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Here's a comparison and contrast essay I wrote for school - keep in mind my English teacher has never read Harry Potter, so I had to explain stuff.

When comparing a book and a film, or something similar, the first thing one thinks about is obviously the plot. And in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, at first glance, you'll find it's rather similar in both the book and the film. Harry, Ron and Hermione, the main trio, go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their sixth year. They're shocked when they find out that ex-Potions Master Severus Snape has been named Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. They wonder who the mysterious Half-Blood Prince is, seeing as Harry has inherited his old Potions book. They start to suspect that fellow student Draco Malfoy has been made a Death Eater – follower of Lord Voldemort, their nemesis. They go to visit Hogsmeade, the wizarding village near Hogwarts, and are shocked when another fellow student, Katie Bell, is cursed. Basically, in both the book and the film, they have a normal start to their school ano – as normal as a ano at Hogwarts can be.
    Now, this is where the plots begin to differ. In the book, Headmaster of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore begins to give Harry private lessons, in which he shows Harry memories relating to Voldemort and his Horcruxes (pieces of his soul sealed in inanimate objects); whereas in the book, the school ano continues rather normally. During the natal holidays, Harry visits his friend Ron's house, but where JK Rowling gave him the relief of a quiet natal with his friends, Yates decided that now was the perfect opportunity for Death Eaters to attack the house and burn it to the ground. Not really such a wise move, seeing as a wedding is supposed to happen there the following summer... but if Yates got himself into that mess, I'll just suppose he can get himself out.
After a while of normal school in the Easter term, however, both the author and the director decide that something must happen, lest the story get too dull. So they both decide to have Harry meet Malfoy, resulting in a duel of sorts. Harry is running out of spells at this point, and decides to use one he saw in his Potions book: Sectumsempra. This spell basically tears great holes in your opponent, and Harry is horrified por the damage he has caused. He makes to run away, but is stopped por Snape, who 'just happened' on the scene – it probably has nothing to do with the fact that Malfoy's mother made Snape swear to protect Malfoy. So far, so similar... but apparently, JK Rowling favours stricter punishments than director David Yates and screenwriter Steve Kloves do. She has Snape give Harry Saturday detentions for the rest of the year, meaning he'll miss the Quidditch final – even though he's captain of his team. Whereas from the film duo... nothing. Nada. Nil. No punishments, even though Malfoy might have died, had Snape not 'happened' on the scene. However, the even convinces Harry he needs to hide the Prince's book, just in case something like this happened again.
His chosen place is the Room of Requirement, a room that will become whatever the user needs it to be. He leaves the Prince's book there, and the book tells us this is the end of it – but it seems David Yates had other ideas. He knew that this is the ano Harry gets together with Ginny Weasley, his future wife and best friends little sister, but for some reason he ignored the perfectly good scene in the book where Harry kisses Ginny after she wins the Quidditch match for them, and instead had Ginny kiss Harry in the Room of Requirement. And as if that's not enough to make so-called Harry/Ginny-shippers (people who amor the pair together) mad, he adds fuel to the fogo por not showing their relationship at all throughout the rest of the film.
    After this, the plots seem to meet each other again. In both versions, Dumbledore asks Harry to accompany him to a rock in the middle of the ocean, where he believes a Horcrux is hidden, and Harry agrees. They go there, get the Horcrux, come back... nothing you wouldn't expect – because that part starts after they return to Hogwarts. Death Eaters have invaded the castle, and are there to meet them once they arrive. They are very much caught unaware, and this results in many things, but most importantly Dumbledore dying while Harry watches, helpless, invisible and Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante (by magic).
    Once Dumbledore is dead, the Full Body-Bind curse he put on Harry breaks, so he can move. But he doesn't, for a while; he is too shocked. When he finally does move, it's slightly too late – the Death Eaters have gone. So, long story short, he tracks them down and challenges Snape, the one who's hand Dumbledore died by, to a duel. In both the book and the film, they duel, but thanks to special effects the film is slightly mais effective in communicating the atmosphere to most readers/viewers.
    At this point, apparently, the film duo had long since run out of ideas for their own little side trips and decided to keep to the plot, because the rest is rather similar, with one final exception: Dumbledore's funeral. In the book, it is a magnificent affair, but perhaps the film was edging closer to it's time limit, since it was completely left out.
    Both the book and the film end with the same scene, which is rather atypical for this franchise: Harry telling Ron and Hermione that the Horcrux was, in fact, a fake, and that he is going to look for it and others of its kind instead of going back to school seguinte year. Of course, Ron and Hermione immediately declare their intentions to follow him, and Harry oh-so-nobly denies them – initially. He does give in rather fast, seeing as nobody would want to embark on such an adventure alone.

