Kyoya Tategami Club
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posted by SabrinaXKyoya
 Kyoya hurt
Kyoya hurt
lets see what happens to Kyoya! XD

i woke up to feel a throbbing on the side of my head. those creeps must have hit me on the side of my head. now i have a major headache and those people caused it. i cant believe i let my guard down. i tried to mover only to find that my feet were tied to a pole and my hands were tied above my head to the pole. i struggled against the rope only to find that it grew tighter the mais i moved. growling in frustration i thrashed around until the rope practically cut my circulation. how did staying on an island with Sabrina turn into a disaster with me on the bad end of it. thats right Sabrina! i wonder where she is. where is Yu and Kenta? did they escape? did they find Sabrina? if they did that means she would come here! i cant let that happen! she would be captured to! i squirmed around mais and felt something in my back pocket i tried to mover around to make it come out with no luck. i was just about to try something else when a strange muscular man with black hair approached me holding a spear and wearing some kind of camouflage uniform and combat boots. he had brown eyes and looked like he captured people for fun. i snarled at him in disgust. he just grinned and did a little psychotic laugh. "not in a position to act tough now are you little boy?" i growled and began to shout in his face "you think tying me up here is going to stop me? you are sorely mistaken old man! you will regre-" i was cut off por him as he used the butt of his spear and hit me on the jaw. a ripple of pain shot up my face and i howled in pain. he laughed at my pain and kept hitting me, only know using the front of the spear and leaving me with scratches and bruises. he slashes my chest and my legs. i kept snarling all the while just to hide the fact that i was hurting. i tried to use the spear to my advantage so i tried talking to him "you think your tough just cause you hurt my chest and my face? what about my feet or my arms?" he smirked and laughed again "hey thats a great idea!" he slashes my feet not knowing that he also ripped the rope. one down one to go. he kept slashing my feet until they were unrecognizable even to me. he started slashing my arms and eventually shredded the rope that were tying my hands. i dropped to the ground and tripped him then started to run. i tried to find the forest. i kept running for what seemed like forever i rounded a house and saw people that looked like the man that slashed me. they looked like the guards of the village so turned around and tried to run the other direction. i found myself surrounded por the guards. i pulled out leone. "let it rip! go Leone! lion wild wind fang dance!" all the guards got blown away and i was able to run another couple of minutos before i got surrounded again. this time mister buff and ugly was here. he laughed at me. "boy did you think i was stupid or something? there is no way i would be tricked my a rookie like you. it was fun watching you run around like a rato in a maze." he stepped towards me and this time he wasnt smiling. "by the way you will pay for wasting my time and trying to escape." this time i laughed, only because i was trying to conceal my fear. "and what are you going to do mister big and ugly? tie me up again?" this time he showed his anger outwardly as he stepped towards me and cracked his huge knuckles. "night night you pesky rat" seguinte thing i knew his fist came towards my face then blackness.

i ran through the forest feeling the branches shredding me as i ran. i saw the light of the village and rounded a small árvore to see the village. i saw a lot of men and a really big dude in a camouflage uniform and combat boots. i recognized him immediately. my hatred for these people grew once i realized that the man was my father. he must be the leader. everyone else obeyed his every command in fear. some of the guards moved and i saw Kyoya standing there. father said something something and Kyoya laughed. 'no Kyoya dont laugh! he gets angry when you laugh'. sure enough i see my dad get upset then hit Kyoya. i clenched my fists at my side, digging my nails into my skin.

when i was a girl i lived with my father and my older brother. father always beat me because he wanted a segundo son. he never hurt my brother purposely so he often acted as a shield for me. i was always lonely because the other kids were afraid of my dad. until these two boys came. Toby and Zeo. they were so nice to me. they stayed por my side whether my father was there or not. they introduced me to dungeon gym. i may have been the only girl there but they became my new family. they also introduced me to a hand to hand combat class. i took it and became in expert in hand to hand combat a few years later. then my brother left and i was all alone with my father. i decided to leave america and come here. i had to keep training every dia to keep my skills up.

