Dia das bruxas Club
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posted by Mallory101

angel sat in front of the T.V. listing to the news. “Police have notified us that Michael Myers has escaped from Smith’s Grove once more. They have advised us that if we see this man to not approach. He is highly dangerous.”

“Highly dangerous my ass. I lived seguinte door to him and used to be his best friend.” She sighed, “Michael what have you gotten yourself into now?” She looked out her window toward the Myers home. She missed him a lot. Where was the Michael she knew? On her 6th Dia das bruxas Michael was taken from her before her very eyes and she cried everyday and prayed for his return. She heard her mother call her name from down the stairs. “ I’m coming mother.” She went down the steps.

*Chapter 1: Angel*

angel went down the stairs toward her mother, who was standing in the middle of the hall. "Now angel I'm going to be gone for a month. I want you to call if you need me for anything. I have left some money on the counter for your use." and with that she left the house. angel watched the door slammed and then smiled. "Just a couple of days before Halloween." She went over to the counter and put the money into her pocket and adjusted her black saia and white tank top. She then picked up the phone dialing her friend’s number. At three rings she picked it up. "Hey Angel, what's up?" She sat on the window foca, selo looking at the Myers home. "Did you hear what happened with Michael?"

"Yeah, are you scared?"

angel rolled her eyes at her friend’s remark. "No why would I be?" her voice sounding irritated.

"Because his house is three doors down from yours."

"And your point being?"

"That he could come for you."

"Maybe I want him to. I was one of his best friends." angel tapped her fingers on the table.

"Sorry I forget sometimes. oi would you like me to come over for a while?"

angel smiled her face lighting up. "That sounds great Jenny."

"Okay I'll be over in a minuet."

angel nodded and hung up the phone. She continued to stare toward the Myers home. It's been a long time. Maybe this Dia das bruxas will be different. Hopefully.. angel thought. She then heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" She turned from the início and went down the hallway and opened the door. "Hello Jenny!" She hugged her friend and let her inside.

"How have you been Angel?"

angel shrugged her brown curls bouncing slightly. "I'm okay. My mom has left for a while so I'll be here alone for a while again."

"Why would she leave you alone like that?"

Angle sighed. "To hell if I know. She has never really been the motherly type to me. As much as she thinks she is."

They both sat at the mesa, tabela and angel went into the cozinha and opened the refrigerator and got out two cokes. She looked out the window for a brief moment and froze. On the side walk to the Myers início stood a man of maybe twenty he wore a white mask and as far as she could tell and dark eyes. But she knew who it was. "Michael." she whispered gently.

"What was that Angel?" Jenny yelled.

"Nothing Jenny." She looked over but noticed he was gone. She headed back into the living room and sat the drinks down. "Hey you think that we can go for a walk later?" Jenny asked with a smile.

angel smiled "How about now?" They got up and went outside walking down the sidewalk. As they slowly approached the Myers início Jenny gave a shiver. "I know you don't want to hear this but, that house gives me the shivers."

angel shrugged. "I amor the house." Angle then turned her head toward the tall hedges were she could have sworn she saw someone.

"Hey you alright?" Jenny's worried voice said.

"Yeah, I'm fine." They then continued to walk.

*Chapter 2:An Old Friend*

angel then stopped as she turned back to the house.

"Angel what are you doing?" Jenny replied.

"I want to go inside." angel said as she walked up the front steps.

"Are you crazy? I know that you were his best friend but he may not remember you, and if he doesn’t what's to stop him from killing you?"

angel turned on her friend with an icy glare then. "Because I know him and he would never hurt someone who he really cared about."

"But how do you know that I mean-"

"Because of his little sister. Remember her? He didn’t hurt her till she hurt him. He loved her as only a brother. That's how I know." angel cute in.

Jenny back away then. "Look angel I’m sorry I didn’t know. I do remember her though, but didn’t she go crazy after that?"

angel nodded and headed inside. The door shut behind her then. She saw the stairs that now were old and rickety with

age and remembered the dia that she came over to go trick or treating with Michael. Oh how she missed him even now. Footsteps could be heard from behind her. She turned then and saw that Michael stood there, faca limp in his hand. She smiled. "Michael it's me Angel." He raised the faca then advancing on her. She backed away then, heading up the stairs. She ran into one of the rooms then and shut the door quietly. She put her back to the mural as she heard footsteps. The doorknob rattled and Michael banged on the door.

