hetalia - axis powers - axis powers Romano Club
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posted by Darkness_Reaper
 He's just a sweetheart sometimes.
He's just a sweetheart sometimes.
You and Romano were at his house, and you finally convinced him to tell you about his childhood.

And it sounded adorable.

“Aww, Lovi!” You teased, ruffling his hair (staying clear of his curl), “you sounded so cute when you were small!”

“Get off me woman…” he grumbled, though he didn’t try to mover you himself. You smiled; you knew he loved your teasing. Speaking of which, you kissed his cheek, then started planting kisses closer and closer until you reached the edge of his mouth. You saw his eyes close expectantly and you moved off him; he groaned in frustration and glared at you, “What-a the hell was that?!”

You giggled and bit your lip playfully, “You said to get off you… I was following orders. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe I have some massa, massas alimentícias to make,” You stood up and began to walk away, until your Italian boyfriend’s arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back down with ease. Now you were sitting across him, him leaning over you. He leaned in for his kiss again but you leaned farther back, away from him, “Is there something you’d like?”

Having enough of the teasing, he got out from under you and flipped so his tanned body was hoisted above yours, pinning you still. He smirked in triumph and leaned in. You smiled back and closed your eyes—

“Ve~! Romano! [Name]! Look-a what I found!” You both groaned from your spot on the couch, lips inches away from each other, “Guys? Where are you? Ah! What are you doing! Don’t do that, not in front of a bambino!” Romano looked at you and raised an eyebrow, you shrugged your shoulders in reply. You got off each other and sat normally, seeing Italy enter the room with a small child following reluctantly behind.

Romano’s eyes grew and he stood up waving his arms and yelling at his brother, “What the crap-ola happened?!”

You stood up from your spot and hit your boyfriend upside the head, “Romano! Don’t swear in front of this cute little guy,” You bent down so you were at his eye level, “Hey sweetie, what’s your name?”

“That’s Romano!” Feliciano shouted happily. You were surprised for a moment, but then again you remember you were dating half of a country, so then the news didn’t seem so crazy anymore. You saw Romano clenching his fists, trying not to beat the crap out of his brother. You could see the darkness surrounding him Russia style and the vein in his head about to burst.

“Oh…kay...” You turned your attention to the tiny, chubby chibi in front of you, “hey, aren’t you the cutest little thing!” You couldn’t contain yourself, the cuteness was unbearable, you wrapped your arms around him and lifted him into a hug,

"Basta! [1] Get off me woman!” You dropped him sadly and sighed, this was definitely Romano.

Speaking of, adult Romano came over and tapped his younger self on the head like you did with Romano before [2], “What’s the matter with you? Don’t you know how to talk to-a women?”

“Shut up jerk-face! As if you know how to talk to sexy ladies.” Adult Romano’s face dropped in shock, “I don’t want to talk to you, you’re almost as annoying as that tomate bastard.” Romano kept opening and closing his mouth but couldn’t form words. Feliciano came over and started annoyin- 'playing' with chibi Romano, giving you and adult Romano a few moments to talk.

When you stopped laughing, you asked your boyfriend, “Oh that’s right, you lived with Spain didn’t you?”

“Eh, don’t remind me…”

“So didn’t you say you had to learn Spanish?”

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and blushed, “Y-yeah, but it didn’t really work out well.”

“Did you ever learn any Spanish?”

“S-S-some stuff! What do you think I am, an idiota!?”

You smiled at him, seeing how flustered he was, “Like what?” Something tugged at the side of your jeans, pulling them down slightly. You looked down and saw chibi Romano looking up at you. You squealed at his adorableness and bent down to his level again, “What Spanish did you learn little Romano?”

His face lit up and adult Romano’s face dropped again, “Oh, I know this one! ¡Besame mala chica! [3]”

You translated it in your head and stared at chibi Romano with wide eyes, “[Name] is not a bad girl you stupido bambino! [4]”

“Romano, don’t call your baby-version of you that!” Feliciano begged, standing in between the two Romanos.

“Veneziano, stay out of this!”

“Yeah, don’t call me that, you dumb bastard.”

“Hey listen here you-!”

You lost track of which Italian said which as all three blurred together in a nuvem of smoke. You sweat-dropped and left a note for them, saying you were going to Spain’s house.

Oh, he’d want to hear about this.

*_*_*_~-~-~-~{[Extended Ending]}~-~-~-~_*_*_*

“Romano!” The door burst open, revealing a happy and excited Spain.

Both of them let out girlish screams and hid behind you; startled por his brother, Feliciano did the same, leaving Spain to stand hurt at the door.


Pathetic but kind of funny extended ending is pathetic but kind of funny xD

[1] Stop! Or Enough! Usually used when you don’t want to hear what someone’s saying or want someone to stop what they’re doing

[2] Us Italian, we like to hit each other upside the head, I can’t tell you why, but we do.

[3] kiss me bad girl! (Not a direct translation, based on the anime)

[4] stupid child!
 He loves the way you smile so he returns it back at you~
He loves the way you smile so he returns it back at you~