As probably everyone knows, films are rather expensive projects. This one, for example, had an estimated budget of £250,000,000. That's two hundred and fifty million pounds, folks. However, one might say that it paid itself back, since it grossed over £76,000,000 on it's opening weekend alone – and that figure only includes data from five countries. It's no geral, global gross as of December 17 2009 was dancing around £254,000,000, and Merlin only knows how much it's earned since then.
    Controversially, while the book cost near nothing to write – if we assume that Rowling was already in possession of a computer with a word processing program – it sold 9,000,000 copies in the first 24 hours in the UK and USA. And remember: this was 2005.
    The cast and crew of the film was reported to number some few hundred people, starting with the actors and ending with the director's assistants and minibus drivers. They all came together to create a 2,5 hora film, which is generally viewed in one sitting, while Rowling, working alone, wrote 600 pages. Considering how fast a somewhat normal person reads, this guarantees at least 7-10 hours enjoyment that can be interrupted, carried around and experienced over and over.
So I guess what I'm trying to say with that last sentence is that the experience of leitura a book is completely different to the experience of watching a film, and nobody has a right to declare that one is better than the other. This is an issue that will always be discussed, especially now that mais and mais books are being turned into films and mais stand-alone films are being made simply in the hopes of making profit, and not because they have a story to tell. But, I digress: as I was saying, nobody can declare ones superiority over the other. A person like me would be the first to say that, in my opinion, books are better since they really give you an in-depth look into the thoughts and emotions of characters, and since an author can spend five pages describing a sweet comprar if (s)he so wants, and because most often written action sequences are easier to understand than ones you see. However, a person less literately inclined would prefer films, because you can see the environment, and the action, and because you can hear the sounds, and in the future you'll probably be able to smell the blood – or the roses, whichever one relates to the situation. They are both right, since it's entirely a matter of opinion.

So, in other words, there is a lot of the same material in both the book and the film, even if they are fundamentally different. This leads to the fact that while they have the same target audiences, some will favour the book and some will favour the film. This is how it's been up until now, and this is probably how it'll continue until a time when (shudder) books have become obsolete.
1. Do not sing We're Off To See the Wizard When sent to the headmaster's office!!!

2. You're not dying.

3. Trees can be pretty dangerous...

4. Do not call Dumbledore Santa during the holidays.

5. The Chamber of Secrets is where Snape keeps all of his galleons.

6. Dont talk to strange snakes

7. Voldemort has anger issues

8. Harry sucks at Wizard Chess.

9. A dementors kiss is a kiss only their mother would want

10. There is a troll in the dungeon!

11. "You Know Who" is "He Who Must Not Be Named"

