Jack and Kate Club
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posted by tinkerbell_cate
Hi Guys
I've had this idea in my head for a little while and I figured I'd get it typed out. Its basically my version of Jate scenes. If you guys like it, I'll do some mais for you :P

To start off I'm going to base my scenes around Kate's quote "I have ALWAYS been with you", and show you just how true that is.

The very first time she was with Jack? when she stopped running, faced her fears and help stitch him up.: Kate's head was spinning. The crash, the fact that she was free, that the marshall was hurt, her capture, what she was going to do now.....the thoughts swirled around in her brain, all drowning each other out as they demanded attention, all under the numbness of complete shock. She gasped a little in surprise as she stumbled out of the jungle and saw a man lying there. "Excuse me" he called,gazing at her with a calmness about him despite he chaos. "Did you ever use a needle?". "What?" she asked, moving closer to him. "Did you ever....patch a pair of jeans?" he enquired, looking at her beseechingly. "I, uh, I made the draps,in my apartment" she stammered out, remembering her apartment in Iowa. Relief flashed across the mans face. "Thats fantastic. If you don't mind, I could use a little help here". "Help with what?". This man intrigued her, and her curiosity got the better of her. She flinched back, however, and closed her eyes when he showed her the wound on his side. "You want me to sew that up?" she exclaimed, feeling queasy as she looked at the gleaming blood. "It's just like the drapes" he told her, his eyes pleading with her. Kate couldn't help noticing, despite everything, that this man had gorgeous brown eyes. "No, with the drapes I used a sewing machine" she countered, her voice faltering. "Look, I'd do it myself, I'm a doctor,but I just can't reach it....if you wouldn't mind....". Ah, so her mystery man here was a doctor. She felt the urge to get to know everything about him, and sensed that his job was part of his nature:protective, caring, healing. He had spoken to her so politely, and the way he was stareing at her......"of course I will" she said,moving progressivo, para a frente and kneeling down. He took out a bottle of alchahol from his jaqueta and gave it to her. "For your hand" he told her, gesturing to the scrapes on her left hand. She put the alcahol on the scrapes, ignoring them when they stung. "Save me some, for the wound" he told her. She handed him the remaining alchahol wincing when he poured it onto his wound and when he breathed heavily from the pain. He gave her a sewing box with various coloured thread and a needle. "You have a colour preferance?" she asked, attempting a joke. He laughed breathlessly, shaking his head,obviously appreiciating her attempt at humour."Basic black". She threaded the needle and began to stitch the skin back together. "I might throw up on you" she warned as she felt her stomach becoming unsettled. "Your doing fine" he told her, both encouraging Kate and clearly trying not to show that it hurt. "You don't seem afraid at all. I don't understand that" she admitted, thinking that if she were being stitched up por a stranger after a terrfiying plane crash, she would be mais than a little scared. Glancing up, she found herself looking directly into his eyes. They were so warm......"Well, fears sort of an odd thing" he began. Kate listened with facination as this man opened up to her and told her about fear. Already she wanted to know him, so badly it scared her a little."If that were me, I think I would have run for the door" she murmered after he had finished his story. "No, I don't think thats true" he disagreed, looking up at her with level eyes. "You're not running now". With a wave of amazment she realised that he was right. She'd helped someone, she hadn't run, which had been her instinct ever since she had escaped the marshall back home. Maybe, she thought, maybe I don't have to be a bad person....a connection to this man flooded through her.

The seguinte scene I'm going to do is a combination of the "I don't know your name" scene and when they go out to the plane with Charlie. The fact that she was determined to go with him, and that she was screaming out his name when she'd known him for just a dia demonstrates the strength of their connection.

