Meg Masters Club
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The nurse opened the door and pushed the wheelchair into the room. Daphne was sitting on the cama and at the mesa, tabela there was an officer standing.
“I would like to ask your patient a few questions” he cut to the chase.
“I’m not sure my patient is physically or mentally strong enough to answer any” the doctor said, while entering the room.
“I feel fine” Cas mumbled.
“Well, you heard him. He’s peachy. Please leave the room” the officer said with a wave of his hand.
“I’m not going anywhere” Daphne said stubborn.
“That’s okay” the officer said with a smug look. He rotated his head to the doctor. “Is there some place where we can talk privately?”
Daphne let out a dramatic sigh and threw her arms in the air. “Alright, I’ll leave, but I’ll be right outside, so if you try to do anything to him…”
“Miss, I only want to ask him a few questions” the officer said. Daphne gave him a warning glance and shut the door behind her, after following the doctor and the nurse. “Nut job” the officer said. Cas quickly looked up. “It is not nice to speak evil about other people”
The officer ignored that and took a little notebook. “I had a nice little chat with Miss Allen while you were out. She told me some very interesting things” The officer looked up to see Cas’ face, but it looked straight. “But maybe you could tell me in your own words what happened?”
Cas coughed. “I was walking por the lake” he started, trying to sound convincing. “when two men came up to me and threatened me with…a gun”
“What did they want?” the officer asked while composição literária down.
“They wanted me to give them my money…and my clothes…and shoes” Cas said while his eyes flashed around the room.
“So you were robbed?” the officer asked.
“Yes” Cas sighed, relieved that the officer seemed to believe his story. “I was robbed” he said in confirmation.
“Then what happened?” the officer asked. “After they ordered you to give up all you had on you, what happened?”
“I did what they said” Cas said obvious. “I was…afraid”
“Okay” the officer said. “They just left you naked and robbed? No fight? No beating up?”
“Well, they did push me into the lake” Cas said. He frowned. “Is it over now? Will you now leave?”
“One mais question” the officer lifted his index. “How does Miss Allen fit in here?”
“She saw what was happening and came to my assistance” Cas quickly improvised. “But the robbers had run off already, so she doesn’t know who they were”
“Okay” the officer said. “I’ll leave it here. seguinte time I see you you better have some ID on you or I’ll arrest you”
Cas swallowed and the officer left. Cas walked to the cama and crawled in it. The door went open and Daphne appeared. “How did it go?”
“I think he believed me” Cas said. “But I am not a hundred percent sure”
Daphne sat down on the bed. “I taxed my sister what she has to say to the police in case they want to talk to her”
Cas shook his head. “This isn’t right. I wasn’t robbed. You and your sister have nothing to do with this. I don’t want to involve you into something I don’t even understand myself” he said, sounding upset. Daphne leaned progressivo, para a frente and pressed her lips on his, something she had wanted to do ever since she had seen him.
Amelia walked to the living room where the phone was. She picked it up and called her daughter’s cell. When Claire didn’t pick up, she left a message.
“Claire, when you get this, please call me back. I’m not angry with you for taking the car without asking. I’m just really worried”
She tried to think of something else to say, but couldn’t come up with anything and so she hung up. She walked to the kitchen. Jimmy had requested some chá and she was going to make some.
When it was ready she poured the chá in a cup and carried it upstairs. She opened the door and walked inside their...
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Dean opened the door and stopped Cas from going in. Just because Cas was willing to surrender to the anjos didn’t Dean was. And neither was Meg. There was no one at first sight, but then Sam appeared out of the kitchen. And so did Crowley.
“Hello, Dean…Meg…Castiel” Crowley said. He walked towards the trio. “I’ve been looking for you. I’m not sure who I’d like to kill first…the idiot who’s been a pain in my bunda from the moment we met…the demon scum who was so stupid to choose the wrong side…or the angel who double crossed me…Eeny…meeny…miny…moe” His finger...
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“So, you have absolutely no idea where Castiel Novak is?” Luke asked.
Cas looked around. He’d been here before, when Isabel and inspector morgan had interrogated him about Shannen White’s murder.
“Earth to Dean” Luke snapped his fingers. Cas looked at the fingers.
“Where is Meg?” he asked softly. It was the only thing he cared about.
“Miss Masters is in for custody” Luke replied. “There’s a fair chance she won’t come out until court. If there’s going to be one. Same goes for your friend, as soon as they find him” Luke hadn’t been informed yet, but that was only...
