harry potter contra crepúsculo Club
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1. When a twilight fã says 'twilight rocks' say 'rocks made of twilight?'
2. Go up to a twilight fan, scream 'Bella! Bella! BELLA!!!! YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!' when they say 'I know right!' say 'Oh no I meant Bellatrix'
3. Ask them all perguntas about twilight that you can think of. When they ask why say 'I'm doing a book denunciar on the most boring books of the world'
4. Get all the boys and twilight haters (better for them to be Harry Potter fans) to start saying 'Edward, Edwardo, Eddibear, sparkle sparkle'
5. Say that you hate Stephanie Meyer, she's a horrible author and her books make want to poke your eyes out with a pencil. Then say that leitura JK Rowling's books are like leitura books sent from heaven.
6. Tell them that people like Dracula and Voldemort are way mais famous and that they can kick Edward's ass!
7. If they tell you that Twilight are the bestselling and most popular books ever, go on Wikipedia with them, procurar bestselling books, scroll down and show them that twilight is not there. Then go to best selling book series, scroll down, down, down, down past Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Nancy Drew, Captain cuecas etc. when you finally see twilight say 'Oh look there's twilight right there. Almost at the bottom.'
8. Tell them you went online and gave the new twilight movie one star, when they ask why say 'because Robert Pattinson was totally wearing lipstick!'
9. Remind them Edward Cullen/Jacob Black isn't real.
10. Tell a fã that you'll send her a T-Shirt with Edward Cullen on both sides. After the two days go by, don't send her anything. When she comes up and asks you why, tell her because you wanted to give someone that handsome to her in person. When she gets excited, give her a T-Shirt with Hagrid on it.
11. Tell them 'real men don't sparkle' when they ask 'who said that real men don't sparkle?' say 'Have you got ear problems? I said Only gay men sparkle. Jeez.'
12. When they try to force you into watching twilight, try to force them into watching Harry Potter. If they say 'But I hate it!' say 'Well I hate twilight!' and when they say 'just watch it and you'll like it!' say 'No, you watch Harry Potter and you'll like it!' etc.
13. Wen they tell you they dreamed about Edward Cullen say 'oh my goodness what a nightmare!'
14. When they say the dreamed about Edward Cullen say 'well I dreamed about Voldemort, they're equally hot right?'
15. If you catch them leitura twilight, snatch the book, throw it in a trash can, say 'oh man I dropped it'
16. If you catch them watching a twilight movie, wait for the part that Edward or Jacob (depending on who the fã likes more) take his camisa off, when this part comes jump in front of the screen and scream 'FRED AND GEORGE ARE HOTTER! fred figglehorn AND GEORGE ARE HOTTER!' when the part ends walk away from the screen saying 'oh never mind'
17. When they ask 'why do you hate twilight so much?' say 'I don't hate it, I actually amor it' when they say 'really?' say 'Yeah it's my favorito part of the day. You know after the sun sits and the sky is like all purplish and all.'
18. If you find a twilight book in their bag, take it and replace it with a Harry Potter one.
19. Tell them that Edward is a "hand-me-down" because twilight got him after Harry Potter was finished with him.
20. Say that Stephenie Meyer totally roubou the names Bella, Alice, James, Black and Clearwater from JK Rowling
21. List every power that a wizard can have and use all at once (seeing the future, leitura minds, etc.), that a vampire would only have one of.
22. Whenever they mention Jacob Black, innocently ask if they meant Wormtail.
23. Say that Bella cisne and Argus Filch would make such a romantic couple.
24. Flinch whenever they say Edward and tell them to say You-Know-Who
25. Explain how Twilight lobisomens are really Animagi, and ask whether they're registered with the Ministry of Magic.
26. Tell them they're so crazy they have to go to St. Mungo's
27. Always remind them of the Dumbledore quote 'It does no good dwell in dreams' then remind them that the idea of twilight came to Stephenie Meyer in a dream.
28. Compare Edward Cullen to Mad Eye Moody. Compare silly stuff like their hair, skin color etc. that of course are going to be similar. Then say 'how could you fall for someone who looks totally like Moody?'
29. When they remember Edward say 'Edward who?' when they say 'Edward Cullen' say 'Edward Swollen?'
30. If they say Harry Potter wears weird glasses, say 'Well at least he WEARS glasses. He doesn't sparkle like glasses. Unlike Edward Cullen over here!'
31. When they say Bella is was so brave, remind them what she did when Edward left her, then what Hermione did when Ron chose another one, then what Ginny did when Harry Left her. Compare them and then say 'Now you tell me, which one would you choose to do?'
32. Whenever they mention anything/anyone related to twilight say 'STOP BLOWING UP MY EARS!'
33. When they say they dreamed that Edward/Jacob kissed them, say 'A dementor kissed you?'
34. When they beg you enough to read twilight, say okay. Open it,start leitura aloud, at the end of every sentence, make fun of the sentence you read.
35. Ask them 'how come Edward Cullen is a vegetarian? I thought vampiros can't eat vegetables or fruits.'
36. Grab an empty notebook and a pencil, sit seguinte to them, write Stephenie Meyer a very long hate letter, and mutter what you're composição literária out loud.
37. When they call on the phone and start talking about how hot is Robert Pattinson playing Edward Cullen, interrupt them and say 'Hey I just saw Daniel Radcliffe walking on my street! I'll go say hi and remind him of the stupid choice Robert made' then hang up in their face.
38. Tell them ' I heard there will be another book' when they get all excited, tell them 'You do know I mean another Harry Potter book right?'
39. Tell them Harry Potter is better than twilight, when they start to argue keep muttering 'Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter. Twilight sucks Twilight sucks Twilight sucks' like crazy.
40. Tell them that you think Voldemort is prettier than Rosalie.
41. Tell them that vampiros and lobisomens don't exist, when they say 'Wizards don't exist either' say 'Oh yes we do!' then take a stick, point it at them and shout 'Avada Kadavra!' When it doesn't work keep on poking the stick and shouting the same words. Extra points if you poke them at least five times.
42. Tell them that JK Rowling got her book published with only one chapter while Stephenie Meyer got twilight barley published with the whole novel.
43. Tell them Hermione plays piano way better than Edward.
44. Tell them the Volturi are too stupid to walk all the way from Italy to Forks and not fly.
45. Tell them if you meet Bella you'll slap her in the face.
46. When they start talking about twilight pretend to be staring into space. After a few hours of their talking, when they finally finished say 'huh? what? Sorry I didn't hear you. I was thinking about Harry Potter'
47. When they tell you to get a life, say 'why? Edward doesn't have one'
48. When they say they amor Edward ask why, when they tell you the reason, ask why once again. Keep on asking why after everything they say.
49. Go to her room with your friends, remove all the twilight posters, pillows, cama covers etc. burn them, replace them with Harry Potter ones. Extra points of you do not get caught and she never finds out it was you who did it.
50. Buy a twilight pencil, when she says she wants it. Tell her 'okay, let me just sharpen it for you.' sharpen it until it's all gone, then say 'aw man!I'm sorry there's nothing left of it.' Extra points if she searches the trash can like crazy looking for the pencil cores.
posted by PotterLambert93
Today, I read a post from "youknowit101" on "1000 Reason why Twilight is better than harry Potter", and it completley gave me segundo thoughts about this whole thing between the rival series. According to this guy, he is very ashamed at the HP fãs for attacking the Twilight fãs and how immature they are, and to be honest, I now couldn't agree more. He's right, HP fans, we are the immature ones, not the Twilighters. We Potterheads are taking HP for granted and using it to rub it in other people's faces.