As she sat por the fire, the man who she had stitched up began talking about the crash. He had made a plane out of a leaf. He was saying somthing about needing to find the cockpit so that they could contact some help. "I saw some smoke" she told him "just through the valley. If your thinking of going for the cockpit, I'm going with you" she said firmly. She hated the idea of trying to sit still. If she could help, she would. "I don't know your name" the man said with a small smile. "I'm Kate" she said softly,smiling back. She decided against using an alias. It felt wrong lying to this man when they had connected the way they had. "Jack" he said, the firelight dancing in his eyes.
A few hours later.....
"What the hell was that?!" the piolet exclaimed, refering to the strange sound that kept shaking the island. All Kate knew was,it sure as hell wasn't good. "Kate!" Jack called, putting out his hand. She took it almost without thinking, fear making her coração thud. Jack pulled her against his chest, and she felt a little safer at his touch. "It's right outside" she cholked out. "What right outside?" demanded the piolet. "Shhh!" Jack hissed, pushing Kate into a corner where she'd be safer. After a few minutos they began looking out the window of the front section of the plane. Suddenly the piolet yelled in pain as he was jerked up por whatever was outside. Kate screamed as his body slammed back into the plane, blood washing over the front window. As the section of the plane fell, Jack, Kate and Charlie were all thrown about. When the plane section thudded to the ground, Kate started heading for the exit. "Jack, c'mon!" she urged when she saw he was reaching for the tranceiver. "Just leave it!" Charlie yelled. When Jack's hand grabbed the tranceiver, they all ran as fast as they could. Kate didn't stop for anything,the fear coursing through her body moving her faster than she'd ever run before. Nearly tripping over, she hid among some tree's. Her whole body trembling, she clutched at one of the branches, hoping to see Jack and Charlie. When no one came, she felt her panic rise even more. She had never been this terrified and now she was all alone. Desperatly, she screamed "JACK!!", hoping he would hear her and come to her. It was painful not knowing if he was safe, however her fear had her legs glued in place. She had no idea what that monster was , or if Jack and Charlie were even alive. She knew she had to find them, and, remmembering Jack's story, she prepared herself to face her fear and go look for them. "One.....Two.....Three *cholked sobs*....Four.....Five".

As Jack and Kate's connection grew, so did their loyalty. This is shown in the episode "The Moth" where, upon hearing Jack is trapped in a cave, she abandons Sawyer and runs to help Jack, working tirelessly until he is safe.

Kate sprinted through the jungle, heading for the caves. She was furious with Sawyer for not telling her Jack was hurt before, but there was no time to be angry with him now, she had to get to him....if she went to him, he would be ok...she thought desperatly. As she entered the caves she saw some of the other islanders gathered round an opening surrounded with rocks. "Where is he?" she demanded, not stopping to catch her breath. Jack was mais important."Where is he, where's Jack?". "He's in there" Hurley replied, gesturing to the mass of rocks." Does anyone know if he's alive?" she grew frustrated when Michael, Hurley and Boone just stared at her."Is he alive?" she snapped, feeling impaitent. "We don't know" Michael admitted."Charlie went in there through a tunnel that we dug, but it collapsed." "Why is nobody digging?" she asked simply, walking progressivo, para a frente and beggining to haul rocks out of the cave entrance. A few hours later, Michael came up to her,concerned."Why don't you take a break? we have enough people to dig. If you keep going at this pace, you're gonna kill yourself!". Kate just glared at him. She wasn't going anywhere until Jack was out of that cave and she knew he was alright. "Hey look! there's the doctor! it's the doctor!" . She heard the cry from Walt and glanced up to see Jack. Relief flooded through her. He was alive!. Her feet had started to mover almost as soon as she saw him, and she was running now, despite the hours of hard labour she'd just endured. She threw her arms around him, wrapping him in a warm hug.She was so, so happy he was ok!. "Ouch! Careful, my shoulder" he murmured into her ear. She felt mildly guilty, but for now it was overshaowed por her joy. She looked into his eyes, and that smile that was just for her told her that he was glad she'd been so pleased to see him. Warmth spread through her body. Everything was going to be ok.

This seguinte scene is what I'm going to use to show that even when Jack wasn't so sure of himself, Kate was still there, offering suppourt. She was the one grounding him and reminding him of who he was.