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Maryana was sitting before her círculo in Indian style, keeping the spell intact, when Anna appeared behind her. Maryana didn’t hear her; she was too concentrated.
Anna walked towards her and tapped her shoulder. Maryana’s eyes flashed open and she rotated her head to Anna.
“Your spell worked” Anna said.
Maryana gazed at the angel, making her feel uneasy. “Of course it worked” she replied after a few uncomfortable minutes. “It is my spell”
“Yes, and now I need you to reverse it” Anna continued.
“Have you found your brother? And his friend?” Maryana asked.
“No” Anna...
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Dean quickly showered. Though he wanted to go and find Cas as soon as possible, he was also determined to take care of Cas’ body, while he was in it. Looking in the mirror he checked the tatuagens again. He would have to ask Sam whether he recognized it and if he didn’t, they could still look it up.
Dean hurried in his clothes and then took his phone and dialed Sam’s number.
“Dean?” Sam asked urgent.
“Yeah” Dean said with Cas’ voice. “Okay, don’t freak out, but something happened. Cas and I are in each other’s bodies and this time it’s not physical”
Sam didn’t respond...
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Inspector Anderson was leitura Cas’ file when the door opened and a deputy appeared.
“Eh, Luke?” he asked careful. Anderson looked up. “Chief Barnes wants to speak with you”
“I’ll be there in a minute” Anderson promised and he looked down again.
“He said it was urgent” the deputy continued.
Anderson closed the file and stood. “Then I’ll be there now” he sighed and he followed the deputy outside to Chief Barnes’ office. Without knocking Anderson entered. Barnes was leitura a paper, which he put down when Anderson walked towards him.
“Have a seat, Luke” Barnes said....
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added by jtp
Cas was back at his house, sitting behind a computer, sending invitations.
“I thought I might find you here” Anna said. She was standing por the doorway. “What are you doing? Making plans to kill mais people?” she asked accusatory with a nod at the computer.
Cas didn’t reply, but finished his work and shut the computer down.
“If you really need to know” he started while he turned around to face her. “I’m almost done. Tonight I’ll be finishing what they’ve started and then Meg and I can live happily ever after”
“You don’t honestly believe that, do you?” Anna said...
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Meg opened her eyes and looked at Sam an Dean, who were sitting at her bed. They were the last two people she had expected to see. She tried to sit up, but Sam gently pushed her down on the pillow.
“Don’t try to make any movements. You’re still a little weak” he said.
“I thought I was dead” Meg mumbled.
“You were close, but Anna healed you. She’s finally learned how to do it” Dean explained. He exchanged glances with Sam, before getting to the reason why they were there. “Meg, where is Cas?”
“I don’t know” Meg lied and she looked away.
“You were with him when he...
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Think, Frederik, think. Talk to him. Keep him from whatever it is he’s planning with you, Frederik thought.
“What we did was wrong, I know that” he said loud. “But you have to understand. I have a daughter and I was afraid that you would-”
“That I would what?” Cas interrupted furious, pointing the sword against Frederik’s throat. “That I would rape her? Just like I raped Alex? For the last time I didn’t do that!”
“Please, man, I have a wife and two kids. They need me” Frederik begged.
“You spent every evening in that café, don’t you think they’re better off without...
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Sam was sitting at Dean’s death bed, when the door opened and Ellen walked in. Sam was lost in grief, so he didn’t hear her. It wasn’t until she lay her hand on his shoulder that he looked up.
“Ellen?” he said confused. He hadn’t thought about calling anyone, so why was she here? “Did Cas call you?” he asked, though he knew that couldn’t be the case.
“No” Ellen said numb. “I had to be here” Then, with a little mais strength in her voice, she said: “That cadela, puta shot my daughter”
“What?” Sam exclaimed while getting up. “Well, where is she? Is she going to be okay?”...
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Cas was showering while Meg was going through Daphne’s stuff. She found a purple dress and decided to try it on. When she had it on she walked to the bathroom and entered. She opened the curtains.
“How do I look?” she asked, spinning around.
“Is that Daphne’s dress?” Cas said frowning.
“Probably” Meg replied.
“Take it off. It’s not yours” Cas said a little mad.
“Take it off? Is that an invitation?” Meg teased. She did what he asked and took off the dress. Cas’ eyes grew wide.
“You’re naked” he noticed.
Meg looked down. “Oh, gee, now you mention it”
“Put the...
