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 Credit: disney (The Little Mermaid 2)
Credit: Disney (The Little Mermaid 2)
I’ve been a fã of JimxMelody (affectionately known as JiMel) well before I knew about disney Crossovers. I’ve also been a fã of astrologia for a very long time. After I discovered the disney Crossover fandom I started to put the two together por trying to figure out the signs of my favorito disney and Non/Disney characters. Disney-astrology (as I like to call it) is something I like to do in my spare time and this artigo is about my opinions on Jimel and why I believe their amor is possible, based on astrologia :) If you aren’t into astrology, that’s fine. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I’d be happy to hear from all of you though!

Princess Melody is the daughter of Eric and Ariel from The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea. It’s seguro to say that her sign would be a water sign, but which one? It was a hard choice between Cancer and Pisces, but after much thought and some input from others I finally pegged Melody for a Pisces.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) - Mutable Water Sign

-    Planet: Neptune (but also Jupiter at times)
-    Positive traits: imaginative, mystical por nature, shy, dreamers
-    Negative traits: self-pitying, temperamental, easily led/manipulated, escapist
-    Hobbies: dancing, water sports, swimming, hand-gliding (preferably over the ocean)

Pisces is a water sign, but it is kind of like Gemini in the sense that its sign is not just one thing, but two things that make a whole. The sign for Pisces is two peixe together with each peixe representing different things in a Pisces’ life. Sometimes Pisces are at odds with themselves, but they eventually find balance.

I ultimately choose Pisces for Melody because of what kind of water sign it is. While Cancer is the cardinal water sign which is connected with emotion and ambition, Pisces is the mutable water sign which is connected to water through adaptation and harmonization. Although it is in her nature, Melody had to adapt while she was a mermaid AND a human. She also had to find harmony not only within herself, but also between her two worlds. Just like most Pisces.

The main planet for Pisces is Neptune, but Jupiter also has some input into the sign (remember the influence of two for this sign). However, Neptune is the powerhouse. It represents dreams and fantasies which explains why Pisces is known as the dreamer of the zodiac. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and it helps Pisces be mais down to earth. Melody is very much a dreamer since she has dreamed and imagined herself becoming a mermaid for a very long time, but unfortunately Jupiter brings her back to reality with the fact that she is banned from the sea.

We all know Melody is imaginative and a dreamer, but she also shows other positive aspects of this sign. For Pisces, mystical por nature could mean a lot of things. Normally it means that they have a tendency to like mystics and magical things and believe mais so in the possibility of them being real. For Melody, it means her heritage as well. She is also shy, especially around her peers. This is shown with both boys she encountered and groups of other preteens she met on land and in the sea.

She also expresses some of the negative traits. The biggest one probably has to be how easily she manipulated por Morgana. Her self-pitying shows when she was hard on herself after her birthday incident, and after realizing that it was her fault Morgana got the trident. She is an escapist por many means. She wants to escape her reality of being blocked por the one thing she loves most por imagining herself as a mermaid, and she physically escapes her reality por running away. Because emotions run deep with them, all water signs are moody or temperamental at times and Melody shows this mais so when interacting with Ariel (who I don’t think is a water sign at all).

Pisces have many hobbies, but I listed the ones above for the sake of Melody and JiMel. We see Melody dance in the movie, but we don’t know if it’s an exact hobby of hers because it would be common for royalty and high society to know how to dance. However, swimming is something we know she is good at and is her favorito thing to do. As for the hand-gliding thing, I just found it interesting that some Pisces like doing this, and it would be a good sign for us JiMel fãs because Jim’s favorito thing to do is solar surf. With this in mind, maybe Melody would really enjoy solar surfing with Jim, especially if they fly over the ocean. Romantic right! :D

Princess Melody: Dreamer, Mystical, Temperamental, and Escapist. I think making her a Pisces was a good call. Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know what you think she is. seguinte is the compatibility between the characters, their signs, and why they work. I will post it later today.

My information comes from my own personal knowledge/research of astrology. This includes too many books and websites to name :D but if you want to take another look at this topic check out link Her Disney-astrology vídeos are pretty amazing, and we agree on a lot of points for the signs and characters I mentioned.
 Credit goes to whomever created it
Credit goes to whomever created it