Sighing, Kate tucked her curly brown hair behind her ears. Jack had run off,and she needed to make sure he was ok and not doing anything stupid. He had given Boone a lot of blood and he needed a good night's rest. She followed his tracks through the jungle and found him as he stumbled through plants. " Kate,what are you doing here?" he asked wearily when he saw her. "Looking for you" she responded. What else? she added in her thoughts."Well, you found me" he muttered, pushing past her to keep walking. "You're walking in circles! you need to come back" she said firmly. "Not without Locke". Always so stubbourn she thought wryly. "You haven't slept, you gave Boone your own blood..." "Locke lied,Kate" Jack snapped, spinning around to face her. "Boone did not fall off any cliff. His leg was crushed. And I based my medical treatment on his lie!". She saw how much it hurt him to not be able to save Boone, but she also knew that he wasn't going to do anyone any good por wandering around in the jungle. "People are confused and upset" she said quietly as Jack started to walk off again. His back stiffened and she knew she was getting through to him. "They don't know what's going on. We need you to come back, Jack. Please?" she asked gently. Turning around to look at her, she saw the vulnerbility in his eyes. Come on, Jack she pleaded silently. They need you. I need you.

The seguinte scene is the one from the season 1 finale. This is the first time we have seen Jack actually asking outright for Kate's suppourt, and, of course, she gives it.

The firelight from the torches flickered in Jack's eyes as he looked at her seriously. "Kate...if we survive this, if we survive tonight...we're gonna have a Locke problem". Glancing near the hatch, she saw Locke examining the opening once again. "Now I need to know if you've got my back". Jack was the first person she'd gotten to know on the island, and they had an increadable connection. She would follow him anywhere. With a steady gaze, she looked back at him. "I've got your back" she said simply.

This seguinte scene is from the season two finale, on the docks. It shows that Kate is with Jack because he is the one she turns to when she's afraid, the one she trusts to make everything ok.

As she knealt on the dock, Kate was scared. Really, really scared.She had no idea who these people were, but she was still hurt the Michael had just betrayed them. Realising the "The Others" were about to put bags over their heads, she looked to Jack. Seeing the panic in her eyes at being a captive again, he sent back a message of his own: he would protect her. She felt grateful that he was the last thing she saw before the bags went over there heads and they were blinded.

This is a little of one of my favourite scenes in season 3, from the episode :"I Do". Despite having slept with Sawyer the anterior night, she still finds comprehending leaving Jack behind impossible.

"I can't leave without you!" Kate said into the walkie talkie as rain ran down her face, hiding her tears. Was Jack crazy? of course she wouldn't leave him!. But he's doing this for you, a voice said in her head. Don't make his sacrifice for nothing. "yes you are, go!" Jack urged. "Jack, I can't!" she cried. Didn't he understand that the bond between them made it impossibe to leave him?. "Go, Now!" Jack ordered. "I CAN'T!!" she screamed, feeling a wave of desperation. Her desire to escape,to run, was already overwhelming, but Jack meant too much to her. Even when he wasn't near her, he still seemed to know what she was thinking, so he yelled the only thing that could get her to move. "Kate, Dammit, Run!".

This seguinte one (which I'm sure you all knew I would do) is the increadable scene from "Not In Portland". Her emotional re-telling of the counting to five story is a constant reminder of their connection.