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Meg opened her eyes and looked around confused. It took her a while to realize she was in the spare room. She got out of cama and walked to the door. When she was outside she room she heard noises from outside her and Cas’ room. She walked to it as in trance and opened it.
Jo was putting clothes in boxes.
“What are you doing?” Meg asked slowly.
“Oh” Jo exclaimed surprised and she turned around. “I didn’t hear you come in”
“What are you doing?” Meg repeated trembling.
“I’m storing Cas’ clothes in boxes. I figured you wouldn’t be able to put yourself up to it, so I volunteered”...
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After a couple hours of driving Sam got tired. He pulled over and poked Dean to wake him up. Dean sat up and rubbed his eyes. “What?” he mumbled sleepy.
“Your turn to drive” Sam said. He stepped out and walked around the car, while Dean moved to the driver’s seat. Sam stepped back in at the passenger seat, but Dean made no movements on starting the car.
“I’m tired, Sammy” he said soft.
“You’ve been sleeping for the last two hours. How can you be tired?” Sam asked surprised.
“I mean I’m tired” Dean repeated and he turned to Sam. “I’m tired of it all. I’m tired...
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Sam parked the car in front of their motel. Dean was in no state to drive and even if he was he’d be capable of crashing into a wall. He helped Dean walk to the porch, while he tried to find his key with his free hand.
He could’ve saved himself the trouble, though. The door opened and Jo appeared. She moved aside and let Sam carry Dean inside. He brought him to the sofá and put him down. Dean fell down and closed his eyes.
Sam walked towards Jo.
“Is he going to be okay?” Jo asked with a concerned nod at Dean.
“Physically, sure” Sam replied. “Emotionally, I don’t think so. Not...
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Cas woke up with a fuzzy feeling in his stomach. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and when he looked down he caught a glimpse of his chest.
Wait, where did the tatuagens go?
He turned around and looked down upon his own, sleeping body. With a shock he jumped out of cama and walked to the mirror in the bathroom. Speechless he gazed at his reflection. Only it wasn’t his reflection, it was Dean’s. Somehow they had switched bodies and though Cas would amor to know how one could accomplish such activity, he decided not to waste any time.
He rushed in his clothes and left the motel room. He had taken...
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An hora and a half later Dean stood up.
“Where are you going?” Cas slightly panicked.
“Relax, I’m just going to stretch my legs” Dean reassured him. He turned around when Cas gripped his arm.
“Don’t leave me here with him” Cas almost ordered Dean. Dean felt Cas fingers dig in his skin and though he would never admit it, it hurt like hell.
“I’ll be right outside” Dean promised sharp.
Cas let go of him slowly and Dean walked quickly out of the room. He conjured his phone and dialed Sam’s number.
Cas looked at the guard. “I’m ready to go now” he said cold.
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“Please tell me you didn’t kill them” Sam said, knowing better.
“I wish” Meg mumbled in reply. “I was still a demon when I killed Paul and he was working on Cas’ case, so I had to do something. And Heather had sex with Cas. Well, actually it’s the other way around”
“You killed Heather because Cas was banging her and you turned Cas in because he kissed Dean. I would say you’re jealous” Sam noted, with a whiff of guilty pleasure.
Someone banged the door. “Meg Masters, come outside or we will come in”
“You have to go” Sam said quickly and he pulled Meg up. “Okay,...
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“This is ridiculous” Cas said snarky.
“Really? Then why do you keep standing there?” Dean asked.
“Because there’s fogo around me” Cas exclaimed frustrated.
“If you’re not an angel, you can just step out of the circle” Sam replied simple. “Just be a man, Cas, and step out of the circle”
Cas turned to Meg, who looked back fierce. “You’re going to be sorry for this” he hissed.
“Maybe you can add my name on that stupid list” Meg snapped back.
“And maybe you can crawl back into the hole you came from, you mentally challenged slut!” Cas yelled and his eyes glowed...
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Cas parked the stolen car in front of their house.
“Home sweet home” he said softly and smiled at Meg, who smiled back nervously. He got out of the car and walked to the front door.
After a few segundos Meg followed him, but still kept her distance. Cas opened the door and stopped Meg from going in.
“There’s someone here. I can feel it” he whispered baleful. He grabbed Meg’s wrist and pulled her along. “Hello?” he called, but no one answered. Then he heard someone strike a match and he pushed Meg away.
The seguinte moment he was surrounded por a holy círculo and the fogo illuminated...
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