1. Minhyuk was born on June 28, 1991
2. He was born at Chulsandong, but lived
in Ilsan for 16 years. So, he think his
hometown is Ilsan.
3. Minhyuk is the youngest at início and
CN BLUE (together with jungshin) as well.
4. Minhyuk favourite artist are Maroon5
and Linkin Park
5. Minhyuk also likes classical música like
6. Since young, his mother gave him
various musical educations like piano and
7. Minhyuk have an interest to music
since he liked classical música so he
learned to play piano and flute.
8. Minhyuk liked band música after
listening to Maroon5.
9. Type of girl minhyuk’s like is
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