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YURI TIME //shot

    “Scottie? Open up. I need to talk.” I knocked on her door, standing outside her house, dripping wet. It was about a two-hour drive from my house to hers, but I had walked the entire way, braving the huge thunderstorm raging overhead. Brooding about it all night, I decided to ask dear Ascot about what I should do. I shivered at the thought out yesterday.

    “Zana! Come on in, you're soaked!” A small voice popped out from the door, and a hand reached to pull me in. “What do you need to talk about? The whole Prussia thing?” She gestured to the couch, wanting me to sit, but I stayed standing. “Here, I'll get juice...”

    “Scottie...” I started, but she disappeared into the kitchen. She soon returned with two glasses, handing one to me and sitting down herself.

    “Sit. Then talk.”

    So I did as I was told, fearing her wrath. She's small, but she packs a punch. She can bring Germany to his knees. “Now can we?”

    She nodded and sipped her juice.

    “I don't think I'm going to tell Prussia that I like him.”

    Scottie jumped up from the couch, pumping her fists and doing a silly dance. “I KNEW IT! I knew you liked him! It was so painfully obvious!” She shouted.

    “I... You're completely missing the point!” I tossed a travesseiro at her.

    “So this is how you Americans show love? por stabbing them?” She muttered something that sounded like “kismesis”, but I didn't dare ask.

    “I don't know what that means, but I don't 'love' him.” Stop lying, Zana. “It's like... I hate him, but not entirely.” Lies. You amor him.

    “Please Zana, cut the crap. You amor him and you know it. Now, how are you going to approach this situation?”

    “Well, I can't exactly go up to him and say 'Hey there Gilbert, guess what? I amor you, let me be your girlfriend!'. That would be idiotic. I've been so wrapped up in my own thoughts lately, I've been drowning in my own angst. Why am I such a drama queen? Saying I want it all to end. Because of a guy? One single guy? If this is what having a crush feels like, I don't want it. It feels as through my coração is trying to crawl out of my mouth and do a canon-ball into my stomach, making my innards splash and short out my brain. I feel woozy, and I can't think straight. I think my inner workings fizzled out. After a long night of barely any rest, I've been thinking a lot about it. I'm stupid. This is all stupid. So stupid. Everything. I don't have a chance anyway, and it wouldn't be fair to Mass. Of course I amor him. But because I amor him, I'm going to give up on him. No one needs heartbreak right now. No one deserves it but me.” Staring at the ceiling, I wondered whether Mass suspected anything. Then it hit me how much I just said.

    “Zana, you don't deserve heartbreak. Don't be like that.” She reached over and brushed a hair out of my face. “All you're going to do por telling yourself that is make yourself feel worse.”

    “But that's the point! I deserve to feel worse! I deserve to DIE!” I lost it. I started bawling like crazy, while Scottie patted my back. “I've been so horrible and cruel to him... I just...” I hiccuped. “I just want to be a normal person! I want to be able to love. I want to BE loved! Instead, my coração is a cold, uninhabited place! The only person to able to get in it.. is.. him...” I sobbed.

    That's when she kissed me. I didn't expect it at all, sitting there wailing, but it happened. Scottie kissed me. Our lips touched, and for a brief moment, I imagined it was him. But shortly. Then reality struck me like a bowling ball and I pulled back from her, shocked por the experience.

    “Did you just....?” I gaped. I was off of the sofá por then, backing towards the door. She kissed me! She actually kissed me!

    “I'm so sorry, I got caught up in the moment and...” Then SHE started crying. “Why can't you see that what you want is right in front of you! I've been here this whole time, Zana! You could've come to me any time, and I'd be waiting with open arms!” She shook. “I amor you, Zana!”

    I still couldn't grasp the situation. She loves me? We're best friends, how could she amor me! Not knowing what to do anymore, I bolted. Running out into the wet street, I screamed at the sky. The person closest loves me, and the person farthest away I love. Everything hurts. My head, my heart, my stomach. The world was a blur. Why can't I be like Washington? She has two men who amor her. She gets BOTH. She spends all dia happily drinking her life away, in her own little world with her “Rushy”, while England is off somewhere, missing her and wanting to come back home, only to find that she's in a relationship with someone else. I guess I don't want to be her, really. I have no idea how much she's suffering. I don't want to be like Dennis, god knows what he's thinking. I want to be Mass. I want to be HER. She's pretty, and she gets the amor of my life. Of course, she loved him before I did, so I have no right to. I screamed again. The world has always been harsh. Too harsh. I was so blinded por my anger and jealousy, I didn't hear the horn. I didn't see the headlights getting nearer. I didn't hear the squeal of the tires on the asphalt. All I heard was nothing, as the world quickly faded to black.
posted by Me_Iz_Here


Washiogntong waz wikn don de stret wen sudnly a grl canm up wit a gnu. Da grl hld da gniu up ta Wasnkngtons hed nd tld her to giv her de munez. But antro, den Wasndfoitn recoized hur an sed “Belafus iz dat u” nd belarufd sed “YEZ ID MEH I DINT REKINIZ U” n antro, den Washiohnrfgortn kizd hur n dey wivd haply evr aftr cuz dey luv ech uder 5evar

(Dat men dey luv ech uder moar denb 4evr)




Shit, my typing's all fucked up from typing this xD
posted by Me_Iz_Here
Just some aleatório crack I wrote. xD Yeah, I dunno...

    Talullah slowly opened her eyes and groaned at the sunlight streaming in the room. For some reason she was beyond tired. Not the normal tired, EXTREMELY tired. She just wanted to get back to sleep. Wait no, she always wants to sleep. But that’s beside the point. Anyway, she sat up in the bed, looking around. Now that she thought about it, something seemed a little…off. She felt like she was about to throw up and had the worst headache ever. Was she hungover or something? That would explain why she didn’t remember...
continue reading...
posted by tokidoki123
Real name: Chloe DeMain
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: Happy,Random.
Clothes: White short shorts, Light blue Loose Tee.And socks
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grayish
Infomation: Her Real name is chloe,But call her por her initials,CD (xD) Very hyper,But clumsy
Random,And loves to sing. When she gets mad,She'll Kick Ass-She loves to fight- Tends to curse Alot. Crazy-In a good way~ And is an expert glomper >w<
Favourite food: Burgers,Which Means she steals america's burgers.
Interests: Her phone,anime,And Manga