"Michael it's me! I know you remember me." angel screamed as Michael's hand come threw the door. angel then moved to the edge of the mural away from the door, her back against the wall. She looked around, seeing that there was no way of getting out of the room except through the door that she came through. The door suddenly shattered into pieces on the floor. Michael advanced on her again, faca still raised. She dodged as Michael tried stabbing her por the shoulder. He then had a little bit of trouble getting the faca out of the wall. That gave angel the advantage she needed and headed for the doorway. Suddenly Michael’s hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed her ankle. “Shit!” She said quietly as she landed face down on the ground. She could taste blood in her mouth. She turned over to see Michael looming over her.

“Michael I know that you’re in there somewhere and I know that you know me. Come on Michael I’m your best friend we used to play together all the time.” angel said to him.

*Chapter 3: Laurie*

angel suddenly opened her eyes and found herself lying on a cama with a thin sheet covering her small body. She sat up and soon regretted doing so. She felt a searing pain go down her arm and back. She closed her eyes in pain for a moment and put her hand on her arm. She felt bandages there and then she opened her green eyes. She looked at her bandaged arm. Then she looked around the dark room. The room was old and the window seguinte to her was cracked and dusty. She got up off the cama and went to the closet and opened it. She found a small fotografia Album and a journal. She sat on the floor and opened to album. There was one labeled mom and me. A woman sat on a balanço laughing with a young boy. She looked at another labeled angel me and mom. Michael was sitting on the counter topo, início with his mom, who was carving a pumpkin. angel sat beside Michael and had her hand inside the pumpkin.

angel flipped through a couple of pages and came to one labeled Halloween. It was of angel and Michael right before she had to go home. angel closed the album and sighed. She then opened the journal and saw it was written in red pen. But she quickly closed it as she heard footsteps down the hall. She then put the album and journal back were it was and went to the door frame and peeked around the corner. There was girl that looked panicked and hurt who ran into the bathroom. angel quietly followed her into the bathroom. She found her huddled in the tube. She pulled back the curtain and the woman looked up at her. She started to cry.

“Are you okay?” angel asked extending her hand to the girl.

She took it and almost fell on her. “No, some man is trying to kill me!” she said through sobs.

angel looked at the woman at first. “Who are you?” Angle asked.

“I’m Laurie Strode.” Angel’s fist suddenly tightened.

“That is your brother that is trying to kill you. Do you not know that you are adopted?”

She shook her head. She then whimpered as they heard footsteps.

angel turned around and faced Michael Myers, who stood with faca in hand.

*Chapter 4: A Dangerous Mind*

angel stood there staring at Michael. Then suddenly Laurie made a run for it.

"Damn it!" angel whispered as she went for the girl. But Michael simply watched as she ran past him and cocked his head. She stared dumb founded at Michael who slowly turned his head back to her. She looked at him and felt a shiver go down her back.

"Michael?" she said

Michael's head snapped up looking at her.

"I bet you're not used to that huh?" Michael continued to stare at her.

"You don't remember me, do you?" she said sadly.

Michael suddenly raised his faca toward her and advanced on her. She dodged away from the blow that could have killed her and ran for it. She ran to the only place she thought may help. Michael’s old room. She runs in and quietly hides in the closet, closing the door like it should have been. She heard footsteps as they walked into the room. She looked through the closet screen carefully, so not to be seen por Michael. She saw as he slowly turned his head from side to side. Oh shit oh shit! What the hell I’m I going to do? angel thought her hands tightened on the knob. She saw Michael turn her way and hid behind the wall. She heard his footsteps grow closer and then he rattled the knob of the closet and ripped the door open. She back up into the closet and hit the wall. Her fear rose as Michael again raised his faca at her. Then an idea came to her and she grabbed the fotografia album that lay at her feet.

“Michael!” She flipped threw quickly and Found her Michael and his mom.

Michael’s head looked up at her and hesitated.

