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posted by xi_omega
Dargon Academy, five days to wedding
Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless and Stormfly walked through the gates and into the what was killing arena, now dragon academy, both humans needed to tell Ignis Terra about Hiccup vision of the future, when they entered they were suprised to see the twins and Barth and Belch standing to attention and Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante with Fishlegs and Meatlug standing behind Ignis Terra, Striker, Shadow, Strom and Scarlet.
"What's going on?" Said Hiccup
"Ruffnut and Tuffnut were refusing to corporate so Ignis used his psychic powers to get them to well stop" said Fishlegs
"Ignis" said Astrid "there are other ways to get the twins to stop fighting"
"Name three and I'll let them go" said Ignis
"Um" said Astrid "punching them, using Stormfly and distract them using violence"
"Dammit" Ignis then let go of his psychic hold over the twins and they fell to the ground "it has side effects on their balance a bit if it's used for a certain amount of time"
"Oh right" said Hiccup was about to tell Ignis about the dream when he noticed something, where was Snotlout and Hookfang? "anyone see Mr Big-head and his flaming pain in the arse"
"Not since yesterday" said Storm, Toothless then begun to make a panicking noise, everyone looked to see a Monsterous Nightmare breathing large amounts of fogo onto the village, Snotlout clearly on its back
"Oh Thor" said Hiccup
The teens and their dragões ran into the village, Gobber then ran up to Hiccup and Astrid and said "get out of here you two, he's after you"
"What?" Said Astrid
"He ran out of his house screaming, his eyes red and a crystal on a neckless glowing red, he was demanding you, Hiccup and Ignis to show your faces"
"Wait" said Ignis "what do you mean 'crystal' and 'glowing red'"
"You know what it is?" Said Fishlegs
"Standard Omega technology"
"Omega?" Said Tuffnut
"What I am, a human with telekinetic and psychic powers"
"So anyway, that type of crystal is called a reverse crystal, it's used to bring any memory erased back... Oh dear"
"What?" Said Storm
"Remember I erased some of him memory, he knows what I did and that will cause his hatred to increase" then a fireball came flying from Hookfang and almost hitting Striker
"Well, well, well" said Snotlout "look who decided to show their faces"
"Look" said Ignis "leave them out of it, I erased your memories, not them..."
"At their request I guess"
"What?" Said Hiccup "why would we want to do that? Ignis said you asked him to do so"
"I don't remember" Snotlout then somehow used telekinesis to throw several knives at Hiccup but Toothless set a plazma blast towards them, melting them "nice work bud" said Hiccup
"Now what?" Said Astrid "what's your plan?"
"First" said Snotlout "I use my new power to help the people of Berk to see through Ignis's lies and show them the Alpha know how to achieve real peace"
"Listen Snotlout" said Ignis "I don't know what my brother has said but... I'm not the villain here, it's you"
"More lies, when will you learn that you must control people to get them to stop retaliating"
"Retaliating" said Storm "big word for you"
Hookfang then sent another fireball at the team then Storm noticed something "hang on" she said "how did Alpha find out about your mind whip, I'm sure even his psychic range isn't fare enough to reach us"
"My new master has had an ally within" then Ignis was almost hit por Nadder spikes, he and the others turned to see Apha on the back of Striker
"Hello brother"
"Alpha" said Ignis "and Striker, how I didn't see it coming"
"I've had a psychic bloke on him, I got to him before you did on that island, I just put him there so that something could get close to Ignis"
"You creep" said Astrid
"Thank you so-called Hero"
"So this is your plan then" said Ignis "get everyone against me one at a time, not very you is it?"
"No, but desperate times call for desperate measures, even had to let the Feared Four go, useless the lot of them"
Ignis then climbed onto the back of the young Flightmare, Shadow, Storm climbed onto the back of Shadows mother, Scarlet, Hiccup climbed onto Toothless, Astrid onto Stormfly, Fishlegs onto Meatlug and the twins onto Barth and Belch
"I'm giving you one last chance brother" said Ignis "leave and no-one dies"
"Too late for that" said Alpha as he threw a faca from his sleave to Storm's Sholder, she screamed in pain but held onto Scarlet, Ignis gasped that his brother had tried to kill his girlfriend, Ignis then felt his anger build up, he used his telekinesis to lift up some burnt wood and weapons and send them towards Alpha, of course Alpha having stronger powers was able to send them back but Ignis was not a strong so would be unable to deflect them, the weapons coming back and Ignis was paincking, trying to use his power to hold the weapons back, nothing worked until they suddenly stopped in midair, everyone astounded
"Who's doing that?" sais Storm
"Not me" said Tuffnut
"Or me" said Ruffnut
"It's me" said Hiccup
"What?" Said Everyone except Astrid
"It's true" said Astrid, last night he somehow had a vision of the future, he saw himself telling him that during a big battle"
"What, this one?" Said Snotlout
"No" said Hiccup "it was a different one, but I think it's a close one"
"Irrelevant" said Alpha "I'll still takes over the four worlds even with two Omega Heroes" he then sent another dagger from his sleave but this time it went towards Tuffnut, but like the weapons, this was floating in midair just infront of Tuffnuts face "I can't let you do that" said Hiccup
"This'll be fun" said Alpha
"Oh it will" said Astrid picking up a mase from the pile of weapons infront of her and threw it at Alpha, cause he wasn't wearing armour, she expected it to have effect, nothing, it was if his skin was like metal
"Astrid" said Ignis "I think the lighting that hit him of topo, início of the Empire State Building made his skin tougher"
"You think?" Said Astrid
"This isn't over" said Snotlout then he looked at Hiccup "there are other ways to remove a talking peixe bone"
"Hey" said Hiccup "have you seen the leather armour, it's awsome, who cares if I'm still skinner then you"
"You no longer count"
"I swear, you'll pay for that insult and for taking Astrid away from me" then Hookfang breathed a ring of fogo around him, Snotlout, Alpha and Striker, when it cleared they were gone.
Two days later, 3 dia to wedding
The village turned back to normal in just a short period of time, maybe because the people were so used to the village being burnt, luckily the Great Hall suffered no damage so the wedding was still on, for now.
Ignis stood on the cliff with Shadow por his side, Striker had been working with Alpha this whole time, it just goes to show how little he could trust people, if Alpha could hide Strikers betrayal then who else was working for him, Strom and Scarlet walked up to him, Stroms shoulder covered with bandages smeared with herds to clean the wound
"Hey sweetie" she said wrapping her good arm around Ignis
"Hey" said Ignis "how's your shoulder?"
"Better, how are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well your old dragon betrayed you and you caused an ally into a villain"
"As Hiccup would say, thank you for summing that up, do you think he'll forgive me for caused Snotlouts betrayal"
"Knowing him, he already has" Strom then kissed him on the cheek and made her way home, a short time later Ignis followed.
Haddock residence
Astrid woke up, Hiccup still asleep por her side on their bed, she didn't know why she woke up, maybe just instinct but something didn't fell right, she slowly went back to sleep, unaware to her that someone or something had written 'Astrid leave" all over the mural about hers and Hiccups heads.
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me
added by LOLerz25
Source: DreamWorks Animation / Screencaps By: Me