Now I see why Twilight fãs barley respond to the debates and articles, and it's because...
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posted by sy-sy
why deos twilight annoy me? because when twilight came out everyone 4 got hp then the new hp movie came out and they loved hp again thgen twilight movie came out people just cant make up their minds well i can ive seen all the hp movie so far and twilight and even though hp leave s out some stuff its still TEN times better twilight is annoying becuz they think they can come in and steal the whole show that why oppion of a hpfan gcsfdsjhvcdshvcwrivhrweuvghbersvksfdhvsklvhjsdfvklsdfvb dfc bvhdx jkhdfvoperfcujrehvcjfdvhhhjukdsxhcdsjcv
Hello everyone!

I'm planning on composição literária a letter to Stephenie Meyer regarding the Twilight series. I wanted to address all the points many people do not like in the series. The letter is going to be friendly and straight-forward. I wanted to hear what everyone would want me to include. These are a few of the topics I am going to be including:

- Anti-feminism
- Abusive relationship
- Unhealthy obsession
- Lust does not equal amor
- Bella is horribly rude to her friends (not valued friendships)

These are just a few. Please add anything and if there is something specific you'd like me to add.

I'll be working on this letter and posting on Sunday on Fanpop, so I can add anything else and have your approval and then I will send it to her.
I understand that Seth probably won't let it get to her, but it's worth a shot and I will post his reply (assuming he does reply.)

Thank you! :)
posted by Kassaremidylynn
I wrote this a while atrás for my English class. We had to write about something we felt strongly about, and I feel very strongly about this, so...

Many people think that I would be an avid Twilight lover and a hater of the Harry Potter books after their first impression. What they see may seem to point to that: I’m a fifteen ano old girl who devours books, is a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, loves all things vampire related, and I wear a ton of black. In reality, this couldn’t be far from the truth. It is actually the complete opposite. I absolutely despise anything Twilight related...
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posted by GemonkDruid
A/N: I just thought it would be an interesting subject, you know? And before you do anything, just to let you know, I FAIL at characterisation. So don't go all batshit on me if I get Hermione or anyone else wrong, 'kay?

Today, on the 17th of October, the court session for the famous "Meyer Case" was initiated. Stephenie Meyer, founder of Twilight, inc., the billion-dollar advertising company, was arrested on several charges, including: allegations of fraud charged por worldwide companies Feminism, inc., 3D pwns 2D, and Literature n Books; the murder of various brain cells; abuse and rape of thesarus,...
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posted by emilykuru

edward-bella vs harry-ginny

Edward and bella go to a railway station during one rainy dia in london. They meet harry and ginny there,

( bella is not changed into a vampire yet )

Edward: bella love, close your eyes please!

