast 13 January 2011 a documentary on events surrounding the death of the singer, Michael Jackson.

Based on the authopsy’s denunciar and court documents, the film will show a reproduction of the body of the estrela in every detail. The documentary aims to follow a doctor who will dissect the body and reveal the true reasons for his death por spreading rumors about his addiction or his skin condition.

Like any other human being on this earth, Michael Jackson is entitled to a minimum of decency and respect. Over the months, media accumulate abuse and act as low as before....
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The owners of the Neverland Ranch -- the former início of Michael Jackson -- want to turn the property into a teenage música haven.

TMZ has learned Colony Capital wants to develop a business plan to turn Neverland into a small música institute -- similar to The Juilliard School in NYC. The plan is to teach teens all aspects of music, including composição literária and performing.

Colony wants to turn the property into a campus, in which scores of teenagers -- rich and poor -- can learn the trade that made Michael Jackson a legend.

There are two big stumbling blocks. The first is making sure Santa Barbara County will sign off on such a project.

The segundo -- and bigger issue -- is whether Colony Capital can use Michael Jackson's name to promote such an institute. TMZ has good news for Colony .... sources directly connected with the Michael Jackson Estate tell us, "It's an interesting idea and we'd be open to it."
Not that we're trying to flatter ourselves, but don't people in Bahrain get TMZ?

AQ Business Consultants has filed a petition in the Michael Jackson Estate case, asking the judge for permission to belatedly file a creditor's claim, on grounds it didn't know there was a time in asking for money.

AQ claims it helped Michael refinance $320,000,000 in loans, for which it was entitled to a $3.2 million fee. AQ claims it's still owed $1.2 mil.

The deadline for filing a claim has passed, but AQ claims it didn't get proper notice.

Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the Estate, tells TMZ, "I don't believe the claim has any merit but they're late in filing regardless."

But here's the thing ... TMZ is big in Bahrain, so what's the deal?
Katherine Jackson told Oprah Winfrey ... it was Dr. Conrad Murray himself who broke the news that Michael Jackson was dead.

On an episode of "Oprah" airing today, Katherine explained how everyone at the hospital was reluctant to tell her what happened to her son.

She says Dr. Murray took so long in explaining things ... she had to cut him off, saying, "'Well, what happened? How is he? Did he make it?' And he said, 'No, he's gone.'"

See also

* Katherine Jackson's Partner -- My Bad!
* Katherine Jackson's Partner Backtracks on 'New' Song
* Rift in Michael Jackson's Family Over Song
The company suing the Michael Jackson estate for $300 million over the Jackson family show, concerto that never took place just got two strikes against it, and the pitcher was a federal judge.

The judge on Tuesday threw out two of the three claims AllGood Entertainment filed against the estate, AEG and Frank Dileo.

The suit claims Dileo, MJ's alleged former manager, made a deal with AllGood that Michael would perform at a Jackson Family show, concerto before doing any other gigs. por launching the Londres series of concerts, AllGood claims Jackson breached his deal and cost AllGood a bundle.

But a federal judge ruled AllGood's claim for fraud and tortious interference (i.e., intermeddling) was bogus. All that is left of the lawsuit is a breach of contract claim.

The estate claims Dileo never had authority to make a deal with AllGood.
posted by 2468244
Well, well
Well, well
If I could tear down these walls that keep you and I apart
I know I could claim your coração and our perfect amor will start
But girl you just won’t approve of the things that I do
When all I do is for you but still you say it ain’t cool

If there’s somebody else, he can’t amor you like me
And he, and he says he’ll treat you well, he can’t treat you like me
And he’s buying diamonds and pearls, he can’t do it like me
And he’s taking you all across the world, he can’t trick you like me

So why ain’t you feelin’ me, she’s invincible
I can’t do anything, she’s...
continue reading...
posted by 2468244
You may now apply (You may now apply
Your 3D glasses (Your 3D glasses)
As we proceed (Prepare to proceed)
2000 watts (2000 watts), 2000 watts (2000 watts)
2000 watts (2000 watts), 2000 watts (2000, 2,000 watts)
2000 watts (2000 watts), 2000 watts (2000 watts)
2000 watts (2000 watts), 2000 watts (2000, 2,000-Lo)

Bass note, treble, stereo control, how low you go
It’s just enough to make all of your juices flow
Press play, don’t stop, rotate, too hot
You feel I’m real
I’m everything you need, so tell me what’s the deal

2000 watts (2000), 8 ohms, 200 volts, real strong
Too much of that, fuse blown...
continue reading...
Dr. Conrad Murray had requested lifesaving equipment and back-up help for Michael Jackson from the promoter of the Londres concerts -- AEG -- but the company never came through, according to a new complaint filed por Joe Jackson.