i think its about time that i challenge my father. nobody hurts my friends. especially him. they dragged Kyoya and put him in a chair and tied him. then they gagged him. i was clenching my fists so tight they were turning white. my father punched him one last time for good measure then laughed. 'i cant take this anymore' i jumped out from behind the árvore and took down all his guards then quickly climbed up a different one. "who's there?" he asked turning in circles trying to find me. i jumped from árvore to árvore confusing him. "i'm serious dont make me come after you!" i laughed and stopped on a big árvore and sat down on one of its branches. "you think you can get me? the reason i left is because of you. now thanks to that i can beat you, outrun you and defend against you. probably even mais than that." i jumped down from the árvore and went behind Kyoya and started to untie him when i sensed something coming. and it was coming fast. i sensed the direction it was coming from and leaned the other way. shruikans embeded themselves in a nearby tree. i turned around to see my father looking at me. "so its you then huh? after you left i never thought you would be able to take out the best guards in this entire region single handidly." he clapped and laughed. i stood up and brushed off my knees. "of course you didnt expect that. i'm just your weak pathetic daughter right? theres now way in the world i would be able to beat the best right? oh wait a minute! i just did!" he stopped laughing and glared at me. "if i were you i would be quiet." i just kept on talking. "then again you never really expected much from a girl who always got beat por her father. but now since she proved him wrong, its just embarrassing." i started dancing around him in a taunting way. i knew the only way to get my father upset is to taunt him. or disobey his orders. he got mais upset and angry. i could feel the waves of rage come off of him in waves. 'yes get angry. when your angry you mess up then i could beat you easier.' apparently it was working. he was clenching and unclenching his fists and flexing his muscles trying to make him look bigger. or just trying to get me scared. i yawned and looked at my watch. "look can you hurry up here. i am kind of on a tight schedule." that totaly set him off and he came charging towards me with his fists raised. "your going to pay!" i smiled. 'yes it worked' i took a step backwards and tripped him. he fell on his face raising dust into the air. he got up and charged towards me again. "your still going to pay!" i smirked. his fist came towards me really fast. but since i had experience, it was like slow motion. i grabbed his fist mid-flight and stared him in the eyes. "no your going to pay. for the misery sorrow and pain you caused me." he look surprised so i used that to my advantage and turned around and kicked him. he flew back and hit a árvore then fell sprawled on the ground. "for making mom leave" he stood up again and tried to kick me. i jumped behind him and kicked him again. he rolled then tried to trip me. i jumped again then picked him up and flipped him over. he stood up and i kicked him to the tree. i could tell he was not going to give up and i had to go. Ryuga would probably be up por now and probably suspicious. so before he could recover i ran towards him. "this one is for mom" i punched him and knocked him out. i ran back to Kyoya and untied him. i picked him up and put him on my back then ran out of the horrible village.