12. Trolls go into girls bathrooms

posted by SarahRabbit16
I know that this artigo may rise controversy, but whatever. Harry Potter is better than twilight. Stephenie Meyer didn't become the first billionaire simply por composição literária books; J.K. Rowling did!!! Harry Potter is just more....just mais in every sense. You see, I have read both series-the "twilight" saga as well as the "Harry Potter and..." series. I amor them both. But I have read Harry Potter since I was in elementary school, so I'm sorry that Harry Potter rules in taking over my life and making me squeal with excitement. The twilight saga has made me squeal with delight as well, but not as...
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Ways To Humiliate, Annoy or Infuriate Ronald Weasley.
(These work best if you are a Slytherin.)
2. Give him Clearasil wipes for his birthday.
3. Paint his room maroon when he isn’t looking.
4. Tell him Emerson’s considering making a mover on Hermione, then look sympathetic and explain that you understand why he’s threatened, Emerson’s so... so...*dreamy sigh*
5. Depending on how badly he takes it and how funny you think it is, repeat number 4 with Harry/Draco/Dean/Michael Corner/Lockhart/Crabbe/Goyle/Snape/Sirius/any aleatório boy or girl from Hogwarts, every few hours.
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The 20-year-old actor has spent £3.76 million on a building on West 12th rua that was built por a sea captain for one of his daughters in 1847.

It means he now owns a £10 million property empire in the Big maçã, apple as well as a flat in Fulham, west London.

With five bedrooms, Radcliffe’s new town house measures 3,000sq ft and includes a 39ft long garden.

A Sotheby's brochure said: “The property is on one of New York's most picturesque tree-lined landmark cobblestone blocks.”

Radcliffe's first New York purchase was two years atrás – a £3.2 million fifth-floor apartment in the SoHo district....
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J.K. Rowling, author of the popular Harry Potter series, revealed her favorito scene from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel when she contributed to The Birthday Book, published to mark the 60th birthday of the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles.

An excerpt of the contribution is below:

I admit that, at first glance, the extract I've chosen for The Birthday Book might not seem particularly celebratory, given that it has for its subject my hero walking to what he believes will be certain death. But when Harry takes his last, long walk into the coração of the Dark Forest, he is choosing...
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1. Make him take a shower.

2. Make him use shampoo in aforementioned shower.

3. Make him use clarifying shampoo.

4. Apparate seguinte to him, hand him a tube of super-strong facial cleanser, then quickly Disapparate before he realizes what happened.

5. Enchant this cleanser to follow him around until he uses it.

6. . . . Enchant the cleanser to follow him around anyway.

7. Tell him you roubou his teddy bear.

8. Tell him you won't give it back until he agrees to wash his hair.

9. When he washes his hair, tell him you were just kidding and said teddy urso has already been destroyed.

10. Sneak up on...
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posted by e2mma2weasle3
Its natal Eve here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I am not happy. A stupid plant took me hostage! I am standing here, in some deserted hallway - alright, maybe its not deserted per say, but it sure as bloody hell looks like it from where I’m standing; and have been standing for the past hora - in a part of the school, I don’t even know where! Stupid Mistletoe. Yes, I, Rose Weasley, have had the misfortune of getting stuck under one of Hogwarts’ famous Mistletoe bunches.

Now I’m guessing your wondering ‘Why are they famous?’, and I’ll tell you. Every year...
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Goblet of fogo Excerpts

"We should get a mover on, you know...ask someone. He's right. We don't want to end up with a pair of trolls."
Hermione let out a sputter of indignation.
"A pair of...what, excuse me?"
"Well -- you know," said Ron, shrugging. "I'd rather go alone than with -- with Eloise Midgen, say."
"Her acne's loads better lately -- and she's really nice!"
"Her nose is off-center," said Ron.
"Oh I see," Hermione said, bristling. "So basically, you're going to take the best-looking girl who'll have you, even if she's completely horrible?"
"Er -- yeah, that sounds about right," said Ron.
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posted by Sydney
You always hear people saying there are discrepencies in the Harry Potter books, but I have truly found a plot hole.

It is a major plot hole, I have noticed, in the Harry Potter series...A very serious one.

Everyone's always talking about how much Harry looks like his father, even Hagrid in the first book.

Molly and Arthur were in the order with Harry's parents ie James.

