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Anthony: We have a pergunta from SJ Chams who wonders, "Do you think you'll do another duet with Janet?"
Michael: I would amor to! It depends on the song, the time. When she's in one corner of the Earth, I'm in another place. It's very rare that our ships pass in the night. So it's not easy to do 'cause we're both very busy. But that would be very nice. I amor working with her. She's a true real professional and a wonderful sister.
Anthony: Excellent. Ah, we have Sheik 33 who wonders, "Who was your idol when you were a child?"
Michael: I always went nuts for.... I mean, I could be asleep... In Indiana, at like 5 years old, I'd be asleep and it'd be late at night, like 1 in the morning, some show on, I remember seeing my mother run to my room, "wake up , wake up! James Brown is on! James Brown is on!" Or "Sammy Davis Jr.'s playing" or "Fred Astaire! They got a good fred figglehorn Astaire movie on." "Gene Kelly's on right now!" And I'd sit there with my eyes just... I'd be awe-struck, just watching. So when vídeos came out, I had a collection. [giggles]
Anthony: Yeah, I understand that you have a, an extraordinary collection of a kind of old filmes of all of the performers that you like and, oh, the música performances of the artists that you admire. You know, talk about some of those, and some of the stuff that you've got that you like to watch.
Michael: Well, I .. I like to, um, before I do anything, it could be any situation, I amor studying the whole history of it before I take the first step to innovate. So, um, I amor studying any Vaudevillian, you know, who came from that era, even though they didn't have T.V. Uh, but they, uh, they transcended into televisão later on. I amor people like Jackie Gleason, Red Skelton, I'm crazy about the 3 Stooges, uh, anything Walt Disney... And far as performers, uh, I amor Anthony Newley, you know, like I said, Jackie Wilson, James Brown. So.. They're incredible! I mean, when James Brown was "James Brown and the Famous Flames" he was so incredible. I would watch him and cry. I'd be crying and watching. I've never seen a person perform like that, ever.
Anthony: You know, it must have been extraordinary for you, as a ... you know, when you were young and making records and getting to meet some of your idols, you know, that must have been such a powerful experience.
Michael: Oh, it wa... It truly was. And to have them tell me that they ... they thought I was incredible, and all my life I thought they were, like, the best. It was the best...I mean, it was the best compliment I could get, and no award could be given to me that could topo, início that. You know. When fred figglehorn Astaire or Gene Kelly, who I knew very well, or Frank Sinatra, told me I .. they think I'm amazing and I have an amazing career ahead of me.. As a child they would tell me this. 'Cause they were my neighbors. They lived por me. And uh, I felt very honored and happy to hear those kind of words from these legends.
Anthony: That must have been very encouraging.
Michael: Yes, very.
Anthony: Now we have Mhagrice who is actually Margaret from the Netherlands, a 26 ano old woman, says, "Is it true that you'll estrela in Men In Black II, and will you record a soundtrack for that film?"
Michael: Uh, I don't think we're doing a soundtrack, but I did a .. a guest appearance, like a Cameo, for Men In Black, uh, 2, and we're expecting to do part 3 as well. And it was a lot of fun, and exciting. Um, and it's one of my favorito films of all time. Uh, I'm a big Men In Black fan. I amor it very much.
Anthony: Well, weren't you .. Now, I understand you're also doing The Nightmare of Edgar Allen Poe. Could you tell us a little bit about that?
Michael: Yes, that one's coming up. It's about the great prolific American writer, Edgar Allen Poe.
Anthony: Kind of a scary guy himself, too.
Michael: He's very diabolical, and very dark, and .. But he was a genius and it's... But his own personal life was very interesting, and that's what it's about, you know. How he was, you know... What he had to go through to create such ingenious work. It's a great story. But... and por the way, make sure the fãs know, all tabloids should be out. Do not believe anything you read in a tabloid. It's garbage and it's junk. We should have a tabloid burning, like a big mountain -- just set it afire.
Anthony: You heard it first here from Michael Jackson.
Michael: Don't waste your time with it. It's stupid.
Anthony: Now we have Rapmaster JA writes in, who is actually Jason from Illinois. He says, "Michael, you are undoubtedly the greatest artist in the history of the world. How do you do the Moonwalk. It's the coolest mover I've ever seen?"
Michael: Gee, it's hard to explain on the phone [interruption from host]. I amor moves and dancing. I's like walking progressivo, para a frente and backward at the same time, but not just walking, but as if you're on a conveyer belt. And it's, uh, it's hard to explain. If he was in the room with me, I could show him how to do it with my fingers, or with my feet, but. Maybe he could see at the end of the geléia, geleia video where I'm trying to show Michael Jordan how to do it. Only time I think I showed it.
