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added by tanyya
added by r-pattz
Source: weheartit
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added by BJsRealm
Source: PandaGif
added by tanyya
added by Andressa_Weld
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added by r-pattz
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added by r-pattz
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added by tanyya
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added by tanyya
posted by kicksomebut23
Beauty gets most men attention.

A beautiful woman is a mans vulnerability, temptation, and weaknesses.

With him,this may be the cause ,he has the strong lust so he can discover the woman's temple.

A Wise man would so on know is not about the temple, but the way she is to stick with her and treat her mais with respect. por not using her the wrong way.

Beautiful Women are the most lovable of nature por men...but the way she acts and do reflects her character. She must stay very positive to look beautiful in her own way.. A beautiful women cannot also make a mistake with the wrong guy...but if so...he may carry it the wrong way.

But most beautiful women must learn to do better and choose the right guy...because So much quick men out their wants her for her nice,beautiful, appearance, if the man tempts so...but they will be a beautiful,smart, wise, gentlemen who can be perfect with her.
added by melikhan
Source: tumblr
added by OakTown_Queen
added by BJsRealm