Why didn't Molly recognise Harry at Kings cruz station?

He has the same black, sticking-up hair. And the scar!

And just look at the moment fred figglehorn and George told Molly that he was Harry Potter.

~ Sydney.
Ever since j.k.rowling revealed that Dumbledore was gay on October 19th i've had to pergunta the fact about why this piece of information became
front page news.
Firstly to put my own opinion out, i personally think that this was a very Valente thing of JKR to say and whilst i support this statement of hers, it doesn't change my perception of the books. Dumbledore is still the wise, old Headmaster who can make mistakes just like any of us, whom i learned to amor over the course of the books.
However, there are many fãs who now think that they can "never read the books in the same way again"....
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*Disclaimer: Despite the explosive post title, I actually like the whole idea of the houses as different personalities (and real people as fitting into them) a lot and don't think it's invalid. I just wanted to present a different leitura of the houses and what they represent, which I think is equally valid. I also don't actually hate Slytherin and Ravenclaw as houses- so if you are in one of those houses I apologise and hope you can still see what I'm coming at here.*

People seem to be quite fixated on the idea of houses as personality types and get quite hung up over representation/bias for...
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posted by elsafan1010
 the only weasley I don't like
the only weasley I don't like
So I know I'm gonna receive a lot of hatred for this, but I actually dislike Ginny Weasley. I don't hate her, the series are full of characters I cannot relate to or just don't like for some particular reason, for example Cho is one of them.

When I tell someone I dislike Ginny, they start to answer me like this:

"Go read the books!"

This definitely was worse for me. I disliked book Ginny more, and I got it the moment I finished leitura the Chamber Of Secrets. She didn't even do anything in the book. It was all Harry saving her and she trembling all the book.

But more, she is wildly overrated in...
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Hi! Its me, a major elsa fan. But, today I am gonna write about Harry Potter filmes which I watched like last mês so it is gonna be amazing :) Now, we can start <3

I like...
The houses

I think the Harry Potter houses are all amazing and I amor them all. However, they can be confusing as people think, "In which house I am?" Anyway I really amor the houses though I think people in Gryffindor could be selected different.

I dislike...
The hats choices.

The hat chooses Draco Malfoy as a Slytherin, that is brilliant. But I really don't think Neville Longbottom should be in Gryffindor. Just forget...
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added by Blaze1213IsBack
posted by Slytherinlife
Slytherin the house of apparent "evil." If you think about it the kids in Slytherin that went with Voldemort granted probably went with him because they were sick of being rejected. Nobody wanted to be friends with the Slytherins and automatically assumed them evil not to mention the fact that some were pressured por their parents such as Draco. Nobody considers the fact that his dad abuses him mentally and is often rough with him so nobody knows what happens behind closed doors.In my opinion people are way to quick to judge Slytherins without considering their pasts and the pressure put upon them.Thefore,Slytherins may be mais misunderstood than bad.
Undoubtedly Bellatrix is pretty much bad to her very core, and that's what we all amor (or amor to hate about her) but I think even Bellatrix can be a sympathetic character in some regards. And however minuscule I think there is some good in her but it comes out in a twisted way, that there are some redeemable qualities within her.

The main reason I can see Bella being a bit of a sympathetic character is because of her time in Azkaban. A drab, dreary, miserable place filled to the brim with sinister creatures that suck your soul out and rip away your memories whilst simultaneously making an...
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emma watson
Emma Watson
Watson expressed her support for the new cast Noma Dumezweni, who would play the role of Hermione Granger, the female lead of “Harry Potter” films.

The “Regression” actress tweeted that “she can’t wait to see” Dumezweni revive the role in the upcoming Londres stage production of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.”

Watson would always be remembered as the female lead role when it comes to “Harry Potter” films. Watson started playing the role of Hermoine Granger from the age of 11 and continued for 10 years, alongside the titular actor Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint who played as Ron Weasley.