Holocaust Rememberance Club
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posted by blackrose294
We’ve stopped. I hold my breath. A German soldier orders us out of the truck. When we’re out of the truck, we see some type of train cart. The now two German soldiers shove us towards the train tracks. I cannot see my father or Jesiah anymore. It seems that Mother, Adamina, and Abrianna, and I are staying together. The train carrinho looks as if it can only fit about 50 of us, but about 100 of us are stuffed in there. When I step on something squishy and smelly, I know this was used for animals. That’s what the Germans treat us like—animals. There is nowhere to sit down; there’s barely any room to stand up. My friend from school is still here. She is violently shivering. “What’s the matter?” I ask, even though that was a completely inappropriate question. “So…cold…” she whispers, barely audible to my ears. “But it’s hot,” I say, a little confused as to why she would be cold. Suddenly, she stops shivering and just stares at me. Her stare is steady and chilling. When I realize she is dead, I jump back, or at least try to. People stare angrily at me. “That girl,” I say, “she’s dead.” No one says anything. Soon, I find myself staring out the window, wishing I were out on the glorious fields outside, instead of cramped up in this hot, animal cart, dying of thirst. The twins keep asking Mother for water, but she never has any. People are dying all around me. I fear death is near for my family and I also. I feel bad about it, but I sit on the dead once I know they are dead for sure. My legs are so stiff. My whole body is stiff. I want to get out of this horrible place. I think about my father, my brother, especially my brother. If only he had come início sooner, we could have avoided this, if only---. I feel a tingling sensation on my arm. I see a tick, feasting away on my blood. I do nothing. I know I am to die soon.