TMZ broke the story -- Joe was gunning for AEG por filing complaints with the California Medical Board and another agency, alleging the show, concerto promoter abused Jackson in a way that led to his death -- and he's just filed with the Medical Board.

Joe claims days before Jackson's death Murray had requested a coração resuscitation machine and a nurse in several e-mails making the request, but AEG never provided it.

According to the complaint, Joe is accusing AEG of co-opting Murray's medical judgment por enticing him with a huge salary -- in effect engaging in the "unlawful practice of corporate medicine."

Besides the CPR machine, Murray also asked for saline, catheters, needles and a gurney.

AEG and Murray had no comment.
posted by Tabbs
"Smooth Criminal"

As He Came Into The Window
It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom

Annie Are You OK
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK
So, Annie Are You OK,
Are You OK, Annie

(Annie Are You OK)
(Will You Tell Us That You're OK)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You-A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into...
continue reading...
"People Make The World Go Round"

('Round and 'round and around...)
People make the world go 'round
('Round and 'round and around...)

Teachers on strike, no mais school today
They want mais money but the board won't pay
Everybody's talkin' 'bout ecology
The air's so polluted that it's hard to breathe

But that's what makes the world go round
The ups and downs a carousel
Changing people's heads around
Go underground young men...
People make the world go round...

Old folks judge you por the clothes you wear
They'd swear you're a hippy if you have long hair
Young politicians fight...
continue reading...
posted by Zashleyfan16
Baby Be Mine

Verse 1:
I don't need no dreams when I'm por your side
Every moment takes me to paradise
Darlin', let me hold you
Warm you in my arms and melt your fears away
Show you, all the magic that a perfect amor can make
I need you night and day

Chorus 1:
So baby, be mine (baby, you gotta be mine)
And girl I'll give you all I got to give
So baby, be my girl (all the time)
And we can share this ecstasy
As long as we believe in love

Verse 2:
I won't give you reason to change your mind
(I guess it's still you thrill me, baby, be mine)
You are all the future that I desire
Girl, I need to hold you
Share my feelings...
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Deceitful eyes, she's got those come get me thighs
she only knows how low that she can go
She speaks the lines that can control my mind
Wherever she goes I know my eyes follow
She blew a kiss, I swear that it was meant
only for me, then spoke with her body
her only goal is just to take control
And I can't believe that I can´t tell her no

That girl I can't take her
should have known she was a heartbreaker
that girl I can't take her
should have seen right through
her she's a heartbreaker
That girl I can't take her
should have seen it coming heartbreaker
that girl I can't take her
should have seen right...
continue reading...
I thought she had to have it
Since the first time she came
Who knows the situation
Mysteries do remain
And now I wonder why
I breakdown when I cry
Is it something I said
Or is it just a lie
Is it just a lie

I try so hard to amor you
Some things take
Time and shame
I think the whole world
Of you
Your thoughts of me remain
I'll play the fool for you
I'll change the rules for you
Just say it and I'll do
Just make this thing
Come true
Make a dream some true

If I let her get away
Though I'm begging
On my knees
I'll be crying everyday
Knowing the girl
That got away

I can't let
I can't let her get away
I can't let
I can't let...
continue reading...
She's Got The Look
She's So Fine
And You Know Damn Well
The Girl Will Be Mine

She's Got The Breaks
She's The Scene
And You Know Damn Well
She Gives It To Me

Black Jeans And
A Turtleneck Sweater
I Know The Girl
Is Fakin' 'Cause
I've Seen Her Look Better

She's Composition
She's Statistical Fact
She Got It Ready
For The Willing
Got It Kicking Of The Back