“Do you remember this girl?” She pointed to her in the picture. Michael lowered the faca in his hand slowly to his side. He reached up and touched the picture gently.


His eyes flickered to her and then to the picture and he raised the faca again.

“Michael no!” She ducked and was on her knees. Then another pair of foot steps could be heard and Michael paused.

“Michael let her go!” Laurie yelled from behind him. He turned around and suddenly she sun for it and Michael slowly followed her.

*Chapter 5:The Test*

angel stood there a moment watching as he slowly advanced on Laurie. Then an idea came to her and she ran past Michael who stopped a moment and then started walking toward Laurie again. angel looked around taking in the old walls that were now either peeling or had some sort of hole in it. She went into a room and found an old fotografia that was now yellowing. It was a young woman that had long straight reddish brown hair and dark brown eyes. On the bottom was the name Judith. She dropped the fotografia and looked around the room at the peeling walls and half broken closet and a cama that sat in the corner with old blood stains, which now looked mais like dirt stains. She stepped closer and heard sniffling. She sighed and bent down to lift the old cover.

“Laurie this is not the best hiding place.” She pulled her out from under the bed.

“Where is he?” she questioned, shaking with fear.

“He is coming down the hall. I have an idea but you will have to work with me.” She put her hands on both shoulders. Laurie nodded as tears came down her dirty face. angel wiped them away and went out into the hall quickly. Her brown hair blowing behind her. They quickly went down the stairs.

“Laurie I want you to stay out her with me and wait on your brother.”

“But he is going to kill us both.” She replied with fear in her voice.

“Listen before you came into the room, I almost thought that he might have remembered who I was. But when he saw you, he went after you with instant rage. When you come face to face with him, do not call him Michael. Call him Brother, do you understand me?”

She nodded her head quickly. “Do you think it will work?” She pushed back her straight brown hair.

“I can only hope it will work. I believe that all he wants is to reconnect with what he has left of his family. I think that if we do this, he should stop trying to kill you.” She then looked up the steps as Michael appeared at the top. angel backed away from Laurie, who stood her ground even though she was shaking and scared out of her mind

Michael came down the stairs quickly and then paused in front of Laurie. Laurie walked a little closer and Michael raised his faca once mais and brought it down.

“Brother?” Laurie said in a terrified voice.

Michael stopped just short of the killing blow to her chest and looked at her, with a cock of his head. She stepped closer to him and he lowered the knife.

“You are my brother aren’t you?” she asked looking at him.

He went into his pocket and pulled out a picture of a boy and a young baby girl and handed it to her. She took it and looked at it a moment while Michael stood there.

“This boy and little baby girl was me and you, isn’t it?”

He just looked at her with those blank eyes. Then he brought out a hand to her. She looked at it and angel came out from the shadows smiling.

“I told you it would work Laurie.” She came up beside her. She smiled at angel, her checks turning red.

“Thank you Angel.” She said hugging her. Laurie turned to Michael who had raised his faca again. He suddenly went at angel with it, who looked at him in surprise. Laurie jumped in front of her yelling “No Brother!”

*Chapter 6: The Promise*

angel shoved Laurie out of the way and pomba onto the ground. Michael grabbed her por the neck and lifted her off the ground.

"Brother don't you know her? It is Angel." Laurie screamed with fear vibrating off her voice.

"Laurie get out of here!" angel choked out. She heard the footsteps of Laurie rushing out of the house.

"I know why you are trying to kill me. You are angry with me because I did not come to see you at Smith's Grove." She felt him loosen his grip around her neck slightly, but not enough to make her feel safe.

"Michael my mother would not let me go. She was afraid that you would hurt me. I tried to convince her that you would never do that but she wouldn’t listen. Michael you have to believe me!" tears streamed down her pale face and she looked into those blank eyes. Then she saw something flicker behind his eyes, some kind of emotion. He continued to stare at her.

~Flashback inside Michael’s mind~

Michael sat on a balanço in the park looking up at the black sky that reflected off his even darker eyes. He left the house after his step father beat him. His mother was there and she pushed the drunk down and that was when he bolted for the door and to the park, his place of safety. He wiped his bleeding lip and felt the anger boil inside him. 'Damn him!' he thought. His eyes shifted from the sky to bushes beside the playground. A girl a little younger than him self came out of the bushes. She was so beautiful; she had curly brown hair and her skin the color of the moonlight. She looked at him and approached.