Heasitantly, Kate reached for the walkie talkie. She hadn't wanted to think about Jack, because she didn't think she'd actually be able to leave if she heard his voice. "Jack? are you there?" she asked, her coração hammering in her chest. "Yeah, I'm here here Kate. You ok?". Sweet Jack, always thinking of others before himself. "Yeah. We've got a boat. They're letting us go". "Who's letting you go?". "The blonde woman" Kate replied, looking warily at Juliet. "So you're safe, you and Sawyer?" Jack demanded. "Yes, yeah". "If you're safe, tell me". "Tell you?" she asked, confused."The beach, the dia of the crash, the story that I told you when you were stitching me up. If you're safe, tell me." Taking a deep breathe, she began. She could see it so clearly in her minds eye, remember the story almost word for word. "You...were doing surgery on a girl...and you messed up" she faltered "you made a mistake. You tore somthing on her back, and all the nerves came loose. You said you were so afraid..... And you said the fear was so.....real" she said with a teary smile. She knew just what he meant. "And you didn't know what to do. So you counted to five...." she broke off, the memories swirling round her head hurting.She could see Jack on that beach, hear Jack saying "one.two.three.four.five." She tried to focus on the upcoming part of the story, the positive ending. "And then you weren't afraid anymore. It was just gone.And you fixed her! you saved her!" the pain was so clear in her voice on the last two sentances and tears streaming down her face. "I need you to make me a promise, Kate" Jack said.He had never asked her for anything so intenseley before. "Jack?" she asked, her voice and coração breaking as she spoke his name."I need you to promise me that you will never come back here for me. Don't come back, Kate". The pain was eating way at her. He was her hero- they were connected. She couldn't just leave him!. "Jack, please where are you?please...."she stopped when she realised that the other walkie talkie had been turned off. "Train's coming" said Sawyer softly, looking at her sympathetically. She nodded, preparing to leave part of herself here with Jack, until she could convince the others to come back with her and get him.She would not leave him behind-not for long.

Ok, the seguinte scene I'm going to do is the proposal scene. It is just a really beautiful scene, and she is just so happy! plus she says yes like, 5 times lol. The fact that she is willing to make a commitment to him like that when she had gotten used to running and when she couldn't even settle down with her cop-husband, Kevin, shows us how Kate has evolved and how content she is with Jack.

"Kate....hey, Kate. Wake up". Jack's gentle voice brought Kate out of her sleepy haze. And there he was. Her waking dream. "Hey" she mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, "what time is it?". "It's early. Or late." "Were you at work?" she asked, wondering if he'd had to stay back late at the hospital. He shook his head."No, I just had some...stuff that I had to do. It took a while." She reached out to him when she saw the worried look on Jack's face, wanting to let him know she was there for him. "Hey....whats going on, whats wrong?"."The other night....when I was leitura to Aaron,you said...that I was a natural. Do you really think that I'm good at this?". She immidiently wanted to reassure him. She wouldn't have wanted to have any other father figure for Aaron except Jack. "Yeah" she said firmly, looking into his eyes, silently telling him she believed in him. "You're good at this". He stared at her for a moment, searching in her eyes. He then asked simply "Will you marry me?". Shock and joy ran through her in equal amounts. She had never thought of herself as the type of person who would get married, but when she pictured continuing her life with Jack...well, heaven came to mind. He pulled a box out of his jaqueta pocket, and opened it to reveal a slender, sparkling, perfect enagement ring. Happy tears began spilling down her face. "Yes! yes, of course I will, yes!!" she exclaimed, and he gently slid the ring onto her left finger. She kissed his neck and hugged him. She couldn't remember being so, so happy.Purley happy. She relaxed into his arms, enjoying the moment.

The seguinte scene is a short one,and its also from "Something Nice Back Home", but it's on-island. I chose this because it shows that whenever jack needed her, she was there.

Kate nodded when Juliet asked her to hold the mirror for Jack. She was so,so worried about him, but she realised, with a flash of warmth, that he wanted her there no matter what, simply because he loved her. A happy, tingling feeling came over her when she remembered Jack saying "Because I amor you" to her. "Jack, what are you doing?" Juliet's disapproving voice snapped Kate out of her thoughts. She saw Jack walking out of his tent, one hand on his stomach. "I don't need a stretcher" he was protesting "I can walk 50 feet". Typical Jack, she thought, almost smiling despite her worry. "I'll help you" she offered, putting an his arm round her shoulders so she could help suppourt his weight.Juliet nodded."I'll see you in there". "So it looks like I'm gonna be your nurse" Kate commented as she helped Jack walk to the tent where they were doing the operation. Icy fear twisted her stomach when she thought of him being cut open. "Wouldn't be the first time" he murmered. A mall smile twisted her lips, but it was all she could manage when Jack's life was in danger. "If anything happens to me..." he began, seeming to sense her thoughts. "Shut up, Jack" she interrupted. She couldn't even think about losing him, not when she'd left him with the others once, and felt what it was like when he wasn't with her."Fair enough said Jack with a grin of his own.