She's Got The Look
She's Got The Look
Wanna Know Better
She's Got The Look
She's Driving Me Wild

She's Got The Look
Wannna Know Better
She's Got The Look
[ Find mais Lyrics on link ]
She's Driving Me Wild

Come To The Place
Shock Tacy
And You Know...
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She's from a world
Of pipoca and candy
Pony rides for a dime
Little children laughing

I'm from a world
Of disappointments and confusions
But I want her to be mine
I started talking
She kept on walking
She disappeared into the crowd

I lost my heart
On the carousel
To a circus girl
Who left my coração in pieces
Lost my heart
On The carousel
To a circus girl
Who ran away.

I was the clown
And she was the dancer
We both knew it wouldn't work
But we took our chances
What I can't recall
Is if there was a girl at all
Or was it my imagination?
I still remember
All of those faces
And now all I have is memories.

I lost my heart
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Never try to talk about it
It's got to sound good to me inside
I just think about it

I'm so undemanding
'Cause they say amor is blind
I've lived this life pretending
I can urso this hurt deep inside

The truth is that I'm longing
For amor that's so divine
I've searched this whole world wishing
She'll be there time after time

So someone put your hand out
I'm begging for your love
All I do is hand out a heart
that needs your love

I've lived my life the lonely
A soul that cries of shame
With handicapped emotions
Save me now from what still remains

I'll be your story hero
[ Find mais Lyrics on link ]
A serenading ryne...
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I don't wanna mover when I'm in her hands
There's nothing I can do or say. Uh!
Put everything on hold.
Cancel all my plans
Tell everybody I'm away - Hey.
She may be bad, but she feels so good
I'll give her anything she wants.

She's trouble (I know it)
She only needs to touch me
I'm in trouble (I know it) Hee! Ow.
She's trouble (I amor it)
I know just when she does it
I'm in trouble (I know it)

I never knew what's
running through her mind
No telling what she's gonna do - Ee.
Her every mover is like a danger sign
And daring me to come on through - Hey!
She may be bad, but she feels so good
I give her anything she...
continue reading...
posted by pmjlover1997
1st verse:
looking out
across the nightime
the city winks a sleepless eye
hear her voice
shake my window
sweet seducing sighs
2nd verse:
get me out
into the nightime
four walls won't hold me tonight
if this town
is just an apple
then let me take a bite
if they say
why,why, tell'em that it's human nature
why,why,does he do me that way
if they say -
why,why,tell'em that it's human nature
why, why,does do me that way
3rd verse:
reaching out
to touch a stranger
Electric eyes are ev'ry where
see that girl
she knows i'm watching
she likes the way i stare
if they say
why,why, tell'em that it's human nature
why,why, does do me that way
if they say-
why,why, tell'em that it's human nature
4th verse:
looking out
across the morning
where the city's coração begins to beat
reaching out
i touch her shoulder
i'm dreaming of the street
(repeat chrous once)
Na Na Na-Na Na Na Na Nah!
Hoo Hoo!
Doggone Lover!
C'mon Boy

I Watched You On The Floor
Cheek To Cheek
She's Getting To You
You Didn't See-Her Eyes On
She Looked Right Through You
(Before You Make)
Before You Make
(A Big Mistake)
That Looks Can Fool You
Babe, Hee!

There's Something I Would
Sure Appreciate
(If You Can Keep A Secret)

Baby Loves Me
But She Never Shows
She Cares
(No, You Won't See Her Kiss
And Hug Me)
Baby Loves Me
No She Acts Like I'm
Not There
(That Doesn't Mean She
Doesn't amor Me-Ooo)

If They Ask Her
Tell 'Em That We're Just
Good friends . . .
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Two of Michael Jackson's three children, Prince and Paris, are rumored to be making an appearance at the Grammys' Special Merit Awards ceremony in Los Angeles to accept a Lifetime Achievement Award for their father, CNN reports. The ceremony will be held Saturday night, the night before the Grammy Awards, which will feature a tribute to the late King of Pop.

As of now, Blanket is not expected to take the stage with his older siblings, but sources close to the Jacksons tell CNN that may change. "The whole world is waiting to see these children blossom," Brian Oxman, a lawyer for Joe Jackson,...
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