"I'm sorry, I thought that I would be alone at this time." her voice was like a chorus of angel's.

He smiled at her, which hurt his face. She went to sit por him.

"Oh its okay." He said to her.

She looked at him. "What happened to your face?"

He looked at the ground and went back inside his shell. He felt her touch his face gently and wipe the blood away from his face. He looked up at her and found she was smiling at him. 'She broke through my shell so easy. No one has done that and I do not even know her. He sighed then.

"It was my stepfather, he beat me, then my mother pushed me back down and I ran out of the house."

"I'm sorry; my mom is never here with me. I'm alone a lot. My name is Angel." She got off the balanço and stuck out her hand. He smiled at her for once feeling happy in his life. He got up and shook her hand.

"I'm Michael, Michael Myers." She pulled him into a hug and his eyes widened, but he wrapped his arms around her. Her scent all around him. He never got hugs except from his mother. He pulled away.

"So your mother doesn’t even know you are gone?"

She chuckled. "She does but she doesn’t care." She looked down at her shoes. He lifted her chin to look at him.

"It's okay I'll take care of you." Her green eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face.

"You promise?"

"I'll will never let any harm come to you. I swear it."

She hugged him again. "Thank you Michael, I will protect you too."


angel felt Michael's grip on her neck loosen and she was let go. She landed on her feet and coughed, putting a hand on her neck. She looked up at Michael.

"Michael?" she whispered

***Chapter 7:The Pain***

"Michael?" she repeated and got to her feet, her neck clearly bruised.

Michael looked at her with those dark eyes, but a new emotion was behind them. Something that was hard to read. Then as sudden as he had grabbed her neck he took her arm gently and pulled her to him and dropped the knife. It fell with a clunk on the wooden floor, sticking out of the wood handle up.

angel looked up at him with confusion, then she realized that he remembered her now and she smiled at him. She felt him embrulho, envoltório his strong arms around her in an iron grip. Then his head jerked up quiet suddenly as sirens could be heard and red lights flashed into the room.

"Michael the police are here you have to leave or they will find you and possibly hurt you." she said quietly as she tried to pull from his arms.

Michael did not budge and tightened his arms around her, clearly not wanting her to leave.

"Michael I promise I'll find you. Remember the promise we made to each other? That we would protect each other forever. I'm not about to break it now. I will find you."

He let her go then and she nodded, but then the front door burst open and Loomis and three police men came into the room pointing their armas at Michael. She stepped in front of him a raised her hands as a shield.

"Leave him alone Loomis." She said darkly, glaring at the men

Loomis still pointed his gun at Michael. He looked at her with questioning eyes. "Angel he is a threat to everyone around him. He is not the same boy you remember from your child hood."

She continued to glare at him. "Yes he is and you will do well to leave him alone."

The police raised their armas and she turned and saw that Michael was gone. Then as she turned to face Loomis she saw as the man hit her onto the back of the head and she blacked out.

Angle awoke to a white room with a single window. She sat up and shook her head the dizziness going away. She got up and went to the door and rattled the knob. It was locked.

"Damn it!" she cursed out loud. She backed away from the door and went to the window. She then heard the door open and close behind her. She did not turn around. Loomis approached her and then she turned her head toward him.

"Where I'm I Loomis?" She questioned with a look of pure hatred toward the man.

"At Smith Grove. I have brought you here so that I can test something."

"I'm not staying here."

"I know that you know were Michael is and that you plan on meeting him again. I can keep you here as long as I want if I see you need it."

"If you think that por doing this that I will tell you were he is you are wrong. I would not tell you even if it meant my life." she said quietly.

Loomis sighed. "Look angel Michael is not the same boy you think he is. Yes he may act it but it is all part of his plan. He is planning something. Just like he panned for years how to escape and find his younger sister Laurie and try to kill her."

"He was trying to be reunited with his sister and yes at first he was trying to kill her but he loves his sister."

Loomis thought for a moment and then said, "Michael is evil he does not feel emotions anymore." He turned and left the room locking the door.
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