"hey Ryuga. what was it that you wanted to talk to me about." i got a little nervous and sort of looked away to keep from blushing. she was wearing a really small white embroidered sleeveless dress. uh... i was thinking would you like to, er, like to go, out?" i looked away to keep myself from looking at her expression. she started to laugh. i looked back and saw her open her arms. my face heated up. "no need to be so modest Ryuga. come here..." i walked towards her with my hands behind my back. i kept walking but it seemed i would never reach her. i started to run. she kept getting farther and farther away. i reached out to grab her but fell into a dark abyss. i woke up sweating with my arm reached out. 'just a dream. just a dream. shes not really gone.' i got up and got my jaqueta and headed out of the tent. i looked out and saw a ridge. i cant sleep anymore so i might as well climb it. i walked over and looked up. a sheer cliff, seriously? at least make it a challenge. i looked closer and saw that it was just previously climbed. Brea must of climbed this when i was asleep. o well she does like a challenge. and so do i. lets do this thing. i eventually made it the topo, início and looked out over the ravine. huh? there is a light over there. i concentrated and closed my eyes. i listened really carefully and heard some voices and noises. "get her..." "where did she go?" "hang in there Kyoya." i opened my eyes. that last voice was Brea. i looked over the ravine and saw her carrying Kyoya. she was cut and bruised from branches and it looked like she twisted her ankle. not far behind her was a big burly man and a bunch of weirdos closing in fast. judging por this she must of rescued Kyoya and probably did something to embarrass the leader. they nearly reached her and she tripped over a vine. they surrounded her and tried to tie her. she kicked one guy punched another flipped over and threw another to the ground. when did she learn those moves. probably in america. she got surrounded again. it wouldnt be long before she got overtaken. on the ground beside her Kyoya began to stir. the burly guy picked him up and held him in an arm lock. he said something and she stopped fighting. this is turning bad. i better do something. i aimed my launcher between her and burly guy. "let it rip! go l-drago! destroy him!" l-drago appeared and roared heading for the man. i jumped off the cliff and landed in a crouch roll. i ran in the direction of where Brea was with l-drago beside me. in no time at all i reached the little clearing where she was. "go l-drago! wipe them all out!" it roared again and caused chaos among the weirdos. they ran away shouted pleas to stop. yah thats right run away like the crybabies that you are" i looked around and saw that the burly guy was still standing there holding Kyoya. Brea was staring at him with such intensity. he was staring back with as much intensity as she was. 'wait a minute...' i looked at both of them and noticed they both had some features alike. the mais i looked the mais alike they seemed. "uh, oi Brea? am i missing something?" she looks at me. "he is my father we have some unfinished business to attend to" her dad smirked. "your not going to win as easily as you did last time little girl." she stood strait and crossed her arms. "oh you mean that time when i beat you really badly and embarrassed you in front of all your 'people'" she yawns. she makes a hand gesture that says 'bring it on' "lets get this over with. i have friends to help ya know. now could please let go of Kyoya? i dont want to embarrass you anymore." her dad got angry and through Kyoya on the ground. she got serious and stared straight at her father. "you do the one mais time and your going to pay for it." her dad laughs and was about to kick Kyoya when Brea rushed progressivo, para a frente and hit him with her shoulder knocking him off his feet and onto the floor. Kyoya's eyes open and he sits up. "what just happened?" he looks over and sees me. "Ryuga, what are you doing here?" i got a bit upset. i just saved him a couple minutos ago. he should show some gratitude. then again he was asleep. i sighed and pointed to where Brea was standing between him and her father. "look over their Kyoya. she's protecting you from him." he turns around and sees Brea and her father in some sort of fighting stance. Kyoya got upset. "that the guy who beat me up with a bunch of his goons." he looks back at me. "who is that guy anyway?" i sigh again. "your really slow..." "excuse me?" i point to her father. "that guy is her dad." he raises and eyebrow and compares Brea to her father. "they do look alike..." Brea turns around and smiles. "oh great Kyoya your ok! now please mover out of the way, this might get ugly." Kyoya tries to get up but holds his side and ends up on his knees again. "Kyoya are you ok?" Brea goes over to him and helps him stand. at that moment her dad decided to strike, while she was distracted. he rushed towards her with incredible speed with his fist raised. he was about to hit her but she caught his fist with her hand without looking. she kicks him back and ushers Kyoya over to me. she looks me seriously in the eye. "help Kyoya out ok?" she points to a couple of rocks a good distance away. "sit down there while i finish things her with my father." i was about to protest but she turned back around and faced her father. i guess i have no choice. i offered my arm as a support but he refused. "i dont need your help Ryuga. your probably tricked Sabrina to get her to pay attention to you." i just ignored his comment even though it stung a little bit. "fine suit yourself. dont blame me if you collapse. i started to walk over to the rocks when Brea stepped in front of me. "Ryuga..." i held up my hands in surrender. "it wasnt me it was Kyoya." she lets out her breath and walks over to Kyoya to talk to him. from behind them i could see her father start to get up. Kyoya fell to the floor all of a sudden and Brea shouted in concern. her father started to run towards her so she wrapped an arm around his shoulder to make him stand and passed him over to me. she points to the rocks again and this time she wasnt going to take no for and answer. i half carried half dragged Kyoya to the rocks and lay him down and say down on the rock seguinte to him to watch the match between Brea and her father. apparently it already started. they were fighting to fast for me to follow but i could see them give punches and take punches. he was about to kick her and she ducked. his kick was a decoy and he smashed his elbow into her side and sent her sprawling a good distance away. she tried to stand up holding her side but she ended up falling to the ground. her father was on topo, início of her in an instant and started to beat her. she put up her arms to block. but that didnt do much to help. i wanted to help her but i knew she would tell me to stay away. i could see Brea giving in. "come on Sabrina you can do it!" voices shouted. i looked to my right and saw Kenta and Yu in bandages and cheering Brea on. it seemed that they didnt notice me. she looked back and saw us cheering her on and got her energy back. she grabbed one of his fists then the other. she put both her feet up and through him off of her with all of her strength. he flew pretty far and ended on the other side of the clearing. "not again." Kyoya woke up and rubbed the side of his head. Brea ran towards us and picked up Yu and put him on her shoulders and carried Kenta. "come on you guys we gotta go. hes gonna come soon probably with his minions. we gotta leave now. there is a plane i saw come overhead. lets get on that and get out of here." she started to run and Kyoya followed her. i didnt feel like leaving so i just walked in the other direction. her father got up and started to run after them. just for fun i stuck out my leg and tripped him. he may be powerful but he sure is clumsy. he got up spitting out dirt and ran after them. i yawned and went back to my campsite. i might regret leaving Brea. especially when shes with that Kyoya guy. and its obvious they like each other. he might make a mover and it might be to late for me. i kept walking towards my campsite pondering on these thoughts. por the time i reached my destination i made my decision.

