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 Showing atores mais lindos questions (101 - 200 of 29716)
Answer: King Tony Head as Uther Pendragon for sure!
Answer: Rob will be 54 in slightly mais than a week
Answer: Cam
Answer: it makes me melt ...
Answer: To be completely honest, I wouldn't. I mean I lo...
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
Answer: my gorgeous American born hottie,Paul Walker in the...
11 fãs answered this question
Answer: Bomer swoon worthy or what?
Answer: taylor
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
11 fãs answered this question
Answer: I amor this one: my wallpaper
Answer: my baby looking sooo hot in both pics<3
Answer: Alex, so sexy
Answer: exactly ^^
Answer: Can you get mais beautiful?
Answer: ❤Jake T. Austin❤
Answer: Robbie
Answer: amor the colours
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: ben whishaw in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
Answer: adorable RK <333
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: How sweeet they r
Answer: I amor Cult
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: Cam so sexy in black
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: And God said: “Let there be perfection" XD
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: My angel with his breathtaking eyes btw: Where are...
Answer: awesome fluffy blonde Knepper
Answer: John Barrowman and David Tennant XD
Answer: John Barrowman♥
Answer: Captain Jack Harkness with a hand gun..LOL
Answer: my recent favourite
Answer: edited: found a better vid. best interview i´ve s...
Answer: I so amor the little boy in Downey when he turns aw...
Answer: *.* dear man, you just can't do that all the time t...
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: epic Jared
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: BEST pergunta EVER!!! JLOK, Knepper's co-star in P...
Answer: Zach Quinto
Answer: Here :)
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: Matthew Lawrence in The Comebacks wearing a blue ca...
Answer: Here <3
Answer: Rob and his boy Ben, twittered 3 days atrás
Answer: Tyler Hoechlin in a grey tanktop
Answer: It's easy when you know the cobra 11, here's Tom in...
Answer: the two hot chris's holding the toy hammer & shield...
Answer: you said CELEB, so.....:P
Answer: amor his hair like that
Answer: Taylor in abduction
Answer: Daniel Sharman's Beautiful eyes
Answer: Matt Bomer with a drink that has a straw.
Answer: Billy Grimm <333
Answer: Kellan Lutz looking ABS-olutely hot in a gladiator...
Answer: Look at that smile and those abs of his (using a us...
Answer: my handsome,sexy Robert staring right at me with th...
Answer: matt bomer's jaw is magnificent
Answer: just rewatched Heroes, so a pic from there...
Answer: my Rob with a colar
Answer: Fast and Furious meets Faster and(more)Furious.F&F...
Answer: a hat ^^
Answer: woo bobby!! <3
Answer: Johnny <3LOL
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: Leo Dicaprio laying down.
10 fãs answered this question
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: Brad Pitt ♥
Answer: daniel radcliffe
Answer: My love, Johnny Depp!!!! <3
Answer: John Barrowman younger♥
Answer: taylor lautner
Answer: Rober Knepper <3 (don't worry XxxFUMMxxX, he's stil...
Answer: my hottie pointing
Answer: Rob Knepper is the hottest and best actor. And I ha...
Answer: with his Joey
Answer: mine x:)
Answer: michael fassbender <3
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: Here :)
Answer: black n white :))
Answer: As a True Believer I can only post Cult XD
Answer: Tom<3
Answer: My hottie leaning progressivo, para a frente <333
10 fãs answered this question
Answer: John Barrowman♥
Answer: Zac Efron.
Answer: Garrett is definitely hot<3
9 fãs answered this question
Answer: Robbie looking up