The seguinte scene is the "we have to go back" scene. This is so heartbeakingly beautiful, and it shows she never really let go of their relationship. Even when he was drunk and calling her all the time, she still came when he begged to see her.

Kate was shocked por what a mess Jack was- he wasn't her Jack like this. "I have to go" she said, thinking of Aaron at início "he's gonna be wondering where I am-" Jack reached out and grabbed her before she could go. "Don't-" she whispered, but her resistance weakend as he drew her closer. She felt the connection that they had always had flood through her, and she felt her coração break as she closed her eyes. This was as close as she'd been to Jack in months. Pure longing, fierce and burning flooded through her chest. She wanted him back, she wanted what they had had back. She missed him so much, and every night when Aaron asked where Jack was, it tore at her heart."We....were not supposed to leave" he told her. "Yes, we were" she said firmly, trying not to break down mais than she already had.She pulled her arm away from him. "Goodbye, Jack" she said, knowing that she couldn't have him around her little boy like this. "We have to go back, Kate!". Jack's voice reached her, desperate.Pain flashed across her face as she returned his look. Just hearing him like that made her want to go to him. But she couldn't, not when he was like this.She got into her car and began to drive off. "We have to go back!!".

This scene is the first scene I'm going to do from the Incident. Jack was the only one who could have ever persuaded her to go through with this,and even though she thought they wouldn't know each other, she couldn't say no to him, thats how much she was with him.

"Jack?" she asked,moving over rocks to cadastrar-se him where he was watching the dharma intiative drill into the ground. He had blood all over him. "What happened?" she exclaimed, reaching out to touch his face. "My uh, talk with sawyer didn't go so good" Jack replied. His voice sounded like he was telling a joke, and she had to admit, the way he said it was a little funny. Idiot, she thought, starting to wipe the blood off his face. But he's my idiot. "Does it hurt?" she asked gently. "No,it's ok" he replied, hiding a smile. "There" she said, wiping the last of the blood onto her jeans. "Remember when I sewed you up? when we first got here?" she asked, feeling nostalgia. "Yeah"he said,smiling. "Feels like a million years ago". "Or thirty years from now" Kate was certain that the same flood of memories were going through his head. The crash, her stumbling out of the jungle to find him, the thread, stitching him up, counting to five...."Kate, why'd you make be promise to never ask about Aaron?" Jack murmered, gazing at her. "Because, I was....so angry for making you come back here" she admitted, looking away. "Is he why you came back?". "I came back so he could be where he belongs. With his mother." She shouldn't have raised Aaron. He wasn't her child. It hurt, but it was the truth. "If this work, Claire'll never come to the island.And they'll always be together, just like they're suppoused to be". She had a feeling Jack wasn't just talking about Claire and Aaron."She was giving him up for adoption, Jack" she pointed out. "Well you don't know what she would do. And whatever it is, it would be her choice." She had to admit he was right about that. "But nothing....nothing in my life has ever felt so right, and I just need you to believe that" he said, looking directly into her eyes. They jumped when an alarm sounded. "It's about to happen" said Jack. Fear and hope washed through her. Fear they would all die if it didnt work. Hope her and Jack would be together and Aaron would be with his mother if it did work. "Are you with me?" he asked, searching her eyes. Dammit!. It wasn't fair when he looked at her like that. She still loved him, and he needed her suppourt.She didn't have a choice her, her coração wouldn't let her say no. A smile half flickered on his lips, as if he already knew the answer por looking into her own eyes "Yes". He nodded "then lets get going."