 leave. Kyoya. alone.
leave. Kyoya. alone.
added by Darkleon1
added by kibagirl369
One dia a baby was born his name was kyoya. 4 years later he got a beyblade its name was rock leone. He mastered the rock and wind. 2 years later when he was 6 he hade a little brother 2 years later he hade nightmare senquence! but this is abou kyoya long story short he met gingka,madoka and kenta he allready knew benkei from the face hunters. he made a team it was team wild fang and got fang leone.
added by Darkleon1
added by Darkleon1
added by Darkleon1
added by eagle_tamer
"hi boss" sais kyouya "uuhhhh" sais boss the boss uses burn quetzequotal. " 3 2 1 let it rip" yells stupid guy in the back-round fang leone and fang leoneas go for the boss he blocked the attack and is not to be seen!!! fang leone and fang leoneas use a special move!!! double tornado now they are left rotating!!! they clash into the boss and win now the world is saved! what a horrible dream!!! the end!!!..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
 boss beyblade
boss beyblade
 kyoya battle
kyoya battle
"wait up guys!..." yells kyoya02 "ok we are here finally" yells kyouya "aaaahhhhh!" "the evil people!!!" yells kyoya!... "battle me!" sais evil guy..." then stop talking and start battling!" yells kyoya!... they start the battle leone is using his special mover king lion ultimate roar and nearly shreds the bey too peaces! " return flame lobo ... i am neon you will see me later!" yells neon! come on lets go in

seguinte chapter...

when they walked in kyoya saw a button and pushed it... "what the heck an elevator just popped out!"yells kyouya! lets go to the boss floor!
 leone roar
leone roar
" calm down!" mr crazy pants AKA kyoya yells! "now the writer is calling me mr crazy pants thanks alot kyouya!" yells kyoya!" "shut up!" kyoya 02 yells!.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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kyoya is walking along a sandy de praia, praia with ky!ouya. kyoya is grabbed in por the waves! "wait it's not the waves it it
it's a... a portal!" sais kyoya. oh... noooo! i came to this world because i thaut you coul save me and my friends here is my world!" yells kyouya. "this is kentie, benkey,modoke, hikare,gingky,yuey , and tsubesra!" sais kyouya!..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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posted by Raallss
I'm new at composição literária and i hope u like my first text online !

In The house of the Gang(U know All friends of Kyoya!) !

Ginga says to Kyoya wets battle !
I'm not in the mood Jinga !
But why !I've never seen u like this !
I want to be alone !
Ginga goes out of the room!
Kyoya thinking..........I can't believe this,i want to be the best but....
When my dream is going to come true ?
How can i become the best .....I need to train,really hard to beat Ginga and the others beybladers !!
Ok i can't, stay like this all day!!I need to start training !
Kyoya goes to the nearest bey park !
Then he sees a...
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posted by SabrinaXKyoya
 me blushing
me blushing
this is when Sabrina realizes she has feeling for Kyoya and Kyoya has feelings for Sabrina.

"hey Kyoya! where are you!" i shouted searching the house. from one room to the seguinte with no luck. i ran into Tsubasa. "hey Tsubasa do you have any idea where Kyoya is?" i asked him. he just shrugged. "no i havent seen him since this morning." i let out a breath "this is getting really annoying." i muttered under my breath. "if you see him can you cal me or something. i am getting really tired of trying to find him. he's a sneaky one that Kyoya." Tsubasa laughed "ok" he answered me "not a problem. i...
continue reading...
posted by SabrinaXKyoya
 ginga in battle
ginga in battle
this is when i introduce my bey to everyone else and show that i am a good blader.

when the smoke clears i see Doji. "what do you want this time Doji? we have injured people here. wait until another time. if you dont want to leave i will have to show you the way out! LET IT RIP!" i launched my bey at Doji the intruder. "why my friend arent you being a bit to hasty. dont i need a proper welcome?" i guess he must have seen the look on my face cause he turned evil. i could imagine little red horns growing out of his head and and pointy tail. that cheered me up a little. a little not much but...
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posted by Jekyde
Later, when all three had arrived a Gingka's house, Esma's coughing hadn't gotten any better. She had barely spoken on the way, and several attempts from Gingka and Kyoya to see if she could stand up again had failed, only ending with with Esma either back in their arms or on the sidewalk.

Kyoya and Gingka held Esma over Gingka's bed, and carefully, released her. "Anything else you might need?" Gingka asked.

"A couple hours of rest will do me fine." Esma responded. "but if I do need anything else, I'll give you a shout."

The three began to go downstairs, but Kyoya stopped and turned back to Esma....
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added by Darkleon1
added by Darkleon1
added by Darkleon1
added by Darkleon1
added by TheGreyWolf