Bella: why edward?

(thinks to himself)

Edward : just yesterday I had promised her that she was the prettiest one I have ever seen, but here here is ginny who looks so pretty.
And bella should better stay away from harry, or she will ditch me like jake..

( meanwhile harry is using legilimence when edward is busy thinking )

Harry: well, why am I going to eye a crackpot...
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There once was this girl named Bri, who had a best friend (for this article, we'll call her Z). Bri and Z had identical taste in books. So, when Z gave Bri Twilight for natal and told her how “great” it was and kept going on and on. She tried to convince Bri that it was better than Harry Potter (the book Bri had been obsessed with since she was nine) but Bri didn't believe that at all. Still, if Z liked it, then Bri knew she would like it. She had no hesitation when she cracked the binding. She was hooked.

Now, this was before Twilight grew to be psychotically massive, so when Bri came...
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It's pretty obvious from just my username that I am a 'Twilighter',but I will try not to be biast in this article. So, lets compare the two...

Which made mais money?

♥ The movie 'Twilight' made $69,637,740 in the USA and £2,508,422 in the UK, in its opening weekend. 'Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone/philosphers stone' made $90,294,621 in the USA and £16,335,627 in the UK, in its opening weekend.

♥ 'New Moon' in its opening weekend made $142,839,137 in the USA and £11,683,158 in the UK, whereas 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets' made $88,357,488 in the USA and £18,871,829 in...
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I have researched the following and well, I am not really surprised about the results. But I still ask some questions.

Why is Twilight mais "popular" when HP sold mais than 400 million while Twilight only sold 53 million? Also, Twilight is just 45% in the tomate meter while HP is 83% in the tomate meter? Third, Twilight sold about $191,449,475 while HP sold about $283,879,025? Another is Twilight is never shown in Kid's almanacs (the World and Time yearly almanacs) while HP is seen may times over. Twilight fans, don't you see, HP is better even of you turn the world upside down or inside out!...
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added by Brysis
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: education.wisc.edu
posted by LilRavenclaw95
These are the weirdest, saddest Twilight defenses on the planet. *NOTE: I have nothing against reasonable Twilight fans, but ones like this? *facepalm*

Tiwlite deost scuk jew bichezz!!!!!1!!” twilite iz da beste buck i hav evar red in mi lief!!!! so wat if inot have red so maney bks in my lief!! i actualey hav ay lieff and bukks hapen to b four peeple wizout eny frends!!!!!!!1111 sou dant juzt PRUVVEZ hou gud twilit iz!!!!!!!!! adn anuzer ding i am sexteen not twelve adn i reeli LUVE TWAILITE wish usst PRUVVEZ it iz four mature, enteliggent peepolnot like hary poter dat is juzt four lusers...
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added by Andressa_Weld
added by goodtimes
posted by one_a_kind4ever
Harry Potter vs. Twilight has always been an argument. I believe that Harry Potter is obviously the upper hand in my opinion. Both stories are both interesting and entertaining but the problem is deciding if one is better.

Harry Potter was written with an amazing storyline and many people have followed it for many years and even dress up for the premiers. In the eyes of danger Harry and his friends risk their lives to save their world from falling apart. The story takes seven books to tell their story. Each book is filled with adventure and a new lesson that Harry learns. fãs of the series...
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It was the time between the fourth and fifth Harry Potter books and right after Bella leaves Jacob for Edward in the Twilight series when IT happened.
James, the evilest of the evil, had no money. He knew his antagonist part required him to have money. He needed money. There was only one thing to do....
He stepped into the swirling nothingness, and segundos later turned up in a gloomy, slimy hallway. "Are you here, Lord Voldemort?"
The dark shape slid out of the shadow. "More money, James?" He said cooly. "We may both be the antagonists of our books, but you do owe me...."
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posted by AstridGoof8219
There once was a young adult woman named Astrid. One dia in Spring 2008, her good friend, Rhonda visited her. She told Astrid about this book series called Twilight, Rhonda said that she read the books and that they were really good. Astrid then went to Borders and bought the three books. When she got home, she opened up the first book and started to read away. Astrid then decided that she liked it too. A dia later, she read New Moon, only this time, Astrid didn't like it as much as Twilight. Wishing to continue leitura after the slight disliking, she read Eclipse hoping it would be better...
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posted by luv_warriorcatz
lets say that bella and hermione were off friends (really off). Hermione is at hogwarts where she is happy and bella is at forks with her vamp buddies where she is happy. And they know each other's secrets. One day, Hermione wrote bella a letter.

Dear Bella Swan,

I have heard about your acts in Forks and how your boyfriend, edward broke up with you. I feel really sorry for you. Then you found him again in Volterra, Italy and you started going out with him again. My opinion might not matter in this but I feel as if I should tell you about this. I am afraid that you might be a little bit obssessive....
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