The seguinte Incident scene I'm going to do is the one where Jack is about to drop the bomb and theres that Jepic look between them

"Hurry up, Doc, what're you waitin' for? drop it!" yelled Sawyer. Jack looked over, his eyes searching for her.Kate knew what he wanted, it was almost like there was a pergunta in his eyes. "Should I still do this?". She knew that if she told him no, he would stop and not go through with it. For her. But she knew how much he needed her right now, and although she was still terrified they were all going to die, she trusted Jack absolutly, and he was trying to help them all.She simply nodded, tears streaming down her face. In his eyes, she saw that he knew what a big leap it was for her to do that, and he was grateful. She closed her eyes, praying silently that they would all be safe, even if it was in another life.

seguinte is the "I couldn't find you" scene. This is one of my favourite moments (partly cause Sawyer is just lying there lol) because she freaks out when she couldn't find him. Jack had always been there with her whenever somthing big happened and I think it really scared her because the sub they were on had just gotten blown up, and she'd been shot.

"Jack!" Kate cholked out feeling relieved he was ok. She was tierd, scared, in pain, and so, so happy she had found him at last. "I couldn't find you" she sobbed, feeling shock at how close she'd come to losing him. "I couldn't find you!". She sobbed even harder as he put his arms around her and whispered "it's ok..." in her ear. He was with her, which meant things were a little better.

ok now for a short scene from the finale. I picked this one because it shows that even after everything that had happened, she was still hoping that he would come back with her and be with her again.

"Why did you take the job, Jack?" Kate asked, trying to understand why he hd agreed to be the islands' protector. "Because I was suppoused to" he replied. "Why? because some strange wrote our names on the wall?" she demanded, not satisfied with his answer. He sounded too much like Locke for her liking. "I took it because the island's all I've got left. It's the only thing in my life that I haven't managed to ruin" he murmered, looking at her meanigfully. Her coração constricted in his chest as she realised why he had been so determined to change things-to give their relationship a fresh start, so he wouldn't have hurt her. He didn't think she still loved him. "You didn't ruin anything" she said firmly, stepping in front of him to make sure she had his full attention. Didn't he understand that he couldn't lose her?. "Nothing is irreversable" she said, searching Jack's face, wanting to reassure him that the fights, the 2am phonecalls, were in the past. Tey didn't matter anymore. "This would be so sweet if we weren't all about to die" commented Hurley.

seguinte is the epic "I amor you" scene. It proved once and for all who she'd been with this whole time, and who she loved mais than anything else in the world

"Kate, you gotta go. Get Claire on that plane" said Jack. She knew he was right, and that he wanted her safe. That why he was saying the only possible thing that could get her to leave him- her loyalties to Claire and Aaron. Bu there was one thing she needed from him first, one thing that ould make sure she could leave the island without breaking down completley. "Tell me I'm gonna see you again" she begged, tears running down her face. Jack simply looked back at her. He didn't have to say a word to tell her that he wouldn't lie to her, and that only what he believed was his destiny could keep him from going with her. Letting go of inhibitions and needing to break this horrible o espaço between them, she stepped progressivo, para a frente and kissed him. It started soft, gently,but transformed into somthing mais beautiful as they both held on to the moment. When she finally broke away from his lips, she pressed her forhead against his, and said one simple truth, ignoring the tears running down her face. "I amor you". He smiled a sad smile, he'd bee waiting to hear that from her for a long time, she knew, ever since he'd admitted his feelings for her when she'd wanted to know why he was sticking up for Sawyer. "I amor y o u" he said fiercley, and she could see as she looked into his eyes that it had always been true. With that her coração broke in two as she realised she really was going to have to leave him behind. It was what he wanted, but that didn't make it any easier. She closed her eyes as she watched him walk away, needing Hurley to help him. She would never be the same.

Ok, this last scene is a combination of the church scene, the "I've missed you so much" scene, and one of my own. Hope you like it :)

Kate listened to the machine beeping in the hospital cama seguinte to her. Her hair had grown white, however her green eyes were still sharp and alert most of the time. She closed her eyes, knowing that she was dying. What had happened on the island had never left her, and she had spent the remainder of her life helping Claire raise Aaron and hoping that, when she died, she would betaken to wherever Jack was. In her final moments, she saw flashes. "I've missed you so much" she whispered, putting a hand on either side of Jack's face. She also saw them linking hands in a church, finally together forever. Kate Austen died with a smile on her face, and an engagment ring glittering on her left ring finger.

Thanks for reading! xxx
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