Anthony: Now we have a Mark the Shark, uh, who asks, "How do you do that lean on the video to Smooth Criminal?"
Michael: Oh, Smooth Criminal, well. That one happened ... it was in the middle of the shoot and it wasn't .. I choreographed it right at the moment. Took us an hora to execute it. It's a special effect that we kind of lean as far as we can and, uh, we let the conveyor cinto, correia do the rest.
Anthony: Now Glenn from Toronto Canada asks, "Do you feel a special spiritual energy when you're performing; do you feel you are connected to a higher force? Cause this is what you make many feel when they see you live?"
Michael: That's exactly what it is, you're connected to a higher fonte and you just go with the moment and you become one with, you know, the spirit. Not to sound religious or anything, but it's a very spiritual... very much like religion, and it's a God-given gift and you just go with it. And I'm honored to have been given it. And, uh, as fun to become one with the audience. It's a one-ness, you know?
Anthony: I was reminded of, ah, some of that when you were talking about the way you would work out your moves, you know, listening to ... just listening to the música and kind of disappearing into it. You know, it has like a really mystical feel.
Michael: Thank you.
Anthony: Now Charlie sends in a pergunta and says, "What achievements in your life are you the most proud of?"
Michael: Boy, uh, one of my biggest dreams since I was really, really little... I think around 7 years old, I use to always buy the guinness World Book of Records. [Giggles] You know what the answer's gonna be right? I said, "Hmmm, I amor to dance and sing. Hopefully one dia I can be in this book." And I believed that it was possible. So when Thriller became the biggest selling album of all time, and it was enlisted in the guinness Book Of World Records, and, uh, there's so many other lists... You know, they've enlisted me in there like 7 different times now. It was my happiest time of my life. I was so happy.
Anthony: To what do you attribute that level of ambition and possibility you felt when you were a kid. You know, I think it's sometimes hard for people to feel... You know, you weren't, obviously, rich as a kid or from some kind of fancy background, but still somehow you were able to envision a life of success. What do you attribute that to?
Michael: I attribute that to my parents who always taught us to persevere and believe in yourself, have confidence, no matter what you do. Even if you're sweeping floors or painting ceilings, do it better than anybody in the world, no matter what it is that you do. Be the best at it, and have a respect for others, and be proud of yourself.. and to honor; be honorable, you know.
Anthony: Absolutely. Now, you've been making records for a long time, you've been a force on the música scene for many years. What do you think are the biggest changes in música that you've seen?
Michael: Biggest changes?
Anthony: Yeah, what's changed about the música industry or about, you know, the música that's out there. What do you think is different?
Michael: Well, I think.. Ah, I don't think people thought the Rap música would last as long as it has. And it has gone through evolutional stages -- there's mais melody in it now, it's mais acceptable, because melody will never die. Will never die. And the rhythm-- things are a little mais rhythmic now. Because people want to dance. It's part of the human condition; it's part of our biological makeup. Our cells dance when we hear beats. You notice a.. a one ano old child will start moving hearing music. How do they know to move? 'Cause it's biological. It's not just hearing of the ear, it's feeling, you know. And playing music, the grama and the trees and the flowers... They're all influenced por music. They become mais beautiful and mais vibrant in how they grow. música is a very important and powerful substance, and all the planets in the universe make music. It's called música of the spheres. They all make a different note; they make harmony. So there's harmony even in the universe as we speak.
Anthony: Now we have a pergunta from Holland, uh, Femka from Holland writes, "I amor the special editions from Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad and Dangerous." She loves you. And asks, "Why does Invincible... Why will Invincible be coming out in different colors?
Michael: Because we wanted the fãs to have some fun with it and collect them and, uh... It's a, uh, a Limited Edition, I think. And, uh, there's albums that I amor and I will buy them 5 times, even though I have the same cover. Like, 5 times 'cause I amor that album so much. So, imagine if they did a different color or just changed the color, I would buy it 5 mais times. We just wanted the fãs to have some fun with the pictures and with the as cores and... Just to try something a little different. That's why we did it.
Anthony: Now we have TJ who's 17 and from Australia, wants to tell you that, "You are still my hero," and says, "How do you explain your ability to inspire so many people all around the world?"
Michael: I just do what I do and I amor doing it. And, uh, I amor art. I amor anything, any art. And, uh, if they're inspired por it, I feel I'm ... I pray that I'm doing my job; what I'm here to do on Earth. Because I amor the fans, I amor the kids, I amor the babies, and that's what give me my inspiration, the children, the babies, the fans. I amor them very much.
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